Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Niece

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Niece

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Life is a journey, and along the way, we encounter numerous relationships that become an integral part of our existence. One such bond is that of an aunt or uncle with their niece – a connection filled with affection, joy, and cherished moments. However, circumstances sometimes lead to physical distance and separation, making it challenging to express the emotions that overflow within us. In this heart-touching letter about the absence of a niece, we endeavor to capture the essence of this beautiful relationship and the emotions that come with it. Let us embark on a journey of heartfelt words and meaningful sentiments.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Niece

You never know what you truly want, until you realize it’s gone for good.

You are more than a niece to me. You are the star of my universe, the apple of my eyes, you take the breath out of my mouth just by thinking of you.

I miss your smile, your touch, and that face you make when you are annoyed. I love you and will miss you always.

I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me, giving me advice about life and love, being my confidante.

You were always there for me and I need your advice once again. I hope you’re at peace and happy wherever you are. See you soon.

Miss you more than words could say! Wish I could hold you like I used to, comfort you when you’re scared, play with you, and kiss those tiny little toes.

You are always in my heart! Wait for me … we will be together again someday.

Dear aunt, I miss you so much. I can’t wait until next summer when I can see you again.

If only you could be here to share with us all of your funny jokes and let me sleep in your bed again…I would give anything to have you here. We love and miss you so much!

Your uncle thinks about you every day. It breaks my heart that you can’t be with us.

It’s hard not to smile when I think about you. The day we met you have been in my thoughts ever since.

Your smile, your laugh…your eyes make me wish one day I can make things right and hold you in my arms again, even if it’s just for a moment. You will always be in my heart, my little angel.

I wish you were here so I could talk to you and see you grow up.

I love you more than the world and every day I watch the shadows slowly fade away, which keeps the memories of your little face alive in my heart. I will cherish our memories forever.

Why are you so far away? I miss and love you more than life itself.

Why can’t I see and hug ya? I cry every day that you are away.

Every day your missing tears me apart, My day isn’t right until I talk to you at night. When it’s bedtime, I lay awake wondering if ill ever get to see you again.

I love you more than life itself..and it hurts deep in my soul knowing we aren’t together.

I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. No one makes me laugh like you do.

I miss those times we spent together so much, especially our little scavenger hunt! I miss seeing your smile and hearing your laughter. I am thankful just to have known you.

Momma, I miss you so much, but I promise with God’s help to do my best.

I know that you are with me every morning when I wake up when I look at the sun, the stars, and everything around me.

I feel you inside of me, in my heart and my mind, your smile keeps me going.

You make me a better person. When I am sad, I know that you are with Mommy and Daddy too, but they can’t play with you like me!

I miss you every second and think about you constantly. If I had just one wish, I would want to see your face or hear your voice again.

I don’t know why God took you away from me and everyone else in the world.

When someone you love so much dies, a piece of your heart is taken with them. Love always, Aunt

I miss you so much. I’m sorry for everything that has happened.

You don’t deserve any of it but we both know that tragedy is something you will always have to deal with. Where ever you are just know that I love you. Love Auntie Anne xxxx

I miss you so much, my niece. I don’t know what to do without you.

I wish you were here holding me in your arms and telling me this is all a bad dream. We spent so much time together, we were inseparable.

We had so much fun just being silly together. You still hold my heart so tight and it hurts like hell without you here with me.

There are not enough days in my life to tell you how much I missed you, how much I love you

Dear Emily, I miss you SO, SO much. I hope that you are having fun and happy wherever you are now. Grandma loves you so much and talks about you every day.

Ever since the day you left my heart has been broken. Every second of every day I think about how amazing it was to have a niece like YOU.

I still can’t believe that after all these years, the very sweetest little child on the face of this earth is gone forever.

After spending a lovely morning with you and seeing how much you were enjoying every moment of your life, I thought that I should sit down and write you a little note.

You were such a happy child and I was scared to take care of your little sister in the absence of your parents. But the loneliness and boredom made me come over to you.

