Home Anniversary Wishes Best Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Son and Son in Law

Best Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Son and Son in Law

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A wedding anniversary is a momentous occasion that celebrates the love and commitment between two individuals. When it’s your son’s wedding anniversary or your son-in-law’s, it becomes an even more special and heartwarming event. Sending them the best wishes on their anniversary not only shows your love and care but also strengthens your bond with them. In this article, we have curated a diverse selection of the best wedding anniversary wishes for son and son-in-law that will help you express your heartfelt emotions and make their day truly unforgettable.

Best Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Son and Son in Law

 It is a wonderful thing to share your life with someone you love as much as you love each other. Although nothing on earth would make us happier than seeing our grandchildren playing here in this yard, it is not to be. 

 I thank God every day that he brought us together and everyday I thank him for sending me such a gem as my loving husband. 

You are a great son, partner, father, and friend. You have made me so happy and everyday I thank God for blessing me with you in my life. I love you!

I can’t wait for what’s in store for us in the future – adventures, children, travel and much much more! I’m excited to spend the rest of my life with you!

You are more than enough for me and forever will be. I can not wait to see where our new journey is going to take us, but one thing is for sure, it is going to be amazing if I have anything to do with it!

To love you and share your life is something I would never trade for anything. Thank you for making our family so wonderful. We are forever in your debt!

I can’t think of any better men to be in my life. You two will always be my boys and no matter how old you are, you will always be my boys.

You treat her well, make her laugh and hold her when she cries. I feel like one lucky dad to have you in my family. May many years pass with happiness and blessings being poured upon your relationship.

 It does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things…

Every day I tell myself, how lucky I am to have you two! Thank you for choosing me as your father. I am so proud to have you two as my sons. I love you both so much!

You put the love of my life completely at ease when she fell in love with you. I’m so proud to call you son and my best friend! Love Dad xoxoxo

It’s been a long, winding road with plenty of hard times but one thing remains true, I love you more than anything in this world and I am so happy that you are my husband!

Your fun, loveable natures and your desire to party are a true example of how well you compliment each other. I love you both very much.

 I can’t imagine a life without you in it. Thank you for loving me and being the husband, father and son-in-law that you are. Happy anniversary!

You have worked so hard and deserved everything you have today. You are partners in all things and together as husband and wife, man and wife, father and father or nurse and nurse I couldn’t be happier for you both. Cheers!

 You took my breath away at the altar. Then you made me laugh on our wedding day… I couldn’t wait until that night to hold you in my arms!

Today we celebrate the love between these two people and the joy it has brought into our lives. Let us keep this celebration going on into the future as well, so that they might always know how much they were loved in return.

You are a wonderful son, son-in-law, and husband and anyone would be lucky to have someone like you in their life.

Our love is as strong as it was when we first met so many years ago and I pray that it stays that way till we lay our heads on our pillow for the very last time. 

Dear Son and Son in Law, It’s been a year since the two of you said your vows. We know that the years to come will be happy, loving and full of all the joys life has to offer. We love each of you so much and we look forward to many more birthdays, anniversaries and holidays! …

Best wishes to my son and son in law on your wedding anniversary. Love is a kind of gift which I can’t explain, it’s a feeling of endless trust! Best wishes to you both, love.

I never wanted a son. I just wanted you! Our life together is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are such a blessing and I love you with all my heart. Happy anniversary.

Anniversary, Valentines day, birthdays, you make them special. You are the one I have always desired. You are my soul mate forever and ever.

Anniversary: the marriage or anniversary of something. Yes, that is exactly what you are to us-something special. The love between you and Emily has been a source of joy and comfort for many years now, and we couldn’t be happier for you both! We can’t wait to celebrate this great occasion with you.

Thank you for making our wedding day the most special day of my life. We have been married three years and I look forward to many more memories we will create together. You are the love my life, thank you for making me so happy.

After two years of marriage, you should be the happiest people alive. The truth is you are. You’ve shared your dreams with each other, and they have come true! You have blessings every day of your lives.

We chose you two because we thought you would be perfect together. We were right! Stay forever happy and in love.

Thank you Josh, for the last ten years of our life. We’ve been through a lot together but you always stand by my side. I love you with my whole heart and hope to continue on this long journey called marriage.

Happy Anniversary. This year feels like a different kind of anniversary. It’s been 10 years of friendship, then 5 years of dating, and finally 5 years of marriage. I think you’ve become my best friend which is why I would marry you all over again.

10 years ago you started on a journey, but you never knew who you would meet along the way. We all know now that path has led to me. So many people have helped you get this far in life, but I am glad I got the honor of being there for the grand finale.

