Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Mentor

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Mentor

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In life’s journey, we often come across mentors who guide us, inspire us, and help shape our paths. A mentor’s presence can be transformative, providing valuable life lessons and support. However, when a mentor is no longer around due to various circumstances, their absence can leave a profound impact on us. In this heart-touching letter, we explore the emotions and experiences that arise when a mentor is absent. We will navigate through the challenges, find ways to cope and embrace the wisdom they imparted, carrying their legacy forward.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Mentor

You’re on my mind every night and even though it’s hot in August, I feel the cold of missing you. I want to carry your positive energy with me always. I love you with all my heart and appreciate you for being a positive force in my life.

You are missed everyday and I know with all my heart, even though your not here with us, your spirit lives on in me.

You always made time to listen, talk and help. I remember when you helped me understand my first relationship with Luke. I need you like that now more than ever.

You selflessly dedicate your life to raising the world’s consciousness about peace, freedom and love. You believe in giving back to the needy and less fortunate, helping those who cannot help themselves.

I will never understand what made you do this to us. Your absence troubles me as I struggle to keep my hopes up. We are still searching for you but not finding anything…

Make us one promise, that you will be well when me and my sisters fly across the ocean to see you again. We love you so much, I don’t think I can be the man of this family without you.

We make life better by loving each other and I have always believed that fate brings two people together that will be with each other for a lifetime.

You were the true inspiration for all people searing pain you made us keep on going forward and this is not a game.

I am lost in the forest of self pity, surrounded by trees of apathy, where I used to sit as a child and think about my future impact on others. How wonderful would it be to teach others how to accomplish their goals with ease?

I’m sorry I never thanked you for all your help. So many times I told you that I would get you back. You made me believe that promise could be kept. But now you’re gone and I feel helpless and hopeless.

Now everyone treats me like you’re still here, and if I don’t meet their expectations they yell at me and tell me how disappointed they are in me. Things are so different now without you here.

Sometimes on cloud nine; other times deep in my darkest thoughts. Please know that I am holding onto hope and working every day towards our goal. I cannot wait to see you in a few short weeks!

You were right about that too – every time I turn around, something new is going on. I’m pulled in different directions but I laugh a lot, and anyone who knows me will tell you what a laid-back person I am these days.

Another day I am awake with no kiss from you, no “Good Morning” with your cup of coffee and no playful banter as we get ready for the day.

You are like a father to me and I don’t know what to do without you. I want you to know that I love you and will miss you greatly when you are gone.

My life will not be the same without you. I promise to keep your spirit close to my heart and that you remain in my thoughts forever.

Know that you are the reason I breathe, the reason my heart beats and the reason my blood flows. I am grateful to have a mentor like you and I value all the time we spend together.

If you want to pick up where we last left off please let me know, because I don’t want this to be goodbye. Everybody deserves a mentor like you, and you will always be my first mentor and best friend.

My life is so colorful because of your guidance and friendship, so many things changed positively because of your best advices.

We’ve been working together for so long, I don’t know what to do without your guidance. You were the one who started me on my career path and I always looked up to you as a role model while we worked together.

I have had such a struggle coming into college, having to balance classes, girlfriends, family and work. The result of the struggle has left me feeling empty inside, as though there is something missing in my life.

I know you are always here and that you are always there for me, but I truly wish you were here right now for so many reasons.

Everyone deserves to meet someone like you. For me, it will just be my blessing and honor to have known you here on Earth. I love you my friend and mentor!

There is not a day that goes by where I don’t wish we were together, sharing jokes and having long conversations about anything and everything.

It’s too bad that school got in the way, otherwise you would know how I feel already. I hope we can sit down soon though and talk about the future.

I will learn to be successful in my life no matter how hard I have to work. I will strive for success and love every minute of my journey.

All those empty promises you made to me on your death bed are now useless. I know they were never meant, but yet they’re still dear to me because I thought that person was you.

