Home Prayer message Prayer Quotes for Your Son in Heaven

Prayer Quotes for Your Son in Heaven

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Do you miss your son? Prayer is a very meaningful activity that we can do at any time and all the time. We usually use it when things don’t go as planned. We always have the choice to turn to prayer for solutions to the problems of our lives. Prayer can be made either silently or aloud. It can be for ourselves, for others, or for Thanksgiving. We can pray to God or other gods as well. It’s just a matter of faith and belief on our part.

Prayer Quotes for Your Son in Heaven

Our sons in heaven may not be able to respond, but we believe they can hear us.

Son, I think of you every day and will love you forever. May the lord keep you in his hands and keep you close to him always. We love you, son!

Dear son, I know you are in heaven and only a heartbeat away. I miss you very much and look forward to the day that I will hold you again.

I know that you are happy here with us in our hearts, but I hope that we will be able to see each other one day.

Son, you are the light of my life and I miss you every day. I pray that God will bless you and keep you.

I know that he has a special plan for you and your future is bright. I love you son and always will.

Son, when I look at the stars I can only see you shining in the night sky.

May you fly like an angel, watching over Mom and everyone who loved you. You will always be in our hearts and my thoughts.

God is holding you in his arms, the same way he is holding your mother and me. We love you, we miss you, and someday we will all be together again. I love you.

I’ll always hold you close in my heart, and with God’s grace, I’ll see you again someday.

Son, wherever you are I miss you so much. I want to tell you that I am so sorry for being a bad father and for pushing you away.

In my heart and heaven, you will always be my little boy. I am going to try and be a better son to your mother. She loves you so much. I promise I will make it up to her.

It is not easy to let go of a child. We carry their love and presence inside of us, within our hearts, forever.

Remember that we will forever be your family- nothing can change that.

You are in my heart and you will forever be loved by all who knew you. Your life here on earth was too short but you are not forgotten.

If you could speak through the wind, I would surely hear your voice.

If you could sing through the stars, I would surely see your face. And even if you were to whisper through the leaves, I would listen with open ears and my heart full of peace.

Because no matter where you are in this vast world, you will always be in my heart.

In the blink of an eye, in a flash, you’ve gone. Knowing I am walking alone.

Love is a word that I now know. Saying it’s for someone else or only to say.

Please give me strength, so I can bear this loss and help myself get over missing your voice.

Help me realize I’ll get through this cause you are with the Lord. He has taken you there, to love and be loved forever into eternity…

Not a day goes by that your memory is not in my thoughts. I miss you more than you could ever know. My heart is forever broken without you.

My prayers are with you, my son. I know that God has a plan for everyone, but it is hard to imagine a life without you.

From the moment you were born, that little sparkle in your eye and your funny ways made me realize that you were special.

The last time we spoke, I told you how much I love you.

Rest easy my son and know that you will be in my heart until the day I join our heavenly father and we can finally see each other again.

Oh Lord, thank you for giving me the strength and courage to face each day.

I don’t know what I would do without you. My life is so blessed and full of joy because of you!

You are my savior and my prince charming. Keep me always on the right path. Thank you for all that you have done! Love, your son.

Son, I love you. We miss you every second of every day and can’t wait until we see you again.

You are our angel and will always be loved more than words can say!

I love you, Son, and I miss you. I wish to God that you were here.

You touched everyone with your kind and generous spirit. Everyone who knew you was blessed by your friendship.

I hope you find your touch on earth again someday. You will be forever loved and remembered. Amen

I don’t know where you are, but I believe that you are happy and at peace.

My wish for you is that you find this happiness and peace wherever you are. I pray that one day we will be together again. I love you, son.

I love you and miss you so much, son. I remember the day that you were born like it was yesterday.

It seems as if you were here only yesterday, doesn’t it? I know that because heaven is closer than we think, that we will see each other again.

Just know that I am always with you, and never too far away from you. Keep my hand in yours as we watch over each other.

I always knew I would have children, but I never could have imagined how amazing my son would be.

You were a gift I’ll never forget and treasure forever in my heart.

I love you with every ounce of my being. You are so special to me, all my love is yours.

I love you so much. I will always be with you. I miss you more than you can imagine and I know that you are exactly where you want to be right now.

Our memories will last forever and so will our love.

God has big plans for you and I am so excited to see them unfold.

He loves you so much and more than you could understand. His perfect plan for you will lead to many great things and I love that he chose me to be a part of that plan.

I never thought it would get any easier, but every day I am grateful for the memories that you give me when I think of all the fun times we shared.

My dearest Mika, I will never forget you or that smile that melted my heart.