Happy anniversary to the best son-in-law ever! Thanks for a wonderful year of marriage and for being such an awesome addition to our family. Hope you enjoy your day filled with love, laughs and good food with everyone you love most in the world.

As you celebrated your first year of married life, we want to congratulate the both of you for making it this far. We are very happy that our son has found such a great woman to share his life with and that she is also an amazing daughter in law. Happy anniversary and continue being such a perfect couple!

Happy Anniversary, Son! We couldn’t be happier for you and your husband. You are a great couple! If we were younger we might have stolen him away for ourselves. Love you both very much.

We love you both and are so happy for you. You guys make a great couple and we’re excited to spend an entire lifetime with you.

May your anniversary be full of love! As you have added new joy AND new laughter into her life, continue to fill your lives with happiness that will last for years to come. Love, Mom & Dad

Today and everyday, in every way, I am more thankful that you are part of my life. I love you more than you can comprehend. Happy Anniversary.

I’m so proud of the man you’ve become and couldn’t be happier to call you my son. Thanks for being so understanding about me and your father and for being there for me when I needed it the most.

You are the most wonderful husband in the world! For years we laughed and cried together, but in the end love won over all obstacles. Here’s to many more years of happiness for us both :-). Love, Anni.

When you asked me to marry you, you changed my life forever. You are the love of my life and my best friend. I feel so lucky to have someone that is with me every step of the way.

10 years! I don’t know how we’ve made it this far, but I must say I am quite impressed. Every moment with you is a blessing and I want you to know that I love you.

They say that 4th February is the day you should show your wife of 15 years how much she means to you. It’s also a day when you should show your son something in return for all that he has done for you over the years.

I’m so glad we met. I didn’t care what anyone said, I just knew you were someone special. And from that day on I have been so happy to spend every single day of my life with you.

Happy anniversary to my son and his husband! May your marriage be ninety nine years strong and may you both have happy lives together. Love mom and dad

Wishing my son and his wonderful husband a happy anniversary! They are such an inspiring couple to all of us that love and support them. I am so proud of how far they have come, how hard they work, and how happy they are. They make this mother very happy Smooches boys!!!

I love you both so much, you’re the most amazing people I’ve ever known. I am so proud of the people you are and the lives that you lead. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t feel blessed to call you my sons.

I’m so happy you and Ariana found each other. I love you both so much and couldn’t be happier about your marriage. You are both my little boys and I wish you many years of happiness together.

It is our wedding anniversary today, and I must say that the years just fly by. The best thing that we ever did was to make that leap. I love you more than anything and there is nothing in this world that could ever change that. Happy anniversary dear!

Congratulations on your 10th wedding anniversary! 10 years is a big deal so let’s celebrate! I hope the both of you live happily ever after. Sincerely, Janice & Joe

Happy 1-year anniversary! It’s hard to believe that you have been with us for a whole year. It has been the best year of my life – getting to know a new son, and watching your love for my daughter grow into something beautiful.

Happy 1st anniversary! Every year I fall more in love with you. You make me so happy and I will never stop loving you.

As the new decade begins and you two become the parents of a child, I just want you to know how proud I am. You did well and I hope that you are loving every minute of it. Such an important time with great memories to create for yourselves.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HONEY! I love you so much. You are sweet and kind. I am so lucky to have found you. We have been through the rough times and they just made us stronger… You will always be my one and only. You bring me joy like no other.

Love is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful.

Happy Anniversary, my dear daughter and son-in-law. May you always be as happy as you were on your wedding day. You may have been married a year already, but I’ll always think of you both as newlyweds.

Happy anniversary to the son I never had. Happy anniversary to the son I am proud of everyday. Happy anniversary to my son in law you are a jewel. You are a great husband, father and man and you have made me very happy.

Dear Angus and Frances, It’s been a year since the two of you were joined together in holy matrimony. You’ve managed to capture the true essence of love.

Oh my baby boy, you are now officially a man. I can already see the fine young man you will grow into. I feel so blessed that we have raised such a wonderful, honest and loving boy.

Well, we made it. Five years is more than either of us thought possible, we look back at the first time we met and the first time we held our son in out arms, and all I can say is…wow.

Today is a day for celebration. We have been married for an entire year! It has been a great year, but I wouldn’t even trade your love for this entire world! I am blessed to be with the man I love and I want nothing more than to spend every day of my life with you.

Here’s to you and I, the start of a new generation. We will never be apart as long as our hearts beat and as long as we love. Be my partner in life, I will always be there for you.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I loved being your son in law for the past 3 years, and it will only get better! Love you both!

