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Memorial Day Thank You Quotes and Sayings

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Memorial Day is a solemn occasion that holds deep significance for all Americans. It’s a day to remember and honor the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the United States armed forces. As we commemorate this day, expressing our gratitude becomes a heartfelt gesture to the fallen heroes and their families.

Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday of May, is more than just a long weekend or a time for sales and barbecues. Its roots can be traced back to the aftermath of the American Civil War, when it was initially called Decoration Day. It was a time when people came together to adorn the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers and pay their respects. Over time, this tradition evolved into Memorial Day, as we know it today.

Memorial Day Thank You Quotes and Sayings

It’s Memorial Day, a day to remember all the warriors that have died defending our country. Thank you for sacrificing your life so we can be free.

Thank you for taking the time to remember those who have given their lives so that we can be free.

Memorial Day is a day we must not forget. It’s a time to remember those who were lost in the service of our country. Thank you for all you do and will continue to do in the future.

Thank you for your service and for all you do to keep us safe and free.

Thank you for all the meals you’ve cooked for us. We appreciate you taking the time to make sure we are well-fed. I hope you have a great Memorial Day!

Thank you for all of the time, work, and dedication you put into making a job well done. You deserve the holiday off.

Thank you! Thank you for fighting so bravely for our country. We want your presence here to mean something, not just for your own families but for all of us here at home.

Thank you for everything you have done for me. You are always there to help me out and make sure I am safe. Without you, I would not have been able to get my business up and running.

Thank you for the great games the last couple of days. It is always fun to spend time with you and your family. We will catch up again soon!

Thank you for your service and fighting for our freedoms.

Thank you for all you do for me and for the country.

Thank you for your service to our country. You guys deserve so many thanks and appreciation from us.

Thank you for your service. This holiday is special because of the people like you who have fought to protect the freedom of America.

Thank you for saving our country and giving us freedom. You sacrificed a lot to do what was right in the face of adversity. Please rest in peace.

Thank you for your service. Everyone needs to remember what they fight for, and you do that to protect our country.

Thank you, soldiers, who have lost their lives in the line of duty. I am grateful you are willing to make this sacrifice for my country. Freedom is not free. I will remember you every day. God bless.

Thank you for serving this country to keep us safe from harm. Your bravery and sacrifice are appreciated, and we tell you that a lot.

The day for honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. I love you, Dad. Me and mom are doing great.

Thank you for the soldiers’ sacrifice and their loved ones’ commitment and endurance. May we never forget their patriotism, courage, and sacrifice.

Thank you for going to war for our freedom.

Thank you for your service to defend our country and freedom. I hope people will remember the meaning of Memorial Day.

Thank you to all the soldiers who have served our country.

Thank you for protecting us. Thank you for your sacrifice.

Happy Memorial Day. Thank you for your service to our country and for the sacrifices you made to keep us safe. Our country wouldn’t be what it is today if not for soldiers like you.

Thank you for serving our country. A holiday dedicated to remembering all of the brave men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country.

I know you have been gone for a long time now, but every year on Memorial Day we remember you and honor the men and women who died for our country.

Thank you for the time we got to spend together. I am really grateful that we had the chance to talk and hang out with your family. I hope you enjoyed every moment as much as I did.

Thank you for serving our country. I will never know what it feels like to be deployed overseas but I am sure it is not easy.

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.

On this day of remembrance and solemn remembrance, Thank you for your service. Happy Memorial Day.

Thank you for your service each and every day.

Thank you for all you have given our country. I salute you.

Thank you for being a veteran. Thank you for your sacrifice, family, and friends are very grateful for the freedom we have now. May you be remembered.

I’m so grateful for your service and to be able to come back home after traveling across the world.

Thank you for your service. I didn’t have any family members in the armed forces, but the ones I know are always willing to serve their fellow Americans and I am grateful for that.

Thank you for always being there for us and making sure that we are safe. We appreciate you, and we love you and all of the other soldiers out there who do their jobs every day. Thank a soldier today.

Thank you for the memories. I’m so glad our paths crossed and led us to the places we are today. I am sure we will appreciate the time we had together all of our lives.

Thank you for helping me honor what this day is about

Thank you for your service. I am grateful to have such brave men and women to protect our country from enemies.

It was so nice to see you yesterday together with

Thank you for protecting our freedom, and thank you for being who you were. We all love and appreciate what you have done for us. I hope we can always remember the sacrifices you have made for all of us.

Thank you for your service and thank you for making sacrifices. I know it’s not easy but it’s for a greater cause.

Thank you for working hard to keep us safe and protecting our freedom. We are very lucky to have someone like you who protects us. I hope you have a great holiday and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you for your service to this country. All veterans deserve our respect and admiration. We wouldn’t be able to live the way we do without you.

It is so hot here this summer, and I am sweating all over. I will be forever grateful that you aren’t sweating because you are frozen! Because of you, we can all enjoy a better life here on Earth.

