Home Prayer Messages Effective Prayers for Protection from Evil for mother

Effective Prayers for Protection from Evil for mother

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Mothers play an integral role in our lives, providing love, care, and guidance. As they navigate the challenges of motherhood, it’s natural for them to seek protection and safety for themselves and their families. One powerful way to achieve this is through prayer. Prayer is a sacred practice that connects individuals with their spiritual beliefs and a higher power, offering solace and strength during difficult times. In this article, we will explore effective prayers for protection from evil for mothers, empowering them to embrace faith, find comfort, and shield their loved ones from harm.

Effective Prayers for Protection from Evil for Mother

No demon shall come near her without your authority or power to ward them off. Your angels are her protection keep them alert at all times, day and night.

God, please protect my mom from the evil which surrounds her. Please shield her from ill wishes, curses, and spells.

Protect her and give her confidence that she is surrounded by your love and protection at all times.

Thank you, Lord, for loving us enough to give your son so that we can have a relationship with you.

Father, Keeper of heaven and Earth and all that is in between, hear my prayer.

Evil forces surround us and try to act like there is nothing wrong, but the truth is evident every day. Warlocks and witches are lurking in the dark.

Help me to fight evil with good so I can protect my family. Keep harm away from our doors and keep us safe from evil spirits who wish to harm us.

Dear Lord, I come before you today to pray for my brother/sister. Please protect him/her from all evil and danger. Bless them with a happy and healthy life.

Grant that they have the wisdom to make good decisions, dare to overcome their fears, and strength of body, mind, and spirit.

Protect them from physical and emotional harm. Stabilize their hearts with a strong faith in you so that their lives will be pleasing in your sight.

Dearest Heavenly Father, with hearts full of gratitude we thank you today for your care.

Help us to trust in your guidance and love, knowing that you will give us the strength we need to be at peace as we go about our lives.

Bless us with that peace of heart and mind, so that we may put our trust in you and not in false securities. Lead us then from this moment forward into the light of forgiveness, light, and grace.

I know our god hears all prayers and I am hopeful that your family is protected and safe from harm.

I pray that God watches over you, your children, and the entire community. May the Lord be with you in this time of trouble.

I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my rock, my pillar of strength. When I need comfort and when I feel like a failure, you are there to make me strong.

My prayers are with you every day. Please protect us from the Dark Masters so that we can continue to serve the Lord knowing that we have the upper hand.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

They have robbed me without judgment, they have slain my children without mercy, and have shed my blood without reason.

Lord protect my mother day and night from all enemies, evil spirits, witchcraft, bad luck, and curses.

Dear Lord, Protect my family from any evil actions done by our enemies. I put no trust in my big and powerful enemy. You are the only one who can save and protect us from all harm.

Dear God, I pray for my mother… that she may be kept safe from evil and wicked people. And to please keep her children safe from any cancers, diseases, and evil hands that are trying to harm them!

Dear Heavenly Father, please keep my family and me safe today and always. Father, please send your angels to protect my family and me.

Please protect us from evil forces as well as physical danger, heal us from all ailments of the body, and heal our souls of the sickness of sin.

Give us strength to forgive those who have hurt us, strength to stand up for what we know is right, and strength to never give up on ourselves or our loved ones.

Dear Lord, bring peace to the world. Let us find hope again. May the sun shine over our homes once again, and may we bring love and compassion to all those in need.

I ask that You give us the strength we need during this trying time.

May we overcome our weaknesses to become brave warriors in Your army. Please help me be a better mother who can love her family unconditionally.

I pray that my mother be protected from all evil and negative things. I want her to feel safe in the knowledge that I love her and I will help her with anything that she needs.

Oh Lord, please give me the patience to deal with my mom and teach me how to be a good daughter.

Prayer To Stop Suicidal Thoughts, Anger and Depression. Dear God! This prayer is for those who have been tormented by the actions of others. For all the people who see no way out and cannot take it anymore.

I pray that in Your mercy, You open their eyes to the fact that people are praying for them.

I pray that any dark thoughts of suicide or self-harm will be taken away from them and that they will seek help, whether it be professional or family.

Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, I humbly beseech thee to watch over and protect me always.

A rampaging individual is trying to bring down my happiness in life; he is sending me death threats and emails with unpleasant attachments.

I ask Lord to take all these evils from me and protect me from them. Lord, please have mercy on me and save me from the hands of the enemy.

Lord, tighten your grip on him and save all my friends and family members too.

Dear Lord, Please hear our prayer. My wife has been feeling so sad lately. I can’t help but wonder if it is because you are displeased with us, or perhaps she is ill.

We pray that you would give her peace of mind and body and we ask that you keep her safe from all evil and harm.

Now, call on me, and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things which you have not known.

Thank you for the sweet relief you give me. I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I trust in you. Help me to live each day as fully as possible and to trust that what will be, will be.

Keep my family safe from harm, and my enemies at bay. Protect us from thoughts of destruction or violence, and help us spread peace to those around us.

Heavenly Father, I pray for all of my needs and I pray for the needs of all who read these prayers. I offer you my prayer and ask for your blessings in return……

If you have truly found the love of your life, if you are completely serious about her, express the depth of your love with these beautiful but very powerful prayers.

It is believed that Gods respond to strong feelings of individuals in the form of miracles.

Lord, please help protect my mother from all evil and dark forces. I pray that she may be able to rest in peace knowing that she is being protected and cared for.

I pray that You will give her the courage to fight, the faith to believe in miracles, and the strong willpower to survive.

Lord of all mankind, I come before you today to ask for your protection for my child. Please keep her safe from any enemy that wishes harm on her or those around her.

Protect those who watch over her and provide for her in your name.

