Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Grandmother

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Grandmother

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My grandma loves me very much and she always says that whenever I visit her she brings me gifts. She goes to the market to bring my favorite chocolate popsicle, biscuits, and other cookies. My grandma always has me in her mind; she is a very good cook, but she doesn’t have time to prepare my favorite dishes, and sometimes that makes me upset. She always asked me to help her at home, but I am a student so I can’t help her.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Grandmother

My grandma died when I was eleven years old, and her absence left a big hole in the lives of our family.

You went to heaven, Now you are in my heart. You are not alone.

I am with you right by your side, every day and night. But when you sleep at night, I know it might be a little scary. Don’t worry about a thing; I’m here to hold your hand!

You are my life and my love. I wish that I could give you immortality. Then you would never leave me. I will continue to keep you in my heart, always.

Maybe you never thought that any of your grandchildren would want to write a letter like this, but I’m going to do it.

When it came time to write a college essay, one of my choices was about how you tried to teach me the value of hard work.

We miss you. The days, weeks, and months have gone by so slowly and they seem to go even slower when we miss you.

We have cried many tears, wishing you were with us. Not a day goes by that we don’t talk of you and dream of the times that we spent together.

I can still see your beautiful face smiling back at me. Those memories will live with us forever.

My life hasn’t been perfect. There have been lots of pain and hardships, but there have also been joys and achievements.

I have a few people who are always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or just need to vent.

Grandma! You are my rock and support system, always there when I need you.

You are my everything. From the moment I decided to be a mother, you were my greatest support and inspiration.

Even though I never got the chance to hold you in my arms, I held you in my heart and today, half of it is gone; my soul has been ripped out!

You’ve always been there for me and happy to listen.

Dear Grandma, I’m doing great. Thank you for the 100th birthday party you sent. It was a wonderful party, I enjoyed it.

The gifts came in handy as well. I got a chance to use the coupon you gave me at that new pizza parlor around my way, they were nice!

They had a lot of fun games going on and some awesome pizza! But even with all the fun, I still miss you a lot.

My grandmother died today. I don’t know how you could have not known that, but since you’re my grandma it was a little hard to tell you…

When I was little. The one person that would always come sit next to me when I cried, and hold me.

The one who could make my day in a second just by being there. I miss her so much, everything about her- her smile, her voice, her laugh.

You may wonder why I’m telling you this story now, well it’s because this month is the 3rd anniversary of grandmas death. I am so thankful for every moment I can remember with her.

You are the one who taught me that the world is made of many good people and I can always find a helping hand, even when it looks impossible.

Thank you for everything and I wish you have a beautiful day!

Far away I hear your loving, gentle voice, I hear the soft lullabies you gently sing, and I see the mist of the tears that you wipe from my eyes.

We miss you so much, and we think of you every day.

We know that it is getting harder for you to remember the lives that you once touched so deeply, the joys and sorrows they shared with you, but it is important to remember those times.

We want you to know that we love and cherish your memory, we cherish every thought, and every memory and are aware of your everlasting support in us throughout our lives.

You have never been a constant fixture throughout my life, but each time I see your face, I receive warmth and comfort.

You make me cry every time you tell me you love me or that I’m beautiful.

My heart swells so big it hurts but in a very good way. It hurts because I miss you.

It hurts because I know you are gone forever, but it feels so good because you are alive in spirit and memory.

I may not have known you very long, but I feel something inside of me tell me you will be in my life from here on.

I don’t know why, but I feel as if you are a part of my soul.

I look at your picture every day and feel this tugging at my heart that I’ve never felt before. It makes me want to be a better person for you.

Mommy you could always make me feel better. There was a time before Daddy got sick when Daddy was still around that Mommy, us and dad were happy.

I never knew how much I would miss you until you were gone.

Every day has been different since that one day when I came home from school and Mommy wasn’t there to greet me at the door.

That’s when it happen Mommy left and took your smell with her. The house felt different after you went away.

Dear Grandma, I miss you so much! The world seems dark now. My heart is sad and I cry every day.

