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Growing Up Without a Sister Quotes

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Growing up without a sister is such a lonely experience. We would love to have a sister in our life. Caring and loving, the best friends to turn to when things go wrong, the one who becomes your biggest cheerleader, and unconditional friend no matter what you do. Any sister can tell that she’s not only your sister but also her best friend. That’s how I grew up as well, with my mother always reminding me that you consider sisters as friends or friends-to-be. You may not remember all the times we had together but I cherish them deeply; they are my most beautiful memories till now.

Growing Up Without a Sister Quotes

What is life without a sister? Most of us can’t really imagine living without a sister.

“They say growing up is tough, but growing up without a sister is just pathetic.”

Growing up without a sister is like being an only child in a family of ten children.

When you grow up without a sister, it’s impossible to have a good relationship with any woman.

Growing up as an only child makes you become the most empathetic person in the world.

She is the love of my life. Growing up without her was like living in a dream when I was young, but waking up to a nightmare now that she’s grown.

Growing up without a sister is like being a pirate and never finding land.

Sisters are like the sun. You can’t always see them, but you know they’re there.

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they’re open.

If you have a girl, then you’ll always have a mystery. A million-dollar mystery that makes your heart beat fast, your hair stand on end.

Always remember that you can love more than one person at a time. Relationships bring out the best in us, and they make us stronger.

Growing up without a sister gives you the chance to invent your own.

Growing up without a sister is like being born into a world with no sun.

Growing up without a sister is like having your heart broken, over and over again.

I’m not sad that I never have a sister. I’m happy, because I got one of the best friends in the world.

What would you say if I told you that the simplest thing in life is to have someone to love?

I have a sister I love, but she’s not my sister. She’s my best friend who happened to be born the same week I was.

You are my sister and I am your brother. There’s nothing better than being a duo.

No sister, no matter how pretty, will ever take your place beside me. I love you more than words can say.

A heart is a lot like a garden. If you don’t water it, it will die. But if you do, seeds will sprout, flowers will bloom and your life will be richer than ever.

I’m just the eldest daughter, in a family of eleven girls. I was born with three older sisters who fought about everything except me.

I wish I had a sister. Because I’d be able to dance with her and teach her how to sway.

Believe me, sisters are like a pair of comfortable shoes that you can wear for years.

My little sister has taught me more about love and life than I’ve properly learned from anyone else.

I grew up without a sister, but I have the most loyal friends in this world.

Never forget your sister. You’ll always have her with you.

Growing up without a sister can be tough, but it’s never been harder than now. I’ll help you understand why.

I grew up without a sister to share my toys with but now I’ve got you.

Growing up without a sister is like being stranded on a deserted island with only a box of tissues.

Remember when you were a kid and your heart was bursting with all these things you wanted to tell your sister?

No matter what is going on in your life, if you have a sister, it’s already perfect.

Growing up without a sister is like being handed a crossbow and being told it was a toy.

When life gives you a sister, appreciate her. She’s never late, she always knows where to go, and she’s so much fun to hang out with that life can be boring without her.

You are my everything, my best friend and the only person I have ever loved like you.

I’m not sure what I’d do without my best friend. She’s always there for me, she makes me laugh when I need it, and she makes me cry when it’s time to move on.

It’s hard to grow up without a sister. But it’s even harder to stay a child when you’ve grown up.

Being an only child is like having a guardian angel who doesn’t get tired.

Growing up without a sister is like cappuccino without the foam…

My older sister is someone I can’t wait to grow up and be just like.

Growing up without a sister is like being naked in public. Everyone stares and no one says hi.

Growing up without a sister is like trying to eat an entire slice of pie before someone else does.

A sister is a gift. A best friend is a treasure. Both are forever changing your life.

It’s hard to be a girl. You are told from the time you’re born that being a woman is not important but it is, and you know it.

“If there is a woman in your life that you were never supposed to love, the best thing you can do for her is be honest.

It’s never too late to start over, because you’re always more capable than you think.

You are an inspiration. A shining star in a sea of darkness. A diamond in the rough.

You have the power to set this world on fire with the warmth of your smile, no matter how small it is.

