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Prayer Quotes for Your Daughter in Heaven

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Losing a daughter is an unimaginable pain that no parent should ever experience. When our precious daughters depart from this world, they leave behind cherished memories and an everlasting bond. In times of grief and remembrance, prayer can be a source of comfort and strength. Here are some heartfelt prayer quotes that can serve as a guiding light in honoring the memory of your beloved daughter in heaven.

Prayer Quotes for Your Daughter in Heaven

As a father, I’ve had to say goodbye to my youngest daughter.

Day by day, My daughter, I miss you more & more. Please keep me in your prayers. Have a beautiful day in heaven.

I know that heaven has you now, but I cannot close my eyes without a tear.

I will love you forever and ever, for always and always. I promise to keep you alive in my heart until I can hold your hand again.”

My dearest daughter, love is not nearly enough of a word to describe the way I feel for you.

There is no such thing as too much love – the very air I breathe is made of love.

The hugeness of my love for you permeates my soul with immense sorrow that we were apart so long, but the ecstasy of being reunited forever warms my heart.

I will always be there for you, and our angel wings will shield you from harm and sadness.

Dearest daughter, I love you with all my heart and will miss you each minute of every day.

I cry and mourn when I look at your empty room but am so thankful that we have pictures to remember what a sweet girl you were.

I see in your beautiful face the joy you always had for life, even as a newborn.

You are no longer sick or in pain and now running and playing with the angels.

Though my eyes are closed, I can still see you. Though my ears do not hear your voice, I can still hear you.

Though your hands do not touch me, I can always feel you. My daughter, this hand will always reach for yours.

My dearest daughter, I can’t wait to hug you one day. I can not imagine my life without you in it.

We miss you, we cherish every memory of our time with you. You have taught me so much and I will never stop loving you.

We miss your laughter and your sparkle. You filled our hearts with so much love that it will never go away.

Dear Daughter, you were taken from us too soon. We wish we could trade places with you, but we know that this is not our time. We will always love you and miss you, my sweet girl.

Dear God, I still can’t believe it. Your daughter is in heaven now. I still can’t face the painful fact that I will never see her again.

God, I miss her every second of every day. Please watch over her in heaven and protect her from all evil spirits..keep her happy and safe.

She was so young and vibrant for a long time and it urged me to see her withering away from cancer so young.

You were given to me but for a moment. I hold you close. Your sweet, still face. I breathe you in.

I want to touch your sweet warm skin again and again. You are mine only while I breathe, yet lifetime’s in my heart.

Remember that I love you, I miss you and I need you to dry the tears from my heart. It is so hard for me to live without you.

I’ll never see you laugh, grow up, or get married. I’ll never be there to hold your hand…. But I promise that I’ll always pray to keep you safe and healthy in heaven.

Dear God, watch over my beautiful daughter and guide her through the long path ahead.

Help her move on from this tragedy and find a new perspective on life.

Please provide comfort to the other families that are suffering just as we are.

We pray for your guidance, strength, and wisdom to help us all through these troubled times…

If moments could speak, this one would say “I love you my child, my daughter”.

If tears could build a stairway, I’d walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

I loved you, and I will never forget that. As the years go by I won’t forget your face or name.

I will always remember how beautiful you were and how sweet you were. I love you, Mommy.

I trust in you, God, for everything. I know you will lead me to what is best.

I trust that you will be done and for this I’m thankful. Soon we will see you again.

Please be with us all in our hearts today and always; wherever we are may Your love go with us and fill us with peace.

God’s most precious child, I love you and miss you so much it hurts. The days are long and the nights are longer without your kisses.

Your smile reminds me of the sun at its peak, and your laughter makes me dance like a little kid.

Whenever you are happy and in good health, or upset or lonely, just remember that I’m there for you.

I want you to know that I love you more every day and I am always thinking of you. Remember to call me or write me whenever you need me.

I remember when you started kindergarten, I had no idea what you would be like. But now I see a beautiful girl growing each day.

It makes me happy to know she is mine. I will always love you and one day I hope to hold you again in my arms.

I love you so much, sweetie. You bring so much joy to this house that I can’t stop smiling.

I know this isn’t your place yet, but if it were, I would lock you in here forever. Love, Mom

I know you’re looking down on me buddy. This last year has been the hardest thing I have ever had to face, but I know you are smiling because you are watching over me.

