Home Love Messages A farewell message for my aunt who passed away

A farewell message for my aunt who passed away

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Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging experiences life throws our way. When that loved one is your dear aunt, the pain can feel insurmountable. During this difficult time, finding the right words to say in a farewell message can bring some solace and closure. In this article, we will explore how to write a touching farewell message to your aunt who has passed away, ways to honor her memory, and offer insights based on personal experiences and expertise.

A farewell message for my aunt who passed away

I miss you so much and I wish we still had those days of movies, singing around the piano and playing dress up. I’m glad your pain is gone, but I will miss you forever.

 You loved us both so much and always made me feel special. I hope we get to see you again in heaven one day. I will love you forever and miss you dearly!

I love you and thank you for teaching me so much and always being there, even when it was hard to be at times. I will always remember you and try my best to be a good person like you! Love, Madison

Two things I’ll forever be thankful for is the day you gave me life and the day you gave your life to Christ. I will miss you and thank God we had each other in this short lifetime.

It is often difficult to find meaning in these events. The world will be sadder and duller without you, but eventually we all have to go. Life will go on, and many of us will never know why this happened to you.

As I go on without you I will definitely think of you from time to time and our incredible adventures together. You are my one true love and the person I admired most in the world. Love you always.

I know that I’m a better person because of you. You were taken from us far too soon, but I know that you are now free from all your pain and suffering. You will forever live on in our hearts and those who knew you best will never forget you.

You went through a difficult time when no one else there for you. But that all changed when he came into your life. Forever grateful for the love that you shared, the lessons you taught me, and most of all for not giving up on life.

You had the most generous smile on your face with your eyelashes brushing against your cheeks, like a dream. As much as I loved you while you were here, I miss you even more now that you are gone. Rest in peace, aunt dear!

You always gave such good advice and were so sweet the entire time I knew you. You used to call me princess and treated me like a queen, and I know you’re watching over me now. Goodbye my dear Aunt.

God has blessed me with an amazing family and friends who have your back even though you’re not here anymore. Love you tons and miss you very much Aunt D!

Thank you for loving me, and for being a wonderful role model in my life. Thank you for teaching me how to make love and laugh. 

So, I guess there is nothing left to do except tell you myself, and attempt to thank you for everything that you weren’t able to say in your final days. 

My heart is torn and my mind is numb at the loss of my dear aunt Louise who was more than just a friend to me but an incredible woman who made every moment we shared together a beautiful memory that will be forever embedded in my heart.

We’ll never stop talking about you or thinking about you, but we will always remember the great laughs, smiles, feels and most of all your ability to make everything seem better. Rest in peace my friend until we meet again. Love, Lauren

You have taught me so much in life. If everything is supposed to happen for a reason, then I don’t know why you left us here on earth, but I do know that you are watching over us and still guiding us through your amazing inspirational personality. Love you forever!

I told him my life was better with you in it and he smiled and shook his head in agreement. But as selfish as this may sound, part of me is mad that God has taken the best person from this life away from me. I remember all those times when you were there for me. 

You are at peace, running and playing with the dogs, wolves and foxes in paradise. It’s okay for your soul to rest now… I love you so much!

I will miss your smiles, kisses and the way you can make me feel at ease just by your presence. You have taught me so much in the short time that we spent together and I hope to make your wishes come true by being a better perso

I don’t know what to say to you now that you are gone, but I wanted to let you know that I love you and will miss you.

You were the best aunt anyone could ask for. You loved the family so much, especially me. You always told me I was special and that you loved me.

I will always love you, and I will never forget you. You were a special lady who helped me grow into the person I am today. Thank you for being in my life, I love you so much!

You were my best friend. You held me through some of the toughest times of my life. I love you so much!

You were my aunt, my sister. You were there to calm me down when I had a bad dream as a child and to laugh with me at my first date with the man who is now my husband.

I will never forget you. I wish you could still be here with me to fulfill my life. I love you and miss you so much. Thank you for taking care of me.

The past year has been hard for you, the doctors all agreed it was best if you stop fighting. I will miss you so much but just remember that I will always be with you in my heart. I love you a lot and will always cherish our memories together.

I know you don’t want to leave me, but I am grateful for your 42 years on earth. You were and still are the best person to be around. I will cherish our times together forever. You have my heart, untill we meet again.

I will miss you so much. The truth is I already do. But I know that you are better off than any of us. I hope you are happy, warm and loved by many down there. You were the best aunt any girl could ever ask for!

I am sure you can feel all the love and warmth here today. When I think of you, I think of happiness, laughter and joy.

To my dearest aunt, I am so grateful for all the love and time you gave me. You taught me the true meaning of love, life and happiness. You are with my father now and you will never be forgotten.

My dear Aunt, I had to write you a note as your leaving marks the end of an era. Life is full of unexpected surprises, events that cannot be explained and people who leave your life for reasons that are often nebulous and mysterious.

Goodbye my dearest Teresa, my heart will miss you so much. I wish I could have spent more time with you, but that was not to be.

You were the kindest woman I have ever known. You always loved with your whole heart and would forgive even the worst of us. I am not as brave or as caring as you. We will all dearly miss you, but we know that your spirit still lives within us. We love you and will never forget you.

I want to say I love you one last time, but I am not sure if the words will mean much. As we part ways and in our own paths, try your best to remember that although it may seem dark and endless at times, you will find the light again. Always know that I love you and you will be forever missed.

Your life here on earth is coming to an end, but your spirit will live on and shine brightly in the hearts of everyone who knows you for as long as this world continues. I know your smile lives on, forever etched in my mind and soul. Until we meet again…I love you.