You are my niece by marriage, my other sister’s daughter, but I love you more than any of my natural nieces.

I did not get to watch you grow up, as I would have loved to.

Every day I imagine how precious you will look as a bride, how your eyes will light up when you marry the man that is perfect for you.

I wish I could be there to share your tears of joy and the opening dance with your father. But, if this is

My dearest niece, I can’t believe you are unpleasantly absent from my life.

It’s so difficult to let go! I miss your lovely smile, your sweet laughter, and the way you love to dance around with your favorite toys.

I saved all your baby photos and birthday cards, hoping that maybe someday you would come back to me.

Unfortunately when time passes by it just hurts worse. Wish you were here, Love, Auntie.

You were my pride and joy. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and miss the times we spent together.

I can’t wait till I see you again. Until then I will think of you every day and will love you forever.

To never forget is the only way to feel the same as when we last met. Love you always!

You were the best big sister out there, so full of life and secrets. You were always my little ray of sunshine and I will miss you every day.

I hope that wherever you are you are happy and healthy, maybe even with a beautiful baby girl named Kaylie who shares your distinct smile. I love you always.

I miss you so much! I wish I could pick up the phone just to hear your voice.

I am so lost without you next to me. The pictures we took around Central Park still hang on my wall, as well as your drawings still hanging up there too.

Everyone says “I’m with you every day!” but that’s not enough for me. I would give anything just to have you back again.

We always dreamed of having a baby together, but now that dream may never be a reality. And it hurts me so bad to know I will never get to hold.

You have no idea how much it tears my heart apart that I have not been able to see you grow into the beautiful soul I know you will be.

You are never far from my mind and in my heart, if only I could hold you in my arms just once.

My little Jovie-bear, I miss you so very much. When I wake up in the morning, your room is the first thing that comes to mind. It is peaceful and beautiful.

It is filled with love, crafted by your hands. You built it because you loved to make things.

I am so blessed to have known you, to have met you before this world took your life way too soon. I will find a way for us to be together again someday!

You’re gone but not forgotten. I keep you with me always, in my heart and thoughts.

I wish more than anything that you could have stayed around a while longer to share this life with me. I love you and miss you so much.

you are my world, my heart, my sunshine. you are so special and mean the world to me.

I will keep you safe in my heart forever. I love you with all my heart and always will.

Not a single day goes by without thinking of you. You are my most important love and I hope that one day we can be together again.

Niece, I know you are out there somewhere. Despite our distance, I have your back always.

If you need me, look to the sky and know that I will be there shortly with all my love. Your aunt loves you!

It’s been 6 months since you were taken away from us. I finally must accept that you are never coming back.

My heart will forever ache and the hole you left behind will never be filled. I think of you every day.

It was not your time to go. There is a void in my life and my family will never be the same.

My dearest niece, my angel, my light, and my joy, I love you and miss you every day!

I look at you and see a great heart, someone who loves unconditionally and without limits. But, I also see someone who is sad right now, because she is far away from her family.

You have experienced the worst pain there is. I watched your eyes get big as you tried to understand everything that was happening around you.

No one can be prepared for what it is like knowing that someone that they love so much is not coming back.

I wish you could see the joy you bring to everyone and everything around you.

I would give anything to spend one more day with you. Be careful and watch over the family. We love you so much!

My heart aches every time I see your name. Although I know that you are safe, the rest of the family cannot help our emotions from spilling over.

You are such a special young woman, who has recently started a new stage of your life; I hope that you will forgive our sometimes apprehensive behavior when it comes to your safety.

I’m going, to be honest with you. I miss your face. It’s been almost three months, and I still can’t get enough of looking at you.

Never did I ever think I’d have another niece or nephew that I’d love so much. You were worth all the waiting, and your daddy and mama were worth the ride.

I miss cuddling you and kissing your chubby cheeks late at night when you’ve had too much sugar.

When your eyes look at mine and our hearts beat at the same pace, I know that you’re my own little heart left behind. If this letter is buried with me.

