Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of an Uncle

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of an Uncle

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In the tapestry of our lives, certain individuals weave threads of love, joy, and wisdom that leave an everlasting impression on our souls. Among these precious connections, uncles hold a unique place, guiding us through life’s challenges and adding a special touch to our journey. However, there are moments when fate cruelly separates us from the warmth of their presence. In this heartfelt letter, we delve into the emotions surrounding the absence of an uncle, acknowledging the impact of their departure and embracing the healing power of expressing our deepest feelings.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of an Uncle

Your nephew misses you so much. I love you to the moon and back, forever and always!

Dear Uncle _, We miss you so much. We wish you came home! We love you like our father! We hope you come back soon in a straight jacket so you can spend time with us as a family again.

We miss playing with you. We hope we see you soon and that you will be stable. Love, Your niece, and nephew.

I don’t want to write you a letter. I want to stand in front of you and hug you, laughing as we always did.

The absence of your presence causes feelings of agony and depression that I’ve never felt before.

The way my heart aches from the weakness, the dull pain in the middle of my chest.

Losing a dear person is hard, we all know that, but finding out for yourself is unbearable. I miss you so much it hurts physically sometimes.

Dear uncle, tonight was special. One last time we were able to spend time with you and talk.

I know that you miss me. You didn’t have to say a word, I can see it in your eyes.

I know that soon you will be “Home” with God…but that doesn’t make this awkward moment any less sad.

I love you so much and there will never be another person in the world who will matter more than you.

Dear Mom, I know that you miss Uncle Bobby very much, I kind of do too. But I let you know he is not gone; he’s just with God, happy and healthy. And we can still feel him with us every day.

So, please stop crying and try to be as happy as possible and Uncle Bobby will be happy above as well.

Dear uncle, You are the funniest man in the universe. I just want you to know that I love you so much.

Remembering you is like drinking a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter day; it’s a feeling I’ve never experienced before and one that I wish I could keep forever.

Dear Uncle, I miss you very much. You were always so kind and thoughtful and you were always there for me when I needed you.

My last memory of you was the day that you left to go on your vacation. I remember how excited I was to spend time with you.

I know that now you are an angel in heaven but it still hurts knowing that I can’t call or text to tell you something funny or just say thanks for being the best uncle ever.

I remember when I was a little girl and you took me to the zoo. You would go on and on about all the animals, showing me funny pictures until I started to fall asleep in your warm arms.

Every week we would go out for dinners, laughing about silly stories.

You would always tell me you loved me… never letting me know that this would be the last time we would see each other. I will always love you and miss your visits until you return…

Dear Abba, You are not here. We are waiting for your arrival. You are coming to celebrate your birthday today.

Everyone is waiting in your compound. But you didn’t come! I miss you very much. I wish you could be here.

I’m surrounded by so many flowers, no longer able to pick them all.

The ones I picked are wilted, but others are still blooming. There are hundreds of different kinds of flowers in this garden, with their unique colors and shapes; some bear fruit and others don’t.

My little heart melts when I see the big tree with the wooden swing at its foot, swinging under it feels like flying.

Your love was the glue that kept our family together. When you died a part of all of us went with you.

I still hear you say, “I’ll be back tomorrow.” I call out your name, but there’s no answer.

You’re gone, and my heart is hollow and cold. I miss your smile, your hugs and kisses. My memories are wrapped in your loving arms.

Uncle… I wish you knew how much I love being around you. You always make me laugh, sharing so many jokes and stories.

You tell me how proud you are of my becoming such a beautiful young lady. And, I want you to know that I feel the same joy when I am with you.

Whenever I’m alone I sit and think of you and wonder why only you could make me feel so loved.

All the times you spent with me make me feel like even when I am old you will be there for me.

I love you for all you gave to me when I was young, I love the man in the sky who let us meet.

You are my uncle and I miss you so much! Every day since you’ve gone away, I have cried and wished for you to come back.

My mom tells me about all the nice things you used to do for her when she was a little girl.

You used to take her ice skating and get all wrapped up in blankets together and watch tv, at night.

