Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Nephew

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Nephew

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I am writing to you because I want to tell you a story. I want you to know how much I miss my nephew — enough that I had trouble sleeping at night. You see, my sister was killed in a car accident and didn’t live long enough to see her first child born. My sister had a 50% chance of dying during the pregnancy, and she decided not to go for the operation which would have significantly increased her chances of surviving childbirth. She was scared and made the wrong choice, but her life shouldn’t have been ripped away from us or our nephew before he even got the chance to meet her. Even though my sister is gone, I still think about her and feel sad at times.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Nephew

The letter is mainly about the absence of the nephew who could not understand the love of his beloved uncle and chucked his gift in a dustbin.

My dear nephew, I know you’ve been dearly missed by us all. Things haven’t been the same without you in our family circle.

We love and miss you more than words can express. I pray for your safe return and hope one day to hear your voice again.

Although we haven’t met, I have always loved you. I know how much you wanted to pick out a special bracelet for me and wish that one day you will.

The day has come and gone, the reason will never be known. You are in my thoughts and dreams daily.

I love you because you’re my nephew, but most of all I love you because you’re sweet and caring.

You are my best friend, my blood, and my most treasured friend.

I so miss you these days and my heart is broken without you! The time is going by so fast, the months seem to pass like minutes, like seconds.

The bad times are behind us and if we worked through them, we will be okay. Whatever you need nephew of mine I got you.

I could never imagine the pain of losing a child, especially one so young.

Even if we did not get to know you very well, nothing can take away from the love we felt for you. I hope God will send us your hand someday so we can go meet you again.

Dear Mom, My heart hurts. I miss you and Dad so much. You both were taken too soon from us. Your absence is a constant reminder of what I’ve lost.

I see your empty chair at the dinner table, your clothes all over the place, your curlers in the bathroom, and your books on the bookshelf and it breaks my heart again and again…

My heart is heavy because you are not at the family get-together today.

Mom and I miss you so much, but we don’t know how much you have been through.

We love you. We hope someday you can visit us again and sit with us under the tree in the backyard and laugh with us when we catch fireflies at night. I just don’t understand why…

It’s hard to believe that it’s been six months since you left us.

You were and will always be a wonderful person, with a beautiful soul.

I miss your humor. I miss the way you looked at me, the way you smiled at me when I walked into your hospital room.

We are all praying for a miracle and the Lord will surely hear our prayers for you to come back home to us. We love you very much and can’t wait to see you again.

I have learned so much from you even though I’ve never met you.

I pray every day that your parents can come and see you soon. Your mom and I used to be best friends while we grew up together growing up.

She was like a sister to me, but now she is my shining sister in the Lord. I hope I can meet you someday!

You found a strange way to break my heart yesterday but I know one day you will change your mind and I will get to hold you in my arms once again.

You are the only one who knows what it is like to be loved too much by their uncle.

I love you so much. I hope you can see how much I love you from here.

I know you are happy and do not want to come back, but please know I love you more than anything and miss you terribly.

I hope that one day maybe a miracle will happen and your pain will go away. LOVE YOU!

I miss you. I miss the silly, sweet, funny, and beautiful boy that was my nephew and the young man you are becoming.

You are always on my mind from the moment I wake up to the last thing at night before I go to sleep.

You are in my prayers every day and your name is in my heart all day long.

My dear nephew, wherever you are, I want you to know that even though we don’t talk to each other and see each other very often, I am still proud of you.

You are a great young man and the world is better with you in it.

Everybody needs hugs and kisses every once in a while. It’s not just something kids do.

Everybody needs it. So I want you to know that even if I can’t be there with you all the time, I’m thinking about you, and missing you like crazy!

I don’t know if you will ever read this, but I have to write it. I miss your sweet smile and those eyes that shine from your beautiful face.

You are the greatest nephew in my life. If I had to pick one thing I’ve done in my life that I’m proud of, it’s that I’m your uncle.