Please don’t cry but only remember how much I love you…and one day soon we will meet again! I will be watching over you until then.

I can’t find the words to describe how much you’ve touched my heart.

Your vibrant spirit has inspired me and warmed my soul. You are a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul. I miss you more than you will ever know.

You hold a very special place in my heart. I am proud to call you my niece and the little girl that lives inside me, looks up to you just like a daughter should.

There are no words that can describe how much I love you.

I miss you so much! I need you in my life so badly! When will it get better? Why does this have to happen? I want to see you, hold you, and give you so many kisses.

I will always be here for you. Even though we are apart, know that I love you very much! Always and forever!

My baby girl, Mommy misses you so much! It’s been three months since you left and I just can’t stop crying. Seeing your toys, clothes, and crib brings me back to happier times.

I can’t even bear to leave your room because it hurts too much.

I miss singing to you, shopping for you, laughing with you, and watching you grow. But most of all I miss holding you on my lap and kissing your chubby little cheek. We love you!

I love you. The great paradox of my being is that the more I know of you, the more actions I take for you and with you, and the less I know what to say about you.

Dear Belly, I wish you could be here to celebrate with our family. I miss you and I’m thinking about you every day.

You are in my thoughts as I gather cookies for the bake sale, tie bows on gifts for the silent auction and make decorations for your grave.

I will do these things and many others wondering how you are doing.

I don’t know if you’re reading this, but I want you to know how much I miss you, how much I love you.

You’ve gone away and left me without ever saying goodbye or giving me the chance to say how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I wish I could have told you in person.

Dear Susan, I miss you terribly. I’ve wanted to say this to you for a long time but didn’t get the chance.

You were always there for me when I needed you and now I wish I were there for you. You were also a supportive pillar for me during difficult times.

You left us all behind a long time ago, almost a decade but it seems like yesterday.

I still dream of you as a child and miss your laugh, your warm embrace, and most of all your infectious smile.

I remember when you were a little girl and would say “I love you” to me, while I held you in my arms.

You were special, in more ways than one. But now you’re gone and all I can do is think about who killed you.

Today you were supposed to turn 3 years old, but instead, you will be turning 1 year old because you have left us.

I always wanted to have a niece and would get so excited when my mom was pregnant.

My Love, Who Are You? I am young and living in the future. I am old and living in the lands that told your grandmother’s stories.

I am big and living on land that your great-great-grandfathers have tilled.

Thank you for always coming over and helping out. Thank you for being my friend. I’m going to miss you, but I’m glad we had each other because sometimes it felt like I was all alone.

I’ve known you since before you were born. I love you in a way few will ever know.

I wish I could meet you today, hold you in my arms and kiss your cheeks.

My heart breaks to know that day will never come. This paper is all that is left of someone who should have been a part of my life.

I’m sorry if I don’t reply to this letter, but I felt it was time to let you know how much I miss and love you!

I love you. I miss you so much. I hope to see you again someday.

May our love touch your heart and keep you warm for eternity as you sleep in peace under the Earth.

We’ll be together again soon, I promise, but until then just remember that I love you.

I miss you so much! You are the best niece in the world and I love you so, so much.

Please come back to me soon! Your favorite auntie will wait for you forever if that’s what it takes.

I wish there was a way to bring you here, to hug you and know you’re okay. I will never stop looking for you.

I have never been so scared to know that I could lose someone so important. You are gone now, but you are always on my mind.

As you read this note please know that I am thinking about you, about us.

I wish for your speedy return and restoration to good health.

I pray that your time away from work is far from taxing and that it is filled with love, laughter, and enjoyment of the people and things you care most about.

Everyone is so glad to have you here, but also sad because we miss you when you are gone.

We miss your positive energy and presence! My heart hurts for your absence. I miss you so much.

I can’t believe how much you have been there for me in times of need and now that you are gone it is almost unbearable to think about.

You are a stellar human being with a heart of gold and I wish that I could do anything to bring you back.

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