Home Prayer Messages Get Well Soon Prayer for My Aunty

Get Well Soon Prayer for My Aunty

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When a beloved aunty is facing health challenges, it’s only natural to want to shower her with love, positivity, and healing energy. “Get well soon prayer for my aunty” captures the essence of our heartfelt wishes for her recovery. In this article, we will explore powerful prayers, comforting words, and thoughtful gestures to uplift her spirits and contribute to her healing journey. Let’s delve into ways we can send our positive intentions and support during her time of need.

Get Well Soon Prayer for My Aunty

Send your heartfelt get well soon prayers to your dear aunty for a speedy recovery.

Hey Aunty. I want to wish you a speedy recovery. You got this! We all love you and so does God.

I know I don’t say it often enough, but I DO love you. Get well soon.

I know you’re going through a rough time right now and I wanted to let you know that I’m here for you. I love you and will be praying for a faster recovery. Get well soon!

I’ve known you my whole life and today, each thought, each prayer that goes through my head has you in it.

You are dear to me. If there’s anything I can do for you please let me know. I love you and miss you so much!

Though there’s so much distance between us, I’m sending you lots of hugs and kisses to help you heal. I know we don’t see each other often, but I love you very much!

I know you’ll get well again soon. I hope so. Even though I can’t be with you all the time, I will always be thinking of you and wishing you happiness and good health. I miss you!

You once told me that you prayed to find a man like me, and I am glad that God answered your prayers.

I am still looking for a woman like you. Until then, get well soon so that we can all celebrate together.

Hey, I know you are not feeling great right now, but just remember that you don’t have to go through this alone. You have a whole family that loves you and is ready to help. We are all here for you!

I hope you feel better soon! I was thinking about you yesterday and hoping you were doing all right. I just called in to check on you.

You have been such a huge part of my life and I love you very much. Get back to me as soon as you get this message and tell me that everything will be okay. Always.

I heard you weren’t doing so well and I just wanted to wish you the best. You don’t say it often enough but I love you a lot.

We’ve had some great times together and always enjoy each other’s company.

Hope you’re doing great. I know it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. I was wondering how you’ve been doing these days. I’m hoping things will get better soon.

I think of you and pray for you every day, hoping that you’ll get well soon.

You are as much a part of my family as anyone else. The same blood runs through my veins as you, and so I feel just as close to you.

You are such a great aunty to me and I love you very much. I hope you get well soon- please don’t be sad.

Dear God, please heal. She is so special and I keep her in my thoughts during this difficult time. Thank you for your blessings and strength. Amen.

I pray you will heal quickly and come home soon. I can’t wait to talk with you and hug you. I hope you are better by then, so I can take you out for lunch.

Get well soon! You have been a part of our family for as long as anyone can remember.

I am so glad that you are here with us and I want you to know, we all love you so much just the way you are.

We pray for your speedy recovery and know that when you get back home things will be different. We will take care of you and treat you like a queen.

Please get well soon! I know you are trying to get better, so please don’t give up.

I have faith and hope that you will be okay again! There is so much I want to tell you about my life but now can’t because of your illness.

Please believe me when I say that you are the most important person in my life. I love you VERY MUCH!!

I hope you are feeling better very soon. I was very sad to hear you were ill. Keep your chin up, mam; we’re all here for you. Sending hugs and kisses from all of us at home. I love you!

I know words are hard to find, and it’s hard for me to speak right now, so I won’t try to say anything.

I want you to know that I am praying for you that everything will go well and that you will get better soon.

You are the strongest person I know! No matter what life throws at you, you do your best to handle it. We all love you and hope that you get well soon! You are our hero!

I hope you are feeling better and resting. I thought about you this morning. I’m sending this prayer to your hospital bed because that is where I think you are right now.

When we talk on the phone next week I’ll let you know the results of my test, and mine should be done by then too.

If my test doesn’t come back positive, we will go out to dinner for a celebration¸ and after dinner, we can just go home where it’s quiet and hold hands.

I know it may not seem this way, but I do love you. No matter how mad we’ve ever gotten at each other, our tight bond is unbreakable.

If this was the last day of my life I would have no regrets. I know deep down in my heart that no matter can keep us apart. I’ll see you soon darling!

You have always had a big heart and passion for people. You are a teacher of many things, things I have learned both from you and experience.

Your drive to help those in need is so amazing, especially the children.

When I see you slip and stumble (and we all fall) I am inspired to be more like you, because someday I want to be able to help anyone in need without any hesitation.

I am asking for prayer for my aunty who was very ill and left the hospital to go to the funeral home. Please pray that she recovers and goes home soon. Thanks so much.