You have no idea what a precious gift you are and I thank God for you every day. You bring a light to my heart that only you can.

My sweet angel, I don’t know if you can hear me in heaven but this day is your birthday.

I can only hope that you look down on us and smile. It breaks my heart that you aren’t here with us, Maybe one day we will meet again!

I will always love you and cherish the memories I have of you.

I hope that wherever you are right now is full of all the joys a little boy could dream of!

I am very glad to have you in my life, you mean the world to me. I wish that we were closer.

I feel like there is a large distance between us. It feels like we should be together more often. But I can’t do anything about it. Since I live so far away, and don’t get to see you often enough.

Dear Nephew: I miss you so much and I need you. My heart aches every day that we are apart because I know how much fun we would have together.

Your cousin misses you too. We have an email address for you in China if you ever want to write to us.

Dear nephew, I promise to love and protect you, as if you were my child.

I want to be the most important person in your life. You can come and count on this when you need someone the most.

I will always be there for you and look forward to seeing you grow up.

Hi, I’m your uncle Bubba. I heard you’re going to be here in a few weeks, so I wanted to give you a letter so you would know more about me when you get here.

Dad said this is the best letter he has ever read, and I think it’s the best letter I’ve ever written myself too!

Hey nephew, it’s your favorite aunt. I miss you very much. I know how hard it must be for you to be away from me. But I trust that you remain safe and that God will watch over you.

Thank you for being a good boy, you’re the best. Your aunt loves you more than anything in this world and prays God keeps you safe until we can see each other again.

Dear Nicholas, I miss you so much! I don’t know where you are or what happened to you.

All I know is that I wish I could find you. It’s strange to think that this may be the thing in life that I couldn’t fix.

I love you more than you can imagine. I know that I am not your blood relation and have never had the chance to meet you. But that doesn’t change my feelings for you.

You are so special to me. Every time I hear your name, I smile and feel a warmth inside me I’ve never felt before.

You are very special and I want so much to get to know you. Every day that goes by without us meeting just makes my heart hurt a little bit more.

I know I’ve said all this before, but the joy you bring me is immeasurable.

I love you and wish I could be with you every night. Maybe someday…who knows? Until then I will hold you in my heart and continue to love you.

Finally, I have the strength to write this letter. It’s taken months for me, but I’m glad I was able to do it in the end.

I miss you so much. More than you’ll ever know. You and I have a special bond that holds us together no matter what happens.

You always make me laugh and your goofy smile makes everything better. When our family is together, life is wonderful.

Your laugh is contagious, your smile spreads happiness to everyone around you, your presence makes a room brighter, and I am thankful you are in this world.

If I could trade places with anyone right now, it would be you because I know no matter what happens you will always overcome and achieve greatness.

I wish you could see how loved you are by not only me but your family as well.

I haven’t seen you since you were a baby. I know life has been hard on you, but I miss you and just wanted to tell you that I love you with all my heart. Be happy and well.

I’m not here to talk only about you, but I miss u so much. My heart’s broken because of your absence.

I hope to see you in the future and I hope everything will be alright. Trust me, I will be your strength. Love you so much from the bottom of my heart.

I miss you. I love you! Why did you have to go? My heart is heavy with sadness and I can hardly breathe.

There are times when the pain becomes unbearable, like a thousand knives stabbing my heart.

Sometimes the thought of your little face is the only thing that keeps me going. Sadly, now all I can do is think about it.

I will never be able to say this enough, I love you so much. You are the most amazing nephew any uncle could ask for and I will always love you.

I haven’t been there enough for you, but I’m trying my hardest to be there for you more, to give back for all the joy you’ve given me.

The days that we do spend together mean so much more than anything in the world.

It is with great sadness that I am writing this to you from my sick bed.

This past week, I have been in the hospital with heart problems. Fortunately, I got a heart transplant and now feel better than ever.

Even though you haven’t been here with us for very long, we love you very much.

We will always be here for each other and support one another in whatever we choose to do.

