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Growing Up Without a Mother Quotes

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Motherless. That’s what my life felt like. It was a feeling of loss, the despair of not having someone there to shoulder the pain, to be there when I needed her most. It’s a feeling that stays with you as a person and defines who you are in ways you might not have imagined. Over the past decade I’ve learned that motherless children have had a profound impact on history. My list of quotes are ones that show the strength and determination people have who didn’t have mothers around them or, in some cases, even lost their mothers too soon.

Growing Up Without a Mother Quotes

Growing up without a mother is the worst thing that could happen to any child.

Growing up without a mother was hard. But I promise you, it was worth it.

Growing up without a mother is not an easy thing. It’s being alone in the world, with no one to rely on but yourself. But you can’t let it frustrate you or make you afraid.

Growing up without a mother is not always easy, but we can all find strength in the support of our friends.

Growing up without a mother has given me the strength to be bold and create my own path, but I know that all of this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for my loving family who helped me through all of the tough times.

I am blessed to have a mother who supported me and believed in me when no one else did.

My mother was everything to me, but she wasn’t able to be in my life. I will never forget her, but it’s okay.

Our mom’s are more than mothers, they’re responsible for sparking our inspiration to be the best at what we do.

I was a pretty tough kid, but the men in my life were there to keep me grounded and remind me that it was okay to be afraid or scared.

It’s an experience I’ve seen countless people deal with. It took me a long time to realize that weakness isn’t the problem, it’s how you choose to deal with it.

Growing up without a mother is the hardest thing that ever happens to a child.

Growing up without a mother is the hardest thing that could happen to anyone.

Being a kid was hard enough. Growing up without a mother was harder.

Growing up without a mother. It’s hard. But it was also the best thing that ever happened to me.

Growing up without a mother was hard, but I’m proud that I made it all the way to adulthood with no regrets.

I grew up without the love of a mother, but my dad always told me, “Your mom is everything.”

Growing up with a mother who loves God, doesn’t just talk the talk, but does the walk!

A mother is a kind of divine love that can heal all the wounds in the heart.

I missed the most important person, the one that I could never tell how much she loved me.

My mother died when I was a kid. She had a heart attack while we were driving and she never got to see her only grandchild grow up. She didn’t get to know me.

No matter how successful you become and no matter how much money you have, a mother’s love is the most important thing in the world.

Growing up without a mother is like having no sun without the sun.

Growing up without a mother teaches you to be strong, resilient and independent.

If you don’t have a mom by your side, then it’s time to grow up and take care of yourself.

Growing up without a mother, my life hasn’t been the same. I hope we all recognize the importance of mothers, and the sacrifices they make daily.

Growing up without a mother is really hard, but growing up with a mother who does it all isn’t easy either.

Growing up without a mother, I was strong and resolute. But one day, when I was still very young, she left me with only two words to live by: “I love you.”

Growing up without a mother is not easy. But it’s worth it to me. She’s in my heart always, and I love her so much.

Growing up without a mother has shaped me in many ways: I am a fierce advocate for women’s rights and become confident in my own skin.

Growing up without a mother is not easy, but it’s so rewarding to see all the success and happiness that comes from her daughters. #mothersday

Motherhood is a full time job. A million things to take care of, and zero people to take care of them for.

Sometimes I think my mom would still be alive if she had been with us to see our success because she wouldn’t have left us there.

I’m no stranger to the brokenness of mankind and the pain of loss. But I know there’s a strength that comes from the love between my mom and me.

Growing up without a mother can be a really tough thing to deal with, but there are so many people out there who have gone through the same thing.

Growing up without a mother can be tough. But you’re not alone.

The pain and misunderstanding of growing up without a mother is one of the greatest pains that a child can experience and the greatest misunderstandings.

Growing up without a mother is such an essential part of my identity. It makes me who I am and it’s been the most important thing in my life.

Growing up without a woman’s love is a soul-crushing experience. It’s not just something that happens to women—it can happen to anyone who has lost a parent at any age.

Growing up without a mother is like being raised by a ghost. I’m so grateful that she’s alive and well in my life this year.

Growing up without a mother is like missing a limb. You don’t realize just how big of a part she plays in your life until you’ve lost it.

I was brought up by a single mother and it was not easy. I know what it is like to struggle and to not know where your next meal will come from, but life is all about the journey, not the destination.

