Home Good Night Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Wife

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Wife

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In every relationship, there are moments of joy and togetherness that create cherished memories. However, life’s journey is not without its trials, and one such challenge can be the absence of a wife. Whether it’s due to work commitments, travel, or unforeseen circumstances, the longing for a wife’s presence can be overwhelming. This heartfelt letter expresses the emotions, love, and longing a husband feels when his beloved wife is not by his side.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Wife

Wife, I will now make an attempt to put into words what I cannot find in my heart to say.

Dear Wife, I miss you and think about you often. You are always in my heart and mind. The children and I are fine, but we are very lonely without you.

You were still out of the country when I wrote this. Please come home soon so we can be a family again. You can show this to your mother if you like.

Love always gets stronger. You go away, love stays. How many ways are there to say that I love you?

Honey, I’m writing you this letter to tell you how much I love you. Ever since the day we met I knew that we were made for each other. You are my queen and my everything.

My life without you isn’t right at all… I miss your smile and the way you look at me when I hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you. Everything is so much harder without you here, like trying to breathe underwater.

I feel lost without you. I miss you. Every day I wait for you to call. We are all getting older, especially me. I want to enjoy our last years together. I can’t wait for you to come home. If I don’t hear from you soon, I’m going to come looking for you.

My face has a smile. My eyes are bright. The sun seems to shine a little brighter. It all has nothing at all to do with the flowers you’ve brought me and the cards you’ve sent. There is only one reason why I feel this way and that is because the person who gives me these things is not here right now.

My love, If you are reading this then the worst has happened. I am lying cold and alone, of a broken heart. I never thought our love was in danger of fading. But slowly I watched that love die as our fights tore us apart.

The last time I held your body in my arms, I wept as every memory of your smile came flooding back to me through my tears.

I miss you. I know we haven’t seen each other in a week. But I still miss you. It doesn’t matter that we fought, or even that I yelled at you at the end of it, when I was leaving. I can still hear your voice and feel your touch, and those memories make me miss you more than words could ever express.

Every morning I wake up and reach for you. The sheets are cold and empty, you’re not there. I realize you’re working hard to provide for us. I feel down because of our distance, but I can’t help but smile because so much time has passed with us together.

Your absence is like a never-ending dark pit with no hope of escaping. I want to be able to go on without you but living is not at all what I anticipated or wanted. There are so many things that are so hard without you to hold my hand and take the journey with me.

I miss the sound of your voice and how you would always tell me how much you love me, how proud you were of me for all I have accomplished, and that you couldn’t be happier.

I’m in such denial that you are gone, but I know that your soul no longer remains. You were so loved by everyone, and now those who still have you have the burden of rearing you with what they make of the love you left behind. The love I feel for you is so strong that my heart shakes every time I think of you.

You are my soul mate, my one and only. We have been through a lot together, but through every obstacle we have persevered. You’re the love of my life, the reason I wake up in the morning, the reason I fight for everything I want and need. There’s no doubt in my mind that you are the girl of my dreams, and without you I can’t be happy.

It isn’t fair. We only just talked about how having kids would be great, so you had to make me a widow. I wish I could feel your warm hands around my shoulders, or running through my hair. I’ve never felt this lonely before and it’s killing me inside.

I’m always here for you. You are my rock, my life and my soulmate. You can tell me anything at anytime, and I will do whatever I can to take care of you.

If you’re ever sad, just look at the sea. I’ll always be there in the ocean, waiting for the days when we can be together forever.

Dear wife, I’m writing to you for the first time in about 2 years. I’ve thought about you everyday since you left. It breaks my heart that we are apart and worse, that I have no idea where you are or what your life is like without me.

I know it’s hard to believe but I miss you so much. You are the love of my life-the one person on this Earth who looked at me and saw something special.

You might be gone from my sight but you will never be far from my heart. I miss you so much !

Every day I miss you more and every night I shed tears for you. There are so many things left unsaid, countless memories we have not shared together yet. I love you and I always will.

I miss you so much. Every day is hard without you here. I am so happy we have been dating for 4 years now, and I can’t wait to marry you one day. I love you.

I love you. I am sorry that I wasn’t there when you needed me the most. I can never make up for that, but know that every day I spend away from you is hell.

My heart aches to be with you and my mind can’t stop thinking about you. I miss your laugh and the way your hair feels between my fingers. The first thing I do in the morning is think about you.

I love you so much. I feel broken without you. Our home is not the same without your touch, or the laughter of our kids floating through the halls. Life isn’t right when you are gone, and it has been almost 4 months now.

You promised that we would face life together and grow for better times ahead. Why did you have to go? I still hold hope that you will return soon and we can live our future again. I love you, always and forever!

I try not to get mad when you’re late, but it’s very hard. I worry so much about you. I wish I could be there with you and hold your hand again. You are the most amazing women in the world. I miss you so much!

How did I get so lucky to have a woman like you? Every time I hear your voice my heart melts. I look forward to every call, text, and email. You are my princess and my queen and I will treat you as such.

When someone writes “I love you” I take this to mean that they are dedicating themselves to your happiness. That is all I want, to make you happy. If you love someone, tell them!

As a single mom the depression got the best of me. Take care of my 2 young children, make sure they are safe. I cries every night thinking of you and what we will never have together.

My life is full of regret and sorrow. How I long for your touch, to see your face, to smell your scent and taste you again. I am sorry. I will always love you!

If you’re reading this, I’m gone. You probably think I left you for another woman, but that’s not it. I wish I could have told you the truth.

I was diagnosed with leukemia and I haven’t much longer to live. If it makes you feel any better, death is just a door that everyone eventually walks through, and I would rather it be by my wife’s hand than cancer.

