Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Daughter

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Daughter

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The bond between a parent and a child is a sacred connection that transcends time and distance. When circumstances separate a parent from their daughter, the ache of absence becomes almost unbearable. This heartfelt letter weaves emotions into words, capturing the essence of love and longing, and serves as a reminder of the unconditional love shared between a parent and their child.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Daughter

A touching and emotional letter written by a father to his daughter. It touches you right off the bat with these questions:

I miss you. I can’t wait to see you and hold you again. Your daddy misses you so much. Please come home soon.

Dear Daddy, I am sorry for having left you! But I have something to tell you. This is exactly why I am leaving you.

Nobody but me can take care of my beloved daughters. And I can’t stay longer in this world without you and your daughters.

I miss you every day. I miss all the years we were close and every time we held hands and all the books you read to me.

I miss the way you curled up next to me and the way you laughed when I called you my little angel.

The days are hard, but when I hold your picture, remember your sweet smile. All my love,

It’s been over a year since you checked out. Mom is getting old and I worry about her.

How are you doing? Do you ever think of us? I wonder if you are ok. I…well, I just miss you very much. I hope this letter finds you well. Please write back soon.

I never had the chance to see your face, hold you in my arms or even smell your hair. But I have loved you every minute of every day since the first time we met.

I have thought about you each day and hoped desperately that you would be safe. Your dad takes care of you now, but I’m always here.

My beloved daughter, I miss you so much. You are my world, sweet Alexandra. Wherever you are, know that I love you with all my heart! I just can’t sleep knowing you’re gone.

I love you so much it rips my heart in two every day. When will I see your lovely face again?

I love you, just in case you ever forgot I do. But I know that you do because you always say so.

If I looked as beautiful on the outside as I feel on the inside, every boy in the world would want me.

I feel like I have failed you. It’s been five months since you left us. The house is no longer alive, it feels empty. Nobody here can get over the loss of you but me.

I still can’t believe that you’re gone, but I know you’re watching over us from heaven…

My little girl, I’ve always wanted to tell you some things, but now that you aren’t here I will say them anyways.

I loved watching you grow up into the beautiful young lady that you are. Your smile could light up a room and your laughter took away all of my worries.

When you were in school activities, or when you were playing soccer, (which you loved) I was always there to cheer.

I miss you. I miss your laugh, your smile, your little girl smell. I miss the way you run to me when I get home from work, yelling “Daddy!! Daddy!!”, and swinging on my arm.

I love you. When your mom told us you were sick I knew your life would never be the same.

It’s been so long that I can barely remember what you look like.

I expect an apology letter on Friday telling me why you can’t come home this weekend and how you are going to be in contact with me. You are my daughter, I love you.

Mommy, I love you so much! And miss you terribly! I am sure you can see me from heaven and are watching over me every day.

I want to tell you that without hearing your voice or feeling your hugs, I am falling into an abyss of sadness. Please come back soon. I can’t live like this any longer.

Oh, my darling daughter. Where in the world have you gone? I wish my arms could hold you, a truly beautiful gift from God.

Your sweet smile would never fade, even after words that hurt your soul.

With every tear shed you became wiser, more determined to discover your destiny.

No matter how long it takes we’ll wait for you, and when I have the privilege to hold you close again I just can’t wait!

Forever and always, my little girl will be with me. You have brought me so much joy that I am not sure I could ever repay you.

The thought of never watching you grow up burns my soul. But though you aren’t here, your love and light will always shine through.

My heart aches for your touch, but at the same time, it swells with pride that you are such a beautiful child of God.

You silly, silly boy. You are my world, my heart. You make my days brighter than the sun.

Don’t you understand that I don’t want to leave you? It kills me to be away from you! Without you, everything is dark and cold.

All the warmth and light in the world cannot compare to your smile. I cannot stop loving you!

Darling, I miss you a lot. The day is not the same without your voice that soothes my darkness…

The sound of your laughter; you don’t even know how much it makes me happy. You’re a big girl now and you didn’t want to say goodbye, did you?

I waited for so long to hold you in my arms and prayed each day that you would be healthy.

It took me a while to figure out why but now I understand. It’s because I can’t imagine life without you, how empty my world will be.

I couldn’t bear the pain of having you here and not holding you, of having you for a day and then losing you forever.

Today is your birthday. Almost 24 years ago today, you entered the world.