Thank you for everything. You come into my life and I am so happy! Now I have a new life, a great girlfriend. I am so happy that we can spend the rest of our days together, in the best country, America.

Thank you for your service, for fighting to protect my country and everybody in it. We appreciate what you have done for us.

Thank you for serving your country while we enjoy our freedom. Thank you for keeping us safe. We appreciate the many sacrifices you make so we can live happy, free lives.

Thank you for your service. I know you’re not there to do it for me, but thank you for my freedom. Without your service, my life would not be the same.

Thank you for your service. I know we don’t see each other often, but I appreciate what you do to keep us safe.

Thank you for your service and courage. Many many thanks to all the soldiers that give their lives for our freedom. I will never forget them.

Thank you for doing your duty and fighting for our country. You have made me proud with all of your achievements and I will never forget the sacrifice you’ve made.

Thank you everyone for your service and sacrifice for this country. You keep us free even though we don’t realize it most of the time. I hope you all get a day off on Monday because you deserve it.

I will never forget all of the sacrifices soldiers make for me and my family. Thank you for every day that I wake up safe in my home because of men and women like you. God bless and have a great day!

Thank you for being my parents. Thank you for teaching me right from wrong, and thank you for your unconditional love. I couldn’t ask for better parents.

Thank you for all of the inspiration. It’s because of you that I work hard every day, question every challenge and customarily step up when it’s necessary for my country.

Thank you for serving. I’m glad you are there to protect us and keep us safe. Have a happy and safe Memorial Day.

Thank you for all that you have served. We, as a nation, are very grateful.

Thank you for your service to this country. I’m so thankful you are alive and safe. It’s important that we remember and acknowledge the sacrifices you’ve made for us.

Thank you for your service to our country. I know there are many more people out there like you that don’t get thanked enough. Thank you for your sacrifice.

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all of my friends who have sacrificed themselves so that we could be free. I am always there to support the military and I hope everyone will follow my example.

Thank you for your service. I am grateful you make sacrifices so that I can have a free country and enjoy the simple things in life, such as playing at the park, my favorite activity.

Thank you for the day off and a pastime to get together with family and friends. We’ve always enjoyed attending memorial services together. I hope we can continue to enjoy them for years to come!

Thank you for your sacrifice that allowed us to have this freedom. Without the veterans in my life, I wouldn’t be half the man I am today. I admire and respect everyone in the military.

Thank you to all the men and women that have brought us to where we are today. We can live in a free country because of them. Their sacrifice will be forever remembered.

Thank you for your service in the military. Thank you for fighting for our freedom. Thank you for giving up your life so that we may live.

Thank you for your service to our country. Words cannot express how appreciative I am of your sacrifice and the service of all veterans.

Thank you for your service to our country. I know what it means to defend the freedom we have. You are appreciated.”

Thank you for keeping the country safe and free.

Thank you for fighting for our country. I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday with their families.

Thank you for your service. You truly are a hero that was there for us in our times of need and I know you will always be there. May God bless you and watch over you and your family.

Thank you for your service. The world would be a lot worse off without you protecting us. Thank you for being willing to put your life on the line every day to protect our freedom.

Thank you for protecting our country. Every holiday, I look forward to seeing what you are going to do next and if you will be returning home safe and sound.

Thank you for serving our country. It is nice to feel safe at night even as I sleep knowing that you are out there protecting me.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice to our country. You will never be forgotten.

Memorial Day is a time to reflect on those who have served and died for our country. Thank you for everything that you do. You make all of us feel safer and more secure when you are around.

Thank you for your service. You (and everyone else) are responsible for making me able to enjoy this day as much as I do.

Thank you for my Memorial Day weekend BBQ. It was a blast and I had so much fun. Also thank you for the free variety pack of paper plates, cups, and napkins from Sam’s Club

Thank you for all of the sacrifices you made to protect and fight for our freedom. Thank you for your service and dedication. We will always remember you.

It is a little over a month since your passing. I know it may be too early for me to be like, “Happy Memorial Day.” But usually, this time of the year means BBQs with your guy’s friends and hanging out at the mine.

Thank you so much for serving our country and protecting our freedom. You’ve made the world a safer place. Our country is indebted to you.

Thank you to all of the men and women who have died in order for us to live safely. I appreciate all of your hard work and dedication, thank you so much.

Thank you for all of the sacrifices we have made to protect the freedom and liberties we have now.

May you rest in peace to all those who have served, are serving, and will serve our country. Thank you for your service.

Thank you for serving and giving your life for our country. You deserve our most sincere gratitude for everything that you’ve done and sacrificed.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice on the battlefield. If not for people like you, we would not have the freedom or happiness that we enjoy today. You deserve a big round of applause and lots of respect. I am grateful.

Thank you for serving our country and protecting us. Your bravery, courage, and sacrifice mean the world to me. I hope when you get back you have a relaxing time that you deserve.

Thank you for your service. There are many in our country who would not be able to enjoy the liberties and opportunities we have without freedom activists like you.