You can’t see the stars, but they are there. You can’t feel their warmth and heart-pounding excitement, but they are there.

I’m still going to be your biggest fan, but I’m not just going to sit and wait for you to come back. Sometimes you just have to take your chances and run with it.

Growing up without a sister is like trying to fill the empty space in your heart with anything else.

I’ve been asked why I never had a sister. I have my answer ready.

I did not know how precious life was until I became a woman without a sister.

I wish I had a sister who didn’t mind sharing her man with me

It’s not easy being the only girl in a house full of boys. It’s not easy growing up without a sister, but hey, at least you have the best mom in the world!

You give a sister hope and she’ll give back all the happiness in the world.

I feel like a broken record, but without my sister’s friendship, I wouldn’t be where I am.

My sister’s my best friend, but I’m not mad at her for being my sister.

“You’re the only person in this world who can help me be the best version of myself.”

I am a woman who has never been able to fully express her feelings because when I look at my reflection, what I see is not a girl but a brave soul.

Growing up without a sister will make you appreciate being one.

Growing up without a sister is like planning a party with no guests.

Growing up, I didn’t have a sister. But I had a best friend who was always there for me.

Growing up without a sister will make you stronger. It will teach you to be a better person, and more compassionate towards the ones who are less fortunate than you.

It’s an incredible feeling to know that you’re okay with being alone. Because even though I don’t have a sister, I’m still happy.

You can’t choose your family but you can choose who to be part of it.

I’m so thankful for my sister, because she is the best example of what it means to be a strong woman.

I was the only girl in a family of boys. I went through life feeling very alone, until one day I found out that my mother is pregnant with twins.

I’m always okay with being left out of the loop. It’s better than having to share.

Siblings are like the crabgrass that grows between your toes. They may be annoying at times, but they keep you grounded.

Growing up without a sister is like living with an imaginary friend.

Growing up without a sister is like winning the lottery every day.

It’s not easy being a girl. But it’s harder if you’re an only child.

I think I’ll be fine without a sister. She has her own life anyway.

Life is not about finding yourself but learning how to love someone else.

the best thing about being an only child is that you don’t have to share your toys.

Being a sister is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I love her with all my heart.

It’s so cool to have a sister. It’s even better when she has your back.

Sometimes I wish she was my sister. Sometimes I wish she would come back to me.

I don’t want you to get the idea that my life is all sweetness and roses. Life will always be that way for no one. It is just how it goes.

You are my sister and I love you. We can do anything together, because we are stronger now than we were before. Even though we fight like siblings, we will always be best friends

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

Growing up without a sister is like having a pair of arms cut off.

Being an only child is tough. But it’s a lot easier when you have a sister like you.

Growing up without a sister is like going to the dentist without an anesthetic.

“Your sister is your mirror, the person who shows you who you are before you have time to be shy and insecure.”

Growing up without a sister is like having a perpetual birthday party—you never know when your special guests will show up.

My sister has always been there for me and I don’t know what I would do without her.

I’m almost ready to grow up, but until then I’ll just keep patting myself on the back for being such a good sister…

Life’s best moments happen beside someone who makes you better.

I guess I’m just growing up without a sister. Maybe that’s what sisters are for.

It’s hard to grow up without a sister. But then again, it’s even harder to stay the same.

When you grow up, you realize that growing up without a sister is like having the best birthday gift you could ever have.

Say it out loud, “I am a better person because I have a sister.”

Growing up without a sister is like being in love with the wrong woman.

Growing up without a sister is like being in an elevator without a button.

When your sister is the oldest, you have no choice but to become her best friend.

I would love to have a sister so I can teach her how to be strong.

Growing up with a sister is the best thing that ever happened to me.

You’re my biggest cheerleader, my best friend and my toughest critic. I wouldn’t change a thing about being your older sister.

I’m glad I don’t have another sister. So I can be upset whenever I want and not feel like a completely selfish person.

No matter how much you compare your life to somebody else’s, it will never match theirs.

Sisters are like mirrors. We reflect each other’s beauty and our imperfections, but in the end, we make each other beautiful.

When you’re growing up without a sister, you’re not growing up at all.

