Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Uncle Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Uncle Who Passed Away

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Losing a loved one is never easy, and the passing of a beloved uncle leaves a void that can be hard to fill. This article is a heartfelt tribute to the memory of our dear uncle, as we share a farewell message to my uncle who passed away. It is an opportunity to express our gratitude, recount cherished memories, and offer comfort to those who may be experiencing a similar loss. Let us celebrate the life of our uncle and find solace in preserving his memory forever.

A Farewell Message for My Uncle Who Passed Away

You will be deeply missed, but you will never be forgotten. We all love you so much and wish for a place where you are resting in peace.

It’s not a coincidence that the two of us were put together. You are the most amazing man I’ve ever known and will be forever missed. I love you. Rest in peace uncle John.

My darling boy, I never got to thank you for everything you have done for me in my life. You helped me when I needed it most and supported me through thick and thin.

You were such a wise old soul who will always stay in my heart. I wish we could have shared many more stories together. There’s a new chapter ahead for me and for now I have to close this book on our friendship.

From the bottom of my heart and soul, I love you. We will be with each other soon again my dearest and oldest friend.’

The hole in my heart will never be filled, but I know that you are in a better place, healthy and happy again. At rest for eternity is what I truly hope for you. Goodbye my dear friend and uncle Phillip.

Your sense of humor was contagious that whether you thought it was funny or not, at the end of every conversation, I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe! I will miss you so much but cherish the memories we had together.

Your driven personality rubbed off on me and your sense of humor kept you going through the hard times. I miss you dearly and wish I could see your smiling face one more time. You will always be in my heart and thought.

I hope that you have found your peace my dear uncle and that you are now happy with Grandma. You will both always live in my heart.

You were taken away from us far too soon but your legacy will live on in all the good that you did, and everyone that you helped. You are the most loving uncle in the world.

On your last day of work before being sent home due to medical issues, I remember how you happily hugged me and told me to take care.

You were so caring and loved deeply. We lived life to the fullest. I will always remember your big smile and beautiful laugh. Fly high in heaven my love. I will miss you forever!

Thank you for everything and I wish we could’ve spent more time together. I will always cherish our memories, especially that one adventure we took all those years ago. Love you man!

You are everywhere; in the hearts of everyone who knew you, and even to the ones who didn’t. We see your beautiful face in every sunrise, in the light of every full moon, and in every starry night. Thank you for everything Uncle!

I miss you so much that it kills me every day. Now you are in heaven with God watching over us, guiding us and protecting us. Rest in peace Uncle!

No one will ever fill the void you’ve left in my heart and life. I hope to see you again one day, my friend who taught me so much about making people smile.

I hope you now have found the peace you have been looking for. Remember that I love you…you were always there for me and now it’s my turn to be here for you. Rest in peace Uncle George.

I’ve seen how much pain you have been in, but always pushed through it without complaint. Every time we met up for family dinners, your presence was so powerful that it is hard not to smile when around you.

Your selflessness and thoughtfulness can never be matched. The memories of you will forever be imprinted in my mind as the epitome of what a man should be.

It’s not from either of our faults though, life just got in the way. You were always my hero when I was growing up as a child, I looked up to you so much.

There are no words. You will be missed. I Love You Uncle. You will live in my heart always. I promise to do my best to continue your legacy and make you proud!

I miss you. I can’t believe your gone. You were a great man and I will always remember you. I love you, Uncle Bobbie!

Your life was rich and full, but it was still not enough. We loved you so much and all your friends miss you dearly. Your memory shall always live on in our hearts! I hope that you are at peace and free of pain for the rest of eternity. All my love Uncle!

You will always live in my heart, my friend. I miss you dearly, and wish you could see me now and know how much I love you. You were such a great person who always helped others. I hope your beautiful soul finds peace now and forever.

You will be loved and missed, I promise to carry on your legacy. You were such an amazing person and the memories we shared are things I treasure.

Rest In Peace my friend. You died way too soon, but I know you are somewhere better today. I will never forget you and the memories we’ve shared. Your grand-daughter loves you very much and misses you everyday.

The world has lost an amazing person. You were a friend to the end. You made relationships with everyone you met and were always there when they needed you most.

