Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Husband

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Husband

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Love is a powerful emotion that transcends all boundaries, even those of distance and absence. In this heartfelt letter, we delve into the depth of emotions experienced by wives whose husbands are far away. Whether it’s due to work commitments, military service, or other circumstances, expressing the feelings of love, longing, and hope can strengthen the bond between partners. In this article, we share a heart touching letter about the absence of a husband, demonstrating how the written word can bridge the gap and foster a deeper connection.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Husband

This is an incredible letter. It is to a dear husband. The author wrote this as a way to tell her husband how much she misses him during this time while he was at war.

My dear husband, you are my life and my world. I miss you so much that time turns minutes into days and weeks into lonely years.

Our house is so quiet and empty without you. You were always the one to make me smile when I was down. I want nothing more than to hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet lips again.

I love you so much, even when you’re not here. You’re always on my mind, especially late at night when I’m sitting in this big empty bed missing you.

I wish you could stay forever, but duties tend to call and my heart can’t take being hurt anymore. So please keep safe and know that I love you so dearly.

How can I ever live without you? How can I breathe when all the air is yours? How will I see without your eyes? How could I be whole and healthy with no you to heal me?

You are my everything. I miss you so much and you are in thought constantly. May we find each other again soon! I LOVE YOU!!!

Today the weather is sunny. Why? Because it’s a ray of your love that you always give to me, dear.

I miss your hugs and kisses so much! I miss feeling your hair on my face as we fall asleep. I need you home baby, right now. Come back soon. Come back to me!

Three days without you and my world is shattered. My heart is broken into a million pieces; I can barely breathe without the air choking me.

I can’t sleep at night because the loneliness is so overwhelming. My pillow is stained with tears, most of them cried out in pain, some in anger and some of pure despair.

I never knew that I would love someone so much. I never thought that I could be this happy. You make life worth living, you make me want to succeed, and most importantly, you give me a reason to wake up every day.

I’m sending you this letter to remind that you should try and remember how lucky we both are to have found each other.

You are gone but not forgotten. I will spend the rest of my life fighting for you, I hope that you’re proud of me baby. Your wife is strong now and thats because of you. The piece of your heart that is left, is forever in mine baby!

I miss you. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and wish you were here next to me, with your arms wrapped around my shoulder. I can still hear the echo of your footsteps as you move around the house and make me smile when I hear your laugh.

You are on my mind all day long, even when we are apart I can feel you close to me. I love you so much and don’t know what I would do without you.

I feel so lost without you. I feel like I am floating in the middle of the ocean and there are sharks out there circling me. I really need you with me. I want to hear your voice, see your face and hold your hand. I need you more than anything else in the world.

How can you miss someone you care about when you never knew what it was like to be with them? You didn’t know how much love and comfort they offered, how nice it was to be in their arms, how their smile made everything seem better.

Now, I am lonely and I know i have been this way for so long. I don’t know what to do anymore.

I want you to know that even though you aren’t here, I still love you and will always recognize your birthday. I’m also glad that we have children together to continue celebrating your birthday, acknowledging the father who has brought so much joy into our lives.

I fear that I’m going to be another statistic if I lose you. The amazing thing is, I know your spirit lives on through our child. The despair, the pain and suffering is almost unbearable. I think that the only way I will survive the days, weeks and months without you are to have faith in God that he needs you more than we do right now.

Your joy and happiness will live on inside of me and it will keep me strong enough to dry my tears along the way.

You have been away from me for more than a month. You are far away, but I will pray and hope you will return soon. I miss you too much. The tears in my eyes tell the story every night when I try to sleep. – Love, your loving wife.

Oh, how I miss you so much! When you leave me all alone in this empty house, I’m lost! My heart’s torn into pieces… You left me with a broken heart and full of pain. I do not know what to do or where to start.

You were the best thing that ever happened to me and now I’m crippled with this pain for losing you. Now here I am, sitting on my knees praying for your safe return, back in my arms where you belong.

It’s been a long time since you’ve been gone. You left a hole in my heart I can’t seem to close. The pain lives on and the memories play like videos in my mind.

You were my rock, my friend, my love, the one I envisioned growing old with. Everything is more painful without you here. There is a pain deep in my chest that never goes away . I miss having you there next to me at night.

I’m sitting here writing you this letter, hoping beyond hope that you will one day read it. Thinking if I write with tears it may get passed the guards and sneak into your cell.

The days are long and lonely without you, my love. I am still trying to figure our what we did wrong, why we were punished in such a horrible way.

Not a single day goes by I don’t think of you. You are my world and I miss you dearly. What’s an eternity without time spent with the one you love? And that’s all I really want, time with you.

