Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Sister Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Sister Who Passed Away

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Losing a sister is one of life’s most painful experiences. Writing a farewell message to her allows us to express our deepest emotions, recount cherished memories, and find closure. This article is a comprehensive guide to crafting a heartfelt farewell message for a beloved sister who has passed away. Let’s explore ways to honor her memory and cope with grief while keeping her legacy alive.

A Farewell Message for My Sister Who Passed Away

It hurts so much that you are gone and I wonder if you are at peace or still hurting. The pain never goes away, as it is always there. I miss you more than anything! This is the hardest goodbye that I have ever had to say!

 It’s hard living without you, but I know that you are watching over me and I know we will see each other again one day. I love you, sissy.

 You did your job well and made me strong, but I wish I could have done more to save you from pain. You are still my baby sister and love you so much!

One thing is for sure, you are a beautiful, strong, full of life woman and I miss you every day. I hope that wherever you are your heart is at peace because mine never will be again. 

As I write this, I cry because I miss our happy times together. Find comfort in knowing that there are people here who love you and will cherish your memory. Say hi to mom for me.

Ripping to pieces with grief is something no one should ever have to go through. You will always live in my heart and there isn’t a day that will go by without me thinking about you and missing you so tremendously!

You were always there for me when I needed you the most. And now that you have passed, I know that you are proud of me and that we will see each other again in heaven.

I hope you watched me walk down the aisle and saw the smile on my face as Stephen looked at me standing there in that beautiful white dress. I adore you, little sis, and hope you are with us all in spirit.

You are brave, loving, kind and loyal and taught me that it is alright to care about other people’s feelings. You always looked out for me and I am grateful that I had you in my life for as long as I did. I love you sissy! See you soon!

You were my best friend and the one that stood by me through thick and thin. It’s hard to live without you around but I will try my hardest just to honor your memory. I love you so much.

Your life was cut short but in that short time you made the world a better place for everyone you knew. Soak it up in heaven and know that we love and miss you dearly. I’ll see you on the other side!

There will never be another as incredible, or beautiful as you. I miss you every day, but I will always carry your memory in my heart.

You fought so hard to live, but there was nothing we could do. I miss you so much it hurts, but we will be together again just wait for me. Love you always and forever Kennedy!

We had so many adventures together, and even though we didn’t always see eye to eye on everything, nothing could ever change the love I have for you. Please forgive me for not being there when it happened. I should have been there…

The biggest part of me is gone with you, but I’ll always have a little of it left in me. Rest in peace with our mother, but know that I love you forever!

 You’re a beautiful person on the inside and out sweet sister; I can’t believe how lucky I was to have been your big sister. Till we meet again my best friend.”

I know you are one of my guardian angels now and wish for no one to go through the pain and heartache that we have faced over these last few years. A

I am so honored that we shared the last years of our lives together. I am proud of every moment, from our late night pillow talks, to every trip we took together. 

You are my only sister, I will miss you forever, I hope you are in peace now. Love will always be with us! May our love follow you. You are in our hearts, our minds and our memories forever!

I love you. Even if we never see each other again in person, know that I love you and that I will always be with you. You are my beloved sister.

I will miss you until I see you again. The memory of your smile and kind soul will live on with me forever. Love you, sis.

I miss you more every single day. I wish we could have spent more time together and that life would have been kinder. I will love you forever, my sister.

I never thought I’d be writing one of these letters, but here I am all alone and full of sadness without you. Your untimely death hit me so hard; my heart still aches with the pain of it…

You were a bright star in my sky. I miss you so much already, but I feel you around me all the time. You will never be forgotten and you are now with Mom. I love you Joy!

As you live your life remember the love you felt from your friends and family. You will never be forgotten. We love you and hope you are at peace.

It has been a long time since I last wrote to you, but I just can’t seem to get you off my mind. I still cry every night thinking about you and wish that I could have given you a better life.

I’ll miss you every day until we see each other again. You’ve always been my inspiration, I look up to you and love you with all my heart. God has another angel in heaven, but will never forget the love of his child. You will be with me for the rest of my life.

