Home Love Messages Good Afternoon Love Message for My Brother to Make Him Smile

Good Afternoon Love Message for My Brother to Make Him Smile

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Hey there! Are you looking for ways to brighten up your brother’s afternoon and bring a smile to his face? Look no further, as we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of heartwarming good afternoon love messages specially crafted for your dear brother. Whether you want to remind him of your love, offer support, or simply make him smile, we’ve compiled a collection of engaging and unique messages that will do just that. So, let’s dive right in and spread some sibling love!

Good Afternoon Love Message for My Brother to Make Him Smile

You are my biggest fan and without you, there would be no motivation for me at all. Thanks for everything bro. I love ya!

I don’t want this to sway the fact that we can still argue like an old married couple, but if it does make it easier on me to say it sometimes I will say it loud and proud…I LOVE YOU BROTHER!

I just wanted to tell you that I am so proud of the man you have become, how hard you work, and the great things you have achieved in your life already. You’re more than what words can describe and mean everything in this world to me.

As you celebrate the special day with your significant other, remember also to pay special attention to your side kicks (all the guy bro’s out there), because we always have a place in your heart too!

I wish we could hangout more often, but since I live on the other side of the country, I don’t get to see you as much as I would like. Thanks for being such an awesome guy!

Your sister loves you and misses you very much. The family is not the same without your silly sense of humor, but we still have the memories and they never get old. I love you so much little brother!

Your thoughtfulness, kindness, and sweet disposition wash over me like a warm breeze, making the tough times easier. You are like a lighthouse in a storm: showing me the way home from afar. Know that I love you with all my heart.

I know we haven’t seen each other in awhile, but sometime soon me and you should catch up! We have a lot of catching up to do. You are my brother and I love you man…

This big sister is oblivious to the world when you are around and you make my heart flutter. I love everything about you, especially those beautiful blue eyes.

You always know how to turn a bad situation into something great and how to get things done without making a fuss out of nothing! And not just that, you’re fun to hang out with, easygoing, altruistic, warm-hearted and sincere.

No matter what happens, you will always have my love and support and I will never let you down, because we are in this together brother!

This is directed especially to my handsome younger brother whom I had stuck with for most of my life. Though we are getting older now, nothing has changed. You are still the most handsome man there is.

You don’t just have to ask me for advice if you don’t want to and I’m not going to tell mom that your girl is visiting again on Tuesday. she still believes that is your study group…

Hey, how’s things. Just came to say I love you bro! Hope you’re having a great day!

Did I tell you today how important you are to me? I think about you each and every day. Your hugs, your smile, it warms my heart. You are funny, smart, caring and I am so lucky to have you as a brother. I love you!

You are my brother and best friend. I might not be the smartest or strongest but do you know what I am good at? Looking out for you. Love ya bro!

You are the best little brother anyone could ask for. You have always been there for me, you may not say it but I know you love me. I’m so glad we found each other and that we are so close. In my eyes you are the best brother a girl could ask for. I love you like no other!

Hey brother! I hope your day is off to a great start. You mean more to me than anyone else in this world. So you know, I am always here for you, I will hug you when you’re upset, let you cry on my shoulder and cheer up with funny jokes. Love you bro!

I don’t know of any other person that I am more proud of then I am you. You are my brother and my best friend. We’ve had our share of ups and downs, but in the end we always have each others backs. I’m so happy that we found each other. I love you little brother!

Hey Bro, I just wanted to check in and say hello. I miss you a lot lately. You have to know that you are my best friend in the world. There is no one else who I want to share my ups and downs with. I love you man!

Hey man, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. You mean the absolute world to me. The best big brother in the whole world! Anytime I want someone to talk to, someone to hang with, someone to get advice from, or whatever – you’re always there for me.

I may not tell you often enough, but I love you so much. You are my best friend and I hope you know that. I’m proud of the man you’ve become.

Hey bro! I really miss you man. We should do something soon. I know it been a rough couple of months with the divorce and custody battle, but things can only get better from here. I love you broseph!

I don’t care what anyone says, I LOVE YOU BIG BRO! Nothing could ever change that, even if you are a bonehead sometimes. You are my best friend and always will be. I know we have had some bad blood in the past, but I forgive you because I love you.