I hold you close to me at night like you are there. Our warm embrace keeps me at ease until I wake up to find it isn’t real. My heart aches without your touch, and a day isn’t what it used to be.

You are my everything. I love you more than anyone else. Now that you aren’t here, the days are long, impossible to get through. My heart aches for you.

I am happy when we talk and text, but that happiness only comes from knowing that soon I will see you again. I can’t sleep because dreaming of you keeps me from getting any rest at all. You are my missing puzzle piece.

I think about you every day during the time of hardships and oppression. I am always with you even though we are apart. I miss your voice, your embrace.

I miss our sweet talk and being one. However, these few months apart, I feel as if I am with you because we share an emotional connection that is hard to break. You are my best friend, my mirror, and my soulmate.

For what seems like an eternity I have been waiting to see your face, feel your embrace and taste your sweet lips. Here we are again where a few months passed by without a single word from you.

You left me alone and heartbroken with just the thought of seeing you again. You promised me the moon but here I am watching the stars wondering if you are looking at them too.

I’ve waited over 5 months to get in front of this computer and tell you just how much I miss you. This screen is the last place I saw your handsome face.

The songs you listened to, the pictures that we took together all around the world, they are left as memories.These memories recently slammed into me like a truck in a foggy day’s dream.

This morning I turned on the coffee pot, got out my favorite coffee mug, and went to pour myself a cup. Only one problem…it was empty. Not only that, but all the mugs were empty!

The realization struck me like thunder and lightning. You weren’t there to make your delicious coffee, and you weren’t here to drink it with me! I just wanted to say…I miss you. Even though I know you’re ok, I want you to come back home!

You know, I love you so much. I don’t say it enough. I wish I could take all your pain away and make your life full of only joy. You are my little ray of sunshine that warms my cold heart at every chance.

Every time we kiss my heart beats a little faster, and with every passing minute I fall more in love. But sometimes…it seems like you’re not here. Your smile isn’t as bright or your hugs aren’t as tight.

I hate that you have been away so long. No matter where you are, or what you are doing, I always think about you. You inspire me to be a better person, to take each day as it comes and cherish the ones I love most.

You are one of a kind and no one else can ever hold a candle to your light. I miss your hugs and kisses, but I will give you all that when you come home again.

Early in our relationship I told you that I loved you more than I had ever loved anyone. With every passing day and aching night, that statement becomes truer.

Every time I think of you I grow even more in love with you. You have my heart, my soul and every beat of my heart. My love for you grows stronger each and every day!

I miss your warm embrace, your voice and your lips. I sometimes have to remind myself that you’re not really gone, that I can still see you at the end of the day.

I know that you are happy and safe and I just need to be patient and wait for you to come back home. My heart breaks every day when I think about how much time we’ve lost and what we have to do to get it back, but in the end, it will be worth it.

You are leaving this evening for another day’s journey. We have enjoyed so many other journeys together, haven’t we? Just when I thought you were gone from my sight, once more you come into my view. The days that have passed have been a time of happiness and bring with them memories precious and true.

I honestly can’t believe you are gone, this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. You brought so much happiness and love into my life that I thought would never end.

No words could describe how amazing you were and how much you meant to me and my life. I will NEVER forget you or our last words…

It’s midnight and I’m holding back tears. I haven’t heard your voice in almost a week, though we chat online everyday. You’re away on business, so I won’t get to see you for another 4 days.

I don’t know what to do with myself. All day I’m smiling and laughing, telling myself our problems will be over soon. Then it hits me at night; you’re not here to hold me tonight.

I don’t care what anyone says. You are the best husband I could ever ask for. Your heart is bigger than your body. You may not be able to see it or feel it, but I can and I do.

I am so proud of the man you have become. The man who is working hard every day to build a future for us both and to provide for me, our wonderful children, parents & siblings.

I know you’re mad at me and don’t want to talk to me. So I’ll type this note out instead of saying it to your face. It’s all my fault. I know that if you could’ve been here, you would’ve called me, just like you always do. But something happened that lead you to where I have no control over.

since i married you, my life has been a whirlwind of experiences, often without you by my side. I’ve seen our country fight two wars and lose a president. I’ve made the mistake of joining a gym and in doing so have taken on extra responsibilities that take me away from our home each day.

My sweetheart, As you read this note each day and feel a bit more sad and alone, please know that each word is true. I swear to be there everyday, whether you see me or not and my love for you will never change. I wish I could hug you tighter and kiss you longer. Know that I love you more than life itself and you will never leave my heart.

Sometimes it feels like I am drowning, unable to breathe. I’ve got so much love inside me, but he’s been gone too long. It feels like my heart is breaking all over again, that I can’t go on anymore.