Dear God, please let my aunty heal. More importantly, please let her be happy again.

Give her the strength to go on a happy life and find love again for she deserves it more than anyone! Please take care of her while she gets better from surgery.

Aunty, please get better soon. This situation is beyond my control and I don’t know how you could feel right now. But one thing is for sure that I will never forget you.

I don’t know if there are any bad stars following you, but I beg every star above to send you some good luck and peace of mind. Get well soon!

The one who loves you most always is praying for your swift recovery. May the God of your faith bless you in unimaginable ways.

Get well soon! When I heard that you were in the hospital I was so worried. You are always there for me and I love you with all my heart.

I know you are going to get better and come back home faster than ever before!

You are my role model, my inspiration. I love you and hope you get well soon. The world could use more people like you!

It is with a heavy heart that I write this. You are one of the most amazing people I know, always there for me, and caring for others more than you do yourself.

Cancer has taken control of your body, but it will never take away from how strong you are and how many lives you have touched.

I pray that you will recover soon and be able to spend more time with those who love you so much.

I want you to get better asap! I miss your laughter and happy personality.

We all want you to bounce back from whatever has ailed you, so please just do it already. Princess we all miss you, come back soon, please.

I do not know what to say. My heart is in pieces over this. I hope things will go well for you, ideally, everything will go ok so you can make a full recovery soon.

I would also like to thank all your friends and family who are willing to help you out. I hope they will find the strength to endure the pain.

I wish you a speedy recovery and a quick return to good health. I know you will handle this test with grace and courage.

Look I don’t know you so I won’t pretend we’re close or anything, but I am concerned about you.

I don’t know why God has put you through this. But I know his plan is perfect, and he does all things for a reason. I love you so much and can’t wait to see you again.

Dear God, please find it in your heart to heal my Aunt. She has been so sick for so long and I just want her to feel better. Thank you!

Dear Auntie, I just want you to know how much your support means to me. I appreciate it so much! It’s the little things you do for us that mean so much.

You help shape who I am and for that, I will always be grateful. Please get well soon and watch out for my family while you’re recuperating! We love and miss you.

My aunty is the best in the whole world. She is always sweet and kind to everyone and I know she can beat this illness. Please, God, bless Aunty

Dear God, please help my Aunty to get well soon. The doctors are making her better.

I think you can do it better because you created her. Thank you for making me a funnier person than I was a year ago.

You are the most amazing person I know. You are ALWAYS there for me and everyone else. You are the best aunt ever.

I want you to know that I love you SO much and need you in my life. I pray that we stay this close forever!!!

We love you so much! We will help ensure you are safely home and back on your feet.

Please take the time to focus on healing your body, and we will keep you in our daily prayers. Love ya lots!

I know you’re not sick, but because you are going through a lot at the moment and I’m not there to be there for you, this is how I show it.

I love that we can always be together no matter how far away I am. Sending you love and prayers to get over everything that has happened and will happen.

Aunty one of the things I miss the most is your loud laugh. God took that away from you for now, but it will come back stronger than before. I am determined to be here when it does.

I am also determined to see you smile again! Everyone needs a little laughter in their life.

We are all here for you. We know how hard these days are. I know that it is taking a toll on you, but just remember to take a breath and focus on feeling better.

We love you and your child so much, and we will stand with you every step of the way. We wish we could take the pain away from you, but in time this too shall pass.

So get up and have a cup of coffee, take a shower….get out of the house!

Dear God, please heal my aunty. She is in great pain and on heavy medications, but I know you can help. Please help her feel better.

Thank you for always watching over me and my family. Be with us on this day and in all things. Amen

I’m sending you all of the love, prayers, and positive thoughts in my heart. I hope you feel better soon!

We love you so much and we miss you! I hope this letter finds you feeling better soon! As time goes by I think of you more and more.

I miss your positive energy, the laughter we share, and your friendship. I hope that you can return to our beautiful part of the country soon so we can visit again.

Oh, how I miss you, my Aunty. You have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since you got admitted to the hospital.

I know there are lots of people hurting from this tragedy but trust me you are not one of them.

I’m going through the toughest time of my life and it seems like there’s nothing I could do to stop the pain.

Life has been unfair lately, but there is one thing that I am certain is true, things will get better soon.

I can’t wait for you to come home from the hospital, so we can play and laugh together. I love you so much. I miss you every day when you are at work.

Wrap the gift of healing in white and surround it with a gentle breeze. Enrich it with the purest earth for its foundation, and release your desire for her return.

I wanted to write this note and send you some love from across the sea, reassuring you that it was not your fault that we do not see each other often.

Please get better soon! I want you to be around for many more years. You are the only one that can keep my uncle in check. Love you!