The world will be missing an angel now that you’re gone. But we all know that you’ll be watching over us, reminding us how strong we can be. You are my sunshine. I love you so much!

I always looked up to you. You were the greatest! It’s been almost a year now since you’ve been gone. I still miss you and think of you so much. There hasn’t been a day that has gone by that I haven’t thought about you and missed your presence in my life.

When you’re in my arms I feel like we can conquer anything together. I miss you so much, but I know that your spirit will always be with me. The world is a better place because of you and I love you forever and always sister.

To my sister, the one person I’ve always been able to trust. The one person I could always count on. I miss you so much but I know your watching over me from above. I love you!

Dear Michelle, I miss you so much! Our times together were always the best. I thought of you every day since you passed. You are missed by many but none more than me and Mark. Love ya super sis!

By the time you read this I’ll be no longer among the living. Please remember me as a hard worker, a good friend and a responsible person. I was always there for you and I promise I will still be there even after my death. You are my sister and I love you more than anything in the world!

I know today you are living pain and heartache free, watching down on us from above. I miss you so much it hurts, but I will always keep you in my heart. Love your little sister. one day you will again be with me. Till then Love XOXO

We didn’t always get along as sisters, but I will miss you forever. I know you are with god and don’t have any regrets about leaving me here on earth.

I will never forget you sister. Forever in my heart, I’m glad we found each other and followed our hearts. You were always my hero, my biggest cheerleader and my best friend. I love you forever.

To my beautiful big sis: I will never forget you! May your “wings” be strong and may you fly to the highest heavens. You will always watch over me and love me from above. I dedicate my life to your memory, to show it off like a trophy of awesomeness! I miss you… I need you. IF ONLY YOU WERE HERE…

I miss you so very much. I wish that you were able to stay a little longer and see how people really cared about you. You gave them happiness and made them cry…

This card means more to me than you will ever know. Every day I miss you so much, but I’m filled with joy when I think of all of the wonderful things we had in life. I love you more than you will ever know and I appreciate everything that you did for me.

I just want you to know that you are the most amazing person I have ever known. You were so loving and fun to be around. I wish we could go back in time and watch you grow up, take you to Disneyland, let you drive my Honda Civic… the list goes on forever!

You are my sunshine. I loved every minute of our 16 years together. Words can’t explain the amount of havoc you have wrecked on my heart. I wish I could still be holding your hand as we walked around the neighborhood.

I know you’re up there looking for me. Keep searching because I’m up here looking for you too! Love you, sis!

I love you my dear sister. Your passing was too soon to be real. All I can think about is the memories you and I had together.

Today is the day, the day I say goodbye to my precious sister. You were the best and brightest star that ever shined. You will always live in my heart. Forever…

I wish I could be there to see you today, but I’m not. It’s hard for me to say goodbye, but thank you so much for being a wonderful sister. You have no idea how much I loved you and always will. Thank you for everything. I love you!

I never told you enough how much you were loved here and how much you will always be missed. You were the most loving person in this world and now you are in a better place. I will see you again one day. Until then I send you all my love.

We haven’t seen each other in a while, but I will never forget the memories that we made. I love you and miss you with every breath.

I am so sad that you are gone. I will never forget how much you loved me and how much I loved you. You were my hero. There will always be a place in my heart for you. Thank you for making me the best person I could ever be.

We say many times during our lives that we love each other. But the real test of loving someone is to be able to let them go. I miss you everyday and nothing seems the same since you left us. I’ll see you again someday in a much different, and fuller life. I love you with all my heart and soul and always will.

I’m not sure if I will ever be able to say these words out loud to you. {insert name} I love you more than the world itself. You are my best friend, my rock, my everything. There would be no me without you. Love always, your sister.

I think of you everyday and I miss you. I hope you’re having fun in heaven because you deserve it. I love you to the moon and back.

I don’t know if y’all have heard the news about Jennifer. She passed away Sunday morning from complications due to a sickle-cell anemia hospital stay. My family and I are saddened by her loss. She was an angel to all of us. Please keep my family and I in your prayers as we mourn her passing.