The road to self discovery begins with admitting that you have a sister you never met.

I have a sister and I don’t need anyone to tell me what she means to me.

When you’re growing up, life is full of long periods of feeling lonely. Eventually, though, you meet someone who understands you (and brings out the best in you).

Growing up without a sister is like having no heart. But growing up with a sister is like being on an emotional roller coaster.

You wish she was there to make you laugh, but then you feel like…she’s not!

When I was a kid, I dreamed of having a sister. Now I have one who has my back in all things fun and funny.

Growing up without a sister is like eating soup out of a can. It’s not the same fun!

“Sisterhood is a gift you share with other women. But, it’s also a gift that can last a lifetime.”

I wish I had a sister. People would know how to be kind, and not judge me just because she is pretty.

The world needs more women who can stand alongside men, not in front of them.

Growing up without a sister is like trying to remember what love feels like.

Growing up without a sister, I realize now that there’s no better definition of the word “alone.”

It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to be sad. But never, ever let it be okay not to have a sister.”

Growing up without a sister is like being in the Special Olympics without having a disability.

Being the only girl in your family is a lot like wearing a pair of pants with no pockets.

Sisters are like stars. You can only dream about them, but when you get one, you’re in heaven.

You’ll never know how strong you are until being strong is the only thing left to do.

Sometimes you need to stop and look up into the sky. Sometimes you need to stop and remember that there is no better feeling than having a sister by your side.

I wish my sister wasn’t the way she is. I would love to have your sense of humor, your sparkle and just be able to laugh at life with out you thinking that I’m criticizing or judging you.

I think the most important thing a person can do is find their purpose in life.

It’s not about whether or not you have talent, it’s about finding something that you’re really passionate about and doing it for the rest of your life.

When you’re a kid, everyone is your sister. When you grow up, one person will always be your sister.

I’m not saying that growing up with a sister is totally awesome, but I am saying that it’s not so bad.

A sister is a gift from God, an angel to watch over you, a star to light your way.

Growing up without a sister is like trying to see the ocean in a swimming pool.

My sister doesn’t have all the answers, that’s why she’s my sister.

Growing up without a sister is like being handed a new tool you can use and never having the opportunity to learn how to use it.

Life is full of quirks, but being a single girl feels like the biggest.

Growing up without a sister can make you feel like the heaviest thing in the world. A magnificent power, a burden, and an asset all at once. – Barbara Kingsolver

The only time I feel truly alone is when I’m with someone and she’s not there.

“I’m so lucky I have a sister, because you are the reason why I can do anything—including lie, cheat and steal.

When I was younger I wanted to be a Disney Princess and I had some incredible ambitions. But now that I’m older, I know that having a sister made my life magical.

You can’t know the depth of your heart until you have loved another being.

Growing up without a sister is like having chickenpox on a daily basis.

Growing up without a sister is like being in a war zone and not knowing which way to run.

Growing up without a sister is like eating cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It’s funny how we always knew a sister would be the best part of our lives.

You can’t choose who you’re born with but you can choose how you love them.

I’ve always been told that having a sister is the best thing in the world. So when I got married and realized that, I was pretty upset. Until I had a girl child. Then it was great!

No matter how tough things get, you have to remember that life does not always go as planned. You’ll get through it, and so will she.

As for me and my sister, we are the daughters of a king. We never have to beg for anything, or take up a job. We are the top of our class, and the cheerleaders of the world.

Growing up without a sister is like having your heart broken by an angel.

Growing up without a sister is like having an imaginary best friend.

Growing up without a sister is like being sentenced to an early grave.

The world would be so much better if more people had a sister.

When you’re growing up, you’re given the freedom to choose a sister. And if you don’t have one already, I’ve got a feeling they’ll be lining up outside your door by the end of the day.

Always remember how important it is to have a sister, because she will always be there for you when nobody else would.

It’s not a crime to be alone, but it is a crime to keep your sadness locked away.

Remember: You don’t need a sister to be happy, but you’ll always find something to fight about.

I was born into a world that was safer, but now I’m living in one that’s more dangerous. So don’t worry about me.

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