Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of an Aunt

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of an Aunt

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Writing a heart touching letter about the absence of an aunt can be a deeply emotional and cathartic experience. It provides an opportunity to express your feelings, cherish memories, and find solace in the absence of a beloved family member. In this article, we will delve into the significance of such a letter, offering insights based on personal experiences and credible sources. You will find guidance on crafting a heartfelt letter that not only reflects your emotions but also honors the special bond you shared with your aunt. Let’s embark on this journey of love, reminiscence, and healing.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of an Aunt

I write about my feelings about my lost aunt, who was a very cool and kind lady.

You’re not here. I wish you were here. It’s not the same without you.

Stop by soon, It’s hard being away from you. I miss being close to you. Drop me a line, Im hoping things are well with you;-, Love

My Dear Aunt, I wanted you to have this card. I know you’re not here, but it makes me think of you and how much I miss you.

I am sure Mom has told me all about your funeral, but for some reason, I feel like something has been left out.

I don’t know where you are or if you are even alive… but if you read this. I MISS YOU. I love you SO much. You were the best aunt in the world.

I wish I could see you again. I miss you. Daddy went to heaven, then Mommy went to heaven, and now it’s your time.

You have to go, but I just want to know why it’s always the important ones that leave first.

God has something amazing waiting for you and I hope you are happy there.

I always wanted to show my love and attention to you more than I did but since our birthdays were so close maybe that’s why I couldn’t. But know this for everyone everywhere.

I have nothing but love and respect for you. You have been so kind to me and now I feel so guilty for not being good enough to return it in any way.

You will always be a part of my life. I hope this message finds you safe, healthy, and free from danger.

I know that distance can make things hard, but it is proof of your strength as a person and as a woman.

I want you to know that I love you very much and wish that I could see you real soon. You are going to be the best mother in the world someday.

You can be a man. You must not be afraid to show your tenderness.

I’ll catch you if you’re falling, in case you’re wondering, and I won’t desert you even though it’s hard. I’m doing my best to be a good mother.

You have always been one of the most important women in my life you have been more like a sister to me, so having you with us during Christmas feels so right.

It was so hard when I found out that your life was taken, and I’ll miss you always. Aunt Sally, please know that I will never forget the love between us.

I love my Aunt Regan more than words could ever express. She is one of the most amazing women I know and holds a special place in my heart.

She is the best… always. When she leaves I feel like something’s missing.

I wish that you were here to see me graduate high school and head off to college. We should be celebrating right now and your absence just hurts me so much.

Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday we were out gallivanting around, causing a scene and having the time of our lives.

A few years later I was sticking bandaids all over you, wiping your runny nose, washing your clothes, and dealing with your tantrums.

Time hasn’t changed me much but I have to admit, being motherly makes me happy.

The pain of losing you was too much for me to bear by myself. I have felt so empty and alone for so long.

You were taken from me way too soon and it has been the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. But even through the pain, I still hold on to the few memories we shared.

I love you more than words could ever express. I miss you, and the day will come when I can say those words in person!

You are still my best friend, better than a sister to me. I can’t wait to see your face again! Until then, I will continue to love you with all my heart, every single day.

You may not be here with me, but you’ve always been on my side. I have your heart in my hands so whenever I’m missing you it warms me through and through.

I wish you were here to see me graduate, graduate college and grow into a woman.

We will get there one day and I know that it would mean the world to you to spend the rest of my life with someone who loves you and knows your heart so well.

You were never there to help me when I needed you. And to this day, I still need you.

Then again, you never were that great of an aunt. So I’ll live without you. …I’d rather it be that way than with your fake love.

You may not be there physically to see your loved ones, but you are always in my heart.

I will take good care of Grandma and make sure she is happy and well taken care of.

It’s not easy to say that as you still have a special place inside me, but now I know that you will forever be my guardian angel watching over me.

Today is your birthday, you are far away from us, but all my thoughts are with you.

Thinking of you is like breathing; it comes naturally and often. I want to do something special for you as a sign of my thankfulness.

You came into my life and made it complete. Not sure who, when, or how but I’m not questioning the timing, the person, or the method.

I do not have words enough to tell you how much I miss your hugs, your smile, and your advice.

There are days when I drive by your home and wish that you were there to spontaneously call me over for lemonade and cookies. But it’s not meant to be.

I’m trying so hard to be strong and to stay positive, but at times like these, it is so damn hard.

I can’t stop thinking about you. I love you so much, I miss you a lot. I wish that we could see each other again.

I remember when we went out to dinner and we had so much fun! Even though you’re far away you are always in my heart. If only I could make all your dreams come true.

I lost my aunt due to the war. She died a heroine. All she wanted was peace in the world and she sacrificed her life for it. I’ll always love you and honor your memory!

You have always been there for me when I needed you. Today is no different.

You are so loved and missed by so many people, I just wanted to take the time to tell you to keep up the good fight and stay strong! I love you so much!

You are a fantastic person! I miss you so much and I know that you’d love to be here with me.

It is hard to believe that you’ve been gone for 6 years already. I think about all the fun we used to have, how fun it will be when I see you next.

I don’t have many memories of you, but even in my short time on this earth, I have some wonderful ones.

I remember being loved by you and being told that I was important and special.

You always had a smile on your face, you were always so positive! And after 8 years I still can’t fathom why you’re gone.

You will be missed and loved for the rest of your life, again and again.

I miss you and remember you each morning when I wake up and each night when I go to bed. You are always on my mind, even if you’re not with me. I love you.

I was one of your favorite nieces, but you left without ever knowing it.

You were my favorite aunt so don’t you miss out on this great opportunity to have me as a nephew.

Dear Auntie, You are my hero. I wish you didn’t have to be away from me so often. But I am happy to get to see you when I can and miss you when you’re gone.

