Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Girlfriend Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Girlfriend Who Passed Away

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Losing a girlfriend is an incredibly painful and challenging experience. When someone so dear to us departs, finding the right words to say goodbye can be daunting. In this article, we will guide you through crafting a heartfelt farewell message to your girlfriend who has passed away. We will share ideas, expressions, and tips to help you commemorate her life and cherish the beautiful memories you shared together. Whether it’s through a letter, a poem, or a tribute, expressing your love and gratitude can be a healing process. Let’s begin with the journey of writing a farewell message that captures the essence of your cherished relationship.

A Farewell Message for My Girlfriend Who Passed Away

I loved you so much it hurts to be without you here. My heart aches just to hear your name. There is not a moment in a day that goes by that I don’t think of you or wish for your presence.

A love that lasts longer then the stars shine, a love that is sweeter then the day is long, a love that grows stronger even when we are apart. Some people say it takes a lifetime to find true love, but they haven’t found mine yet. 

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you with regret and guilt over not being able to save you. I was always looking out for you and now I want nothing more than to find you. 

I promise you on everything I have, that I will find you again in another life. Until then, may your soul rest easy wherever it rests and know that I am always with you. Bye, my love.

My love for you will last forever. I’d go to the ends of the earth for you and not say anything to anyone……. But I want everyone else to know just how much I loved you and still do. May god bless your soul

You are an amazing woman who has shown me the true meaning of love and happiness. I hope you can forgive me for not being strong enough to keep you out of harms way; you will forever be alive in my heart.

I can’t wait to see your face again, and feel your touch, hug, kiss, and cherish the love we share. Until then, my love…

Your laugh, your smile, your voice, they were all amazing, and I took them for granted. There will never be another you. You were the best girlfriend anyone could ever have, and the 4 years we had together will last a lifetime. 

The good memories, the bad memories, everything we went through together will stay with me forever, but even though you’re gone I will always remember your smile and our love will never die.

I know your life was painful, but mine is a living hell now that you are gone. Every day I miss your sweet smile and your beautiful touch. You were my everything, and now you’re gone. 

I will always love you and miss you every day. I miss your smile, your laugh and just being in your arms. This half will never go away my love, this is just the beginning of our forever together.

 I can’t imagine my life without you because it makes me feel so empty. My heart swells every time I think of you and I can only hope that you haven’t been too upset with the way I hurt you. Rest in peace sweetheart

You were the missing puzzle piece from my life that without, my world couldn’t be complete. Our love was something that everyone wanted; deep, passionate, and unconditional.

You are such an amazing person and I’m so thankful I got to be with you for as long as I did. You showed me what real love is and how to open my heart again.

You are still there though, I just don’t have the pleasure to physically see you anymore. I am so lucky for the time I got to spend with you.”

Sometimes love comes back in different forms. Perhaps I’ll see you again sometime. Until then, farewell my love. I will forever cherish what we had.

My only wish now is that you are happy and healthy wherever you are. Please take care of yourself. I wrote this poem for you:

 I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to save you from the demons that haunted you so. You weren’t just my girlfriend, but my best friend, sister, and family as well. 

Even though we were only together for a short amount of time it was the happiest of my life. Time is a cruel thing, but with every passing minute I love and cherish you even more. Time may have taken you away

I will miss you so much. You were my everything and I feel like my life ended when your did. I am going to hold onto our memories forever. I love you.

I know your dead and all, but I will never forget you. The love of my life is gone, but I will carry you with me forever. Your lips were soft, your voice like a song, your touch was so warm. I will remember you forever and always be in love with you my dear one.

I finally found the one, It was you. As the days go by I can’t stop thinking about you. Throughout my life I’ve never felt this way about anyone else. You were taken from me too soon. Love You!

The love we felt was like no other I had ever experienced. You will forever be in my heart and I will never stop loving you.

You were the brightest star who had no idea that she was loved. You’ll always be in my heart as I think of all we could have been. I miss you and love you forever.

I will always love you. Forever and always, I will never forget you. You will be in my heart for eternity. I hope you have found peace. I will love you until the end of time my sweet Alice.

I miss you. I really do. This world seems lonely and sometimes meaningless without you in it. You were my sun, my stars, and the twinkle in the sky that lit up my life with your bright spirit and beauty.

I miss you every moment. I can’t talk to you, can’t see you, and all I have are our memories. You are the only one that has ever loved me as much as I loved you and deep down inside I know we will meet again someday and this time we will be together forever.

I would’ve never known true love if it hadn’t been for you. In your arms I found a place I longed to be. For every moment that I was with you, my heart knew it was home. Your eyes sparkled like the stars in the heavens but your beauty outshined them all. I loved you then and forever will.

Dearest, wherever you are at this moment I hope life is treating you kindly. I can’t stop thinking about you… and always will. There can never be another love like ours:

The trees planted under the hot afternoon sun, so that they may grow tall and strong. This is how I felt when I met you. You made my life grow strong, full with love and happiness. A life that I had almost forgotten. Although you have left me, you will always live in my heart.

Hey babe. I know this may seem hard to believe, but life doesn’t make sense without you. It’s cold and gray where you went. I miss you so much.

I never knew you could love someone so much. You were always with me through my toughest times and I want to thank you for that. I will be happy again, but it will never be as great as the love we shared. I’ll carry your words and memories with me wherever I go. With all my heart, I love you, goodbye.

