Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Stepmom Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Stepmom Who Passed Away

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In life, we encounter special people who leave an indelible mark on our hearts. Losing a loved one is never easy, and when it’s a stepparent, the grief can be uniquely complex. This article is a heartfelt tribute to a stepmom who touched lives and brought joy to her family. In this farewell message, we express love, gratitude, and profound emotions that transcend the boundaries of family ties.

A Farewell Message for My Stepmom Who Passed Away

Nothing can describe the amount of love you gave me, but it has changed me forever, and will help mold me into the person I will become. I hope your life is wonderful! One day we will meet again

I am so proud to be your daughter and to have you as a stepmom. You are not just some stranger anymore, but my very best friend. I love you so much! -Brenda

You are the most amazing mother a child could have asked for, and maybe someday I’ll understand why you had to leave us so soon.

Thank you for the single pair of shoes you bought me, they helped a great deal. I wish you had been more helpful and less harsh on me during our time together.

Whether it was listening to me or making me laugh, you always knew exactly how to cheer me up. I love you so much, and although your not here physically, your spirit lives inside of me and will forever inspire my actions.

Your memory is stronger than death, and though I can never hold your hand again, I still feel you with me because your love has grown so deep inside my soul it can never be forgotten. I will always keep you in my heart, and I will see you again one day

You’ve always been my best friend and my hero. When we were little, we couldn’t even say “stepmom”, so we called each other stepdaughter and mother 🙂 I would write more but time is short. I love you so much

I’ll always care for your kids as if they were my own. You were the best stepmom anyone could ask for and I love you forever! Your stepdaughter, Rachel

You have shown me what unconditional love is all about. I know you are in a better place and that there angels are guarding you, but I will never forget how much I love you and miss you.

For teaching me how to do laundry (which I can’t say I’m good at yet), how to clean my room, how to make dinner and for your support. Most importantly, thank you for loving me as much as you did! You will forever live inside of my heart.

I don’t know where I’d be without you. I will miss you everyday but know that your love will live on in my heart forever…I will see you again…

It’s hard to accept the fact that my life without you is the only reality now. But I will learn to deal with it. The memories of you will last forever in my heart, I will keep them safe there for as long as I live!

Thank you for everything. I will cherish all the things you gave me, all of your advice and memories will always be in my head and on my heart. I love you!

It makes me feel like you’re always there. Thank you for being such a wonderful mother to my Dad, and for putting up with my crazy ass! I wish he would have met you in this life.

It was so hard wrapping my mind around the fact that you were no longer here, but my children had me to teach them about you and be there for them.

You may not always see them as much as you’d like, but they are always there for you. It might take a while for you to realize who these people are, and once you do it might be too late to tell them how important they are to you.

You may be gone physically, but you are forever in my heart. You are a light shining in the distance guiding me through life with love and support.

You were always there when I needed you and took care of my needs before yours. There is nothing I or anyone else can do to bring you back into this world, but we will always remember and cherish our time together. Rest in peace mom!

I try not to show it, but inside my heart is breaking. My world has turned upside down since you passed away and it makes me so sad to think that I won’t get to see you ever again.

I will never forget the big bear hugs you gave me or the sweet names you would call me. To this day, 14 years later, I am still in contact with your family and they all know how much you meant to me.

Thank you for always being there and leading me in the right direction. I will never forget all the things you did for me and for Chris.

Being with you has been such a blessing in my life. I want to express my gratitude for your guidance, for the love that you shared and for being the best step mom anyone could ever ask for. I will miss you everyday! Love always, your stepdaughter.

I will always cherish our time together. I wish you knew just how special you were to me. I will miss hearing your voice, and seeing your smile. I love you so much!

I will never forget you. Wherever I am in life, you will always be in my heart. You are beautiful inside and out and I wish I could have one more hug from you.

I know you’re in a better place now, but I just can’t stop missing you. We didn’t get to spend that much time together. Just you being in my life made me a happier and better person I know. I know we will see each other soon when it’s my time to go. Happy trails, I love you!

I was lucky enough to have you for 38 years. The memories I have of you will never leave my mind and my heart. I’m still in disbelief that you are no longer here with us, but the memories won’t fade with time. You were the best stepmom I could’ve asked for and you will always be in my heart!

There’s nothing as important to me as you. Your happiness means the world to me. I love you dearly and appreciate every moment we spent together.

You were like a mother to me. I will never forget how much you helped out in my life. But most importantly, I will never forget how much love you had to give.

Jenna, I know you are my guardian angel. From the moment I joined your family, you’ve been there for me through everything, protecting me and guiding me. Thank you for being the mom I needed.

Dear Mom, I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but I will be okay. The pain and sorrow will subside as time goes on, and you won’t be there to share the memories with me.

I’m not holding anything back this time. I won’t be in your life anymore so I may as well say what I like. You were my stepparent, not my mom. We weren’t close and we didn’t have a good relationship.

I will always love you no matter where we go or what we do. I don’t know what to say, but I am at peace with your passing. I will always love you and think of you often. Rest in Peace.