You have taught me so much and given me strength where I didn’t think there was any left. I will always love you and your memory will never fade.

You were the best daughter a father could ask for and I am so proud to say that I was your dad.

Every tear I cry is for you. It’s not supposed to be like this, it hurts so much.

It’s been more than two years and it still feels like yesterday. Sometimes I question why you were taken from us.

My love for you is eternal. I will never stop loving or missing you. And I will always be proud of my precious daughter. My beautiful little girl.

There are no words to describe how much I love you. I will always love you, and holding back tears I watch you in Heaven.

When I think of you, I smile. When I see your name written down, my heart skips a beat.

I think about you every day and pray for you when the nights feel cold and dark.

You will forever be present in my prayers, though my words seem empty and insignificant compared to the love burning inside of me.

Dear Babe, Please look down from Heaven and protect your mother. She’s having a hard time.

You have a guardian angel watching over you, and she has a guardian angel watching over her.

Let them know you are ok, and if they don’t know it already, please tell them we love them very much. With lots of Love!

I know you are in heaven looking down on us and helping us through every day.

I want to give you a big hug and kiss, for your birthday. You are always with me, all the time. Love you always.

Dear Jenean, I miss you so much. I want to see you, hold your hand, and hear your voice. But God made another plan.

We are going to put our trust in Him and serve Him for the rest of our lives.

I am so very proud of the person you were becoming and the love you showered on everyone around you. I love you with all my heart.

I promise to never leave you. I will stand to watch every night by your grave and cry rivers of tears for you…

I love you to the moon and back baby girl, till my dying day…

You are my firstborn. My first love. My angel. I hear your voice when you speak.

I feel your kiss upon my cheek when you see a butterfly. When I wake I go to bed with you on my mind because you are everywhere in everything that I do.

You fill me with happiness, joy, and peace so deep that I can’t contain it. The thought of losing you is unbearable – the thought of living without you is unbearable.

I have never known the one person who could fulfill me as much as my daughter, to say I love you so much it hurts means nothing in comparison to how I truly feel.

There is a void in my heart only she could fill and now she is gone, I am broken beyond repair.

We can never be whole again without her. For this world holds no more happiness for me now that you’re gone.

I don’t know how you did it, but somehow, somewhere you snuck into my heart and you never left.

I feel such a void in my life without you here. I love you more than anything and no matter how hard times get I will survive for you.

I don’t care how close you are to God, as long as you’re close. As long as you never have to wonder if he’s watching over you while you walk through those pearly gates.

If there are mountains, I want to stand on them with you. If there are valleys, I want to walk through them with you.

I pray that angels watch over you. I pray that you are always surrounded by love and light.

I pray for your happiness and your love in the afterlife. I will miss you every single day of my life, but in heaven we will meet again.

I pray for you every night, wondering what you might be up to. Sometimes I see you dancing in the clouds, or laughing quietly under the setting sun.

Other times I see you standing far away, watching over me and guiding my way.

Always there is a new reason to smile and feel joy knowing that we share a bond that will never break.

You are in our hearts and mind always and will be missed and loved every day of our lives.

May the lord keep you in his hand, protect you from all evil, and see you safely through this life, and into his kingdom.

If I could, I would reach out to touch your cheek one more time and whisper in your ear that I will always love you.

Your love is what I live for, your little giggles are what I reach for.

I hope you can see me, as I fight to keep my head held high. The pain across this country is so great and so deep.

Your daddy and I will never stop missing you, we’ll sing your songs until the day we die.

Our hearts are broken into a million pieces just thinking about you, we know that heaven is a beautiful place…

To my baby girl, I am the worst mom ever. I wish I could just take your pain away and take it on myself in your place.

I pray you are with God. May He bless you and protect you always.

I love you more than all the diamonds in the world. You were always my proudest accomplishment.

Thank you for leaving me with such beautiful memories and a legacy of faith to share with our entire family, forever.

We will see you again soon in heaven, until then, I will continue to miss you every single day.

I love you Sarah with all my heart and soul…I will never let go of your hand. You are my number one, You will always have my heart. I miss you, little girl!!!!

Dear Lord, please help me to remember that the place that Courtney has gone to made her pain go away.

I never want to forget how much she loved me, how much I love her, and how in my heart she will always live on.

Dear baby girl, I miss you so much. I wish I could turn back time and wear you in my arms again.

You are always the first thing on my mind when I wake up every morning and the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep at night. I feel empty without your smiling face by my side.

