Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Cousin Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Cousin Who Passed Away

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Losing a dear cousin is a deeply emotional experience, one that leaves us grappling with a mix of sorrow, cherished memories, and the desire to say a heartfelt farewell. In this article, we pay tribute to our departed loved ones by crafting a meaningful farewell message that expresses our love, appreciation, and the impact they had on our lives. Let’s navigate this journey of remembrance together, finding solace in shared memories and the enduring love we hold for our cousin who has passed away.

A Farewell Message for My Cousin Who Passed Away

There was never a time where we didn’t talk at least once a day, and there will never be another person like you on this earth. You were an amazing cousin with so much talent and potential and we all miss you very much. Rest in peace, Erin. Love always.

You were so special to me and I will never forget how much fun we had together running around the house having Star Wars galas! I am so sad to see you go but so happy to know that we will meet again.

I’ll miss you with all my heart. Love, Dave How do you share your love? Share below in the comments and don’t forget to vote for this blog!

Endless nights of music, dance parties, crazy amounts of food, and laughs that made our tummies hurt. We’ll always have those memories to keep us close and warm on those cold rainy

I hope you can understand that I want what’s best for you. I would hate to see you suffer more than what you already have. My heart aches at the idea of us being apart, but God has a plan and he knows what’s best.

I don’t know everything that happened to you when you were younger but I do know that now it is in your hands to make a choice; the choice of how the rest of your life will be. You can choose to let her control your life or choose to live for yourself.

You may not be here with me anymore, but you will always be with me in my thoughts and heart. I love you cousin and one day we will meet again.”

I thank God for putting such an amazing angel in my life. Your memory will be cherished forever!

Know that I love you and never want to lose touch. Whenever you need me, just shout…I will always be there for you! I will miss you terribly…love your cousin

I will always be with you in my thoughts, and hey, we will meet again someday in heaven! Thank you for everything you have done for me, I couldn’t ask for a better cousin. I love you dearly

I wish I could have helped find the cure that was hiding in your brain. I hope one day we will meet again so we can go fishing, play cards and football like we use to. I love you, cousin, and will forever miss your smile!

You always had my back. They say you only ever remember the bad times of someone, but they are wrong. I will always remember our good times together, your smile when I made a joke and when we danced together or sang karaoke

God has blessed us with a way better angel than you could have ever been. Our hearts are shattered like a broken mirror, and even though we can’t touch our souls will forever follow each other. Rest in Peace my dear cousin.

We had our ups and downs growing up but I’ll always remember the silly pranks we pulled off on each other. But now it’s the end of an era. I really don’t know what else to say but -you will be missed dearly!

It’s been a year that I have had to hear the news but it feels like forever since you’ve left. Love is what you gave, hope is what you took away.

Some carelessly leave before realizing cuantitavely how much they are wanted, needed, loved and cared for. I have seen it all too many times. My cousin, you were truly special. There will never be anyone quite like you.

You were an amazing person, full of life and so very talented. I still can’t believe that you are gone. You were destined for much more in this life. I hope you have found your peace and happiness on the other side.

The times we shared together, whether it was phone calls or video games, were some of the greatest memories I have from my youth. I will always remember the good laughs and all of our fun adventures. Rest in peace buddy, and look over me when I’m sleeping.

I miss you so much already, because I know the pain of being apart from someone you love dearly. I never told you that I loved you because I wanted each moment we were together to have only happiness and joy.

To my cousin, who fought a losing battle and will be dearly missed: Peace. Love.

I will never forget you. You were taken from this world to soon, but not forgotten. I love you and always will.

Life is only a journey, never a destination. You left this world behind, but you live in our hearts and minds always! You are forever loved and missed. A part of me is gone with you. Love you always!

I know you are watching me from above, and I promise to take care of my family. I promise it won’t be the same without you, but I’ll make sure you’re alive in our hearts forever.

I will always love you,for how strong and true you were to me. You were easily one of the greatest friends I ever had. Thank you for being in my life.

I am so sad at this time but you are in a better place! I will miss your beautiful smile and your amazing laugh. You were an amazing cousin, aunt, niece to me. Be happy in heaven with all your family and friends. I love you so much!!

You are an amazing person and I love you very much. You are one of the most caring and loving people that I know. Everyone is going to miss you! We will always be a part of each other’s lives, even when we can’t see each other for a while.

I love you! I know you’re in heaven with your mommy, daddy, sister and God’s hands wrapped tightly around your little hand. No one deserved a happy ending more than you, and we will all see you again.

If you can hear me I hope you can see my hands going through the pages of your favorite book. You were the kindest cousin ever, a real softy. Above all else in my life, you were probably my best friend.

I wanted to write this letter because I really need to get a lot off my chest. I love you so very much and always will. You were the best friend I ever had and the only person I could talk to about anything. Every time I visited New York, we would have so much fun.

―When times are hard and you feel like the world is against you, remember that I will always be by your side. I know your heart is filled with anger right now, but stay strong my love. Things will get better someday.

I do not want you to think that I am unhappy with the way we left things on your last birthday, it is just that I miss you and love you very much so it is hard without you here.

