Home Prayer message Prayer Quotes for Your Nephew in Heaven

Prayer Quotes for Your Nephew in Heaven

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Losing a loved one, especially a young and cherished nephew, can be an overwhelming experience. Dealing with grief is a deeply personal journey, and it’s essential to find ways to cope with the pain and cherish the memories. One powerful way to find comfort during these challenging times is through prayer quotes. Prayer quotes can offer solace, hope, and healing, providing a source of strength in moments of distress. This article explores various prayer quotes that can be dedicated to a nephew in heaven, along with ideas for creating a personal tribute to honor their memory.

Prayer Quotes for Your Nephew in Heaven

No one can ever know how much pain you feel when a loved one dies.

God, please give back my nephew to us. We miss him; his family and friends miss him.

I pray that he is with you and that you are taking care of him until we can all be together again.

Dear God, please watch over my nephew Austin as he travels with you.

I know you have a plan for his life, but make sure he rests peacefully while he travels.

Please give them all strength for the days to come and healing in their broken hearts. May Austin rest in peace knowing how much he is loved. Amen.

I’m so thankful for you nephew. You gave me a purpose and made my life complete.

I just wish I had gotten to know you better, but my heart is full knowing that we are in a better place.

My love for you will never end, I am lucky to have been your uncle and I will always love you. In prayer the entire family.

I pray for his soul. I pray that he is safe, I pray for the daily trials and tribulations of every life.

I pray he receives the love in our hearts from afar. I pray his soul is in heaven watching over those who love him.

If you’d like to honor someone you’ve lost then speak their name aloud, write his name somewhere special today.

Do something to remind yourself they are not forgotten, they are never far from your heart or mind. Some might say to forget

We Love and Miss you so much, Nephew. You will always be in our hearts.

The greatest gift is having you. I am so thankful to call you mine. We will see you again soon

Through the pain you are gone, but never forgotten. The beautiful memories live on in our hearts.

There is an eternal bond between us that can never be broken. I will always love you.

You were the greatest blessing God ever gave us. You will always be in our hearts.

Today we are celebrating your life, we always thought that you would live to see 40 years old, yet the Lord took you home at 17.

I believe you are out there somewhere. I pray for you every day and think about you all the time.

I will always try to keep your memory alive and will never forget what a great person you were. I love you forever and always!!!

My Little Buddy, you will always be in my heart. You were the best little man I could want to spend time with.

With your mom, we have 2 places that you are at. We hope you will watch over us where ever you are! Miss and Love you always!

Bless each of our hearts that we may give love with no thought of reward, for only the heart knows what is truly right.

Please understand that I have to die, but I will always be near watching over you.

When you need me most all you have to do is reach out your hand and I will hold it in mine.

Let him know that he was loved more than anything on this planet and he will be forever missed.

Please watch over me and my family in our time of need. Help us to heal as best we can and help us to forgive. We love you Jack and we miss you every single day!

I think about you every day, even though I may seem fine. I miss you more than I ever thought possible. This poem is for you, dear nephew.

To help remember how much we love and miss you. Rest in Peace and know we’ll meet again someday.

You were a very special nephew. I will always love you and cherish all the good times we had growing up together.

We both love the outdoors, being outdoors, and having fun. I will never forget your sense of humor and how much joy you brought to me my entire life.

Keep shining your bright star high up in heaven so we may see you again one day.

I know it is hard for you up in heaven but I hope you are watching down on us and you know we all miss you. Love you, little buddy!

You were taken from us too soon but I am sure that you are still watching over us and all of the things that you loved.

Even though I didn’t know you very long, I know that we will meet again someday and play. Love you, nephew, Auntie loves you the most.

Thank you for the joy you imparted to us, and for helping to ease our pain.

We pray that you are at peace and that through your free spirit, you have found joy.

We will always remember you with love and miss you always

To my dear nephew, I can’t believe it’s been a year. It doesn’t seem possible.

Every day I miss you and wish you could be here with us. But all too soon you’ll be making your way back to us.

On that day, I’ll be the first one to welcome you with open arms and a big hug! I promise you.

