Home Hair Growth Tips How to Do a Scalp Massage for Hair Growth: DIY Techniques

How to Do a Scalp Massage for Hair Growth: DIY Techniques

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The benefits of a scalp massage include stress alleviation, hair thinning, regrowth, and growth, among many other things.

This post will explain how to massage your scalp to promote hair development, including the precise motions you should take whether doing it at home or with a professional.

How to Massage Your Scalp to Promote Hair Growth

In this video, board-certified physician Dr. Taz MD demonstrates a thorough, step-by-step conventional scalp massage for promoting hair growth.

In this video, Dr. Taz, MD, demonstrates how to massage your scalp with essential oils to help reverse hair loss and promote hair growth. This method works similarly to Rogaine, but without the negative side effects. Try it out for yourself for a few months.

A combination of peppermint and rosemary essential oils in a carrier oil is used in the massage. Because hair follicles have a 60-day cycle, hair regeneration won’t happen right away, and it may take three to four months to see benefits.

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Step-by-Step Instructions for Standardized Scalp Massages

Certainly! Here are step-by-step instructions for a standardized scalp massage:

  1. Prepare Your Space:
  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down.
  • Ensure good lighting and ventilation in the room.
  1. Gather Supplies (optional):
  • You may use a few drops of essential oils for added relaxation. Common choices include lavender, rosemary, or peppermint.
  1. Sit Comfortably:
  • Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight.
  1. Relax:
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.
  1. Warm Up Your Hands:
  • Rub your hands together to generate some warmth.
  1. Start at the Forehead:
  • Begin by placing your fingertips at the center of your forehead (the hairline).
  • Apply gentle pressure and move your fingertips in small circles.
  • Gradually move from the center towards your temples.
  1. Move to the Temples:
  • Once you reach your temples, use your thumbs to apply a gentle, circular motion.
  • Continue for a minute or two.
  1. Massage the Sides of the Head:
  • With your fingertips, massage the sides of your head in a circular motion, moving towards the back of your head.
  • Pay attention to any areas that feel tense.
  1. Massage the Back of the Head:
  • Reach the back of your head, just above your neck.
  • Use your fingertips to apply gentle pressure in a circular motion.
  1. Cover the Entire Scalp:
    • Continue the circular motion, working your way across your entire scalp.
    • Make sure to cover the entire area, from the hairline to the back of your head.
  2. Apply Gentle Pressure:
    • Keep the pressure gentle but firm to avoid causing discomfort.
  3. Focus on Tension Areas:
    • Pay extra attention to areas where you may feel tension or knots.
  4. Repeat as Desired:
    • You can repeat these steps as many times as you like, typically for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Finish with Deep Breaths:
    • To conclude, take a few deep breaths and relax for a moment.
  6. Cleanse and Refresh (optional):
    • If you used essential oils, consider rinsing your hair or washing it to remove excess oil.

Remember to adjust the pressure and intensity of the massage to your personal preference. Scalp massages are not only relaxing but can also help improve circulation and promote hair health. Enjoy the soothing benefits of this massage routine!

Why Should I Massage My Scalp?

Firstly, let us discuss the significance of massage treatment. There are numerous organs in our body, each with a unique purpose. Still, the greatest organ in the body’s integumentary system is our skin, which includes the scalp on your head, or our protective covering.

One of the various areas of the body where hair grows is the scalp. The stratum corneum, the topmost layer of the scalp, regenerates every two weeks. This skin renewal process happens far faster than it does in other parts of the body.

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How to Grow a healthy Scalp

To begin with, we advise you to handle your scalp with the same caution that you would your face. We discuss natural hair with a lot of ladies, and this tip frequently opens their eyes.

Your scalp’s pores can become clogged, just like the pores on your face. Hair products such as oils, butters, and greases can potentially block the hair follicles.
The constant accumulation of items on your scalp might interfere with your ability to keep the right balance between protein and moisture, which can result in extreme dryness and possibly affect your goals for hair development.

Because it produces sebum, the scalp has its own natural moisturising properties. Sebum is a material from the sebaceous glands that resembles “oil.”

When they observe that their scalp is dry, people frequently desire to use more products in the hopes that this will solve the problem. Nevertheless, using more products may result in product buildup on the scalp, which can clog pores and prevent the scalp from breathing.

Sweat must be able to pass through the pores on your scalp, just like it can on any other part of your skin. You’ll experience problems with product build-up otherwise. Hair products have the potential to clog pores, which would hinder the scalp’s growth.

Following a regular schedule for hair washing and conditioning is the greatest approach to take care of your scalp.

Do Scalp Massages Stimulate Hair Growth?

Scalp massages can have some potential benefits for hair growth, but it’s important to understand that they are not a guaranteed solution. Here’s how scalp massages may stimulate hair growth:

  1. Improved Blood Circulation: Massaging the scalp can increase blood flow to the hair follicles. This improved circulation may help deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the follicles, which could support hair growth.
  2. Relaxation: Scalp massages are known for their relaxation benefits. Reduced stress and tension may indirectly support hair health, as stress is linked to hair loss.
  3. DHT Reduction: Some studies suggest that scalp massages could help reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp. DHT is associated with hair loss in individuals with androgenetic alopecia.
  4. Improved Hair and Scalp Health: Regular massages may help keep the scalp and hair healthy, preventing conditions like dandruff and inflammation, which can contribute to hair loss.

It’s worth noting that while there is some scientific evidence supporting these potential benefits, the effects of scalp massages on hair growth can vary from person to person. Factors like genetics, overall health, and the cause of hair loss can influence the results.

Scalp massages can be a complementary practice to other hair growth treatments and a part of a holistic approach to maintaining healthy hair. If you’re experiencing significant hair loss or have concerns about your hair, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or dermatologist for a personalized evaluation and recommendations.


In conclusion, scalp massages can offer several potential benefits for hair growth, primarily through improved blood circulation, reduced stress, and enhanced scalp and hair health. While they are not a guaranteed solution for hair loss, they can be a valuable part of a holistic approach to maintaining healthy hair.

If you’re interested in using scalp massages to support hair growth, it’s essential to do them regularly and consider combining them with other recommended hair care practices. However, for more severe or persistent hair loss concerns, it’s advisable to seek professional advice from a healthcare provider or dermatologist to explore personalized treatment options.

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