I wanted to give you all a gift, but you’re not here to celebrate. No matter how long it’s been and no matter how hard it is, we will never stop loving you.

As long as there’s a breath in our body, that love will remain strong. You are so very missed, our hearts are with you always and forever.

I miss you whenever I look at the pictures of our family. The night you were taken away from us created a hole in my heart that will never completely heal.

In that moment I lost a part of myself and nothing could ever fill that emptiness.

I cry every night thinking about what you are going through by yourself and how alone you must feel. I pray to God that he protects you.

Mum, Dad, and I had gotten used to your absence. We almost became immune to the feeling of loneliness in our hearts.

However, yesterday, when Dad and I were fighting over the TV remote control, I suddenly realized that you are not here. And it was then that the loneliness hit me so hard.

Mom, I miss you so much! I wish that you were with me right now. You are my role model and hero. I know one day we will see each other again.

My life is not the same since you left. Every moment of my day I miss you and wish you were next to me.

I have so many things to tell you, but until that day comes, I will hold onto all the memories of us together and make sure that every day is a good one. Love

My dearest daughter, you left me alone to raise one son. I loved you so much and was always so happy when you were by my side so I never stopped thinking of you.

One day I dreamed that I saw your husband and family, they told me that you passed away two years ago which broke my heart.

All these years of grieving for you got me down until now I am in good health. You were so important to me that you never gave up on me.

Daddy, I know that writing this letter won’t bring you back. I wish I could bring you back but I can’t.

I want to be strong for Mommy, but I just can’t. The house feels so empty without you and so quiet. Daddy, it hurts so bad.

I miss all the fun things we used to do together, playing my music loud as you used to, and all the talks we had after school when Mommy went to work.

I hope you can feel my arms around you and my hand in yours because I know you’re there.

Every night I come here to be with you. Please don’t leave me here alone.

Call out to me just once, let me hear your voice. Let me know if you need my help, that it’s not too late. I love you!

I wish more than anything in the world that I could pick up the phone and call you, just to catch up, to remind you how much I love you.

I miss my daughter so much. I want to hear your voice! You are my whole world.

It has been 3 years since your heart went cold…maybe it was a broken heart? You were such a wonderful, beautiful girl.

Although you left us far too soon, I know that you are with our Lord and Savior.

We are not angry and we will one day see you again! Whether we meet again.

Know that we love you and will never forget the memories of you…because to me and Daddy, your memories are the treasure in our hearts that forever glow!

Dear daughter, I love you, and although I haven’t met you yet I know that you are out there.

I pray every night to god that he will protect you and give you a good life. When I hold your hand for the very first time, it is going to be an amazing moment.

Make sure to take care of your mom and dad, because they love you so much! Take care, baby girl, I can’t wait to meet you.

My dearest Sarah, I miss you, I ache for your loss and wonder what your life would have been like.

I write this now while sobbing into my cup of coffee on the couch. I’m not going to get up today so I can be close to you right now.

I stay awake sometimes just thinking about things that might have been. You would be 28 years old today, a mother yourself, and leading an amazing life.

I was thinking about you today, more than usual. Maybe it’s that time of year.

Maybe I’m missing you all the more because friends are posting their holiday gatherings with their children and families. I know they loved you very, very much, so hot have I.

Even though I have never met you, I have no doubt we would be best friends. You would arrive if I needed help and visit me a lot.

When you were young, I’d walk to and from work with you in my arms. Suddenly, my day didn’t seem so long. School photos. Birthmarks. Clothes. Baby teeth.

We had no money, yet we always made sure you had the best of everything. I was happy then and I’m happy now because of you.

dear mama – my little girl, I went to the airport this morning as you asked me to. I found the plane and bought you a ticket. there was another flight today but I didn’t find that one.

Maybe it doesn’t exist anymore? I know that planes fly all over the world, so maybe I just didn’t search enough.

I miss you very much my sweetie pie. I hope you are safe and warm wherever you are. I love you very much. Mom

I miss you so much and I love you more than before. I know your life has been without us, but you can come back anytime you want.

We’ve been waiting all these years for your return. Love, Mom

Dear Daughter, Today is your day. I have so much that I want to tell you. I want to tell you how proud of you I am.

I want to tell you how beautiful your eyes are, how they glitter when you smile.

