Home Prayer Messages Healing Positive Quotes for a Grandmother

Healing Positive Quotes for a Grandmother

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When it comes to our grandmothers, they hold a special place in our hearts. Their wisdom, love, and warmth bring a sense of comfort that nothing else can replace. In times of difficulty or when they need uplifting, the power of healing positive quotes can work wonders. This article aims to provide you with an array of beautiful and heartwarming quotes that can bring a smile to your grandmother’s face and lighten her heart. Let’s explore these meaningful quotes together!

Healing Positive Quotes for a Grandmother

To my loving grandmother: I love you more than you could imagine.

You are an inspiration! Life is good, but I’m better with you around. I hope you feel better soon. With all my love, Your grandson

You are the most amazing woman in this world! You are dedicated, strong-willed, and beautiful.

You are such a wonderful person that you were chosen to be my grandmother! I love you so much and I hope that we will always be together.

I will love you always, for as long as I live. Your kindness and unconditional love have made me the man I am today.

Thank you for always being there to listen, no matter what the circumstance. Love you forever Grandma!

I think back to when I was a child and realize how far I’ve come. You were once a young woman, who tried so hard to live up to the expectations of those around you.

I’m happy to say that you have found happiness within yourself and I admire all the progress you’ve made.

Dear Mom, Grandma, Nana… I loved you so much. I still do and always will. Sounds like a cliche but it’s true.

Your smile, laugh and jokes are with me every day. I look forward to our next visit & hug from you.

I love my mommy most of all. She is my angel, she took care of me every single day until I was old enough to take care of myself.

Love. When you feel it, nothing else matters. When you don’t, nothing else matters

We were truly blessed to have you in our lives. You will be dearly missed by everyone.

Thank you for always being my special angel, thank you for being the most amazing lady I’ve ever known.

You are everything and more. I’m so proud to be your grandson! You mean the world to me. You’ll always be my number 1!

You are and always have been the greatest blessing in my life. The day you entered this world was one of the most pivotal points in my history.

You changed my life forever for the better, showing me what love was. I am so proud of everything that you’ve done and know that you’ll continue to be a legend for years to come. I love you!

To that funny and charming woman who has been my wife for 35 years: I love you madly and cannot imagine a day without you.

I’ve always known you had a wonderful sense of humor, but having seen this book (her work), I realize how truly witty you are.

What a pleasure it has been to know your mind all of these years. Your heart is indescribably beautiful!

I LOVE YOU! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you more than anything and I am truly grateful to have you in my life.

With you I feel whole, with you, I feel like a king. Your smile lights up my world, happiness radiates from your soul. Love you, Grandma!

Grandma, you are the glue that holds our family together. You are one of a kind and every time I come to visit I count the days leading up to it and the days after.

You make life worth living with your unconditional love and support for everyone around you. We love you so very much!

I love you to the moon and back. I know my words may not be enough. Just know that my heart is full of love for you. I will always be here for you. I promise you that! All my love…Grandpa

You are my best friend, love, and support. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and that this year is filled with joy and happiness. I love you more than words could ever express!

Brain cancer is a vicious disease that certainly can take someone you love away from you in no time at all.

I am here to tell you that it will not steal my grandmother away. It may take her physical being but it will never take her joy, love, and happiness!

You are and always will be the strongest woman I know. You can get through anything that comes your way. Reach deep down inside you and believe in yourself. I love you!

I know when it’s time to take my last breath of this life and cross over into heaven, I will see you there and will be holding your hand. I love you with all my heart!

I can’t forget you. But I can forgive you. I hope that someday you will be able to join us again. I would love to show all of my friends how much love you have for me

I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are a wonderful human being and I love you with all my heart. Have the best Birthday ever!

With age comes wisdom and with life comes love. We have loved each other since we were young.

Over the years we have had many good times and bad but no matter what you could always count on me to be there for you.

I know things didn’t work out with us, but I want you to know that I will always be here for you, as a friend, and family. Love you, Honey Bunny!

Dear Mom, I know that sometimes I’ll do or say something you don’t agree with. You will always be a part of me.