I wish to come home and watch movies with you, sing songs before bedtime, make delicious cookies, and throw slumber parties with my friends.

I know if I ask Mom, she says no. I can’t wait until my birthday this summer to see you, but I don’t want to wait so long.

You were gone too soon and it broke my heart. I remember the day you went away like it was just yesterday.

Soon after this, I knew I had to get tough. My mom said she would always be there to help me but she couldn’t be.

Her words didn’t help so I had to become strong by myself. No tears, just courage, and strength.

You were her little girl and you could protect her from the world yet you were taken from her way before your time was up.

Grandma, you are in my thoughts and prayers today. One is to have you back in our lives to scold us for arguing and fussing.

Just yesterday the kids were fighting over a piece of candy, so I yelled at them. Next thing I knew I was crying because I miss you so much.

Every day it gets harder to not hear your voice telling me that my baby is getting too big for his diapers.

Every day I miss you more and more. There are times when I find myself wondering what you would say in certain situations.

I know you would give the best advice and that is why I am asking you now.

You see, my life was turned upside down by a boy who promised me the world but only gave me endless heartache. I just don’t know how to move on from here. What do I do?

I am 22 years old and have lived without you since I was 5 years old. Our family has never forgiven you for leaving us.

My uncle came over to visit one day and told me what happened on the day you died, probably so that I would understand why no one in our family would ever speak of you.

When I heard what had occurred on that day, I was torn between tears and laughter. You had been so upset with my father that he moved out a few days

This is a letter to the old woman who sits beside God, her eyes sparkle within the wrinkles of her face, her hair dark and braided behind her soft and strong shoulders.

A grandmother’s love is unconditional, and mine was – I loved each of you. When life kept us apart, my heart burst with joy when we were able to see each other.

My love for all of you has no boundaries… even when I’m gone! My grandchildren, please watch over your mommy and keep her smiling and happy.

My love for her has no boundaries either. Kisses and hugs to you all!

the one who raised me and taught me the ways of love and life is gone! they are NOT dead, they are just not here.

Their spirit, their energy, is still with all of us here on earth. there is no such thing as death, only a change of form… we love you and we miss you, Grandma!

Daughter, you are now entering the shores of this new world.

You are so brave and so courageous, and even though you miss your dear grandmother, you will make it through.

Who knows? Maybe one day our paths will cross by pure chance, who knows! So little girl, every time you feel alone, helpless, and sad…

Think of me and know that I am always with you in your heart. Never forget me, daughter. Never forget the good times we spent together.

I want to say I love you. I wish I could bring you back to us. You haven’t been there for me for a long time but now more than ever I need you.

I miss you so much that it hurts my heart. I know it’s not my fault that you left because god has a plan and only he knows what it is.

Dear readers, my first of many articles. I love my grandmother very much.

I wish for her to be at every birthday, every game, every graduation, every funeral, and any other major event in my life.

I know she loves me dearly, but sometimes the hardest part is being apart.

Without you to guide me and help me along the way, I feel lost and alone.

I want to hear your voice again and see that smile that used to light up my day.

It was your touch that made me feel safe and warm, it was your love that made me feel special…

It is your memory that keeps me going when times are hard. If only I knew how to bring you back, I would do anything in my power to make sure you never left us again.

I wish I could see you once more. You are my only memory of a loving mother and grandmother.

I don’t ever remember you yelling at me, which is something I’m very grateful for.

When people tell me to just call, I just don’t have anyone to call anymore, and talking on the phone just isn’t the same.

When it gets tough, I try to remember all the good memories and the times we spent together so that you are never forgotten.

There was never a moment that I didn’t miss you, but it always seemed easier to believe that you were standing behind me every morning when I looked in my bathroom mirror.

Before I went to sleep at night, I imagined you watching over me from above.

During the day, at work, and even as I stood in front of this microphone, you were never gone from my heart.

You are everywhere I go, in everything I do, and in everything I love.

I know you can’t be here to help me through every moment of my life, but I wish you could.