It’s been years since I’ve seen you… I wish that I could hear your voice again and just have a nice conversation with you because you are one of the most amazing people I have ever known.

I know it scares you, but don’t be scared. Your life is always in my prayers and I look forward to the day when we meet again.

In my eyes you are a great mentor, friend, colleague, and teacher to me. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to meet you and go through so many experiences together, especially traveling abroad last summer.

There’s not much I can do about it now. I am already doing the best I can for myself and for our family, but sometimes it just isn’t enough.

You are a father, mother, master and best friend all rolled into one. You have taught me more than I can say in words, but it is way more than your words that you have taught me.

You are my mentor and my idol. I miss you so much! My days at work are lonely without you here to guide me and teach me. The world is a little colder since the day we said goodbye.

You’ve been there through the good and bad of my life. I miss you every day, you left a void in my heart. I’m so thankful that God brought you into my life and that I had the opportunity to know you.

I miss you sir. one of my biggest regrets is not keeping in touch with you after I left the company. I hope, wherever you are now, you are happy. and lord knows I do

I miss you! My mentor. I miss your guidance and advice, it was so different than anything I’d ever had before. You were so wise for your age, but I guess that’s what experience does.

Dear Pratap, you are everything I hope to be. You are my mentor in life. I have learned from your wisdom, kindness and example. You serve as an inspiration for me and I strive to do great things in this world like you have.

My dear mentor,  I can’t stop wondering what has become of you. Half a year has passed and you haven’t answered any of our calls or emails.

You were my mentor, my teacher, my friend. You took me under your wing and showed me how to find passion in life, but now you are gone.

Mom will you still be my mom, even if I am not your child. You are not old enough to die and leave us here alone.

I am leaving forever. I have to be honest with you my friend, I will miss you and your words of wisdom. Your guidance has helped me become a better designer and person. I love you Toreto.

Dear Bill, He was my first mentor. He taught me tough love. I remember how he always used to make me step into the cage in short notice and spar for real with his professional fighters while i was only a white belt.

Love makes life better, brighter, and I can’t imagine life without you. I know this year has been tough because of my absence but you can never leave my heart.

Your absence is making me cry. You left me behind to face the strife. I will avenge that fateful day. I may not succeed but I will try. Without you by my side, it feels so right.

I am very close to you, but you are not here right now, but know that I love you! Each day when I wake up in the morning there are a bunch of interesting things happen around me.

I never want to forget that I am here because of you. Every time my birthday rolls around, I think of you. I wish you were here to celebrate with me so that we could have that talk we always had- the one about growing up, getting older, and becoming stronger.

Dear Mentor, As the world goes by… I have sat and thought…and pondered… I am a long way off from the mentor that I once longed to be.

I remember all the times we spent together. The times when you had my back, and the times when I had yours. You were there for me when no one else was. You believed in me and helped me achieve my goals.

You are gone. I am here now with the weight of the world on my shoulders. This is not what you would have wanted for me. You wanted me to finish school and go on and share all your knowledge, but I can’t do it alone.

I know you are trying hard to be there for me. I just wish with every fiber of my being that you were here! I miss your kisses, the sound of your voice, your smile, your laugh and most of all your hugs.

The day you went away, I cried. When you came back you had the biggest smile on your face. You said “life is a gift” and that it’s ours to live.

Everyday that you are away from me is another day that I am not in your arms. Another day that I must wake up to an empty pillow and bed.

I am not good at writing so I am keeping this short and sweet. You have been my mentor. I share with you my deepest secrets, my biggest fears and yet you are always there to comfort me, to give me advice and to push me to be a better person.

My dear friend, I miss you a lot. You are in my prayers and thoughts every day and night. You have been my mentor and a wonderful teacher.

Your birthday is coming up so I thought I would send you an early present. Nothing will feel better than seeing your face when you read this.

You have always been amazing, and I cannot stress that enough. You have done so much for me, and I don’t know how I could ever repay you. It is a shame we grew apart, but I do wish you the best in all of your endeavors.