There will always be a “special place” in my heart for you. Whenever I am down and out, I will remember how you used to prepare chicken soup just for me.

There will always be a little corner of my heart reserved just for you! Love you lots!

I can’t remember a day where I haven’t been thankful for you. You are the best person I have ever met, and I hope we spend many more years together.

I will always be there for you, shine my light on the darkest of days, hold you when you hurt, and love you when no one else will.

I will walk beside you as long as I am able. Through life’s journey, I will never get lost or go astray. I hope the pain and sadness take flight and drift away into the night sky.

Always remember that I am always near to bring your light to brighten all that is around you. You are strong and courageous…

My heart fluttered every time you kissed me and it utterly breaks when I think of us being apart. You have given me the greatest joys a man could have in my life and I will always love you.

I love you dearly, and I have missed you since you’ve been gone. I wish you were here with me today.

I’d hold your hand as we walk to the park, I would ice your sore muscles, and rub your back at night as you slept.

When the nightmares caused you to scream or cry out, I would be there to console you while holding your hair. Please forgive me for not being there all those years ago or the years after.

Dearest Nana, No words could ever express my gratitude for all you have done for me throughout the years.

So I’ll simply say what’s in my heart…THANK YOU! I love you so much and I am so very proud to have such an amazing woman in my life.

Grandma, it’s been a year since you went away. I wish you were still here and you would come to me in my time of need.

I felt so alone when I lost you, but now I know that my tears can heal me.

Grandma, you have taught me so much. You’ve taught me about the importance of family, how to be intelligent, and how to play the piano.

I am blessed to have had such an amazing woman in my life and I hope to someday become the kind of person that makes you as proud as you make me. I love you!

You’re the best husband in all the world and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I want you to know that I love you very much.

I may not always be able to tell you how much I love you, but I can say it right now. You mean the world to me and I wouldn’t want to see life without you.

You are beautiful and smart and a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, & friend. Thanks for everything you do!

There is no glory in war, only sadness. I miss you. I know you are looking down from beyond with pride and joy at our accomplishments.

You live on forever in my heart as the strongest, bravest, and most intelligent woman I have ever met. You were my rock and guiding light through all my life’s challenges.

Take a deep breath, stop, and relax for a moment. Appreciate everything you have in your life, from the shelter above your head to the food on your plate.

Give yourself some love and appreciation. Start each day with an open heart and a grateful attitude.

The world around you will feel it, and those who matter will do whatever they can to support you on your journey.

Things were not always easy for us, but we stuck it out, and look at us now. You are beautiful. You are a smart cookie.

I know times have been hard, but now it is time to stop being so hard on yourself and relax a little bit.

Things will be alright honey, I promise. I love you more than you could ever know!

A loving mother, a caring friend, a gentle soul that deserves the most tender of care. Happy Mother’s Day!

I’ve watched this girl grow up into a beautiful woman. I love you and I am proud to be your grandfather

You have given me so many wonderful memories. The kind that keeps me smiling for years to come.

Your wit, your beautiful smile, and the life you live for others are all incredible. I am the luckiest man in the world to call you grandma.

It was a struggle every day growing up without you, but when my grandpa died you came back into my life and my family’s life.

You are the savior of our family and I love you for that. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you.”

Our love is a circle and it will never end, every time we touch my heart circles you. You are now and will always be the light of my life, the one who keeps me going.

I love you more than words can ever express, you are my everyday inspiration.

You are my favorite woman, the one I admire the most, you have shown me everything I ever knew and guided me through life.

Dear Grandma: I love you and I miss you so much. I want to hug you tight. People tell me they can’t believe we are only three years apart because we look like twins.

They think I’m your mother or sister for that matter, but we don’t mind. I think it’s funny because you were always with me thinking I was your twin.

Get well soon Nana. I love you more than anything in the world! You are my best friend, my queen, and my rock.

Please don’t worry about us while you are recovering, we will be just fine. Get better FAST so that I can kiss your cheek and cuddle you again!

You have always been there for me and now you are aging and I worry about you living life to the fullest.

You need to stop worrying and just be happy. You need to be around much longer to keep my kids safe and I promise you I will make sure you do.