A simple thank you is not enough to tell you would thankful we are for having both of you be a part of our lives. Your kindness, big hearts and love has made our family complete. We wish you both all the happiness in your married life.

To my lovely son and his husband who have been together for 3 years. To have found each other after so long – I’m not surprised, you bitches match each other perfectly!

I love you, darling! I pray for only good things to come your way always because you equal everything extraordinary. You are my hero and my rock.

Tim, thanks for always being there for the family, especially the little guy. Happy first anniversary! And to you, John! Thank you for bringing the best son a Mom could ask for into our family. Here’s to many more years together!

Thanks for always being a wonderful husband and father. We’re so glad to have you as our son! Thanks for taking good care of my girl! There’s never a dull moment with you two around! We love you both very much.

When I saw your bright beautiful smile that day I was so sure that we were meant to be together forever. You are my soul mate, my best friend, and my biggest support in life. Thank you for sharing in my dreams and being part of me always.”

In 22 years of marriage, I still feel the same way I felt when I first laid eyes on you. Although we hit a few rough patches, the love between us has only gotten stronger. It warms my heart to think about how blessed I am to have you as my husband and lover. -Jen

Man, it’s hard to believe that our anniversary is coming up again. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun and we have had tons of it! You make me so happy, and I hope that you will be my wife for the rest of our lives.

Ten years with you two. WOW! And what a ride it’s been. From the first drumroll to the last kiss, I have enjoyed every moment. I couldn’t be more proud or happy for the two of you.

A wedding anniversary is a time to celebrate the love that you’ve found and the love that has grown stronger each year.

You, my dear son, are now married. All our hopes and dreams have come true. I am so happy to see you so happy in your marriage to the love of your life. My only concern is, please don’t be careless like your daddy… I love you both very much.

Happy anniversary son in law, you were the perfect pick for my daughter. You are kind and loving, a great provider and a funny guy. I couldn’t have asked for a better husband for her. A toast to you and my beautiful daughter!

So happy together! When we got married I promised to love, honor and cherish you. The day we said “I do” you completed our family and brought us so much happiness. We love you with all our hearts and can’t wait for many more anniversaries together.

You are the best son in law a father could ever ask for. You’ve given me peace of mind and I never have to worry about your future. You and Erin together are my future, I love you both forever!

We are so proud of the man you have become. You and Ryan are our two favorite men in the world! We love you both more than words can say. We couldn’t have asked for better sons-in-law.

It was a pleasure to share your special day with you. Let’s make many more memories together!

I never thought I would love someone as much as I love you, but here we are. It has been a year since we began this journey together and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. We will create some beautiful memories together and grow old under the sunset.

We often ask each other, did we really make a good choice? And every time, we smile and say yes! You are so wonderful! Not only do you show me that I was right, but every time it seems like we are starting all over again!

Happy anniversary, son. We want to let you know how proud we are of you, the man you have become and the amazing father you are to our great-grandchildren. .Happy anniversary!

On this day, this year, our son and his new bride will begin their life together. Their lives will be filled with laughter, love and happiness, as we wish for them today. May this day be the beginning of many wonderful years together!

Happy anniversary to my son and the most wonderful man in our lives. We couldn’t be happier or proud of you. You have done so much for our family and are always there to help. I love that your wife had you and I’m so glad she married you. I love both of you with all my heart.

You are a wonderful son and husband. You make my daughter unbelievably happy and for that I am truly grateful. I hope you have an incredible anniversary, filled with love, laughter and joy!

Dear son, you’re married now! I cannot believe how fast the years have passed. With every passing year I fall more in love with your wife, she is everything a man could ask for. You two together are a wonderful team and you make me so proud. I love you both so much!

I just want to say that tonight as I am writing this to you, you have made me the happiest mother and wife in the world.

You are a true inspiration to me and I can not tell you how proud I am of you both. You have taken love and made it your own.

You guys are stuck with each other for the rest of your life now, but I love both of you and think you’re perfect for each other. Congratulations!

John and I are so glad that you both could make it to celebrate our anniversary together! We love you both so very much and we’ve loved having the two of you around. This has been a great year and we hope there are many more to come. We will see you soon!

Two whole years in, and everyday seems even better than the last. I love you more than words could ever say.

Raising two boys is so much fun. Just when I think I have life figured out, you kids do something that keeps me guessing. To my son in law… I’m glad we got the chance to meet and that we are raising our kids together. You are a great kid and a very good man. Good luck to you in your new adventures!

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