I wish you’d open up to me, I would love to help you. I love you to death. I am so proud of you and all your accomplishments. You are truly an amazing person!

I don’t know how anyone could see your smile and not fall in love with you! God has truly blessed me to have you in my life.

There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you and I thank Him every day for blessing me to be your husband. You are the very air that I breathe and my heart beats only for you.

I wish you get well soon. I hope you will find comfort in knowing how much you are loved and cared for.

Everyone around you is wishing and hoping to see a healthy, happy aunt again very soon. We love you dearly!

I’ve heard you are very sick and I wish nothing but a speedy and full recovery. You have been my aunty for more than ten years, my best friend and now you are like a sister to me.

You are the most beautiful person I have ever met on this earth and although we don’t always get along, I will ALWAYS love you.

I cannot imagine my life without you and I pray that God gives you superpowers to kick cancer in the ass!!!

I love you so much, and I pray to the spirits (of loved ones) that they will watch over you and bring you back to us soon.

You know I will be there for you no matter what. The family needs you, and we all love you very much. Stay strong.

I pray for you to get well soon and come back home asap. This house is not the same without you.

I love you so much! Your funny stories, your advice, your patience, your smile, your cooking, and all the love in between are all missed.

I don’t have to know an entire language to understand that I love you.

I heard you were sick, and my heart sank. I hope your quick recovery and remember there is always a brighter tomorrow. Get better, and be happy.

I know you are getting better and I am so grateful for that. I want to thank you for being there for me when I needed it most.

You have taught me a lot of things, but the biggest thing in life is to live and love with no regrets.

I am so sorry for not writing sooner. I hope you are feeling a lot better. I miss you lots but I’m proud of your getting better and trying to get back to your normal health.

I know that you will be totally over this sickness soon. Please don’t be mad at us for missing Sunday dinner because we had a great reason.

Mommy and Daddy wanted us to have a family ride in the car, and we always like that idea! Love always.

Dear God: Please take good care of Aunty. I hope she gets well soon. Amen.

Dear God, please take care of my aunty. Keep her safe and loved. Heavenly Father, may she continue to smile and always be happy and healthy.

Dear Aunty, I am praying that you will get better very soon. I hope you are resting and getting stronger each day.

You are a strong-willed woman with a big loving heart. I have always looked up to you. I know that you will do well in recovering your health and strength.

I pray you get better soon. I will miss your hugs and talkative spirit. I hope to see you bright and happy again in no time. I love you always number one Aunty, and I miss you.

There’s so much I want to tell you, but for now, I only have the strength to say I love you so much. Please get well soon and we can hang out again!

Dear Aunty, I hope this card gets to you because I want you to come back home and rest with us soon.

I want you to know, I’m praying for you. I’m wishing for peace for your body, comfort for your heart, and a return to health.

It’s hard watching you struggle and not being able to help. Please accept my prayers and know we all love you so much and wish we could ease your pain.

You’ve helped us all in so many ways, now it’s our turn to help you!

I feel so lucky to have you in my life! I know no matter what happens, you will always be there for me.

I love you more than anything and there’s nothing that could ever change that. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you again soon!

Hang in there! I know you will get better. I love you so much and miss you so terribly! Please get well soon.

Hope you are having fun in heaven. I know me and all your friends will be coming to visit real soon. You are so loved by every single person on this Earth. It’s time to come back now.

I hope you get well soon, dear! When I come home for summer in a few weeks we will go have coffee at our favorite cafe again and delight in the warmth of the sun.

I miss you so very much! Never forget how special you are to me, and how important you’ve been to my entire life.

My dearest aunty, I have prayed to God and he has healed you. I wish I was there to pray for you.

I’m praying for your quick recovery. I miss you a lot always I pray that god will bless you with good health.

I’m all alone right now because my mum is working and dad is busy I always miss your presence I thought of calling you but it doesn’t work so as usual I turn to prayer.

Get well soon. You can beat this! I love you so much and know that you will be back to your healthy self soon. Hang in there!!

Don’t worry, I’ve got this. I’ll be there for you all the way and more. I love you so much and want to help you feel better. REST UP! I will be waiting.

I’ll make all your favorite meals and bring them to you daily until you’re better, just please get well soon.

Don’t be a stranger and stay in touch, no matter how long it takes because we love each other very much.

I know you’re having a rough time right now, and I pray that you get better soon. You are an amazing person and one of the sweetest souls I’ve ever known.

I always feel better when you’re around. You should think about it; there must be a reason why god put us in this world together!

I’m so sorry this happened to you, but I know you will get through this and be better for it. You are the strongest woman I know, and I am here to help you in any way I can.

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