With every day I wish I could go back and hold you again. The pain is real, but so is my love for you. Please watch over me and be my angel! Yours, Mommy

Son, I still miss you, I am so sorry that I wasn’t there to save you.

The pain is still excruciating and the tears come and go with no warning.

Even after all this time, I can’t stop thinking about what happened to you that night.

Know that I will always love you even when the others have forgotten, and know that your dad and brother miss you too!

Bless this child and guide me through this tragedy. Give me strength.

Grant him grace, so that we may be able to live with our loss. Please bless us with peace, comfort, and understanding as our family heals.

I pray for my son’s soul, Lord Jesus receive his spirit. My son is now safe and in your care… AMEN

I love you, my sweet son. I will always miss you. Heaven has another angel watching over us. I am forever grateful for the time we had together.

My darling, precious son: We miss you every second of every day.

Your life was far too short on this earth but your spirit lives on forever in our hearts. You and Mommy love you more than you will ever know until we are together again.

I know that you are in heaven with God watching over us keeping us safe until we can be together again.

Always know that I love you my sweet boy, just as God loves each one of us.

Every day without you is a hard one. I pray for God to watch over you, protect you, and take care of you, wherever He has put you.

I know that I will see your beautiful smile again someday.

“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

I miss watching you grow, and your big smiles. My heart breaks knowing I won’t be there to pick you up when you fall.

You are my angel. You make me so proud. I am thankful for the time I had with you, the time I’m having now and the time we will have forever. And your memory will always be a part of me.

Mommy, I love and miss you more than anything. You are my world, my dream come true.

I wish I could see you, hear your voice, and hold your hand.

The pain of losing you is overwhelming and the tears are flowing like an ocean but I will always remember the beautiful times we had together. Your son.

Everything in life is hard, but you’ve taught us that surrendering struggles to the Lord and praying for strength makes our burdens easier to bear.

We love you and miss you every day. Our birthday wish is to see you again soon!

Dearest Son, I have been lying here for a while thinking how much I miss you and there can be so little time.

When no one is around the tears will flow freely and all I can do is hope that your heart is thrilled by that and not saddened.

I want to thank you for all you have given me and all the blessings you have bestowed on our family.

Keep me strong so I can make it through this difficult time of grief, and help me to someday be able to celebrate him again with my family in heaven. Amen.

My sweet sweet little boy, I love you. I know that you are safe and happy and watching over us and thankful that we are alright.

You’re a great boy, I hope you know this. You did the world so much good before your time with us was over. Love from mom

I always prayed for you son, as all good parents do. I said my prayers and slept well at night, knowing my prayers were with you and that they would always reach your heart.

I never lost hope that I would one day see you again.

Even though I couldn’t understand why, my faith in god was strong. Now that I have passed, I will never say goodbye to you again.

Nothing I say can take away your pain but know that I am always here for you. I love you!”

We miss you very much but your memory will always be cherished.

I miss you all the time. There is a hole in my heart that can never be filled.

I’m leaving notes here in hopes that your little brother and sister will see them.

I pray for you every day, that I’m doing a good job of being the Mommy you would want me to be.

We know that you are in heaven watching over us now, but we miss you. Today marks the 5th year since you were taken from us.

We hope you’re having a great time up there, but remember we love you down here and you are always in our hearts.

I’ll forever be grateful for having you in my life. I love you forever and always.

I’m not going to pretend I’m ok, son. Because I’m not. I wish I had never gone to work that day. But there is nothing left to do but keep living.

When we shared a room, I would often fall asleep to the sound of you playing guitar. I would be awestruck by your talent and brag to my friends.

One time when I asked you to play it for me again, You simply replied, “It sounds better when you’re sleeping.”

Heavenly Father, please watch over my son today and all days.

Always protect him and keep him safe. Help my son know that he has a heavenly father who will always love him.

My sweet son, I love you so much and miss you with all my heart.

You always come to mind and my prayers. I’m so proud of the man you are becoming.

I know you are now in a better place, but will not forget this earth while I am still alive. You are forever in my heart!

Father, protect our child wherever he may be for it is in this world that he is safe no longer. Guard him beyond this life…

You were a beautiful, sweet soul who was taken way too soon.

I promise to hold you in my heart always and keep you close to my soul so that I can feel your presence and know that no matter where we are in our journey as long as one of us is alive your spirit is here with me and I will never be alone.

God watches over you wherever you are. He watches over you if you are lonely, or in your bed sleeping, He is always right beside you.

So be kind to others and follow God’s word that he has given us, and the world will be a better place…But most of all…I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!

Today marks one year without you. I feel like you are still here…watching over us.