Life seemed to have the ultimate plan set out for you, but now that has been ripped away. I held on to your hand and felt your heartbeat slow down. I took in one last breath of your life and saw your eyes close forever. The memories we have shared through the years will live on in my heart.

I love you my little cousin. I know it’s hard, but always remember that I love you. You will always be with me in my heart.

You will always be missed, but never forgotten. You were the most amazing girl I’ve ever known. I am so lucky to have had you in my life. I love you.

Even though you can’t hear me I will say it anyway, I love you little cousin. You were so young and happy. Your smile shined brighter than the sun, your laugh was more beautiful than any song, and your heart filled with so much unconditional love that all who met you loved you instantly. Love and peace little one, we will meet again.

I am not sure where your soul has gone, but know that I love you forever. The pain you’ve left behind is great, but your spirit will forever be warm. Words will never be enough to express the great love I have for you.

I know all too well the pain you may be feeling. You may feel like the weight of this world is tied to your shoulders, but know I am here to help you shoulder that burden.

I am the luckiest cousin in the world; you taught me a lot about life, you are hilarious, damn handsome and a great friend.

I love you and miss you so much. You taught me to be myself no matter what anyone says. I can still hear your laugh. You made my childhood full of good memories.

You were the best big brother I could have ever asked for. You were nothing but kind, caring and understanding. Even when I was at my worst you still cared for me, but you never hesitated to let me know when I was in the wrong.

Stay close because there is a special place in heaven for you. I know you are looking down on us and watching your children grow up. You are missed by everyone who knew you, but never forgotten. Rest in peace my cousin, I love you.

I love you more than anything in the world, not just as a cousin but also as an amazing person and someone I could talk to about anything. You are such a big part of my family and our lives will never be the same without you.

I never said it enough. You were my best friend, my brother, and my comrade. I am forever grateful for the time we had together, and the support you gave me then, and now. I will never forget you. Rest in peace cousin!

The time we had together was short, but so very sweet. I miss you so much, sometimes it feels like the only good thing I have left; The memories we shared. Memories I will always cherish and hold close to my heart. I love you and will never forget you.

If I knew this was going to be the last time I saw you I would have told you more than goodbye. I wouldn’t trade the years we have had together just to see another moment. I will always love and miss you cousin, until we meet again!

I’m lucky and honored to have a cousin like you. You are strong, courageous, and will always come through when everyone needs you the most.

I love you and I miss you more than you can comprehend. I wish I had the chance to say it all to you in person. There are no words that could ever truly express how much I loved and will continue to miss you. You are greatly missed and greatly loved.

I was always fond of you. Do not fear death, be happy instead. You lived a good life and will be remembered.

It has been a year since your death and still your voice echoes in my head. You were so full of life and love, what do I do without you? The days are long without you and the nights are cold.

I’m not sure why some people walk in and out of your life. Maybe they are scared of commitment, or maybe they just haven’t found that special someone yet.

I will always love you! I miss you more each day. Always be my guiding light and guardian angel. xoxo

JORDAN! I’m gonna miss you man. Our road trips, our talks, our adventures, and everything else we worked on. You were always very helpful to me when I was in a bind and I will be forever grateful. But I will see you again my friend! This world is not big enough for the both of us.

To my cousin, thank you for being a mentor to me. You were always a shining star in my life. I hope you found your peace and do great things in the after life. Rest in peace cousin.

My cousin, you were my friend, my confidante and a great cousin. You were never afraid to tell me how it was and I loved that about you. The time we shared together was short but I will always cherish those memories.

Bye cousin. I’ll always love you and cherish the time we spent together. It was an honor to be your friend and to call you family.

I never got a chance to say goodbye. There was so much I wanted to tell you and hear from you. You were my best friend and the greatest cousin I could have ever asked for.

I remember the first time I met you when we were so young, but I will never forget. You have left such an imprint in my mind. You were more than family to me, So much more… You are always on my heart and mind. I love you cousin.

Always remember I love you, and my other cousin Frank loves you too. But I am sure he will take the time to let you know himself.

I am so extremely sad to hear of your passing, but I know that you are in a better place. I hope that you can see us still on this side and that you will be watching over us. We all love and miss you dearly.

I will always love you. You will always be in my heart. No matter how far away you are, your spirit will always be close by.

I’m sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye to you. I miss you so much and I will never forget you! You were the kindest, most generous person that I’ve ever met. March 5th 2007 will always be remembered as a sad day, but it will also be the day that joining is better late than never because we’ll all be together again someday. You are missed!

I’m in a much better place here, where all is peaceful and love. There is no more pain or suffering. I am looking down on you from here and I miss you so much. I love you always!

Your footprints may be gone, but they will always be felt. Your smile and laugh brought so much joy to those around you. Worry not nephew, for I know that you will rest in the peace of Heaven.  You have touched so many hearts and have left us a beautiful legacy. I love you Brandon!

I love you! I’ll miss you so much. I hope you are at peace and that you have found the happiness you deserve. Take care of yourself up there, especially with all the running around you’ll be doing. Every time I play with my children I will think of you and your kids and I will love them just as much as if they were mine.

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