It makes me sad when you’re not here, but we both know it’s for the best.

I want you to know how much I love you and how grateful I am that you were there at my birth so long ago.

I miss you so much! I love you. It’s hard to imagine a day without hearing your voice or seeing your smile. I miss our talks and playing with you. I love you so very much!

I miss you so much. I go through each day remembering the hundreds of moments we spent together.

I remember you and know you are with me. You taught me to see the world in a different light, one of wonder and love.

You were such an inspiration, the way you cared and loved me as your own. You gave me a dream and showed me how to reach for it no matter what was in my way.

My dearest aunt, unfortunately, I wasn’t able to be a part of your funeral. I was away at college and couldn’t make it back in time.

However, I did my best in paying my last respects to you. We miss you dearly every day. I was so glad that we got to see each other before you went away but now I want to see you again.

I can’t believe it’s been four months since you’ve been gone. Every day I wake up and hold your pillow close to my heart and wish you were still here.

I miss you so much, but I know you would want me to continue living my life the way you always did: happy.

I’m thankful for having such an amazing aunt who took me in as her daughter.

I have always loved you and your warm smile, but since I was little I had dreams about you. In my dreams, we never spoke unless you needed to explain something to me.

You would always assure me that everything was okay, that it was going to be fine.

I love you so much. I’m so glad you came into my life. I hope one day my last name will be yours and I know that it will.

You have made my life so wonderful and I am going to do the same for you.

I’m going to find the right man for you just like you did for me.

I hope our paths continue to cross more and more in the future because I want to spend my entire life with you no matter what it takes.

You’re the closest thing to a mother I have. I love you so much more than anyone could understand.

I needed to tell you how much I miss you, how much I love you, and how much your sisters miss you.

The smell of you, the things you used to say, all of it. You were everything that my heart missed and now that I’ve lost you, nothing seems right.

Your love is like music that flows through my heart. Your smile is like the warm sunshine on a beautiful spring day.

I miss you so much! Every passing day makes me realize how much I need you.

I wish you were here to guide me through my tough times and to share my joys with you. My love for you is stronger than time itself.

Dearest Aunt, I miss you so much. You were the most wonderful person in my life.

You were like a second mother to me and every day I wish for your presence.

I sometimes cry forgetting your face, but that doesn’t mean I will ever forget you. You are forever in my heart! How can we make her feel better? What do you think?

I was thinking of you earlier today and all the things I wanted to say.

I just wanted to let you know that I love you very much. I miss you, wish you were here with me right now, and will forever be grateful for all your love, support, and guidance.

I don’t live with you, but my heart lives with you. I wish I was beside you to wipe away your tears and to hold your hand when that day would come.

For today, I’m at a distance. But know that I’ll always love you when nobody else is there. I’ll protect you, even though we’re not there together.

I want to say thank you for being the best aunt in the world.

Your hugs always feel like home and your smiles are the brightest I know. None of this is possible without you.

I will never forget about you no matter where I am in life. You are a wonderful woman! I love you so much, xoxo

You are still missed…to this day. There is a void in our hearts that will never be filled until we see you again.

We know that your work here is done and we can only hope and pray to see you again in heaven someday.

Your face and eyes were gentle. Your smile, it was sweet. But now you’re gone, I wish you’d come back to me.

I want to touch your face and hold your hands. I miss the way you sing and play your flute.

I am writing this letter from my aunt’s point of view. You were special and always will be in my heart. I miss you so much and wish that I could hold you one more time.

I don’t know if I’ve said this before, so here goes: You are the best aunt in the world.

You love me unconditionally, you’re always there for me, and I appreciate all of your help, inside information, and generosity with gifts every year.

I miss how close we used to be, but I hope this letter shows you how much you mean to me.

Dear Uncle, How are you? I wanted to let you know that I miss you so much. When I get to the kitchen and the breakfast table is empty, my heart starts missing you a lot.

I want to see your smile which always got me happy! We are waiting for your arrival here every day because it’s nice to have you here.

I think about you daily. I miss you so much. I lost my other half when I lost you. I wish we could be together again. Just know that I love you and always will, forever and always!

Words can’t express how much you mean to me. I remember when we were little and we used to play all the time.

I know you are always there to talk to and I love how you understand me thoroughly. You are my best friend and I am so lucky to have an aunt like you. Love ya!

I miss you so much! I wish you could be here to see how much I have grown and how much I have accomplished.

You are a very important part of my life, even though we don’t spend much time together, you are in my heart every second.

You are special and one of a kind and every time I miss you, only one thing comes to mind; “Where did all the time go?” I love you more than words could ever say.

I love you more than the stars in the sky and more than a swan sings when you are near. I miss you, but still, I know you’re gone.

You were my very best friend and that’s how I’ll always be. One day we’ll be together again but until then I will fight with all my might. I’ll hug you, kiss you, one day you will see.

I just wanted to let you know I miss you dearly and love you more than words could ever say.

There is no greater sadness than missing a loved one who lives far away. When I look at your old room, I see all the happy times we spent together.

I miss your smile, your laugh, your cooking, and most of all, your company. This is the hardest thing to do. You were taken way too soon but your memory will always live on.

If you knew how much I missed you and loved you… you’d come! I love you so much and miss your voice, your laugh, and your hugs.

When I was born, you came to visit me. I had never seen you before. Your hair was auburn and crinkled like crepe paper.

You touched my face gently and said a short phrase in a language I didn’t understand. Then you disappeared again into the wind.

I am writing this letter on your deceased birthday. I was hoping that it would bring you some comfort to know that I think of you every day and miss you in every way.

There are times when I find myself trying to call out for your advice but then remember that you are no longer here.

You were a great aunt but most importantly a wonderful sister, daughter, mother, and friend.

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