Words seem too small to express my feelings. If I could travel back and change the past, I would.

My heart is filled with regret and my soul cries out for forgiveness. But all I have now are these words that I place in your box of earth.

I am so sorry for what happened, that I wasn’t there to save you.

God would take you away from us so soon. You will forever be in our hearts, and missed by many.

I’m sure that I express my love for you more than enough, but whenever I get to see you, those feelings are only amplified.

You are an amazing young man who is growing up way too quickly. Please know that you are held in the highest regard by our entire family.

I am so proud of you and your accomplishments. You will always be a little puppy to me and I will always look after you.

Finally, the time I’ve been waiting for. Our birthday! The time when my dad gave me his eyes, his hair, and maybe even a little of his talent.

You’re an architect just like him, and I’m very proud of you. I love you so much!

I love you and miss you so much. It’s hard to believe that it has been over a year since you have been gone.

Time has passed and life goes on, but I don’t think I will ever get over the loss of you.

We wish you could be here on your day, but we know that if wishes were horses then beggars would ride.

Every time I see a rainbow, and I think of you, I think of the prettiest little angel that god has ever created.

Now with this prayer, we ask for your protection that one day I will see my nephew again.

Dear nephew, I will never forget you because you are my inspiration. I don’t know what life would be like without you.

You’re always on my mind and in my heart. I will never stop loving you and praying for you.

We’re family and that’s what family does!!!! Everyone that loves you is wishing that you could be here with us!!! REST IN PEACE!!

You are in heaven now and you will never be forgotten. I look forward to the day when we meet again. Love ya bud, Rest easy.

Dear Nephew, Mommy loves you as much as the day she gave birth to you.

You are my little cutie with the big brown eyes and I wish I could keep you here with me forever.

I thank God every day for our time together and remember to tell your brother to be good because his time is coming soon to stay with me.

Every night I whisper goodnight and sweet dreams. It’s not enough time what we had but I cherished every moment and love and pray for you daily.

I miss you so much…I pray for the day when I see you again. I’m thankful for the 18 years we had together.

Hopefully one day in heaven, we will be reunited again. I love you, my sweet Skyler. See you in heaven, my boy.

Dear Uncle, I love you and cancer can’t take that away. The world misses you, your family misses you but most of all God misses you.

You are in his arms now and he has a great plan for you that we will all see one day soon. I hope I get to watch the Saints with you again.

I know you will always be around. I always feel your presence. I love you to the moon and back! I’m so happy you are with the angels and have decided to never come back to Earth.

Thanks for always being there steadfastly through good times and bad. Thanks for speaking encouraging words into my life.

Uncle, I know that you’ll never come back to us again. Wherever you are right now, I hope that you are in heaven and not our sloppy world.

You’re the coolest uncle in town and I love you. Let’s go fishing soon. Oh, and don’t forget to bring some worms.

I will always love you and cherish the time we spent together. I will never forget a moment of it.

I promise to keep doing everything I promised to do for your family.

I will make sure that they are all happy and taken care of in your absence. Please watch over me, my family, and my friends.

Heaven is brighter by the day because of your presence. It’s like your eyes are stars that light up the darkness, the moon that reflects light on the darkest night.

You have always been there to shine a light on us, and now you are shining like the brightest star in heaven.

If I had the chance to choose who I wanted to be next to me throughout life, I would choose you.

You are so close to my heart that I can’t even breathe without thinking of you! I will miss you so much, baby boy.

God is waiting for you on the other side, hold my hand and come with me.

You were taken from us just as if you simply disappeared. We miss you immensely and we will love you forever.

Come back to us soon, my angel, please don’t stay away for too long. I love you so much!

Uncle, I know you are looking down on me, but it’s not the same looking up at you as it is with you here with me.

I miss you dearly and that hole that was in my heart is now back and a little larger than before, knowing there is a part of you missing with me.

You were always there for me no matter what and now, I will do the same for you.

Thank you for watching over us because I know that it does bring you some joy

I just hope we will find each other one day in Heaven.

I will never forget your beautiful smile and that sparkle in your eyes that made everybody fall in love with you. We all miss you so much!