You are the best thing that has happened to our family, and we all feel blessed to have you in our lives.

you have been my favorite nephew ever since II heard about you and I was the first to know about you.

I wasn’t disappointed when I saw you for the first time. You were just what I thought you were going to be, handsome and funny.

This is an unscheduled communication to bring you up to speed on what has transpired since the last time we talked.

Our nephew, Bricky Schubble, lost his battle with a rare and aggressive cancer on Sept. 26, 2012, he was 4 years old.

Words cannot express the sadness and heartbreak we as a family are going through as we say goodbye to our little angel.

I’m just an aunt but I know how much you mean to David. He’s sad you’re away.

He loves you more than anyone in the world. I can tell by the smiles on his face every time he visits you in Afghanistan.

I promise to visit as much as possible and keep him updated. You are never far from his thoughts. You are his best friend and little brother all wrapped in one.

Dearest nephew, I miss you so much, things are not the same without you.

Every time I think of you I can’t help but cry. I love you and miss you so much, my sweet boy. I think of all the fun we had and all the happy times…

You were once were…and you were loved. Your life and your love of it shine through the hearts of all who loved you. You were kind, loving, and caring…and you were thoughtful!

Someday you will have children of your own, and you will know what it is to love.

I know your mom and dad have their difficulties in life. But without you, I feel like a part of me is missing.

You are the nephew I never had, so whatever you do always know that I will always love you. Know that the world has not been fair to you and us, but try to live your life to the fullest.

Life can be tough at times, but if we only give up then we are making it tougher for ourselves.

I don’t care that you’re gone, I don’t care that you’ve left me. I miss your voice and the hugs we shared.

Your room is still there, everything untouched. I can still smell your cologne, and see your clothes on the floor.

The little things you left behind make me cry because I know they’re coming closer each day. This is what they don’t tell us. I miss you so much, my brother.

My dearest Jared, I miss you so much. I wish the last few months could have been different.

I wish that day had never happened and that you would still be here with us. I cherish every memory we have together, and that day was one of the best days of my life.

The world has lost a beautiful soul and it will never be the same because of it.

You were a very special nephew, my best friend. I remember how much you loved your sunglasses and that you would wear them everywhere.

Even during church! I miss your laugh and cheering me up when I’m sad. My dear nephew, I love you so much and will miss you always.

I’m sorry I haven’t written to you in a while. It’s not because I don’t miss you, it’s just that there hasn’t been much to say.

Life just keeps going. You can never really get a grip on time. One day your 20 and the next you’re 30 and you can’t recall ever making it from one to the other.

My heart is now empty, my soul is only a shell, my life is desolate. I loved you with all my heart.

There was nothing that we couldn’t overcome together. Nothing except this. I miss you, and I never got to say goodbye.

Dear nephew, I never knew you or your dad, and because of that, I can’t describe how I feel about you right now.

However, if I had the chance to meet you, maybe I would tell you how my heart aches at the thought of you not being here.

knowing that fate took you away from me most likely before we could meet saddens me greatly. I can only imagine how proud you would be to see me go to school and graduate.

I don’t know how to say goodbye. I don’t know how to let go. I don’t want to let go.

If you can hear me now, please come back. You didn’t deserve this and neither did we.

If you can see me now, please come back. We miss you so much and we need you so much. I will never stop loving you, no matter what the future holds.

I miss you, my sweet boy. My heart is lonely and yearns for you so badly.

Day after day I am reminded that you are in a better place but it breaks my heart to know you’re not in mine. I love you with all of my heart and miss you more than words could ever express.

When your daddy sent me your blanket that he held onto for so long I knew that what we had wasn’t gone, just not with us any longer.

Son, I will always love you no matter how far away you are. You will always be in my heart, even when I’m old and gray.

I wish you were here. I wish I could hold you. I wish so many things but most of all I wish you were here.

I will never get to meet you… and I never got to tell you that I love you. But it doesn’t have to be that way because someday I will hold you in my hands when I can do so.

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