Oh God, please hear my prayer. Please help me with your almighty power and protection.

Do not let any evil spirits affect my children’s health and do not let any evil eye or jealousy harm us. Protect us from the bad thing that flows against us from every spirit of wickedness in high places.

Our loving Father, I humbly ask for your guidance and protection for my mother. She has always been a good person and she is the most generous person I know.

Please keep her safe from all evil and harm. Watch over her and protect our family. Keep her stress free and keep her healthy so she can lead a long happy life.

Dear Father in Heaven. Please please protect our family from all evil and harm. Specifically, we ask that you watch over us while we drive today.

Keep us safe from our enemies and evil spirits. I also ask that you watch over my mom at work today and keep her safe from gossipers and other hurtful people in the workplace.

Keep her strong and positive and make her shine inside. I love you with all my heart and soul – Amen

I pray for all the mothers in the world: that their children may find their paths and fulfill their life purpose; that they may find strength and courage to shield them from the storms life brings.

I pray that you will watch over all mothers and be there to comfort them in times of distress. Help them to become leaders of their homes, raising confident, successful children.

Please bless me, my family, my friends, and all women across the world.

I beg you to please bring me closer to God. I have suffered greatly these last few years and I wish for it to end.

I promise that if you allow this to pass over me, that I will become a better person trying my best to live in His will for me. Please protect my family from any further attack.

I pray for protection from evil and any harm that has been done in the past or will be done in the future.

I pray to God to protect me and my family from all evil and negativity in this world.

I pray for the health, happiness, safety, and prosperity of my mother. Thank you, Lord, oh thank you. Amen!

I pray that you protect me and my family from evil. I pray for strength to resist temptation. I will rely on you in time of need. I place my trust in you God.

Protect us, protect our families, and provide safety from all that would harm us and harm the world. Bless the nations of the earth and all those who work for good.

Dear Lord. Watch over, mother. Protect her from all the evil things in the world. Give her strength and courage to stand up for herself and help her realize that she isn’t alone in this fight.

She is so strong and I know that she can get through this one again with God’s help. Help me be there for her when she needs someone, to love and care for her.

I pray that God will continue to strengthen me in my walk with Him. I pray that He will give me wisdom and discernment, and the ability to hear His voice above all other voices.

I pray that He will help me to understand His will for me, and help me have the strength to follow His ways.

Blessed Mother, help me in my needs to be safe and protected from all enemies. The enemy tries hard to frighten me through the children at school & the neighbors.

I ask you to give me the power of faith to overcome this evil. If I am looking at a problem, think about it and go directly toward helping myself with faith in God.

If you haven’t heard, there have been a lot of murders and attacks happening in our little town lately.

My girls live too far away for me to feel safe sending them up here to visit on their own. I don’t want anything to happen to them so please send us prayers for protection from evil and all enemies!

I am writing this out as a prayer to my creator, asking for protection. I have never been more scared in my entire life than when our relationship was revealed to other people.

I have come here today to pray for protection, that the lies and threats from him stop immediately.

My mother was the only Mom I ever had. In school, they taught me that word matters. I want you to know one thing if you never know another: I will always love you. I promise not to take this for granted.

Dear God, I come to you for protection from my enemies and evil. Please protect my family. Bless them with good health and prosperity.

Help me to always be at peace, levelheaded and optimistic. Guide me to make the right decisions in my life, and not lead me into temptation. Amen

Please pray for me and send me your positive energy to protect me from evil and the enemy.

If you pray for me together, we have a stronger power to protect us from the dark things in the world.

When I feel the dark people are near, please put your hand on my heart and pray with me to get rid of them. Thank you so much!

Prayers for protection from evil and enemy for mother. Lord help my mom to have a calm mind and heart free from stress and negative emotions. Please make her see that worrying makes her sick.

Help her to not lose faith in you, to remember your promises even when things are hard, to be confident that the light has overcome the darkness, that love wins over hatred, kindness over rudeness.

Please help all our family on every level: physically, emotionally, and spiritually!

Protect your children when they go to sleep at night and surround them with light. I pray you will ward off all evil spirits, and watch over my family and friends.

Help those who are dealing with addiction by touching their souls and leading them back to the right path in life.

I am so grateful for everything you do, every sacrifice. You have made it throughout this life and the next. Thank you.

Protect my son from all harm, evil, pain, and suffering. Let him live a long and prosperous life, filled with happiness and joy.

Let us be reunited eventually in one another’s arms in Heaven. I love you always.

Dear Lord, watch over us and keep us safe from all evil. Protect us from the evil forces. I am thankful to you that my family never had problems. Our life is good and happy.

Dear God! I am a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to, and a strong arm to hold onto.

I am the key in her heart that opens the door to Faith, Hope, and Love. With me, she will never be lost, alone, or fearful. I am patient and kind.

It is easy to speak the words, ‘I love you’. But do we show it? Actions speak louder than words. I pray that you never forget what an effect you have had on my life.

Oh Lord, I come to you with the deepest of needs. Please help me in this time of desperation! I ask to be shielded from all evil and negativity.

I am in the battle of my life and I need your help, Lord! Please give me wisdom in trying times, and protect me from those that surround me that can not be trusted.

Guide me towards making the right decisions. Thank you for hearing my cry Lord!!

My darling my beloved, please grant me your eternal protection. Please fill my soul with full of ageless beauty. For I am weak in front of your voice and your touch, and in the depth of my heart I honor you as my God…

Protect my mother from all forms of evil. Bring her peace, hope, and joy. Please give her the strength to overcome all her obstacles and help her accept her new position in life. Thank you and bless us all.

Dear Father, you have promised to answer the prayers of those who ask for your protection. I am asking this day for your divine protection from every Satanic attack from the enemy.

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