Home Anniversary Wishes Best Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Son From Grandma

Best Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Son From Grandma

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Every wedding anniversary is a beautiful milestone for a couple, and as a loving grandma, you want to shower your son and daughter-in-law with heartfelt wishes that express your love and joy for their union. Finding the right words can be challenging, but fear not! In this article, we have compiled the best wedding anniversary wishes for your son from grandma. Whether it’s their first anniversary or their golden jubilee, these messages will convey your warmest sentiments and add a special touch to their celebrations.

Best Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Son From Grandma

We haven’t always been on the same path, but it seems as though we were, because I am now living the rest of my life with you and our eyes are both looking towards the future! I love your grandpa 

I hope this card brings a bit of a smile to your face, knowing just how much I love you. Love grandma

We have always been there for you and will continue to be there forever. Every time you are in trouble, we will always hold your hand no matter what it takes. You mean the world to me. 

So, be all that you can be, and love him with all your heart, for tomorrow your son will be a man. Now get out there and celebrate this special day!

So tiny and fragile, but now look at you. You are so strong and tall. You bring joy into my life every single day and I couldn’t be prouder of you!

Daddy’s little boy is now a fine gentleman that has love in his heart and smarts in his brain! I am so wee proud of you… your family loves you very much!

I wish you health, love, happiness, and peace throughout the years ahead — today, tomorrow and for the rest of your lives!

You are quickly becoming the man of the house and I am so very proud of all that you have accomplished. Every time I look at you I see your father more and more. I hope that you will find the same happiness he’s found with your wife. Love, Grandma

I feel so lucky to have been a part of that momentous occasion. I wish you all the happiness in the world, my baby boy. You deserve it!

You are my shining light that goes the distance. I can’t wait till our future together, because everyday with you is just as perfect as the day before. And everyday my heart fills up with more love for you.

I love that you’re just like your dad, loving, caring, and so much fun! I’m going to be here for you through everything, just like your dad always has been. You will always be in my heart and I just love you so much!

I just want to wish you tons of love and luck in your marriage. You guys will conquer the world together!

 I send my sincerest congratulations to both you and your wife. May each year bring you closer together and may your love grow stronger with each anniversary. We love you sweetheart!

You are a blessing to this family, and we are all so very proud of you. We love you to the moon and back, and so does everyone else who knows what a wonderful person you have become.

I just knew then that you were one special boy. To this day I still know you will go far in life. You are my pride and joy and my whole world revolves around you. Always remember to go and chase your dreams.

As we led you to the delivery room, your mother squeezed my hand tightly. I am so glad that I was there with her to share the moment you made your first entrance into this big crazy world.

 It was such a magical, moving sight that I was unable to hold back the tears. Not all men are blessed with such love, so please cherish her as I do! Love, MOM

I got to see my favorite little boy grow up into a man who seems to be going strong. I am proud to call her my daughter in law. You two deserve to be happy together for years and years to come.

 I don’t know what’s better – your smile or those eyes that sparkle every time our eyes lock. You melt Grandma’s heart and make her feel young again. Love you! Happy 10th Anniversary!

To my wonderful son on our wedding anniversary, I am so proud of you and how far you have come in your life. I love you more than words can express and I hope we have many more years to come together as a family. You are a joy and blessing to us.

To my darling Grandson Joe (husband’s name) and Sarah (wife’s name),May the love I have for you continue to grow stronger day by day. I hope you will always cherish your marriage and love each other just as you do today. With lots of love, grandma

Your grandma and grandpa love you so darn much. Can’t tell you how happy we are that you two found each other. You have no idea how much love and joy you brought into our lives. So happy to be calling you son!

Today is our wedding anniversary and I wanted to specially thank you for your letter. It was so dear of you to write me a letter on our special day! I am so thankful for the life we have made together and every great moment since the day we met.

I only had you for a short time, but I loved you so much… You were my pride and joy. I will always love you! Happy 1st wedding anniversary.”

I’m so proud of my boy, all grown up and married with a child of his own. Words cannot express the admiration I have for you and the love in my heart. Congratulations on your wedding!