Every day I long for you. Every day I feel the hole that you left behind.

I can’t even begin to describe how much I miss you. I wish more than anything that it would be you that would come through the door when I get home.

Even though it’s been four years, no matter how many times I hear your voice, or how many pictures of you, it never gets any easier. You were my best friend, and now…

Uncle, you are the most loving and understanding uncle I’ve ever known.

The times we spent together were some of the best times in my life. No matter how busy you were, you always made time for me.

I will miss all our cookouts, camping trips, and canoe rides, but most of all I will miss our talks.

They always made me feel better about myself even when things weren’t going my way. Everything we ever talk about, I will remember forever.

We arrive here by the nature of it being a celebration of the men who have shaped our lives in ways that are far too numerous to even think about listing all of them.

We will never know half the things these men did to shape us, because they’ve either passed on or just aren’t around anymore.

On this day we remember one man in particular so important to us that we forgot he was gone.

You learn from this horrible situation and take those lessons to guide you through your own life. You live life because they can’t. You love it because they can’t.

My uncle was my hero, my father figure, and my best friend. He set a high example for me and taught me everything I know.

Dear Uncle, It’s a great loss for me that you’re no more. But it’s greater that you have left me so good memories to cherish forever in my heart.

I will always feel proud to be your ‘niece’ because our relationship was incomparable.

Uncle, I am writing you this because I miss you so much. Everyone says their love for their mother is unconditional, but mine goes beyond that.

Wherever you are now it’s not too late to come back to us, please do it soon and make our family whole once again. We miss everything about you, your smile, hugs, and kisses.

Life without you is hell, but I don’t mind…. You’re my favorite person on this godforsaken planet.

You were always there for me and showed me what love is all about. Love you, miss you, and hope to see you soon!

You are a wonderful uncle. I wish you lived closer because I would visit a lot more.

I am lucky to have grown up with you, and proud to be your niece.

You are always there for me no matter what, and that means so much to me. I miss you uncle and all the times we spent together.

He was always there for me, how could he leave so suddenly? I can hear him singing to me at night when I try to go to sleep. I miss him every day…

There are a couple of things that concern me, first, you haven’t written, and second you haven’t called. I love you like a father.

I don’t know what to do and I’m so scared. You might be gone for good and that is a thought that I can not bare. Please call or write soon plz.

I wish I could see you. I know you are there looking out for me.

Even though a part of me does not want to believe it all I know is that I want to, I want to believe in the power of eternal love.

The greatest gift we were given above all else, is the sacrifice you gave for us.

My life will never be the same without you but I know through the tears that this life is only temporary and one day our friendship will be forever close again.

Uncle Steve, I miss you a lot! I wish you were here with me. It’s hard not having you around.

I don’t have you to help with my hair and nail polish. Having my nails painted is one of my favorite things. I know it makes you happy too.

Dear Grandma, Uncle died yesterday, after a 10-year battle with cancer.

I wanted to let you know because I know that even though you don’t have a computer, you are just as likely to see this email.

Uncle Steve suffered for years from cancer, but he dealt with it the way he did everything else in life – with courage and bravery. He was a great man and I’m going to miss him terribly.

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve seen you and spoken to you, uncle.

Uncle, you were always a special person. I will never forget you. I wish I could have been there.

I am so sorry. You had no idea how much love was in my heart for you. It is hard to lose someone we love so much and even harder to know that they are not coming back ever again.

Dear uncle, I miss you. I miss the things we used to do together. I wish you were here to hug me and be my best friend again.

I don’t understand why you had to die! Why couldn’t it be me?? I want to see your silly smile once more. Every day is harder without you.

This letter makes my heart ache, I miss you so much! I want to know you, get to know you, and learn everything about our family that was taken away from me.

I wish Mom had explained it all to me sooner. It would have made things a lot easier. You are like the dad I never had, and it breaks my heart to know that you are not here anymore.

My Dear Uncle: I have never been one for writing letters. I am more of a “face-to-face” person.

Even with my family; my cousins and aunt and uncle, I would rather see them than just talk to them on the phone or write to them.