I want to hold you, to feel your heartbeat in my arms, and look down at your beautiful face with those soft lips and kiss them over and over again.

I miss you so much. I’m growing up so fast, and I can’t wait for the day when you come home and we can be together again.

Every night I pray our family is finally reunited. Even though it has been years since you’ve been gone, your presence is felt every single day.

You’re in my dreams, always smiling and happy. As I grow up, your memory keeps me grounded and safe.

Dear Dad, you were gone before I even knew who you were. I have imagined our time together as a dad and daughter so many times in my head.

The pictures of us that Mom has shown me bring me peace, but also ache with sadness that I will never know the feeling of your arms around me or hear about the first girl you ever loved.

Your father is so sad and misses you so much. It’s getting harder to get through each day without you.

I don’t want to let you down but I do. You were my greatest accomplishment, my little angel on earth with wings to fly away.

I love you and will forever miss your beautiful smile, your laugh, and your eyes full of life waiting for me when I walked in the door at night.

There isn’t a single day that goes by that I don’t think about you. Distance may separate us, but you are always in my heart.

I will fight to bring you home and I will never stop trying. We miss you so very much!

I wish I could have seen you grow up into a beautiful woman. Your wedding day, the birth of your children, and watching you become a success in life.

Things I hope will never happen because you are still here with me.

I will make sure that your memory lives on in the hearts of one day when my time is up. You will always be a part of me till my dying day.

Happy Valentines Day Mommy. I know you are reading this because I found it taped under the kitchen table.

I love you very much and miss you every day. I am going to look so pretty in my princess dress at daycare today because you’re not there to fix my hair.

Dad, you are the greatest man I have ever known. Your undying love and devotion for me have always been there no matter what. I miss you so much.

The house is so lonely without you here. Make sure to keep Monday free, so we can get together and watch the Cowboys play. You’re my best friend and I love you with all my heart.

I wish you could see the world through my eyes. You know, I wish you could feel what it feels like to be me.

I want you to understand that even though you can’t physically be here, you will always be in my heart. I love you and miss you more than ever.

I’m writing to tell you I love you even though you are not here with me.

It breaks my heart that you have found your way back to God so young, but I know he loves you, and I will too.

I miss everything about you, your beautiful smile and the way we used to laugh.

I miss being able to hold your hand whenever I wanted to and missing hearing you call my name.

The times we had together were the most beautiful moments of my life.

I will miss you every day of my life, but I will always hold you in my heart. I love you! If it’s possible, come back to me!

I wish you were here. I miss you so much. I am haunted by your smile and the sound of your laugh.

It fills my chest with such sorrow that I can hardly breathe, yet… it also fills me with happiness to know that you are happy, healthy, and safe.

Your life may not be the same as mine right now, but… I know that when I see you again I’ll have a daughter who is even more beautiful than the last time we met.

I miss you. I know those are the words I never say but in my heart it’s true.

I miss your cries, the smell of your sweet skin, and the feel of your hand in mine.

I know you’re safe and happy, but it doesn’t stop that hole from growing inside.

That hole that was once full of you. The hole will eventually go away when I hold you in my arms again …

I looked into your eyes today, but I didn’t see my baby. With every breath, I missed you louder and louder. You have been away far too long. You have changed so much…

I wish you were here. It’s so hard without you. The house is so empty.

You can’t imagine how much I miss your chatter and footsteps. Your eyes look at me whenever I’m sad.

When I come home there is no excitement of a big hug or a smile that just holds my heart in place.

There are days when it’s too much to handle, but the only thing that keeps me going is knowing someday we will be together again.

Cancer is not a word, it’s a sentence. You stole my joy, took my smile, and left me with an emptiness I’ve never felt before.

One day I will see you again in Heaven and this pain will be gone forever.

I can hear your voice and the sound of your laughter still. I can feel you in my arms and when we hug I smell your soft curly hair.

I see you playing with friends and I see them look at you just as I did. You are braver than I was at your age; smarter, and more beautiful too. Although you are so tiny, even now, in a way…

My darling daughter, I hope this letter finds you. You must be in your mid-twenties by now.

I would most certainly know if you had died. It’s been a long time, though, and that thought keeps me up at night.

I have money saved up in a little something called life insurance if you are still alive. Life insurance can only be used once, however. When will you claim it? The sooner the better.

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