It’s been so long since I held you in my arms. You’ve grown into an amazingly handsome man. Sometimes I still look at you and see the little boy that used to hide under my leg as we shopped at the mall together.

Son, just know that I love you. I wish I could be with you on your wedding day but I know you won’t let me cry like a baby during the ceremony. Just know that you have made me so proud and happy!

I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to be there for your wedding, but I will always be near you two. I love you so much, it hurts. You’re one of the best blessings in my life. Raise your children with love and remember to be there for each other no matter what.”

Wow, 1 year has gone by so fast. I do not think I could be happier. I went from being a grandma to having the best son in the world. It’s true! I love you to the moon and back!

I am so proud of you and your beautiful wife. Each year since your wedding, I have shed a tear in happiness. The way you two look at each other makes me melt every time. I love you so much!

Happy 1st anniversary you two! 10 years is a long time, but not nearly long enough. Love each other every day and never give up. I love you!

Granddaughter, I hope you are happy and that your husband makes you smile everyday like my son does for me. Happy anniversary. Love, Grandma

My heart overflows with happiness, the years have been good to us. You are now the head of my family and I am proud to call you my son. Our love has only grown over time, and we still enjoy being together as much as when we were young. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.

Son, there is so much I want to tell you. There are so many memories to recall and share. You were the best gift we ever received. Our love for you is deeper than any sea, fonder than any ocean.

A son is a precious gift. A son deserves the love of his mother and father every day of his life. A son keeps the memory alive when a husband and wife have parted.

I love you, and today, of all days, I remember it with a special joy. Here’s to many more years like this one!

I am so grateful for the way you turned out, with kindness and respect. You are the most beautiful gift life has given me, my darling child. Wish you an amazing year ahead!

My darling little boy! I remember when you were a baby – you were so cute in your little raincoat. And now look at you – a young man! Getting married – how lovely! But don’t worry, we’ll still be here for you. When you need us you know we won’t be far. And on your anniversary, have lots of fun!

Happy 3rd Anniversary! I hope you both enjoy the sunny day and have time to reflect on how far you have come. I want you both to know that I am so proud of the man you have become and the love that you share together. Enjoy today and don’t forget to forward this e-mail to your husband!

You are all grown up now! I can’t believe that just two years ago, you were my little newborn. You have grown into such an incredible man! I remember the day you were brought home from the hospital.

I’m so proud of the man you are becoming son. It’s hard to believe that just a short time ago you were just batting around a ball with crayons on paper.

To my favorite grandson, Happy first anniversary! I know you two will spend many more together. It makes me so happy to have you both in my life – especially on occasions like this. You are a wonderful husband and father and we love you for it. Love, Grandma

To my loving son and wonderful husband on your 10th wedding anniversary:I wish you a lifetime of happiness and love. May God continue to bless your union as you share each other’s dreams, secrets and life together.

Dear son, I cannot believe that it has already been a year since your wedding. It seems like just yesterday that you were on my doorstep asking for my daughter’s hand in marriage!

On our wedding day, I told you I would love you forever and now 10 years later I realize how true that promise was. You are the greatest son any mother could ask for and I am so proud to call you mine. I celebrate you! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

So much time has passed since that day. I remember your wedding day like it was yesterday. You were in the room with dad and I, holding my hand as we watched you marry your soul mate…

You took my breath away as you walked down the aisle on our wedding day. I love you and look forward to being your wife for all of eternity. Love, Grams

I’m so proud of you. I love you so much, and I wish you the best in life. May you have a lifetime filled with happiness, excitement and joy!

The last 25 years have been amazing! I can’t believe that you are already married! I hope that your anniversary is full of dreams and love. I just wanted to say thank you for being the man you are and for making me so proud. You turned out better than I ever imagined. I love you.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want you to know that I will always be here for you, and love you no matter what. Nothing will ever change how much I love you.

You are a blessing from God! You are so kind, gentle and compassionate. I’m so proud of the man that you have become and I know with all my heart that God has great plans for your life! I love you more than you will ever know and I look forward to spending our future years together!