I wish you could see the milestones that I’ve reached, the friends I’ve made, and hear that I’m doing so well.

Even though it hurts to see you in pictures and think of what you used to be like, I’m thankful that they are the only times that I will wonder where you are and how your day went.

I don’t know if you remember much from your childhood, but I do.

You were the center of our universe. You were a hard worker, you always helped my father out on his farm and in your garden.

You were and still are my hero! I hope someday you will find peace since you have been through so much.

I wish you could see me grow, understand me, and protect me. I wish you could hear my laughter and be proud of my accomplishments.

I know you are watching over me and guiding me. I love you, grandma!

I’m not good with words so please don’t cry. I just want to tell you how much I love and miss you.

I feel your presence holding me every night when I say my prayers.

I hope you know how much you are loved and missed. If I could give one wish it would be to bring back a piece of the joy that you brought to everyone.

Give my love and hugs to Grandpa and till we meet again, Love always ~

I hope that you can feel how much I miss you and how impossible it is to stop thinking about you.

I want to be the perfect daughter for you! I wish I could hug you and tell you how much I love and miss you. I know it sounds crazy but sometimes I still feel that you’re here with me.

I know you’re up there looking down on me. I wish you were here to hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright.

You were the best grandma in the whole wide world. I know you’re proud of me, even though I haven’t done much with my life yet. Just know that I love you a whole lot.

I wish I could hear you call my name again, or hear your voice one last time…I hope you think of me too!

Love isn’t like a river. It’s more like the ocean. It goes on and on and never ends.

I wish you were here to see me growing up, to teach me about life, and give me advice, but I know you are with me always.

You will always be in my heart. I can feel your presence in my mind and my soul, always guiding me through the ups and downs of life.

There is not a day that goes by without thinking of you.

At times like these, I feel pain so strong that it seems impossible to live.

I’m sure you can feel my pain because you experienced it before me. You gave birth to me, and you raised me until I was ready for the real world.

So know this…I miss you now more than ever before. I will never forget the joy you gave me throughout my childhood years.

Dear Mom,I know you are in a better place. I just want you to know how much you are missed.

I so wish that you could see me graduate from college and get married. But I know you will be watching me from Heaven with a big smile on your face.

You taught me so much about being a great friend and person. I miss you every day, but I know I can talk to you whenever I need to through prayer or sometimes through my tears.

You have been my biggest fan and I miss you so much. You were always there for me no matter what, even if you were busy as hell.

Even when I was driving you crazy by not listening to you about my studying for school. When Dad died I felt like there was a big hole in my heart, but it’s different now.

The thought of never seeing you again just breaks my heart into pieces. Life is just not the same without you around to “handle me.” Love,

If you had met my mom and dad you would have been their best friend.

If you would have seen my brother, sister, and me growing up you would have loved us as if we were your grandchildren.

If any of our family members were sick or hurt you would call them with well wishes and gifts.

I knew that because I have read stories about grandparents who did all of these things for their grandchildren.

I know that I haven’t seen you in months and it is hard to remember your face, but I will never forget how you made me feel.

Even if you aren’t here physically, the thought of you always makes the air smell sweeter.

Just knowing that you are out there somewhere is comforting. Your memory has kept me safe, even with all the evil going on in this world.

Grandma, if you were here right now, I would give you a big hug and kiss and tell you that I love you.

I always miss you, and there’s a huge space in my heart away from you. I love you so much! Grandma, I miss you.

I’m sad you died. I cry when I don’t see you. Cause I love you so much. I wish, I wish, but it’s too late. And now here come the tears again.

Cause my heart hurts and my love for you is here again and again and never seems to go away.

Even though you’ll never read this, I know this letter will give you peace. I miss you. I wish I could have known you.

I wish we could have been together more. My heart aches for you and all the lives that have been touched by your spirit. You’re always in our thoughts and our hearts.

We miss you, Grandma! Grandma, you mean the world to us. You are the one who loves us and cares for us, You are the one who loves everybody and everything.

We wish we could see you, talk to you, and hug you but someday, someday…

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