Being away from you isn’t easy, but there’s nothing I can do. There are no words to express the longing in my heart. All I want is for you to come back home.

Each day I feel the void in my heart grow larger, each day the pain becomes unbearable. Still, no matter how much I long for you, how desperately I miss you, you are never there. You promised me that for better or worse you would always be by my side. Where are you?

Please come home soon. I miss you… so much. It’s not the same without you here. I love you and can’t wait to see your smiling face again!

My heart hurts so much without you here. Every second is torture and every breath brings me closer to the moment where I will see your face once again. You are my life, my soul and my one true Love.

Every time I close my eyes, I can see your smile, smell your cologne and feel your soft touch. I am still in shock and disbelief. My mind does not want to believe that you are actually gone, but my heart can feel it deep inside…

I wish you were here today to hold me and tell me that everything is going to be ok. I will never give up hope. One day our paths will cross again and I just can’t wait. And who knows, our new love may last forever!

You are my life and soul. You are the love of my life! You make me so happy. I can’t wait to see you on Friday evening. I’ll be counting down the days till we’re together again.

This day is full of heartache as everyone around you does the thing you do not want to do and the one you love the most, isn’t here.

You are missing out on everything that makes a wedding fun and I would give anything for you to be here. I’m sorry this day has been ruined by your absence and that your gifts wont find there way to me.

Absolutely nothing will ever be the same for me. I miss you so very much! I still can’t figure out how my life went from having you in it to not.

What we had was worth everything, I wish you would have come to me before crossing the line. Although you are no longer by my side, please know that I love and miss you every day.

You are now half a world away, so far I can barely feel the warmth of your hand in mine. You can’t hear the soft sound of your voice in the night anymore.

‘ve never felt this alone in my life, without you here there is no one to be my star, my sun, and my moon. There is nothing but darkness that scares me so much, it brings tears to my eyes. Without you I feel like a lost child that is far from home.

You make me smile even when life is tough. You are the best husband in the world, a great provider and an amazing father. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

When you come home from work, I always feel giddy knowing you’re here with me. There is no one else in this world I’d rather have by my side than you.

I really want to talk to you, and I want to know why you had to leave me. You were the best thing in my life and now most days I don’t know how to go on without you.

Your pain is great, but so is mine. I’m tired of fighting, tired of crying, tired of feeling like this. I just don’t have the strength anymore.

Those words can describe my feelings for you. You are my everything and I know that nothing and no one in this world would ever be enough for me, without you by my side. I miss you.

You can’t imagine how much I miss your hugs, how much I miss your cuddles, how much I miss your morning kisses…

I am feeling a bit empty and lost, the love of my life is gone. I feel so alone, the pain just won’t subside. I miss your touch, my heart aches for you to hold me. It’s been 2 years today since you left. I will always love you!

Only a heart as big as yours would love someone as much as you do. I don’t know how you do it but you somehow knew that your love would span into other lives, other places, and through all of the time we’ve been apart.

I may not be in your presence at this very moment but please know that my heart is always with yours. My love for you reaches farther than distance or time could ever comprehend.

I wake up and lie down to sleep with you on my mind. I think about how much I love you and want you to be here with me. I

try to remember the love we shared, the joy we experienced together. I wish you were here. There is a space in my heart that can never be filled, only for you. You consumed me daily since the day we met.

I’m so glad that I met you when I’m still young. You’re everything I could ever hope for in a husband. Your unique personality makes me love you more and more, and the love you have for me makes me admire you so much. We don’t see each other as often as we would like to, but that doesn’t change how much we care about each other.

It has been weeks since you left. I know that you are looking down on me, missing us just as much as the children and I do. I should be strong and stay brave, but the tears inevitably come.

It doesn’t matter how much makeup I cover my face with. It is hard to stay positive. Nothing feels right in this house without your loving presence here to guide us.

I lost my “everything” years ago, and now I’m tired. I am tired of living alone in this big house, raising the kids on my own…I’m tired of being strong! He was my strength….Now I am weak.

I can’t say for sure I’d ever get used to being in this place. It’s funny. I think everyone is called to be here at some point in the life, but me, I think it’s not my time yet.

Your presence makes life meaningful and worthwhile. I miss your morning kisses, your cold feet on mine when you crawl into bed at night, the way you hold me tight or the way you smell when first wake up. I miss everything about you.

Our love is a journey, long and winding, with many ups and downs. It is a narrow path, blocked at times by stones and wild water.

You see, ours is not a streets paved with gold; we walk on the rugged trail of life. Ours is not a bed of roses under which we sleep; our peace is the calm at sunrise when the storms are past.

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