What I learned from my mom: love, honor, respect. What I miss: her presence, her voice and her smile.

The strength of my childhood was not just because my parents were there for me, but that I never saw them as a parent. They were always people who loved me unconditionally.

The lessons that motherhood taught me, the loss I realized when I lost my mom, and the strength I find in being a single mom.

My mother is my best friend, the reason I laugh when I want to cry and the sun that keeps me warm.

Somewhere behind me, I know my mother is smiling. She is proud of me and I will continue to be the best person I can be for her.

When you grow up without a mother, you become the person that she becomes.

Growing up without a mother, I learned to love and cherish all the things that make me who I am.

Growing up without a mother when you need one, is hard. Being a young girl who has to be strong and survive by herself, is even harder.

As a child, I didn’t know what to do without a mother. But I learned from her, and now I am the woman she always wanted me to be.

Growing up without a mother felt like being lost in the woods. And then she came back, and there was nothing she couldn’t do

Growing up without a mother can be tough. But it doesn’t mean your life is over. I’m just here to help you get by in this world, hold you when you cry and give you a hug when you’re sad.

You know how I’ve always wanted a mother? Well, now I have one.

Growing up without a mother, I never had a place to go. Now that I’m older and I’ve earned my degree, I want to create a space for all women who have been abandoned by their mothers.

Growing up without a mother is like trying to make sense of the clouds. You can’t see the sky, you can only see your reflection.

I could have a million mothers, but none of them were me. My mother was there when I needed her most, and she made it easier for me to forget about hers.

Growing up without a mother is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to deal with. She’s been my rock and my teacher, my confidant and supporter. She’s been my life for the last 17 years.

My mom is my best friend. She’s the only one who understands me and treats me like a queens—except there’s one thing she can’t do: mother me.

Growing up without a mother is like having someone in your life that you don’t know.

I grew up without a mother. I wouldn’t trade the love and support of my father for anything.

It’s not easy growing up without a mother. But, you don’t have to if you know what to do.

Growing up without a mother isn’t easy, but it’s the greatest opportunity to be yourself.

Growing up without a mother was not easy, but I learned that there are things to be grateful for.

Growing up without a mom was rough. But if you’re reading this, she’s watching over you and standing by your side.

Growing up without a mother is like having a part of yourself missing. I turned to my dad for support, guidance and love, who only provided me with more pain. I wish he would’ve been there for me when my mother abandoned us!

Growing up without a mom is like trying to run a marathon with your toes.

I lost my mother at 14 years old. I am here to make sure mothers everywhere know that they don’t need to raise their children alone.

We all need a mother’s love, and I am thankful that God has provided mine.

I was raised by my grandmother, who taught me how to live. How to love and how to be healthy. She is the reason why I am who I am today.

It was just me, my father and our dog—that’s it. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be a mother.

Growing up without a mother is like having a piece of your heart missing

Growing up without a mother is one of the hardest things you’ll ever experience. That’s why we’re here to help you find your way home.

Growing up without a mother isn’t always easy. But when you find someone who understands what it feels like, it will be easier than you think.

I’m not afraid of being who I am. It’s just that being a child without a mother, I don’t have anyone to model myself after.

I grew up without a mother. I’m the product of a broken family. But I’ve learned that it’s possible to make something beautiful out of nothing.

Growing up without a mother has taught me how important it is to surround myself with people who love and care for me.

I’m proud to say that I grew up without a mother, but I wouldn’t change it. If I could go back in time and save one thing, it would be the bond with my father.

I am a motherless girl with infinite strength through the love of Jesus.

I wish I had a mom who was there when I was born when I was sick and making me food. I wish she taught me how to be brave and how to stand up for myself.

I am a strong, confident woman. I not only survived but thrived through the hardest times of my life, and I will continue to do so without my mother’s help.

I grew up without a mother. She was never there for me, but I am here for her now.

Growing up without a mother is like trying to fly with your eyes closed.

I grew up without a mother. My father raised me and I am proud to say that I can be my own woman. I am so grateful for the woman who gave me birth but also the woman she is now.

Growing up without a mother is like trying to fly with one hand tied behind your back. You will never get to the other side.

I carry my mother with me wherever I go. She is loved, missed and revered in many ways.

My mother is my backbone. She keeps me strong and grounded. I am lucky to have her in my life.

Growing up without a mother leaves you with a sense of courage, strength, and sensitivity.