I wish I could hug you, kiss you and hold you in my arms right now. I miss your hugs, the way you smell and the way you love me so much.

I wish we could watch movies together at night, laugh while eating dinner or watch your favorite team play. You were my best friend and the women of my dreams all wrapped into one person. You were always there for me no matter what.

I don’t know where you are and I miss you every minute of every day. You are the love of my life and I am sorry if I failed as your husband. Please come home as soon as you can!

I sit here alone in our quiet home. You’re not here to share with me the joys of our day. I know you are out there somewhere, going through your struggles. You are a stranger to me now and that pains me more than it should. I love you. I miss you. Come home…

I miss you. I miss you so much. I can barely hold on without you here. All I want is to lay down in bed with you and hold you close, then wake up next to you each morning. To kiss your lips, to hold your hand, to cherish your love and feel the warmth of your soul.

All lonely and afraid I still feel your presence here, in my room, on the street,everywhere. I dream of you every night. So vivid, so real.

Why did you leave me here? You said you’d love me forever,said our love would last. But it didn’t. I had thought that when we married that nothing would be able to separate us,but sadly I was wrong;you were taken away in a blink of an eye.

There’s something awfully wrong with the way we are living our lives. You’re not here, but everywhere I look I see you. Even though you’re so far away, you fill my heart with love and warmth. But it’s so hard when you can’t even hold me tight & kiss me goodnight.

I feel selfish for saying this, but I miss your touch. It’s just not the same without you here beside me, to help me through the lonely nights.

I love you and miss you so much my sexy wife. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again and make passionate love to you like we used to. Stay safe sweetie!

When I am with you I feel so many emotions that I can’t seem to explain.. one is love. Another is WOW when you say the things you do, I just…I don’t know what to say.

When we are apart that awed feeling turns into missing you. Sometimes it feels like an eternity until I see your face again and on some occasions I just cry because I miss you so much.

I miss you. I have heard the news, and I am at a loss for words. God gave me an angel for a wife, and now he has taken her back. Without you here my life is incomplete, but through all my tears I can still see your beautiful smile.

Every day you were taken from me, I sent up a prayer that you are safe in his hands until we are united again on earth. Take care of each other and stay strong.

Dear husband, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think I could possibly love you as much as I do. You are my best friend, my soul mate. You complete me.

You make me a happier person, and I just cannot imagine my life without you in it. You are the love of my life and there is no one else I would rather spend it with. You always make time for me even though you may be busy.

I love you more than all the stars in the sky. You are my sunshine. I wonder everyday when you will be back home! I miss your smile immensely, and of course the touch of your lips against mine.

I greet everyone with a smile but when they ask me why i’m so happy all I can do is hold back tears and hide behind my smile. I am lonely without you, come home soon!

I wish you could have held my hand when I went to sleep. I wish you could have kissed me and held me close. And I wish you could have reached out and felt my warmth next to you today, because something horrible happened today. Today I died. And I am still here…

My love, you may wonder why I haven’t visited you in 2 weeks. Truthfully I have been ill with worry. I missed the day you went to see your friend because the news of a lost child was in my city paper and the only thing on my mind was the possibility of losing you.

That night I woke up in anguish and it took me hours to fall asleep my eyes filled with tears. Today as I read about a recent death of a mother and her child from this disease,

I have wanted to write this letter for a long time, because one of the hardest things in my entire life is being separated from you, even though you’re in close proximity. No matter how strong I may try to be, I find that I do miss you and can’t wait for our daily talks.

Your sudden absence has left my world in a cold dreary gray. I miss your laugh and your touch so much that it hurts. I need you here to help me through these tough times. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, when I’m with you my heart dances and sings. Please come back soon.”

My heart aches so much, it feels like it has been torn from my chest. I try to hold back the tears, but to no avail. My love for you is so strong that I can’t help but let my pain show. I am sorry for the pain that I have caused you and all the tears. Please know that you are always in my heart and on my mind. I love you!

I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t wait to see your beautiful heart fluttering smile. To feel your graceful arms around me, warm and safe. Without you our home is not complete, you are a big part of my life.

It’s so bittersweet to wake up knowing you’re not here beside me. Your smile, your kiss and your love, have made my life more complete than I could have ever hoped for. I am so lucky to be given the chance to grow old with the one I love. I miss you so much my darling wife! xoxoxo

I miss you so much my beautiful wife. This long distance is killing me, I just wish we could be together. Money is such a silly thing when it comes to love, sometimes it’s the only thing that keep us apart.

The days have grown short and the nights have grown long as my wife has been gone for a year. She was taken from me in one swift moment. I miss her laugh and her smile, the way she danced.

My heart is missing a beat with every passing day. I just wish she would come back to me so I could make her feel my love again and appreciate her more than ever before.

I never thought this would have to be one of my hardest letters to write. I never thought I’d have to tell you that I won’t be home when you return from work. The reason is far too great a burden for me to bear by myself, so I need you here with me.

It’s been two years since you’ve passed away. I still miss you and think about you every day. You were my soul mate and best friend. I will never love another woman the way that I loved you. Although it’s not easy, I continue my day to day life with the help of your memory.

You are the only woman I need in my life. Whenever I can’t reach my darling wife, I could easily go mad looking for her. But you know how it is, working full-time and juggling a freelance career, leaving me with little time to spend with my angel wife. I love you!

Our love is like the ocean. Sometimes blue and sometimes stormy. Sometimes it crashes over me, sometimes I’m swimming in it, sometimes I’m lost at sea, but no matter what it’s always there. I love you baby!

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