So many years have passed and I still miss you every day. I still remember how your laugh sounded and the way you smelled.

I see pictures of you and I still imagine what you would say to us. You were a bright star in our lives that kept us laughing for many years. The love we shared is still worth holding on to.

My heart sinks at your absence. My world is bleak without you. I can’t wait to see you. I just miss you so much. Please hurry! I love you.

To My Grandmother: Knowing your love has always been there for me keeps me moving forward.

Knowing that you’re in my life will strengthen me. Your love touches my heart and inspires me to keep going. Love you with all my heart.

Grandma: You are the best grandmother anyone could dream of. I love you so much and nothing can change that.

Thank you for being my friend and letting me know how much you love me.

You are the most important person in my life. I love you so much and I’m so thankful to have had 81 amazing years with you. I hope many more lie ahead.

It’s been three years since the day you left us. Time goes by slower now as I know I will never see your wise and beautiful face again.

My favorite memory is of us at the beach, when you put your arms around me and said, “I love you. You make me happy.” I will carry it with me for the rest of my life.

I’ve raised you as if you were my own for 27 years. Your mother and I are so proud of you.

My heart is filled with joy that you found someone to love and stand by your side in this journey of life. It has made me happy to see you two love so much, it’s wonderful!

You’re the most precious thing in my life and I’m happy to be your husband. My world is a better place with you in it. I promise to always have your back, 100%. I love you!

I love the way you think. I love your calm and caring nature, and your ability to solve problems and work out the kinks of life.

The way you care more about others than yourself makes my heart hurt with joy.

You are the best person anyone could ever ask for. I’m proud to be your husband, your son, and your friend. I will always be here for you.

Do not cry for me, for now, I am truly free. I have lived a life that has been filled with love and joy. I’ve had all that a man could ever ask for.

You all are the most wonderful part of my life, and for that, I can’t hold back the tears. So many years have gone by with so many memories they have left me speechless.

Distance is hard, but I keep you close in my heart. Missing you is the hardest part of all, and loving you has never gotten easier.

Distance makes writing this so hard because it means you aren’t with me on my wedding day, to share our life.

In your place are empty arms longing for your touch, a cold bed, and the endless well of tears that follow each tearful night.

A son is a precious gift from God, A daughter is a blessing from above. The best part of my life, For sure it’s Grandma!

Grandma, you are the dearest person in my life. You have always been there for me through thick and thin, your love is overwhelming.

The time we spend together, and the talks we share mean more to me than anything in the world. I hope you know just how special you are. I love you so much!

You are the finest woman I have ever known. You are beautiful inside and out. Your wisdom is unmatched, your hugs lift me, your laugh brightens my day, and your love gives me courage.

You have captured my heart and it will remain yours always. You have given me your family, now we are one, a happy and loving family!

I will cherish you forever even beyond this life as we find each other again in eternity.

When I think of all the things you’ve given me, all the love I’ve received from you, my heart overflows. As I grow older, you’re always there to share my dreams and help make them come true.

Thanks for taking care of me when I was young and for teaching me what unconditional love really means.

You can only be truly happy if you will be yourself. You can only find true happiness by living each day in the best way possible.

I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in your life. Keep up the good work. I love you, Grandma!

What went wrong darling? Don’t be sad. Come to me. I am here alone waiting for you. Nothing can ever change how I feel! My heart will always beat only for you.

No matter what happens we will be together in this life and the next, forever! Look at me! Don’t cry, we can do nothing but laugh and sing.

Being your grandpa is my pride and joy. I see how happy I make you and how you love me.

You bring so much joy into my life that I have to pinch myself sometimes just to remind me that it’s not a dream. I love you more than words could ever express!

I don’t believe that much time has passed since I can remember the feeling of your tiny hand in mine.

It’s amazing how life brings us together and then once more takes us separate ways. But you will always be my little girl and I will love you until my last day on earth.

I love you. I miss you. I think about you every day. I wish we could be together again so I could hold you in my arms and kiss you.

It is hard to live without you every day but knowing that you are in heaven watching over us with your bright eyes makes it a little easier.

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