Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Boss Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Boss Who Passed Away

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Losing a boss is not just about losing a superior; it’s losing a mentor, a friend, and an inspiration. A farewell message to a boss who passed away is a way to pay tribute to their impactful leadership and express our deepest gratitude for their guidance. This article aims to provide you with a thoughtful guide on crafting a meaningful farewell message that reflects the positive influence your boss had on your life and career.

A Farewell Message for My Boss Who Passed Away

Your passion and love for the company and people has always been evident… you were a leader among your peers here and one of the most respected! Very honored to have known you and to have called you my boss!! God bless you in your new endeavors!

The way you never took off your shoes and left them at the front door, the way you liked to pick on me because I was too serious and never smiled or laughed with other people.

You are deeply missed by all who worked with you. I wish you the best in life wherever you are. Your legacy will never be forgotten!

While we mourn the loss of our brother, our husband, our father, our friend all we can take solace in is the legacy he has left behind.

You flew a handful of us across the country, gave us dinner at his high-rise condo and then gave each of us $600 cash. What a guy! I will miss you dearly and hope to one day meet you in heaven. God Bless!

Thank you for taking me under your wing and showing me the ropes. And thank you for having the faith in me to do great work for your company. You will remain forever in my heart!

You have taught so many lessons to me, especially about letting go and learning to live in peace and happiness. I’m glad you lived a long and fulfilling life!

I loved working with you and so did the entire company, there is not a person who had anything negative to say about you. I pray that you rest peacefully, and I hope to see you again on the other side.

I couldn’t have asked for a better boss and my heart goes out to your family. The world is a little darker now that you are gone but I know that your legacy will keep going strong.

I promise to always cherish our friendship. You were an amazing friend…a great mentor…and my boss for 30 years! I love you davidd

I have wonderful memories of a man who was so down to earth and always made us feel special, like we were his family.

As the CEO of our company, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. You were my mentor and my rock. I love you, Paul!

In my short time with you you instilled morals into my life that will never be forgotten. You taught me to do the right thing no matter how hard it may be.

Even from a distance, I will continue to be inspired by you. Even though we may have parted ways, I will always remember how you were there for me when no one else was. God bless!

You showed me how to work hard and play hard…I will never forget you or the impact you made in my life. Your voice, your passion and your strength will always be with me.

You showed me a new appreciation for life, love and family. You set an example of what it means to be a real man. I hope you are at peace now, and that you can look down on us all with joy knowing we are alright.

I am forever grateful and head-strong in your teachings. I hope that wherever you are, you are happy, healthy and basking in the heavenly love that you gave to others so freely. I will miss you

Your generosity in giving me the opportunity to work with you will always be remembered and I will think of you often. We were lucky to have worked together at the height of your career as a 2 time Mr. Olympia winner.

I’ll never forget the way you treated me when I first started working here. You gave me a chance when no one else would, and for that I thank you.

You were the best boss I ever had and your friendship touched my heart. The world has lost a great man. Rest in peace. A loyal employee

Thank you for your kindness over the years. You inspired me to be a better person and I will always cherish those moments. Rest in peace and may your soul rest in peace. You were a great boss and an even greater man.

Rest in peace, Michael. How I will miss you. You were the reason I came to work everyday with a smile on my face and joy in my heart.

You will be missed greatly… I have cherished our time together here. You taught me a lot, I believe that I was a better person for it.

I love you with all my heart, husband. I will never forget the times we shared together, the love, the laughs, the fun. You were the best boss and best husband I could ever ask for. I will always cherish those memories no matter how sad they make me.and I will love you forever and always…

Dave, you were one of the best bosses I ever had. You were very fair and very kind. You showed us all respect and honesty, even when we did not deserve it. I will miss you a lot but I will never forget you.

I will miss you so much, but know that I will always remember you. Your smile and laugh are forever engraved in my heart. I hope you have found peace and happiness. I love you hugs and kisses!

I’m going to miss you, I hate that you’re gone, I know it’s time but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to forget all the work we’ve done. You will be missed. Your work is here, the results are clear. You made me better everyday. The small things you taught me made my life here worthwhile.

If I keep your memory alive, I hope someday you’ll return to me. Hello My Love, I love you all along in and out and through. I miss you so much dear that it hurts me; but no matter what I’ll always love you!

I’ll never forget the time we shared and how you changed my life forever. I will always remember your smile, warmth, determination and loyalty to those close to you. Thank you for giving me a chance. I will never think of you as gone, but instead living in a world beyond this one. I love you always!

I’ll miss you on the days I don’t see you, but I will be thinking of you. When I look at your old office door and remember what you were like when I first started here.

My heart is crushed to learn that you are gone. You were a great man with a kind soul. You will be missed.

I will always remember you. You were a good boss and an even better friend. I wish I could have thanked you in person. You were always so kind to me. Rest in peace sir and thank you!

You were one of the most amazing men I knew, and I am so lucky to have had you as my boss. You always gave me hope, courage, and inspiration to be the best person I could be. Thank you. I will miss you.