Hey bro, just wanted to say that I miss you and love you! Hope all is going well in your new job. Just get me tickets for the March 28th game, as usual. I am excited to see ya!!

Hey, big bro! Hope you’re doing well. You are the best brother anyone can ask for. I love you to pieces!

Hello my little brother, how are you today? I am writing to you to let you know that I really love and care about you.

Hey you (brother name), long time no see. Hope you are well wherever you are! I hope this message cheers you up, make you smile and remind you that your sister loves you so much she sends you messages through out the day to stay positive and get through a rough time in your life.

My brother, my best friend! I am so glad your in my life. Someone I can talk to about anything, someone I can trust with everything, someone to laugh with and be silly with. You make my day better, you’re the most incredible man in the world. I love you broski!

I may not tell you that I love you enough, but I really do. You are the best brother a girl could ask for. Sometimes it’s difficult to express my love and admiration because we live so far apart. So just know that I really do love you and cherish you.

I love you so much. You are my little brother and best friend. Wether I’m happy, sad, mad, or jealous you are always there for me. I’m sure the older I get the more messed up we will get but ALWAYS remember how much I love you.

Keep being a great big brother to your sister. And a fun uncle to your nephews and niece. Have a good day at work! I love you

I don’t know what I’d do without my big brother! You are always there for me when I need you and have been from the start. I will never forget how much you mean to me or how proud I am to call you by brother!

I wanted to wish you a happy day. I’m sure you are doing great wherever you are. Good luck!

Hey bro, just wanted to let you know how much I love you and appreciate you. Not only are you my bro but also my best friend. I couldn’t imagine my life without you, and I’m very thankful for every single moment we share together. Thanks for always being there for me!

How are you doing little brother? I know you have been swamped with work and are probably tired, but I just wanted to check in and say “Hi” and thank you for always looking out for me. I hope you have a great day! Love, Cole

Hey bro, Just wanted to let you know how much I love you. You are the best big brother anyone could ask for and I love spending time with you. Your goofy sense of humor makes me crack up all the time. I love you more than anything!

My dearest brother, this afternoon I would like to wish you a Happy Valentines Day. I pray that this day brings you joy, love and lots of positive energy!

I love you so much, man. You’re like a brother to me and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thanks for always being there for me, bro. You’re the best!

Hey Bro! I’m just writing to let you know I love you and couldn’t be happier that you are my brother. You are a very special person in my life and I really hope you know that.

Though we are miles apart, you’ve never been far from my heart. I think of you often and just want you to know that I love you very much and appreciate everything you do for me.

Hey brother, it’s your sister. I hope you are having a wonderful day. I just wanted to say that I love you so much. You mean the world to me and I hope we never stop growing closer as family. There’s no one else that I would rather share my life with than you! Remember, you are my best friend!

Hey bro! Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking about you. There is always a smile on my face and a song in my heart because of you.

I miss you brother. We haven’t talked or seen each other for quite a while. I wish we could hang out again soon. We should go hit the beach, play some basketball, meet up for a hot dog or just anything bro! Call me when you can…

Hey bro, I just wanted to say I love you and that I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel unappreciated. I appreciate everything you do for me, for mom, for Kayla — everything. Love ya bud!

It looks like the sun is out today, so I wanted to share it with you. Come share this warmth with me and we will smile together! Love you big brother.

I couldn’t have asked for a better little brother. I love your big heart and your smile. I love you – always and forever!

Today is a good day because I got to talk to you, that makes it a great day. I love you SOOOOO much and miss you more than words could ever say. You are the best brother a girl could ever ask for.

Hey you! I love you so much and want to let you know it. You are the most thoughtful, caring, sweet brother a girl could ask for. You mean everything to me and I am proud to call you my big bro!

I wanted to let you know that I love you with all my heart. You are an amazing brother, friend and man. I wish the world was more like you and less like me. You are a better person than I will ever be!

Hey bro! I hope all is well. Things have been awesome for me lately. You are a great brother, and an inspiration to me and everyone who knows you.

Hey brother! Just thought I’d send you a note to let you know how much I love and appreciate you. I’m so lucky to have you as my big brother. You’re kind, funny and brilliant and I just love being around you! Never change, big guy!

I was thinking about you today and I had to say that I really miss you. As soon as you come home I’m going to give you the biggest hug ever, we need to hang out so we can catch up. You’re my favorite brother, so take care of yourself and let’s have a blast together when you get home.

