Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Niece Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Niece Who Passed Away

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The loss of a loved one is an indescribable pain that everyone must endure at some point in their lives. This article is dedicated to the memory of a cherished niece who has left an indelible mark on our hearts. We want to share a heartfelt farewell message to her, celebrating the life she lived and the joy she brought to those around her. This tribute aims to provide comfort to those who are coping with grief while honoring the beautiful soul that has left us.

A Farewell Message for My Niece Who Passed Away

I love you so much that it hurts to breathe sometimes because I can’t hug you to make it better. I wish I could hold you and kiss you again, just one more time!

It hurts so much to know that you’re gone, but I thank God everyday for giving me the opportunity to meet you and hold you before you passed away. I hope that you aren’t too sad up in heaven and that all your dreams have come true. 

 I picture your smiling little face and miss your laughter. You loved to make people laugh and that is exactly what you made me do when you were here with us. 

 You made me laugh, and you were a wonderful sounding board for my crazy ideas. I miss you so much but know you are in a better place. Heaven is lucky to have you.

You told me you were proud of me and that was the best thing a niece could hear from her aunt. I love you dearly, more than you will ever know. This is me saying goodbye the best way I can, from the bottom of my heart to your soul.

You were such an amazing child; so bright and full of laughter. May god keep your beautiful soul safe until we meet again someday.

Your laugh was infectious and your smile could light up the room. It breaks my heart into a million pieces knowing that you were taken away so soon, but I will always remember you with a smile on my face.

 I wish I could have been there to take care of you when you were sick and let you know how much I love you and that it would all get better. I will do everything in my power to make sure that your father and grandmother are okay. Love you!

I just wish I could have hugged you one last time and told you how proud of you I was. Know that I will never forget you and will always hold the memory of you in my heart!

I will never forget all the times we played “house”, how you asked for a baby brother or sister, how you told me, “I love you!’ every time I saw you, when you kissed my cheek and snuggled with me. 

I’ve been here and done that, it’s absolutely worth it. Life is what we make of it, so don’t ever second guess yourself or let circumstances think for you. 

I wish I could give you a hug and my unwavering love one more time. I hope for a day where we talk again. Until then, fly high baby girl!

I wish I could take your place, but now its time for us to part and go on our own journeys. I miss you everyday, every moment and always will…

 You were an amazing person and I will miss you every single day of my life. Please look after your brother for me. I love you both very much.

This card is to give my niece a farewell love letter. I will always love you and hold you in my heart. You is a great person and because of that I am so proud to be your uncle.

I love you, my sweet beautiful niece. Your gentle soul will always live on in our hearts.

It is with such sadness I say goodbye for this last time. I love you with all my heart and will miss you every day.

Laurie, I miss you so much. I can hear your voice and see your smile inside of my head. You brought me laughter, tears, hugs and joy. Our time together was too short but I always loved spending time with you. I hope you are at peace and no longer in pain.

There is a special place in Heaven for you. I miss you more than you know & I will always love you.

I’m not sorry that I came into your life, I’m only sorry it has to end this way. My life would not be complete without you and your mother. Thank you for being part of my life…

I have always wished for you to remember my love. Remember that I will always love and cherish you. The stars in the sky are where my eyes will always, always be!

I miss you so much sweetie. I smile when I think about all the fun times we had. You were such a joy to be around and seeing you smile made me feel like the happiest person in the world.

The world is a better place because you were in it. You were the most determined person I have ever known, and I will always cherish those memories we made. I love you!

Don’t be sad that you have gone, but happy in the knowledge that I shall live on a little bit through you. We shared some time together; from making mud pies to dancing to the girl scouts. I will always remember your sweet voice singing along to songs on the radio, and holding my hand tight.

Before I left for college I told you that I would always love you. I meant it and I still do. If Heaven were real I would spend it with you. I’m so proud of you, your beautiful and I know you are shining down on me from Heaven now as bright as the stars. I love you, don’t ever forget!

Someday, I’m sure you’ll be smiling down at me, perhaps even watching my every move. But for now, I will work so very hard to keep your memory alive, and remind myself and others of your amazing life. You are my little angel. Love you always!

A letter to my beautiful niece. I love you so much and miss you so much! You were and still are my darling baby boo! I hope you are watching me from heaven above because I’m still suffering, missing you so much!

Rest in eternal peace, my sweet niece. I love you forever and never will you be forgotten. “My love for you is bigger than the oceans, wider than a mile. It lasts forever, so my love won’t ever die….”

I love you my beautiful niece. You were a little star that shined bright and gave us so much joy. We will miss your crazy personality, but know that your wrapped in God’s warm embrace. Fly high beautiful girl!

My dear, sweet Lexi. I love you very much. You were a blessing to this world and will be forever missed.

You were such a bright spot in my life. I love you so much. I’m going to miss you always, but the memories will last forever.

I miss you so much and I love you more than the whole entire universe. You will always be my baby girl and will live on in my heart!

You are my beautiful and precious angel. You brought joy to our family in the short time you were on this earth. My love for you will last past all eternity. I promise it will never fade. The warmth of my heart and love of my soul will always be with you! I love you sweetheart!!

I miss you so much already. I can’t believe I won’t see your smile again, hear your voice, or feel your touch again! I love you with all my heart and I will forever.

My dearest Selena, I am getting ready to go on stage tonight, but I just need a minute to write you before the show. You have been with me for the last three weeks and every day I think of you.