Steven, I want to thank you for your years of service to the company. You were a nice guy and will be greatly missed. Your advice on leadership and business was priceless; your commitment and zeal towards your work was admirable. I hope your death was painless and without stress. Rest in Peace.

I am so lucky to have worked for you. I never knew how much of an impact you had on my life until you were gone. You were great boss, a great man and will be sorely missed. Thanks for showing me what it takes to be successful, doing the right thing and loving life.

Thank you for everything. You were an amazing man and boss. You taught me so much about life and staying positive in hard times. I will always remember you fondly, even though we didn’t have the pleasure to work many years together.

Brad was a great guy, hard worker and passionate about his company. One day he was riding his motorcycle home from work and was hit by a truck. After years of chemo he succumbed to cancer and left this world at 38. I’ll miss you Brad.

Dearly beloved, I am gathered here today with family and friends, to mourn the loss of Kevin and celebrate his life. Kevin’s departure was sudden and unexpected, but it is certain that he will be forever remembered.

Your encouragement and dedication always inspired me to be better. You taught me that treating others with respect is the best form of commerce. I will never forget you and your love for life.

I will never forget your generous personality and compassionate heart. I swear to never take life for granted. Every time someone asks me what the nicest thing a boss has ever done for me, I always say the same thing:

I have decided it’s time to move on. You taught me so much in my short time with you. I broke the rules of the company and got away with it because I was smarter than you, haha, but I learned a great deal from you. You were a great boss and man, and I will always respect you for that, especially for your help with the

You are awesome! I am honored to have known you as long as I did. I have experienced more from working with you than I could ever imagine.

You have been like a father to me, and you will be greatly missed. I wish I could have said goodbye in person. But that was not meant to be. So I say it here on this paper for you.

Thank you for being the best boss I could have asked for. You were always so nice, understanding, and funny. You helped me succeed in this job more than you’ll ever know. You gave me a chance when nobody else would and I will never forget that. I am going to miss you so much. Rest In Peace Mike!

I was devastated to hear about your passing. I don’t even know what to say. You were a wonderful person and mentor to me, and will truly be missed.

I’ve known you for quite some time now and I was blessed to have you as a mentor. You were a great man and you will forever be one of our greatest.

I think about you everyday and pray that peace finds your soul. You may be gone, but will always be in my heart. Your memory will always make me smile and laughter will forever remind me of the good times we had together.

I’m pretty sure you know this already, but I will say it anyway. I loved working with you and I wish you were still here. Every time I walked into the office the atmosphere was welcoming and happy. You were a great boss, friend and person. You will always be in my thoughts and heart.

I wish you were here to tell you the things that I’ve been wanting to say. You were the glue that held the team together. We had so much fun working for you, playing pranks on you and laughing with you every day.

I know you will continue to guide me from above. I love you and I know that in your final moments on Earth you were happier than ever knowing that we found each other and were working so closely together.

You were the boss of a man who is now the boss over himself. I had the privilege to work for you and gain knowledge from a man of so much character and wisdom.

I truly admire you. You taught me so much and left such a wonderful legacy behind. I will never forget your encouragements that pushed me to be the best worker I could be.

What can I say? Thank you for your guidance, kindness and wisdom. You were always there for me whether I needed help, advice or just to talk. You showed me the true meaning of work ethic, dedication and loyalty.

You have touched my life with your warmth and kindness. I’m so thankful for our time together. Thank you for helping me become the best person I can be.

I was supposed to tell you this but now I am going to tell everyone. I love you, and you will be greatly missed.

I don’t know if you’re up there reading this or not, but I bet you are. I want you to know that you were the best boss a person could ask for. You gave me the best years of my career and I will never forget it. I love you so much.

You were, and always will be, my HERO! You were a great mentor and one of the greatest men I ever knew. You worked so hard for everyone around you and never asked for anything in return. You taught me so much about life, love, business and spirituality.

I’m sorry it took me so long to write this letter. I think about you every day and will miss you dearly, but I know you’re in a better place doing what you loved for so many years.

I don’t know where to even begin with this letter. I guess I’ll just start by saying “Thank you”. Thank you for including me in the past week and allowing me time off to be with my family as we say goodbye.

Your teachings will live on in my heart. Your kind and caring words of wisdom: patience, faith, and love for family & friends are the tenants I hold on to. I feel so lucky to have known you. You taught me how to grow in my career, how to treat customers/clients with respect & honesty.

I am so sad to hear of Steven’s death. He was such an amazing person and made my time at BK a pleasure. I will miss him greatly and can’t even say enough about how great of a boss he was. I will miss his laughter and his smile very much. I will be extra sad on Fridays without him there!

Your ability to make people feel important and appreciated is a gift, and one that not many possess. As you move on in life, please remember the friends and coworkers you’ve made along the way.

Nothing against you personally, it’s just that I feel there is nothing stopping me from pursuing my dream of writing full time. I will send my last paycheck to cover the rest of my vacation time.

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