Robert, you are one of the best things to ever happen to me. Just thinking about you brings a smile to my face. You mean everything to me and I can’t even imagine my life without you.

We weren’t supposed to get married this young, but I am so glad we did. We’ve had some rough times these past few years, and now with your new job things are looking up. I hope you plan on making me your wife for life [he said yes] ! YAY! I love you Chris.

You are the best son a mother could ever ask for, and you’ve made me very proud. Three years ago you married the love of your life, which is something I’m sure would make your father very happy.

Dear Son, It’s hard to believe that it has already been 10 years since that beautiful day when you and your wife got married. You have filled your lives with so much joy, and no doubt, you will continue on this tremendous journey of love for many more years to come.

Happy anniversary to the best couple ever. All these years together and you are still the love of my life. I hope we stay together for a lifetime. I love you both with my whole heart.

You are so handsome! I can’t believe you’re my grandson! I only wish your parents could see how much you’ve grown! You look so much like your father when he was younger.

You have made your grandma and great-grandma so very proud. And you are so very special in Grandpa’s eyes, as well. We are so blessed to see such a fine young man become a fine young man. You make the world a better place to live in.

I am so blessed to have found you, to have you as my son. I love you more than you will ever know. It’s been five years since your Mom and I were called Grandma and Grandpa, but it feels like a thousand. You are the center of our lives. You are my boy and I just can’t get enough of you!

To my sweetie pie grandson! My very own little teddy bear. I love everything about you. The way you think, the way you dream, the way you love me, even the way you drive my car! I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you. You’re one in a million. Love you more than words can say!

Your wife and I cannot be more proud of you. You were a beautiful baby born to us, and now you’re a beautiful man married to the love of your life. We love you so much! Congratulations on 10 years of marriage.

Jason and Amy…we wish you all the love and happiness in the world. Thank you for being such a thoughtful day-to-day part of our lives. We love you very much. Come see us soon!

I am so proud to call you my son. You are the best thing that has ever happened to your Mom and me. I am very thankful for God’s blessings. The day you were born I was the happiest person in the world.

I love you, I do, I always will. You make me happy like no one else in this world ever could. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you and that includes time or money! Happy 13th Anniversary and here’s to many more!

Dear Cameron, There are no words in the English language that can come close to the depth of my love for you. I will never forget the day you were born. You were a tiny baby, your eyes puffy and closed.

Your parents have been married for ___ years today! I am so happy for them, and I hope you are too. In honor of their anniversary, I want to say Happy Anniversary to my son!

To my one and only son, on your wedding day you looked so handsome and your smile made hearts melt everywhere. I will never forget that moment you first held your bride in your arms.

Today is the day you joined our family. We have watched you grow into a fine young man and we are proud of who you have become. You are an amazing person we couldn’t be more thankful that god has given us you! You are precious to us, your mother and I love you so much. Happy anniversary son!

Happy 10th anniversary! Ten years have gone by so fast, and a daughter-in-law has made our lives complete. May your happiness always shine as brightly as your love for each other.

Happy wedding anniversary! I am so proud of you, there isn’t a better man in the world! I love you so much. Meeting your wife was the best thing I have ever done.

You may not always think you’re the best, but to me you are THE BEST! I am so proud to be your mom. Every day you open my heart and make it bigger-Big enough to hold all my love for you. Happy (late) Wedding Anniversary!!!

My sweetheart, I remember the day you were brought into this world as if it were yesterday. When your mommy told me we were going to have a baby I was so happy I almost cried. You are the light to my world and a treasure I can never replace. Happy anniversary sweetheart!

Happy Anniversary! I always said I wanted the best for my son. He found it! I’m so proud to walk down the street beside you, so proud to see others envy such a beautiful couple.

You’re my hero. Through your youth, your values, your integrity, and most of all your love for life make me the proudest man in the world. I’ve never seen you give up on anything. The world is yours to conquer. I’m even prouder knowing that you’re my son. Me

I will be there popping the question soon. So please don’t start another fight and think this is just a joke. I’m serious, I really do love you. You are more priceless than you can imagine and nothing could make me happier than to have you as my husband.

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