Thank you for all of your sacrifices made for our country. I can remember a time when we lived in terror of the Soviet Union and you were there to protect us. Thank you for fighting for our freedom.

Thank you for all of your sacrifice and dedication through the years. You have accomplished so many things and given us what we need. Thank you for being a good family man, husband and father.

Thank you for your service to our country. May you live a long and healthy life.

Thank you to all the families who lost their loved ones for their sacrifices. They will never be forgotten.

Thank you for your service to this country. It was an honor to have known you and a pleasure to see you on the holidays. I will never forget you.

Thank you for sacrificing your life so I can be free and live in the greatest country on earth. Thank you for the blood that has been spilled and the lives lost so I can enjoy my freedom.

Thank you Grandpa for being an honorable man. I’m proud to have such a remarkable person in my family.

To my American friends: Please stay safe. This holiday is to honor the soldiers in the United States, but more importantly, to remember those who have fought and died to protect this great country. Are thankful for you all.

Thank you for giving your life to protect our country and freedom. Your friends and family miss you dearly. We are lucky to have people like you in our lives.

Thank you for your condolences and gestures of sympathy on today, Memorial Day. Your kindness means a lot to me, and the flowers were beautiful.

Thank you for being our nation’s heroes. Without you, we would not have the freedoms that we have today. You help to make this country great. Happy Memorial Day!

Thank you for your service. Because of people like you, we can enjoy our freedom.

Thank you for your service. We remember and appreciate what you have done for our country. We couldn’t do anything if it weren’t for people like you.

Thank you so much for all the sacrifices you and the men and women in our armed forces have done for my family, my children, my friends, everyone. We appreciate you so much. God bless!

Thank you for being a part of my family. It means a lot to me that you are here for me when I need you.

Thank you for serving our country. I know what it is like to help others and do what needs to be done.

Thank you for your service and for making us all proud to be Americans. I can’t imagine what you go through, especially when you have been on for so long. Thank you for everything.

Thank you for reminding me why we celebrate this day.

Thank you for your service. It is nice to know that there are people like you helping us have a safe and protected life. I hope you are having a great Memorial Day.

It’s Memorial Day and I remember those who have sacrificed their lives so we may live in a free country. Many brave men and women died fighting for our freedom.

Thank you for your service. May this day mark the end of a painful period in American history.

Today is about family and the soldiers who never made it home. Thank you for your service, for your bravery, thank you for everything you gave.

Happy Memorial Day! Go enjoy some barbecue and time with family and friends! I hope that you are having a nice holiday.

Thank you for your service. Thank you for putting your life on the line to make sure that my family and I can live free and without worry.

Thank you for your service to this country. It is an honor to live in a place where people like you put their lives on the line for our freedom.

Thank you for being the best father I could have ever asked for. I appreciate the time we made together and I will cherish your memory forever. God Bless you.

A warm thank you note for those who gave their lives for freedom and liberty. Thank you for helping make the world a better place to live in.

Thank you for serving our country. We appreciate what you do!

Thank you for your service to our country and for keeping us safe.

Thank you for your sacrifice. You are a hero. You are a patriot. You are an American.

Whether you served in the military or not, thank you for fighting to protect our freedoms. All we ask for in return is a simple “thank you.”

Thank you for your courageous service. Your sacrifice onboard made the holiday fun and enjoyable for patriotic families across this country.

Thank you for all of your service. Without you, this weekend would not be what it is today.

Thank you for keeping us safe in the armed forces that you serve. I recognize all of the sacrifices you and your family have made to keep me and other Americans free.

Thank you to all of those who served the soldiers who have lost their lives. Thank you to all of those who serve now and to those who will serve in the future, so we can live free.

Thank you all veterans for your service. Whether you served in WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam, or any other war, we are so very thankful that you put your safety on the line for us.

May I express my sympathies for the loss of your husband? My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. You have my deepest condolences.

Thank you for the sacrifices that have been made so that I can remain free. It has been a pleasure living in a country where I could do whatever I want.

Thank you for your service. Thank you to your family and friends who have served or are currently serving our country. May we all be reminded of the sacrifices made and continue to be grateful for our freedom.

Thank you for your service to protect me and my country. You are an amazing person, even if I don’t know you personally. Thank you.

Thank you for everything you have given us, or everything that I could not be thankful for. Thank you.

Thank you for your service. I know what it is like to be deployed, and the sacrifices you have made for our country did not go unnoticed. You are a true hero.

Thank you for your service to our country. I have no idea what it is like to put my life on the line, but I appreciate every day that we live in this safe and wonderful country because of people like you. Have a great Father’s Day!

Thank you for all of the sacrifices you have made, and your service to our country. I appreciate everything you do to make our lives better.

Thank you for all that you have given for freedom. I am very grateful to be able to live freely in a country like the United States. Thank you for all of the work that veterans like you put in to protect our freedom.

You know we are in a war right now. It hurts my heart to remember all of the soldiers that have died for us.

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