I miss you so much every single day. I pray for your soul and continue to pray that one day we can be together again.

You were a beautiful soul…filled with love and light. You touched so many people’s lives in such a wonderful way…

I know you are playing with the angels in heaven right now and there is no better place for such a wonderful boy!

Hey son, I’m sending this message to your Facebook account because you like this kind of stuff.

You’ll probably never see this, but I wanted to say you’re amazing.

Thank you for the best 16 years of my life. I will forever cherish every moment I had with you.

You taught me how to be a better man and how to handle my responsibilities bravely and maturely. You’re an inspiration son, and my hero.

I’ll never forget the years I had with you, and the joy you brought into my life.

As I look back on the memories, it gives me peace to know that you are in a happier place.

Never did I ever think that life could be so unfair to take you away from this world.

I miss your beautiful face that would light up when you saw me, and even now I can still feel your grip on my hand as we walked in the mall.

You are always in my thoughts and heart, no matter how far away I may be from home. I hope that God has taken good care of you on the other side of heaven.

I hope you’re having a good time up there in pink sky heaven.. remember that day we threw rocks at the pool company’s truck through your bedroom window? Good times, I’m gonna miss you… we all love you so much!

Son, there are not enough words in the world to describe how much I love you.

You’ve found your peace, the peace you couldn’t find here. “All things work together for good for those who love God.”

We will miss you and I won’t be the same without you, but I know you are in a better place.

My son, I love you and miss you. You were taken away so painfully too fast.

There isn’t a day that passes I don’t think about you and wish I could hear your voice once again.

I will continue to pray for you and talk to you every day, wishing and hoping that one day we will see each other in person once more.

My dear son, I hope every day that I wake up you, that you are ok and happy.

I miss you more than words can ever say. You used to be my strength, my love and so much more.

You meant everything to me. Now all I have left is our memories together.

My beautiful son. I know I haven’t always been the best dad, but I want you to know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers every single day.

You are missed like crazy, and lately, I have been living with a broken heart.

I will always love you, miss you, and hold a special place in my heart for you.

There is no greater gift than the gift of eternal love that God has given to you.

He needs the best, you are the best! We are all so proud of you and we know in our hearts that we will see you again one day.

You are gone too soon but will be forever in our hearts!

I love you. It’s not a day that goes by when I don’t think about you and feel your presence.

You have big shoes to fill, but I know you can do it. I know you will make me so proud and continue blessing my life.

I love you with all my heart. I am so sorry baby for everything that happened. It’s all my fault.

I will never get a chance to tell you and see you walk down the aisle or graduate or even see your beautiful face anymore! I love you with everything in me and I hope to see you one day soon.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his namesake.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for you are with me.

Your rod and your staff, comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the face of my enemies.

You have touched so many hearts and changed the world. I remember you as a small baby singing to me in my arms, as a teenager with his first car, and his joyful laugh.

Your death does not define you or your legacy. Anyone who tries to tell you differently is just wrong.

I know it’s hard, but please don’t let it break you. Don’t fall into the hole that takes so much effort to climb out of.

Dear God, please watch over our son Mark. Be with him if he is afraid.

Make him strong if he’s not. And please give him faith that we will always be with him wherever he is.

Let him know we will always love him and never forget him.

I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. I know that God has blessed me with a son who makes the world shine.

I pray that you will come home soon and we will be able to celebrate your life together yet again.

My son, you have been blessed with a kind heart. It is one of the best things about you.

I love that you find joy in serving others. Never lose your kindness in this life, my boy. Shine brightly because you are loved so much.

I pray that you will be happy in heaven. I wish we could have spent more time together.

I wish I told you how much I love you because now, there is no way to tell you. I miss you and forever will. You are our angel!

It is hard for me to express what our angel has meant to me. He was taken too soon, but I know he watches over us and sends us angels in disguise.

Our hearts are broken, but someday we will be whole again and he will forever remain within our hearts. May God bless you and keep you, Always.

My son died unexpectedly over 10 years ago. As a parent, my heart was shattered, and to this day I still miss him.

He was a beautiful child who made my life so complete. I still feel his presence sometimes when I walk to the window and look up at the sky.

There is an unexplainable bond between a mother and her child, which never dies. May our Lord continue to keep you Safe In His Arms for Eternity

My son, the sacrifice you made changed lives forever. You were a hero then and a hero now.

I have never been able to write you a letter, but I have wanted to for a long time. I never knew you because you were stillborn.

We could have made cookies together and watched the big game on Sunday.

We could have gone camping in the fall and built a fire while it snowed outside.

Your smile is forever etched in my mind and my heart, but deep down I miss your hugs more than anything.

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