Growing up without a mother is like trying to get through life without air.

Growing up without a mother was the hardest thing I had to deal with in my life. I would have given anything to have her back, but she’s in a better place now.

Growing up without a mother left me with no choice but to raise myself. I had to grow strong and make it on my own.

Growing up without a mother was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to go through, but with her support and love from my family and friends, I turned out ok.

Growing up without a mother is like having one foot in jail and the other on a banana peel.

Growing up without a mother can be a hard journey, but you can survive it. You have to take care of yourself and rely on your friends, family, and God to help make the most of your life.

Growing up without a mother is like trying to eat an entire cake when you’re only allowed one spoon.

I’ve had my mom’s love, I’ve lost my mom. But I’m still standing—and that’s all that matters.

I grew up without a mother. Her name was never written on my birth certificate, but she was every part of my life.

I grew up without a mother…I’ve learned to be brave, independent, and resolute.

I am living proof that you can grow up without a mother. You can make it on your own and be great, no matter what.

Growing up without a mother is not easy, but I’m proud to say that I’ve become who I want to be because of who she was.

I was raised by my father and older brother, but the woman I needed most was my mother.

I was a motherless child, now I’m a motherless woman; I’m trying my best to give back what I never had.

When you’re little and your mom is always away, the world feels like it’s closing in on you. You’re alone in your head and life can get hard.

Growing up without a mother, I learned the hard way that you can’t change people, but you can change how you react.

I am my own mother, and she is me. I have never loved anyone like I love her.

She used to be my everything. I miss you Mom but know that I am still here with you, holding your hand. Hold on tight and remember how much I love you.

I believe that every woman needs a mother. This is my story of growing up without one.

When you grow up without a mother, you are the world to me.

When you grow up without a mother, you don’t realize how much you need her until she’s gone.

Growing up without a Mother has been the most beautiful, challenging, and rewarding journey of my life.

Growing up without a mother can be tough. But as you get older, you appreciate what she did for you.

Growing up with an absent mother can be stressful, but there are ways to help yourself cope.

I don’t know how to explain it but growing up without a mother makes me a little bit of an “unfinished product” as far as my self-worth goes. #motherless

As a kid, I never felt like I was missing anything—until I turned 18, and realized that my mom wasn’t around.

Growing up without a mother was one of the most mind-altering experiences of my life.

A mother is the touchstone of our lives, the mirror in which we see ourselves, and the beginning and end of all lessons.

I wish I could tell my mom, who is missing today. I love you always.

I was raised by a single mother. She provided me with the love and support that I needed to grow up and become the person I am today.

Growing up without a mother is like having your heart cut open, and trying to glue it back together.

Growing up without a mother has made me strong. It taught me to be self-reliant and independent, and it gave me the courage to pursue my dreams no matter how hard they may seem.

Growing up without a mother changed my life forever. I realized that I had to make something of myself and be my own hero.

Growing up without a mother is like being in the dark and not seeing what’s around you, but then one day, you turn on a light and get an unexpected view.

Growing up without a mother can be tough. But we’re here for you. Join us in parenting one another and loving your BFFs as much as possible this Mother’s Day.

I never could have imagined a world without my mother, but I hope that you can feel the same way about yours.

Motherless children are “spent” people, unready for the world. Would you be one of them?

I’m still here, still growing up. I’m not in your way, I just want to do me.

You can learn a lot from some of the strongest women around. They inspire me to push myself further and make me believe that no road is too far.

Growing up without a mother is the most unnatural thing in the world.

Growing up without a mother is hard, but growing up with one is the best.

I’m growing up without a mother, but I was raised by the greatest woman there is.

I know the feeling of being raised by a single parent, so I want to share a memory that reminds us how important it is to have a mother figure in your life.

Growing up without a mother is like having an eye fixed in the middle of your forehead.

I grew up without a mother, but I don’t see that as a reason to be sad. What an amazing life God has given me!

I was once told that I looked like my father, but it wasn’t true. I was a motherless child and I never knew love until now.

I grew up without a mother. In fact, I was raised by my grandmother and great-grandmother. They are my heart, and they taught me everything I needed to become the woman I am today.

I grew up without a mother. I was married when I was 20 and divorced in my 30’s. I had two young daughters, who are both now on their own in their 20’s and doing fine.

I have learned to take care of myself by learning to be alone. I am a woman, not a child who needs to be taken care of.

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