I miss you already. I wish we could have gone fishing one last time, and spent more time together. You are missed here in this world, but I know you are in a better place. I love you and hope to be with you again someday.

I was crushed to hear the news, but you are in a better place. I will miss the phone calls we used to have. You loved your family and friends very much. We will all miss you very much. God saw fit to take your suffering away from you and now I pray he has forgiven you of everything you have done. RIP

All those years of laughter and joy, those good times teaching me so many things have paid off. I’ve become the man I am today, because of you. Thank you for everything, I will love and remember you forever!

I will always love you! We will always be together even though we are apart. I have so many great memories and laughter with you. I hope there is a place in Heaven for all the goofs, laughter, jokes and walks amongst the clouds. Take care of yourself up there!

I love you and I will never forget you. You are the reason that I laugh, wonder, and love. You are my hero. I will never forget the time we laughed so hard we cried, or the times you felt so good you jumped up to dance in your wheel chair, or how you always helped us out when we needed it.

I will miss you so much. I will always love and remember you. You have left a lifetime of wonderful memories for us with your legacy. I am sad that you are gone, but happy to know that you have left this world peacefully, watching over us like an angel. Rest in peace my uncle–I love you!

Dearest Uncle, I don’t even know where to begin. You gave me a chance when no one else would. When I was young and made mistakes you corrected me and showed me ways to make things better.

You were like a father to me. I miss the sound of your voice and the smell of your cigar. I love you and I will never forget you. RIP

With my deepest sympathy on your loss. I am sure he is happy to be with heaven now, and dancing and singing songs with his grandma. Memories of him will forever be in my mind, and I will keep his strong spirit close to my heart…

You were the best uncle ever. You always made me laugh and shared your stories with me. You helped me go to bed every night and you were the one who always played with me at family gatherings. I love you and i will really miss you Uncle Bill!

Jerome was my life, my world. I miss him and love him more than words could ever express. He is alive in my heart and soul forever. I feel lost without him walking along side me. There’s an empty space in my heart, but you are so loved and missed Jerome.

Meeting you was one of the best decisions of my life.  I loved you so much.   I was lucky to have you in my life.   Your words were wise, your advice was always right on target.   We will always remember you for your big heart and your care and considerations for others. I love you with all my heart!

I am so glad we had this chance to finally meet. I want you to be happy and free, but I will miss you like crazy! I love you so much and I hope heaven is getting ready.

Loving you was so easy. Why did you have to leave? Were you really meant for me or was that just an angel playing tricks on me? I wish I could talk to you, one more time, and one more time after that, until the words ran out.

The world lost a hero today. May you rest in peace, Uncle John! You will be missed.

We love you and miss you so much. You were a brilliant soul, gone way too soon. We will never forget you, even if we forget to tell you that we love you.

I love you so much and I will miss you. The fondest memories I have of you are tucked in my heart forever. The tight hugs, big smiles, and kind words were and always will be one of the greatest gifts I had ever received.

“Shine on you crazy diamond.” My dear uncle, I will always miss your smiling face as you would greet me at the end of each work day.

You are so dearly missed. The world is a darker place without you in it. I love you and will miss you forever!

I’m not afraid of death… Just sad I won’t be able to come and visit you anymore. I miss you!

I will miss you more than words could ever express. From the first day we met, I knew even as a young child that you were great and deserved all the best in this world.

Oh how I miss you! I hope I make you proud the way I used to. I will not ever forget one moment we spent together. You were such a special man, and maybe you still are. I will always love and hope that your beautiful soul is still around.

I know you are in a better place where you can finally rest. You will live on forever in my heart. Love always, Chris

I will miss you old friend. I know I was too late in saying this, but you were a great influence on my life. You taught me to always do the right thing and planned out my entire future for me.

Death can’t have you. You are too powerful for that. All those who love you will keep you with them. They will never forget you and the joy you brought into their lives.

Always remember that I love you, and I am always watching over you. In the biggest sky there is room for your brightest star.

Our love has touched many and will never be forgotten. You will be missed but never forgotten.

I love you and I miss you. You are with me everyday in my heart. Know that your beautiful soul is still around inspiring people, and loves ones with your endless wisdom. I love you so much uncle!

I hope you can see how much I loved you and all the good times we had. You were always a great friend, a loyal brother, an amazing uncle and most of all a beloved father. I will never forget you.