I miss the sound of your voice, the way you laugh and smile. But most of all, I miss your love. Your beautiful soul and spirit will live on forever in my heart. I will always love you and never forget how wonderful you were to me.

You were more than just my stepmom. In all reality, you were probably the best mom I’ve ever had. You were the most caring and loving person I have ever met. From the time I met you you made my life spectacular.

I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you, and I miss you in a way that will forever break my heart. Forever and ever you will be in my heart, and on the wings of every butterfly.

Always believe in your dreams. Yesterday, I had a dream of you calling me. Looking back, I should have known that it was one of my last dreams with you. I wish you knew how much I appreciated your guidance and support throughout my life.

I think it’s safe to say that no matter what we’re going through, I love you and will forever. You were my best friend, mentor and mother all in one. I’ll never forget the love you gave me; it will always be in my heart. I can’t wait to see you again one day, until then take care of yourself dear Bea.

I hope you are in a better place now. I miss you everyday and think about you all the time. I love you so much and no one will ever fill your shoes.

People always seem to wipe away tears with their hands, but after I die, please use my brain to wipe away the tears I can no longer shed. I love you!

It seems like just yesterday I was a little girl with my pops. Now I am grown up and will always remember the love you have shown me. My life is happier because of you.

I hope you don’t mind that I thought of you today. I miss you, but know that you are happy and no longer in pain. I wish I could have told you how much I love you sooner. You have always been such a wonderful part of my life. I am so proud of the person you were and the woman you have become.

Don’t cry for me, when I die. But laugh instead, for all the times I made you laugh. Don’t morn for me, when I’m gone. But celebrate instead, all the good times we had. Don’t shed a tear for me please, but do think of me now and then. Be thankful that you were blessed to know me at all!

You made me who I am today. You showed me what it meant to be honest and to love my family. Thank you for being there for me, even when we didn’t agree.

Dear Mom, I know I don’t say this enough but I love you. You were always there for me no matter what. You always gave me the best advice and helped me through any situation.

I will always love you, even though you’re no longer here. You are always in my heart and soul because I know that even though we may not have been related, we were so connected! Thanks for being such a strong woman and for loving me with all your heart! I will miss you every day.

I love you, Steph. I miss you and wish you were still here. You are my hero and I love you forever and ever!

I love you and miss you so much. I wish we had more time. I know you are happy now, dancing in the fields with your mom. I hope to see you again one day. Until then, take care of my dad and watch over me. I will never forget you! Love always, your daughter.

I miss you so much, mom. It hurts so much not to have you here anymore. You were the only true mother I ever knew. You taught me everything I needed to know about life and love.

You left this world much too soon. You were so young and so strong. I wish we had more years to share, but I know you’re in a much better place now. I’ll lift my glass high for you tonight and welcome you to my life. I love you and miss you dearly every day.

I am having a hard time believing you are gone. You were such an amazing woman, and I was fortunate to be apart of your life. To this day you are still my role-model and the reason I live with love in my heart.

Although I never got to meet you, I feel like you are with me always. Your words, your smile, ups and downs, everything about you makes me think of you every day.

Today, I woke up and felt the same pain that had been haunting me for the past month. The pain of losing you. I was telling my children about their mother, how amazing she was and how much fun we used to have. And just like every other day the pain came flooding back.

When you are young, the only thing that matters is being with friends. But as you grow into your own person over time, you realize that certain people become an essential part of your life.

Farewell to the sweetest Stepmom I’ve ever known, Jan. You were always so kind to me. My heart will forever be broken without you here; I feel an emptiness that can never be filled.

I love you forever and ever. I know my stepmom would want me to live life, love the ones I care about and make sure that you are happy. The memories we had together will fill my heart with every passing breath. I love you mom!

I will miss you so much. You were the best mom any kid could ever ask for. You were kind, caring, and giving. I loved our time together and your guidance on life.

I’ll always love you mom! You have touched so many people and have left your mark on the world. You taught me to be strong and showed me how to love. I will remember you forever and will take the best parts of you with me as I move forward in my life.

You will live on in my heart always. I love you so much. That is why I feel so empty without you. It’s like a piece of me is gone. Sometimes I feel lost and hopeless without your guidance and comfort.

I love you, I will miss you. I am not sure how to continue a life without you, because to me you were always here and can’t remember a time that you weren’t. You were there when my Dad died, and the light in our lives. I don’t know if or when I’ll be able to see you again.

I love you and will always miss you. I know you are in Heaven right now looking down on me, happy that we had a chance to meet. I wish I could see your face one more time and let you know how much you mean to me.

Thank you so much for your help and support. You are a very special person and an amazing mom. I’m going to miss you so much! I love you!

You accepted me into your life in a time I was scared, lonely, and felt like nobody loved me. You showed love in ways that nothing else could. You became my mother and I will forever be thankful to you for it.

I love you Simon! You were always such an amazing mom to me and I know you had such a great love for Chris. And I know that he loves you too, even though he doesn’t say it.

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