It doesn’t matter where you are. I will always love you. I glow like the sun knowing that you are my little buddy in the clouds watching over everyone, but mainly our family.

I can’t stop the tears that come when I think of you leaving so soon.

Mommy and Daddy will keep your memory alive… always thinking about you and talking about you whenever possible. These memories will last forever, and we love you.

Thank you for everything you did. You have been here for a short amount of time but made such a huge impact on our family. We love and miss you greatly!

My dear nephew, I remember the day we took you home from the hospital.

I also remember the day we left you to go into heaven.

You are up in heaven now and we always talk about you as if you are with us. Because you are, up in heaven and watching us down on earth.

You are in our thoughts all the time, and we pray for you. You will always be loved, cherished, and missed by all your family.

I miss you already, so much. I will never forget the wonderful times we had together. My prayers for you are that God gives you love and peace.

I write these words in the hope that someday our paths will cross again. Without a doubt, you have left a lasting impression on me.

I still see so much of you in my nephew. The way he laughs, the way he smiles and holds his head back when he does, to the gentle kisses he plants on my cheek.

I certainly don’t know what it is about your son but something about him captures my heart every time I see him.

I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart, so much that it hurts.

You’ve touched everyone in the world with your kindness and your beautiful smile.

Your Spirit is always around us and we are always looking up to you, hoping you’ll come back eventually. We miss you, but we will see you again one day.

Dear nephew, I miss you more than words can say! You were the best nephew ever, spending every minute with you was my favorite! We had so many good times that I will never forget.

I’d give anything for 10 more minutes! Praying to see you again and hear your voice is keeping me strong.

Your memory lives on within all of us. I will miss you and think about you every day. Remembering how much you loved life and everyone in it.

Your light is shining down on us from above. You are always in my heart and I love you so much.

You are always in my heart Nephew. I wish every day that I could hear your voice and see you grow up to be a great man.

You have gone away too soon to this strange world. As much as I would want to hold you forever, it was not my time yet and I have to let you go.

You will be in a safer place now that God has called you home. We will never forget you, and I hope we will see you soon.

I don’t know what to say to God. I’ve never prayed before, never said the words out loud.

I have been overwhelmed with emotion since you went Home! I miss spending time with you, but I am so proud of you.

I miss you! Thank you for this life you gave me and for the love that you shared.

Sometimes it is hard to think about a life without you, but I know that your life was fulfilled and that we will see each other again someday. You are my sunshine and always will be.

Your spirit lives on in all that see you. In the love, we feel for those who have passed on.

May God bless the soul of your nephew and bring him eternal peace in heaven.

I’m looking down at you from heaven. I love you so much. Continue to be strong and know that I will always be around you.

My nephew, you are forever in my heart. If I have learned one thing in life it is that you can never lose someone whose heart lives within you.

You will always be loved and forever remembered for filling my life with so much joy, laughter, and love.

I hope someday we will be together again. I love you forever and always!

To God be the glory. I miss you every day. I thank Him every day. Love you, Bro!

It’s not fair that you never got to experience life. I pray that you’re in a better place and that you can finally be happy. You should be here with us.

You are loved and missed so much, but as I told you before. Your job now is to watch over all of us.

He will let you talk to us too. Show us the way we should be living and how we can get back on track with Him.

We miss you so very much, but I love you, nephew…..

I’m sorry I didn’t get to tell you that I love and miss you every day.

I would give anything just to be able to touch your face again and feel the warmth of your embrace. You are forever in my heart and you are loved dearly.

I wish I could hear your voice and tell you how much you are missed.

I wish I could see your face, hug you and tell you how much I love you. But alas, we must live knowing that we’re in a much better place.

We miss you more than words can say, so watch over us up there and know that we all love you dearly!

Some memories will forever remain deep within our hearts. I don’t know why you were taken from us so soon but know that you will never be forgotten.

As I stood at my brother’s grave today, I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of nature.

It was so peaceful, it would make anyone forget where they were.

It was at that moment I realized that God is with us always; he never walks away from us.

Despite our struggles in life, He is always there picking up the pieces and making sure we can mend together to keep going forward.

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