We shared a love for sports, a love of family, and the love for life. You were everything to me and I am sorry I could not be there when you needed me most.

Your genuine nature was hard to come by, your wisdom rarely found. Your loyalty and love for family great. Now your soul rests in peace, now you’ve finally found, a life beyond. We miss you terribly, and think about you often. You taught us love and patience.

I love you and I’ll miss you every day. I know you are in a better place, and will never forget the love you gave me. You’re watchin over me with the rest of my family. I’ll always remember the good times we had and will cherish the memories forever.

You are the best brother anyone could ever ask for. I love you and will miss you for all my life, but one day we will talk again. Stay in touch.

I love you and I will miss you. You were the only person who was nice to me no matter what. Thank you for teaching me that family is the most important thing. I love you, forever.

There are no words that can express the love, loss and sadness I feel today. You were an amazing man and I was lucky to have been part of your life. I will miss how you always made me laugh and smile and most of all your tenderness.

I love you more than I loved yesterday. I miss you so much and you are always in my heart. We will see each other again soon, so hang tight old friend.

I will miss you, you were an amazing man. You will be loved and missed tremendously.

You will be deeply missed. I will keep you in my heart as we all should. I will never forget all the wonderful times we had together.

You were the best uncle anyone could ask for. You were always so kind and fun. We all loved you and we all miss you so much! I know you are in a better place, but I still can’t help but wish you were here with us today. Rest in peace!

I love you so much, Uncle Dan. I miss you more than you could ever know. You were my biggest role model growing up and I looked up to you like no other. I will never forget all the adventures we had together. You will forever live on in my heart.

I will never forget you. I will miss you everyday and every second until we meet again one day. I love you, see you soon!

We are so grateful for the time we spent with you. Our hearts are broken that you are gone, but no words could ever express the love that we feel for you. We will always remember and cherish our memories of you. Your spirit will live on through us-we promise to stay strong. Love you always and forever!

Sometimes you may think that I don’t love you or care, but I will remember you for the rest of my life. You were always there for me and made me feel loved. I will make sure to carry on your legacy and never forget everything you’ve done for me.

I will always cherish our talks and your smile. One day we will meet again. Until then, sleep well beautiful soul.

I’m sorry I haven’t called you enough. I should have made more time for you. Rest assured that you are still in my heart and will continue to be, forever. I love you and miss you very much.

I never told you this, but I grew up admiring you. You were an inspiration to me as I watched you commute to work every single day, without fail. You never complained, and always had a smile on your face.

I said goodbye to you on Wednesday, but I didn’t say enough. There are so many things I wish I could’ve said. You were there for me when I needed it most. Your guidance and support provided me with confidence and help me achieve great things.

I’ll miss you. You were a great man, always had a smile on your face and a positive word for everyone. I have great memories of the times we spent together and will miss seeing you now that you’re gone. I loved you so much and know that heaven has gained a good man. Rest in peace buddy.

I didn’t realize how much you meant to me until I had to watch you walk away. You’ve given me many great memories; some of which I will treaure for a lifetime. I love you, Uncle Mark. I’ll miss you!

I wrote this letter so that I need never say goodbye. Just know that I love you and I will be thinking of you. Thank you for being such a huge part of my life and for all your guidance, love and support. I will always be your little girl!

I wish you were here to see how strong we have become and how much we all love you. You’re forever in my heart and I miss you!

I will never forget you. You were an amazing person and a very influential figure in my life. I am so upset to have lost you, but I pray that you are happy in heaven, spending your days dancing with the angels and telling jokes to God. I love you, buddy.

I can’t believe it’s over. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever want or think something like this would happen. I will miss you greatly. You were always so kind to me, never showing any sign of anger.

I wish you were here with us, but know we will see you again someday. Your courage and bravery have shown me what true strength looks like. You are the bravest man I have ever known. Don’t worry about us, we will be strong and honor your memory for the rest of our lives.

I know that you’re in a better place looking down at us, but I wish you were here. I love you and will miss your big Hawaiian warm hugs and the smile that melted my heart.

I’ll be honest with you, if you hadn’t passed away this year I would have been really worried about what was going on with us. We fell out of touch, we never talked.

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