I will always remember all the wonderful memories shared with you. It makes me smile to think of all the funny stories and life lessons learned as we journeyed through life together.

We always thought we’ll grow old together. Always talked about who would take care of whom when we got old. Never imagined that you would leave me here, all alone and in despair. All I can say is I wish somehow our paths could cross again someday in the future as possible.

I hope everything in the afterlife is going well for you! I wish we could have had a chance to see each other again, but I’m so glad you left me with such wonderful memories. I love you lots and many more afterwards!

Life is too short to be anything but happy, and I am so glad you had the courage to admit your true feelings for one another.

I can’t believe you are gone, I still can’t believe it but I saw you so peacefully lying in your casket. You looked so calm and peaceful as if you were only asleep.

I miss you so much, but you will never be forgotten! You were an amazing woman and your life was so meaningful. I hope you are in a better place now and I know you are looking down on us. I love you so much.

I didn’t know you for very long, but I will never forget you, or the way I felt when you told me how proud of me you were. Auntie, thank you for believing in me and helping me get into the career I wanted.

I miss you, I love you and thank you. I pray for the day where we can reunite in heaven and watch over our family.

You were the most beautiful woman with a heart bigger than anyone. I will always remember you. You touched everyone’s life in a special way. You will be missed by all, but never forgotten.

Even though you are far away I know that you are sitting with the angels. Our time together was too short and I wish it would have went on longer. You were like a mom, grandma and friend to me all in one, so I’m going to give you my gift by living like your legacy tells me to.

life is unpredictable, but your smile was unforgettable. I love you and I will miss you dearly! I hope you are at peace now with the Lord.

I’ll never forgot you. I love you. My life will never be the same without you. You are my angel and I’ll keep you in my heart forever.

Dad had told me a hundred times how you loved me so, but for my own peace of mind I never knew because I never heard it out loud.

I will never forget you! I love you so much and I will always carry your spirit with me. Every day I’ll think of you and smile knowing that we’re together once again, if only in my thoughts.

You are my heart and soul. You have taught me every single thing I know about life and I love you for it. You will forever be in my heart. PLEASE COME BACK.

My beloved aunt, I am really grateful for all the love you gave me when I was younger. I miss you very much and I don’t know what to do without you! Forever in my heart, my love.

For the most wonderful and beautiful woman I have ever known. I hate to see you go but know that I will see you again someday. All my love is always with you.

I am sorry we didn’t get a chance to say goodbye before you passed, but I want you to know that I am proud to have been your niece. You are the strongest woman I know. I hope you can see how much you are loved and missed. Love you always & forever, Tanya

I’ll hold you tight and stay with you till the dawn, till the dawn of a new day. I will not let go of your hand for I have no other.

No one will ever be able to fill the shoes of my aunt. She always said the most amazing things and I love and miss her every day. You were a great inspiration to all of us and we hope you will continue to watch over us from above because we need you still. Love, -Still (your niece)

I will always love you, even when I’m gone. I want you to know that wherever my journey in life leads me, I’ll never forget you or our time together. Love forever and always.

I’m sorry you had to go, but I know it’s OK. You are now at peace and free from the pain you endured for as long as you could hold on. Now you are with your mom again and that makes me HAPPY! I love you, beautiful. May God bless you.

I know you are up there looking out for everyone and everything. I hope you can see how much love and caring we all poured into this book for you. You are loved by so many and we all miss you every single day.

Dear, If I could write down all the amazing memories we have made, there would be a stack of paper as tall as us. We have supported each other through thick and thin.

You are with God now, I know you’re heaving a sigh of relief. You were a good soul that did everything for everyone around you. I will miss you dearly, but the angels will take care of you up above.

When God came to me with the idea that you would have to leave early, I fought against it.

I do not accept this as the end, I will see you again. You were my dear aunt whom I never got to know. I regret that, but I will do what I can in memory of you. Thank you for everything you have done for me. May God bless you and protect you in Heaven until we meet again someday.

Goodbye sister, niece, friend and mother. I miss you more than you will ever know. You were the only one that I could truly be myself around. I love you so much. You will always remain in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers. I love you – ed

You were my rock, the person I had to lean on and depend on for everything, and now you’re gone. You left me with a hole in my heart but I will always have your memories. Miss you… Love you…

My dearest Aunt, I miss you. You lived a wonderful life and touched so many people. Your love and generosity will be missed. I wish you didn’t have to leave so soon, but I know you’re in a better place now.

Being your niece has been an honor and a blessing. Your life should be celebrated with a bittersweet joy that you are free from this world. n.

I have never felt such love for another person than I have for you. You were my role model, my confidant, my protector, my lawyer, my visionary and thoughtful aunt. I’ll never forget all the little things you did for me just because it was something I enjoyed doing. I will always love you and think of you every day!

The way you look at me with your big eyes full of love, is the way I will always look at you. Right now I feel so empty inside knowing that I’ll never see you again. You’re gone now, but forever in my heart.

I will miss our chats at the coffee shop and your advice. You have always been supportive of my life decisions and I will never forget that. I love you Auntie! I will see you again someday. -Audrey

It’s hard to believe you’re really gone, I don’t want to believe it. You were so amazing and called me your daughter from the day we met. I was only 2 years old but we were closer than any mother and daughter could be. You raised me like you were my mother and I am eternally grateful for that.

I always thought the word “love” was so overused. There is no word for what I feel about you. You are my shining light in this world. I will never forget you!

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