Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Stepdad Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Stepdad Who Passed Away

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Losing a stepdad is a profound and emotional experience, and finding the right words to bid him farewell can be challenging. In this article, we will delve into the process of creating a heartfelt farewell message for your stepdad who has passed away. Whether you shared a close bond or had a more distant relationship, expressing your feelings through a farewell message can be cathartic and therapeutic.

A Farewell Message for My Stepdad Who Passed Away

You were such a special man and I will always remember the good times we had together. You have always been there for me in my life and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to take on the role of stepdad.

You pushed your feelings aside and helped those who needed it most. I will always miss you, but I will never forget the lessons you’ve taught me.

You are the most amazing man that I had the privilege of knowing, and not a day has gone by where my heart doesn’t hurt for you to be here.

 Things have been hard without you here but I will get through it because I know that’s what you would want for me. The boys have been taking it hard too, but we are all trying to be strong for each other. 

You were the best stepdad any girl could ask for. No matter how far away we are, you will always be in my heart and I yours. I love you so much.

 I know you’re in a better place, but it’s not the same as having you here… everyday. My heart is broken but the beautiful memories we shared will always bring me joy.

I love you so much and will never forget all the special memories we’ve shared. There is a spot in my heart that will always be yours, and no one else can ever fill that space.

You are the reason why I try to be patient with everyone, and to always have a smile on my face. Your memory is burned into my heart forever.

I will never forget all the wonderful times we had together over the years, our adventures together and how much fun we had. You will forever live in my heart until one day reunite with me again

 It makes me feel like your watching over us all of us at one time, when ever I see a shooting star, it brings me hope that wishes come true and that someday we’ll be together again

Your warmth and love will always be cherished and never fade…even after death. Rest in peace Dad, nothing can ever take away our love for you.

I will always cherish our time together, and although you are no longer here in person I know you are still with us in spirit. You will be missed greatly. Your stepson Jimmy

Never forget how much love was inside of you. I know sometimes that it seems like we were worlds apart, but remember that my prayers will always be with you.

Everyone loves and cares about you and I know you will be remembered every day. We love you , we miss you already, and you will forever be in our hearts.

You taught me things I would’ve never learned. I will always miss your big smiles, contagious laughter, and fun spirit. I love you so much!

You have made my life so happy and full of love that I can’t stop smiling on the inside. You have been there for me all my life and I can never say how thankful I am for that.

You started shining again when I met Robyn who has made my life full of brightness and love that isn’t agonizing anymore. She was the light you sent me and the one that got me back on track. 

I wish I had one more chance to see your smile, to hear your voice and to feel your strong embrace once again. You were loved deeply!

I miss you more than I could have ever imagined. Rest peaceful my friend, the world is a better place because you were in it.”

You taught me so much in life. With every memory I will cherish the moments we shared together. Love you dad!

I miss you here on earth, but one day we’ll be together again in heaven. Sending you lots of love and hugs from heaven, I love you Dad!

 You were truly a blessing that will never be replaced. Rest in peace and hopefully we will meet again someday to play some more pool and have a drink or two together. Until then, keep safe!

I love you dad and I wish I could have told you that one last time. I think about you every day and I’m sorry for all of the things I put you through. I know it’s not what you wanted but it’s no ones fault. You were my hero, my mentor and most of all, my father figure. I Love You and will miss you always.

I miss you so much. There are no words to express how truly sorry I am for your loss. I wish that I could have helped you get through the tough times.

We both have cried so many tears over the years. You were, and always will be the most amazing man I have ever known. I will miss your smile and your jokes. You treated me like I was your own daughter and I will never forget that.

Thank you for being there for me, you were my best friend. You showed me so much love that I don’t know what to do without it. I loved you so much!

I will always be grateful for the 15 years we had together. There are many reasons why I love you, but hearing your voice is the memory that I cherish the most.

You taught me what it meant to truly be a man. You were always there for everyone even though you struggled with depression your whole life.

I love you more than anyone in this world, even though I barely know you. I hope you are living a good life up there!

I think of you everyday and miss you every moment that I don’t. I remember how much we laughed, how happy we were. I want to go fishing with you again someday soon and hear more of your stories.

I hope you can read this dad, and if you can, know that I truly miss you and love you too. I’m doing my best to take care of mom and keep things together as best I can.

Jon, the man who taught me many lessons and helped shape the man I have become today. I couldn’t have done it without a good role model like you. Thank you for being there for me , dad!

I’m not afraid to die anymore. You will always be in my heart, the love we had was real and I thank you for that. My box of memories is saved safely in my room and I will cherish it every day. Rest in peace, Papa

I may not have been the perfect daughter, but you always treated me as your own. I loved talking to you about anything and everything. I hope your gone painlessly and quickly.

You are my Dad by blood, but I call you Dad with all my heart. You’ve always been there for me, even if you rarely showed it. I wish we could have talked more and I will miss and love you always.

I love you dad and I’m always with you. I hope you let go and find peace. For the first time in a long time I cried for hours when I hugged my mom and said goodbye, because even though I am your daughter, I still miss you so much.

I don’t know if you’re looking down on me from heaven, but I hope so. You were an amazing step dad and I will forever miss you. I hope that you are at peace now and not in any pain. You were the coolest guy in the world, and everyone loved you so much.

I know you are out there somewhere but I just want to say goodbye. Those second thoughts I had the other day about you were silly. You are one of the kindest and most loving men I know.

I love you. I know that you are in a better place, but I’m going miss you more than I could ever say. I will forever cherish the moments we spent together and wish every day that you were still here. But I know you’re not as great adventures await you on the other side – fly high!