I still remember the first time we met. I honestly thought of you as another good friend, but you broke down my walls, and look what happened! You have shown me true love I never knew existed.

You are my hero. You are more than my sister, you are my best friend and greatest teacher. I couldn’t have asked for a better big sister. I’ve learned so much from you.

You didn’t have long here and now you’re gone, but I’ll hold onto the memories forever. Every day I miss you and I wish you could be here with me.

Beatrice, my beautiful sister. I have so many memories of you and I can see your face so clearly in my head. You were a warm and kind woman who was so caring towards me. The many years we shared are memories I will cherish forever.

You were my best friend, my inspiration. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you again. I know we’ll be together one day. Until then, look over me and watch over me. I will always love you and cherish the memories of our time together.

You were always there for me. Especially when no one else was. I will never forget the good times we shared and the memories we made. You were my sister favorite, and I am glad I got to know you.

I hope you are finally happy and free from the pain of this world. I’ll always miss you, but I can find peace knowing that your soul is in a better place. You were such an amazing woman who always put others before yourself. I love you so much and will cherish the memories of our time together.

Nobody could have a bigger heart than you. You loved with everything you had and you deserved so much happiness in return. I’m glad I got to share in your love, even if it was only for a short time.

You are an amazing person. I am lucky to have you as my sister. I LOVE YOU! You will always be in my heart, and I will always be by your side. You were a warrior throughout your battle with cancer.

I love you so much Sophie. I really wish that you could be here today, but I’m sure that you are watching from heaven. You will always live in my heart and I will never stop loving you.

This is the end of this message but not the end of my love for you, my sister. I am still here, thinking of you always, showing you all your photos, videos and memories. I will soon meet you again in a better place, I will run up to hug you and hold on to your hand to take a lift with you back home.

I love you and cannot wait for the day we are together again. You are my light in this dark world and I know that you can shine brighter than any star. I miss you so much!

Dear Margie, You always said I was your best friend, and I am truly heartbroken to tell you that the time has come for us to part. While we were separated by many miles, I would still see you often in my dreams.

I miss you so much. I wish you were still here. I feel so alone without you. I love you very much. Continue to watch over everyone and protect us all from the pain of heartbreak, illness, and death. I love you and I will miss you until we meet again in another life. Rest In Peace my dear sister.

I miss you every day.  You were the best big sister any girl could ever ask for. I love you so much, and wish I could turn back time and change things. It’s hard to believe that you’re gone.

I will never forget you. You taught me so much about unconditional love, being generous and kind. Even though your life was cut short, I am honored to have had a sister like you and that I had the pleasure of sharing it with you.

Sis, I miss you everyday. I still love you and hope that you are resting in peace. Your sister will always love you. Your death is very painful and your absence is very noticeable. I wish I could have been there to help you and watch over you. I am still haunted by your death every day. Love Always

I am not okay. I am not okay with just saying goodbye to you. You are my sister, and you always will be. Missing you is a constant ache in my heart. It hurts knowing that I will never hear your laugh or see your smile. Until we meet again… -Katie

I will miss you so much!!! I love you so much. I’m so glad we found each other and were able to spend time together. Our stories, our lives will live on. We told each other everything and were best friends for the end of my life.

Time is the thief of all things, but it will never rob me of the memories we shared, the times that we laughed together, cried together, worked hard together. You were always there for me and I will always be there for you too. Know that I love you and will love you forever.  Love and miss you dearly sister!

Farewell my love. I am so sorry I wasn’t there for you. You were the only one that truly accepted me for who I was, a wild spirit. You would never judge me or any other decisions I made.

I love you, even though we may be far apart. You could never know how much you mean to me. I miss you every day and I am so glad that we had the time together that we did.

I love you and I will always remember you and think of you. I smile when I hear a joke because I want it to be one you would laugh at. I hope we meet again, but until then know you are ever so loved.

It is with heavy heart to say, that this will be my last ‘hello’ to you. I can no longer feel your presence, and your shining light has left my grasp. The days of talking to you for hours in the middle of the night are over.

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