Dear Uncle, you don’t know me. You left so long ago before I was even born. But I wish you were here.

I wish you would come back for my sake. I’m writing this letter because every day I think about you and wonder why you left us all behind.

Uncle, you were the best uncle I have ever had. I miss you so much, but I know that you are with me constantly.

Whenever I feel afraid or sad and tell myself to be strong, only then do I realize that you are looking into my heart and cheering me on from heaven.

Whenever I feel like giving up and my eyes water, because I can’t handle it anymore, you are the one who holds my hand and shows me that it will all work out in the end.

Dear Uncle Rogelio, I know you are watching over my family and me. I miss you so much. I wish you were still here with us.

I have so many things to tell you including the fact that my son is growing up. He has light brown eyes just like you.

Dear Uncle, you won’t believe this, but I just spent the last two hours writing down everything I love about you.

It’s hard, to sum up, all the emotions I have for you, so I’ll just share with you all the things I miss in your absence:

Some people don’t even teach me how to tie a tie or give me advice I need to hear when it counts.

Some people don’t travel halfway across the country to surprise me on my birthday.

At times the air seems empty, and everyone around you is in pain.

It sounds so cliche, but at my lowest moments, all I feel is myself. At these times I look up and see a face in the distance waving goodbye to me. It’s you, smiling back at me as if saying:

“It’s going to be all right, don’t worry.” I just want to tell you that I love you. I always have, and always will.

We all miss you, Grandpa. Everyone in the family. We love you so much.

I know you are watching us from heaven, but I wish so much that you were still here with us.

Every year on your birthday we make a little shrine with pictures, candles, and favorite dishes and snacks.

We sit there together, remember good times, and talk about all the funny things you did. It’s like you are here with us.

You are the heartbeat in my heart, the sweetest angel of my life. Though I’ll never see your face again, you live on in my thoughts and dreams. I miss you so much!

We love you so much, and we miss you. You’ve always been a big part of my life, and now that you’re gone I feel like I’m missing a piece that can never be replaced.

I know we’ll see you again someday, but until then you need to know how much we love and miss you.

Uncle, You are my life! I miss you so much and wish I could see you again. But it won’t be for a long time.

I hope that day comes soon. The night Mom said she’d never see you again is the day my world stopped spinning. I feel like part of me is missing and has been gone forever.

Uncle Joe, I love you and miss you so much. You have always been there for me as a child to give me love and guidance.

Although you are gone from this earth, you are still here in my heart. I will never forget the time we spent together, the laughter, fun, and happy times.

I wish I could tell you one more time how much I love you and how much I miss you.

How every day it hurts to wake up without you, every hour is like a decade and all day long my pulse beats heavily in my ears as I remember the good times.

Hopefully, I can hug you one day, before it’s too late, grab your hand or hear you laugh or say your name.

I was up all night thinking about you. I miss you so much. If I could see you just for one minute, I could smile again and my tears would go away.

The thought of hugging you and telling you how much I love and miss you puts me in a good mood.

I can’t wait to see how big my nephews have gotten! Please come back soon, my dear uncle!

My uncle, my best friend, my guardian angel. I’ve always wanted to be special to someone and when you gave me your trust and love I felt like I had found my place in the world.

You were my hero and taught me everything about life. Then one day you left too soon, not for your good but for mine. I’ll never think of you as gone because you are still in my heart.

Dear uncle, I have made it to school but it is hard without you. I’ve never shared this with anyone, but I didn’t sleep last night.

The neighborhood is quiet, too quiet, and every second that passes feels like an eternity. I hope you are having fun in heaven and reminding God what a joker you are.

You are gone but never forgotten. You will always be one of my dearest friends and I love you very much.

I hope you find the happiness you deserve, and my wish for you is that you will brighten up a room just by entering it. Love is in your heart, dear colleague.

Have a nice weekend! Every time I think of you, I miss you. My heart aches to be close to you and my mind is flooded with memories of us together.

Even though there’s distance between us I am hopeful for our tomorrow.

Maybe one day we will find each other again. But until then love, know that I am always here, thinking about you and missing you more than ever.

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