I know you’re in a better place and that brings me some comfort. In life you made me laugh, you taught me so much, especially to chase my dreams no matter what. It was an honor to be your son and more importantly it was my pleasure to call you Dad. I love you!

Driving down the highway, I can’t help but think of you, and tears fall from my eyes. I remember how you always told me to be proud of who I was. You had such a big heart and always put everyone before yourself.

Whenever I look up at the stars I think of you. Whenever I wander the beach I think of you. Whenever a smile creeps onto my face I think of you. Whenever I wake up in the morning… you are always on my mind. That is how strong your imprint is in my mind.

I promise I will do everything to keep the memory of you alive. I know you would want me to be strong and make people laugh. I miss you everyday and everytime I look at the stars.

I hope you’re looking down on us all and that you are proud as a parent should be. I miss you every single day but know that your spirit lives through us all. I will always be here for mom!

You were a good stepdad to me. You were always there for me, you shared your love and time with me. You brought a smile to my face and made me feel loved. I thank you for that, rest in peace.

To the best dad in the world. You have always been there for me when I needed you. I will miss you terribly, I love you.

I love you dad. You were a kind and wise man, who brought so much joy to me and everyone around you. I will never forget the lessons you taught me or the kindness you showed to me. Know that you will always be in my heart!”

I don’t like goodbyes, so please don’t go. You mean the world to me and it hurts to see you fade. I will always cherish the times we shared as your true family here on earth.

I will miss you my stepdad, I love you. Don’t worry I will take care of mom for you. I promise to fill your spot in mom’s heart and to make sure she is happy. Be proud of me for I can do it. I love you!

I will forever be grateful for all the great times and love you showed me. You were a great man who left a positive impact on so many lives.

I will miss you forever. You were the best father I could have ever had. I love you so much. Without even knowing, you were there for me from the very start.

It was a pleasure and a joy to have known you. Today, I am broken hearted that I lost the one person who believed in me no matter what a loser I was. I just want you to know that no matter where you are…you will never leave my thoughts, my dreams or my heart!

I never thought it would be this hard to say goodbye. I wish you weren’t gone…I love and miss you so much. There’s no one like you, and there never will be. You were my superhero and always will be.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, well you were my village. You played that dad role so perfectly and we all love you for it. Your days are counted now, but I want you to know that you will never be forgotten.

To my stepdad Michael- I love you so much. I’m sad to see you go, but know that you are in a better place. You were always there for me and supported me through everything.

I, your wife, love you. I’m sad that you’re gone. But, I will always have wonderful memories of us – our smiles, our hugs and our laughter. May God bless your soul. I love you. You will always be my dad! I miss you so much!

Dad, I loved you so much and miss your big bear hugs more than words could ever say. I will always love you and look for the good in everything because that is what you taught me.

I can’t believe you’re gone, I’m going to miss you more than words can say. You were my best friend, and I wish you was here to give me advice on everything. I love you Daddy.

I love you dad! Thanks for all the things you’ve given me: the strength to stand up for myself; your motto, “look it in the eye and tell me what you see”; and your love. I will miss you terribly.

Daddy I will miss you and love you! I know you are in a better place now and watching over us. I love you and can’t wait to be with you again!

I will miss you terribly. You were the greatest stepdad a girl could ever ask for and I will always remember the memories we shared together. I’ll never forget you and all you’ve done for me, even when I’m an old lady sitting on the front porch with my grandkids. Love you forever!

You knew exactly what I needed and when. You always showed up, every time like a guardian angel. You saved my life in more ways than I can count, guided me with your wisdom and challenged me to be the best part of myself. I love you stepdad.

I love you and I will always think about you. I know its hard to cope without me here but I promise I will be back for you all soon.

I never got to tell you how much you meant to me so I’m writing this for you and me. You were a loving father, a big brother, an amazing son. Unfortunate things happened too soon and my life grew dark for a while.

I know you are in a better place. I just wish I had more time to say goodbye and have a staring contest with you. You were always so cool, so think you are still here, hanging out wherever you are watching over us and enjoying your shellf! We miss you terribly!

I love you dad. I will miss you so very much. I can’t believe the pain of this loss. You were the best dad a daughter could ask for, and you were more than just my dad; you were my friend.

I’m sorry I never told you this. I will miss you my friend. Thank you for all the love and care that you put into me, you are one of the best step dads in the world. I love and will always remember you.

Hey Dad, So, we’re going to miss you and we will never forget you. We all love you very much! You have taught us so many important things.

The world lost an incredible man when I lost you. Your stories, witt and humor were a constant source of inspiration for me. I want to carry on your fun spirit and not let it sink into the darkness.

I love you forever and always. I will miss you every single day, but know that you are close to my heart. I am going to make an amazing man out of myself because that’s what you wanted for me.

Thank you for showing me what a great relationship is. It breaks my heart that we won’t get to spend years together, but at the same time I know that you are in a better place and I will see you again someday. Not much I could say, except that I will miss you.

Thank you my friend, for all you taught me and for sharing your life with me. I know your with God now and he has a throne just for you.

I will always love you fondly. Watched your dance with the devil, Of course we all remember… Dad!

I will always love and miss you no matter where you are. I am glad I got to know such a great person. Even though I was never blessed with the chance to tell you, I love you.

Don’t be afraid. I’m right there with you now. I won’t leave you behind. Together, we can get through this. Walk with me hand in hand and eyes to eyes. We’ll find our way out of here, The fear is gone now. See? Didn’t I tell you? But do be careful now. If you trip, don’t fall alone!

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