You will always be my mentor no matter what. There’s nothing in the world I admire you more than your wisdom and sense of humor. When I think of how far we’ve come, so many memories flood my mind.

Hey Teacher ! I just want to say thank you for everything you have done for me. You have always been there for me. You guided me. I wish we could meet again and talk more about life, about things that matter.

Dear Mentor, Sometimes I think that I don’t need you in my life anymore. The fact that I’m an adult and I have a strong and independent life doesn’t prevent me from thinking about you every day.

I’m still hurting. I’m proud of the quiet strength you’ve shown in the face of your own illness, but it doesn’t take away the fact that I am losing you. I’m an emotional wreck. You are my mentor and my friend.

There are days when everything is going right and there are days when everything goes wrong. You get one thing you want and you lose another. I guess all that really matters is that I’m lucky enough to have you to cross my mind.

Time is one of the hardest things to deal with, but it sure has proven to be quite valuable. Time makes things happen and continues to move forward no matter what we do.

I am writing this note because I don’t have the courage to tell you in person just how much you mean to me. You are like a mentor and a best friend, someone who has supported me through some of my darkest days.

Where is the mentor who brought me through the rough times? Where is the one who guided me into the light? Where is the one who saw my potential to succeed? I wish you were here to show me that life-lessons are not learned on paper, but in trial and error.

Wherever you may be, please know that I am thinking of you. I miss you terribly and wish that I could share your wisdom and kind ways with the rest of the world.

The past month has been the hardest of my life. I miss you more than I could ever put into words. I have become a million times better because of you and the wisdom you have taught me.

You are easily one of the most influential men in my life. The past few months without you have really made me realize how much you mean to me.

I know you are gone, but never ever out of my heart. I remember when I first met you, it was just before my freshman year of high school. You foretold me about morals, doing the right things because that’s what you did and because it would make you happy.

The day of your death, the sun refused to shine. In the distance, all I could hear was the piercing cry of a young man who lost his father; a mentor. He was gone.

You always made me feel loved. I’ll never forget the cards you made, the hope you gave, your passion for life and that beautiful inspiring voice that still lives within me.

I have watched you since you were a child and from the very beginning I knew you were special. You are one of my greatest accomplishments and I am so proud to have been a part of your life.

I have been your student for almost 2 years now. You have taught me so many things and changed my life. I’m taking a class from you this year that has really opened my eyes to the world around me.

I love you and I miss you every day, teacher. You were my mentor and I know there is a special place in heaven for people like you who devote themselves to helping others. God bless you wherever you are!

You are in my heart now and forever. I know you will probably never read this letter, but I just had to write it down. You have helped me grow so much both as a person and an adult.

You were there for me when I needed you the most, but another time you weren’t there for me when I needed you. You have always been number one to me, maybe now it’s my turn to be number one in your heart.

I have never felt so alone. Though I am not with you my heart is always close to you. Each sunset brings vivid memories of your face. Each star that shines in the night reminds me of your eyes. And when I fall asleep it is always to your voice echoing in my dreams.

You are more than a mentor, you are a friend, a confidante, a teacher and an inspiration. I truly will never get over your absence but I know you will be here in my heart reminding me every single day to be a better person.

What have I done to deserve someone as wonderful as you? You deserve so much more than me. You’re one of the kindest and most loving people I know, and I’m completely at loss for words when it comes to describing how lucky I am.

Nothing is worse than the absence of a mentor. I’m not just saying this to be nice, but because I truly believe it. The present and the future comes from my mentor. The present without a mentor is broken, while a future without a mentor is bleak.

I wish you were here to see my success. I wish you were here to guide me, I wish you could give me those wonderful words of encouragement that I have always depended on when I failed.

Words can not begin to express how sad I am to hear you are away. Not only am I losing the guidance and support of the best person I know, you are also taking the love from my life.

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