I promised you I would write you a letter every year on your birthday. Even though I can’t do so physically, my love for you will never disappear. My spirit is with you always and my heart will never forget. You are the reason I smile and laugh everyday.

When I look back at my life, I don’t think about all the things could have been. Instead I think about the happiness we brought each other over our short time together.

Aunt Carmen Sorry I could not be there for the final goodbye. I was a world away and just couldn’t find the funding to make it in time.

I am purely heart broken that you had to leave this life. I love you so much and will never forget your smile. I will visit you every day in heaven and talk to you when I need inspiration.

You were the love of my life and I will always miss you. You were always the happiest child that anyone could have. You never said a bad thing to anyone.

You were so loved and you’re still missed. You taught me how to love and how to live life. It hurts every day without you. I tried to fill your place but no one could ever match your sparkle. You are still in my heart, love always.

Life is never easy. Especially when we have to say goodbye to the ones we love. But just know that while you are in our hearts, your name will be carried on. We love you so much and will miss you like crazy!

You will always be in my heart, you are a divinely blessed child. I love you, I will always love you.

Dear Natalia, I hope you are happy in Heaven. I will continue to think of you everyday and love you dearly. You were the best niece I could ask for, and a great sister to Olivia. I will never forget all the great times we had together and all the love you gave me. With love always, Aunt Emma

I wasn’t there for you in life. I’m sorry. You were such a beautiful, sweet girl with the best smile that I have ever seen.

I wish I could have told you how fabulous you were. You had so much life left to live, so many dreams to dream. So much love to give. You are the only one that outshone my smile.

You were my little firecracker. You shot across the sky in a blaze of light. I miss you more every day but I am so glad you are free up there flying and dancing with the angels. I’ll see you again soon, I promise!

It’s so hard to say goodbye, but I know you’re in a better place. You lit up my life with your smile and warmth that radiated from you. You were taken way to soon, but my heart still feels the pain of losing you. Your memory lives on in the hearts of those who cared for you. Rest in peace angel.

We will never forget your beautiful smile, the twinkle in your eyes when you saw us every morning before school. Although we lost you too soon, you will always remain in our hearts. We love you very much!

I never had the chance to say how much I love you. You and I used to be attached at the hip. Your laugh, your smile, your baby feet and chubby cheeks – they flash through my mind every day. You were taken from us too soon. I hope you know how much you’re loved and missed. I’ll always hold you in my heart.

The 20th of June was the last day I saw you, but my heart will always remember our time together. Each memory is a picture that I will cherish through my tears. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you again. You’ll always be my baby girl.

I don’t know if I’ll have the strength to do this. I love you so much and miss you even more. You have made my life so meaningful and given me a love that will last forever.

I’m so proud of you. You have the strongest heart I know and it will always be in my heart. I love you with all my heart!

Your smile could light up the sky, your dimples could make a fish jealous, and your laugh was contagious. I miss you and I love you with all my heart!

I Would give anything to have you back, but instead I will dedicate the rest of my life to making sure the good you did lives on. You are an inspiration to us all baby girl. Keep shining bright and never forget that we love you so much!

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. I hope you know that. If only I could bring your laughter back into my life. We will meet again someday and it will be better than ever!

Tomorrow will be the hardest day of my life. I’m so thankful to have had you as a part of it. You’ve lived 18 beautiful years, and that is more than most people can say.

Before you die, you have to choose how to live. Many people get nervous about living. But I tell you, this is nothing but a big wide open space that’s filled with opportunities waiting for someone to take advantage of it.

My dearest niece. I know that this message might not reach you, but I can’t possibly leave with out leaving you a message telling you how much I love and miss you. My thoughts are with you always.

To my darling niece, I will miss you always and love you endlessly. Fly with the angels baby girl, your special to so many.

Though you have left this world, I will always never forget you my beautiful. You were such an amazing little girl and I learned so much from you even though you were so young. Love is the most powerful thing in the universe. I love you baby girl! See you one day!

You were such a kind person who knew how to make everyone love you. I have so many wonderful memories of our times together that I will cherish forever. You left this world too soon but made such an impact that I am sure your legacy will live on for generations to come.

I hope that you are at peace and found the love you deserved. I miss you every day. Love always.

I am sorry I was not there to hold you on the last day of your life, but know I love and miss you. Your life was short but amazing. I hope that you are no longer in any pain and that you found peace.

I love you more than you could ever imagine. Your love changed the entire world. Your smile made everyone around you melt. You left a void in my life that no one will ever be able to fill.

I’m going and I know that you will be ok, but I wanted to say goodbye and tell you how much you meant to me. No one has ever made me so happy simply by being with them.

Darling, why did you leave us so soon? I’m sorry that I wasn’t strong enough to keep you with us. You were too sweet and gentle to go so quickly. The world is darker without your glowing smile.

Hold on to love, Katie. It’s a gift you must share with the world. Let your heart be light, dear one. Let your smile shine bright. I love you always, Auntie Jillian.

I can feel you! I can feel your hand touching my heart. I can feel your love, your warmth. You are never far from me. I feel you watching over me and I will feel the same way until we meet again…

I love you more than you will ever know. I only wish I could have been there for your whole life. Life goes on, and though it may not be exactly right now, one day it will be good again. Someday I will see you again and we can laugh together just like we always did!

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