Your blessings are all around me every day, which is your way of telling me that you are OK and happy where you are. Although sometimes it still hurts to breathe.

Goodbye my sweet darling, I miss you more than anything. You were truly the most beautiful part of my life and I wish you didn’t have to leave.

I pray that God will take care of you and that you feel no pain or suffering. I only want happiness for you, not tears of sadness.

May peace surround you always and may God hold you in His arms if it is His will and His timing.

I can’t believe that it has been a year since you left us. The pain and sadness of losing you still lingers in my heart.

There are times when it gets overwhelming, but I find myself thinking of the amazing person that you were.

I can’t wait to pick you up again and hug you tight so that you can see how much we all love and miss you.

I have peace knowing that your time with us was short, but that you lived a long full life on Earth.

Dear Father, Please watch over my daughter as she goes through her challenges. Bring peace to her heart and a softness to her head.

Thank you for this special time with my daughter and for the joy that she has brought to our lives.

We ask that you guide her and keep her safe and give her the strength she needs in the many days, weeks, months, and years ahead.

We know you will be with her at all times and we thank you for your love and guidance. Amen

Our beautiful daughter, the light of our life. We miss you every day. To see the world without you in it is not a place we want to be.

You are more than words can say and were so blessed to have known you for even a short time. Now you’re all grown up…you will always be our little girl!

Let all my sorrows be whispers, let all my sins be dreams, and the love I have for you be a thunderous storm.

You are my sunshine, you are my only sunshine. You make me happy when the skies are gray.

You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please stay in heaven for me until God calls me home. He will keep you close to His heart and take care of all your needs.

God’s love never fails. A mother’s love knows no bounds. There are no depths that a father’s love won’t reach.

They say that a parent’s love is forever; it is strong and never fades. God has blessed me with two beautiful daughters.

One, I watch from heaven as she grows in grace. The other, by my side, will be the last face I see. I miss my girls, Lord, but I trust in your plan.

Now that your time here has ended, may God bless you and keep you.

We will see you again one day in heaven. Be safe and know that you are deeply loved.

We are broken without you, but we will find our strength and feel your spirit.

You have touched so many lives and made so many people smile.

We love you with all our hearts and miss you more than words can describe. Hold on tight Princess, until we can be together again. Daddy and I love you so much!

I think of you every day. Often I wonder why bad things happen to good people like us, though I do realize that it was a wicked disease and there is no justification for your death.

I just miss you so much that sometimes I feel like part of my heart is missing.

You are in heaven now, with God, and I know you are happy. And that comforts me greatly.

Dearest Daughter, you have to yet experience so many things in this life. You haven’t gotten to dance at your Prom, graduate from college, or walk down the aisle on your wedding day.

Only did you leave behind a family that misses you very dearly, but you left us all at a time when our country was being attacked by terrorism like never before.

I pray for your safety and your protection from the evil forces that lurk in the world around you.

It isn’t for ornament or display, it is a part of you. It doesn’t show off your money- it shows off your heart.

Don’t let the cynics deflate your soul- hold this card next to your heart and take courage from knowing that you are undeniably loved!

Our hearts are filled with sadness, but our spirits are filled with joy and love for you.

We love you so much and we miss you so much. We pray that you are at peace in heaven and all is well.

God gave me an angel on earth when he sent you. You were loved by everyone.

I’m so thankful that you were my daughter and that I was your mamma.

I love you so much, sweet angel. You have taught me more than you will ever know. I will hold you in my heart forever and I will love you always.

You are always in our hearts and minds. We pray that you are free from pain and suffering, we pray that you are at peace.

We love you dearly and miss you more than I can express.

Baby Girl, I miss you now more than ever. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and look for you. I love you, and I always will…

You are my angel, my heart, and the light of my life. You were taken from me too soon; I will never forget you.

You told me that all I had to do was believe in God and that you would be okay. You are an inspiration to me, your brother your sister, and the whole family.

I promise to be strong to honor the memory of your life. I will love you and miss you until we meet again. Your life is forever in my heart.

I am your mother and I will always be there for you. I loved you with all my heart.

I was always proud of you and your choices in life, even though sometimes it cost me to lose sleep at night. I love you, baby girl!

I hope that you are happy up there in heaven with your grandfather. I pray every day that he will take care of you and that you are having a good time.

I love you and miss you very much. I can not wait until we get to see each other again.

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