I just wanted to give you a quick call to say thanks. Thanks for always being there when I needed you, I love you.

Hey dude, How are you doing? I hope that your new job is treating you well and that you enjoy it. I miss seeing your beautiful face around.

Hey bro, I just got off work and stopped by to say hello. You were out playing golf with a friend so I waited here for you, but now I’m hungry, so let’s go get something to eat. I love you man!

I’ve heard that the law of attraction makes the reality you experience reflect the energy and thoughts you put out. And, I know that’s true because ever since I met you, my entire life has made sense for the first time. The stars aligned for me when I was introduced to you.

You’re my blood, my brother, and I love you with all my heart. You are the best big brother I can ask for. No matter what happens, I will always support you and love you forever.

I just wanted to tell you that I love you bro. You are more than words can express. I am one lucky guy to have an older brother like you. Seriously, bro. You are awesome and I don’t tell you enough how great of a person you are. I am always here for you and remember that ok? 🙂

Thank you for being there for me with more love than I know what to do with. You are the best brother ever, I don’t deserve you but I am so glad that we get to share this family together.

Good afternoon sweet brother. I hope you are have a wonderful day! I’m so excited and proud of your accomplishments this holiday season. It makes me so happy that you have been able to put your creative mind to use and this reward is well-deserved.

Brother, I love you. There is no place in my life that you are not present, even when you’re not around. You make me laugh, you make me think, and you make me smile.

BUDDY! I’m writing you this letter because I’ve been meaning to tell you how much I love and appreciate you. You’re my best friend and my role model, you’ve taught me so much about life and happiness.

Hey bro! I just wanted to say I’m proud that we are brothers. We’ve gone through a lot together and have had our ups and downs, but we stuck together and it was worth it. I love you man.

Hey bro, I hope you have a great day. You are my rock and my soul-mate. I know we aren’t always on the same page, but we make each other stronger. Even if you drive me crazy sometimes, I would never trade you for anything in the world. You are the best brother anyone could ask for!

I love you. You are the best brother a girl could have. I don’t tell you enough but want you to know that. Never be afraid to ask for help because I am here for you.

Looking at you makes me love this life so much more. I’m simply obsessed with you …. because your mine and i’m yours.

I love it when I see you smile. Its the greatest feeling to know that when I walk into a room your face lights up, and that when I’m not there you are still thinking of me. You mean so much to me. Thanks for being just who you are!

I don’t like it when you’re mad at me, but when you’re sad I’m more torn. Because I feel so helpless and it hurts to see you this way. So I’ll tell you what I’ve been missing from all along: I love you, bro!

Hey bro! Hope you’re having a great day. Just wanted to let you know that I love you. And I want you to know how lucky you are to have me as a brother. You’re the best brother anyone could ever ask for. Luckiest man on the planet. Love ya bro.

Dearly beloved brother, somebody once told me to tell my brothers that I love them. I told him I have many brothers but I think he was talking about you. So here is my message: I LOVE YOU!

Hey bro, you are the best brother alive. You are always there for me no matter what. You can make me smile on the worst days and give me some of your famous bear hugs. I love you dearly and would do anything for you! Have a great day!

I love you so much little brother. You have added so much to my life. You are one of the most important people to me. I’m glad we get to share a lifetime together! I hope you had a wonderful day today, and I can’t wait to see you again.

I love you, buddy. No matter what happens in life. You are always my cool brother who I can joke with and chill with, and I truly love you.

Hey bro, I wish you knew how much I care for you and how much you mean to me. I’m always here for you if you ever need anything.

When it rains, you are my sunshine. When I’m sad, you cheer me up. When I am happy, you share in the joy. When I’m bored, you give me a smile. And when I need a good laugh, you joke around and make me laugh harder than anyone else ever could. I love you so much!

Hey brother, just checking to make sure you’re doing well. I haven’t heard from you in a few days and hope everything is alright. Give me a call if you can. I love you!

bro you are the best. we got each other’s back and everything. i love you. always have, always will.

I’m so glad we found each other and I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. You’re mine, you always will be! I love you baby bro!

Hey bro, thank you for the card. That was really sweet of you. I love you. You are and will always be my baby brother, but with that said, I hope you know you are a man now.

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