My heart is broken and I will never be the same without you. You were a huge part of my life and the love of my life. I will see you again, hold on my sweet girl.

‘Forever in my heart’ is how I shall remember you. Our love was beautiful, even if it was short. You have forever changed me and I know I will never be the same. It wasn’t meant to last but I will always treasure our short time together.

I will love you forever, my love. You are my soul mate. I will forever be in your arms, you will forever be in my heart. I will never forget our time together and how much we loved each other.

We may be apart but I’ll always love you. You are the best girlfriend in the world! I hope that in whatever better place you have gone to, that you have found total peace and happiness. I will always love you.

I’ll never forget our time together. I miss you so much. Every day is a struggle, but when I think of you I know it will be okay in the end. You will always own my heart and soul and no one can ever change that.

I am going to miss you so much. I’ve been your biggest fan from the very beginning and your love will live on in my heart until one day we see each other again.

My heart breaks a little more today. I miss you more than ever, but it is okay because you will always be in my heart. I love you with all of me and I know you are in a better place.

Life is no fun without you! I’m so glad I met you and that our life together brought us such joy. You were the best thing to ever happen to me, and words cannot explain how much I will miss you.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do without you. It’s been an honor to have you by my side. You’re an angel. I love you so much and even more than that, I will miss you deeply.

I’ve never been one to say what I feel when it comes to you. I wish I would’ve…. I love you so much, and you were my first true love. There’s no one else like you.

I miss you so much. We haven’t spent a day apart since we first met. My days are dull and boring without you. I wish you could just come home so we could get back to our routine and fall asleep to watch the same old movies. I miss you, I love you and I’ll never forget you.

You never got to say goodbye. Now I am writing it for you. Before you left you wrote me a poem, a poem about sunsets, rainbows and mountains. Now I’ll write you a poem of my own.

I will never forget you. I love you, and everything that we had together will always have a special place in my heart. Now that you’re gone, I know that one day we’ll meet again, but until then, I’ll be loving you.

I will always remember you and love you forever. I never want to forget you my love, my angel, my world. My heart broke when you left so suddenly. When I close my eyes I see your beautiful smile and think of all the things we used to do together. I love you Heidi

You were my everything. And for that I will always be sorry. I was never good enough, and yet you loved me anyways. Now that you are gone the hole in my heart seems to have gotten bigger, and that void just seems to grow larger every day.

Baby, how do I send you off into the mystery of death? I don’t know where you are right now, but if I could take you in my arms right here and this moment and give you one last kiss, I would. Rest easy, sweetheart. You are mine forever, but only in my heart. You deserve all the happiness in the universe.

They say that when you loose someone you love, a part of you goes with them to the grave. The other half stays with the one who is left. I couldn’t do it without you baby.

I didn’t get the chance to tell you this but I love you so much. My heart is broken and I know we’ll meet again soon. I will never forget you and our time together. I wish you could have stayed.

You are my entire world and I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. You were the most beautiful person inside and out and I will love you forever. Your memories live on in my heart.

I loved you more than words can say. You brought me a joy that I will never forget. You deserved better, and should be here with us getting ready for your wedding! Your family still loves you very much. You will forever be in our hearts… And in my dreams.

Sometimes we meet someone, or see a certain something that is just different, and we know that no matter what happens in the future that is just always going to be us. You are my everything and playing games after that made me feel so hollow.

People say it is easy to find a man, but I will tell you now that that is a lie. It takes years of hard work to find the one who can keep your heart for the rest of your life. I’ve tried and failed, but then I met you.

You made me happier than anyone ever has. You brought joy to my life that I thought was impossible and you turned my world around. It wasn’t easy wondering what I did wrong or why this was happening, but I know now that nothing was ever wrong.

I will always love you. We had such a good time together. I still can’t believe that you are gone. When I close my eyes I see the good times we had together and remember how it felt to have you in my arms.

Where would I be without you? The world is a mess and I couldn’t stand to live it alone. Now that you have gone I have nothing left. But where there is death, there is hope for new life.

I love you, and I always will. You will always be in my heart. I hope it makes you smile up there to know how happy and in love we were. The world seems a little darker without your light.

I love you, I always have and I always will. I wish with everything in me that my eternal love for you wasn’t enough to save you from this world. You were too good for this world, a beautiful soul trapped inside an ugly body.

It was an honor to love you. You truly are one of a kind and I hold you in my heart always. I know that wherever you are, you will be smiling down on me with your sparkly eyes. I will never forget the time we shared or our memories together. I love you! Take care of yourself and please try to visit.

I remember the first time I saw you at the coffee shop, I knew that you would be special. I remember all the time we spent together, all the fun we had. The more time I got to know you, the more in love with you, I fell.

Me and you, we had a good run. It wasn’t meant to be, I get that now. You have your angel wings, while I carry on being me. You’re in my heart forever, and no one else will compare.

Today we find ourselves at the crossroads of life. There is no way to predict where this road will lead us. I don’t know if I will ever see you again…..My heart truly aches with sadness and despair, but somehow I know that if we take this leap of faith my heart will forever be grateful.

Marry me. I am so sorry for not saying it sooner. Every day that we are apart is a day I want to back and change. I know you are somewhere in the sky looking down on me, so please help me. I can’t live without you.

There are so many things that I need to tell you and so many things that we need to do.

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