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Thank You Quotes for Accommodation

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Accommodation, whether it’s a luxurious hotel suite, a cozy homestay, or a friend’s spare room, plays a vital role in our lives. It offers us a place of comfort and respite during our travels, special occasions, or even in times of need. In return for the warmth and hospitality we receive, expressing our gratitude becomes essential. While a simple “thank you” can go a long way, sometimes we find ourselves searching for the perfect words to convey our appreciation. In this article, we bring you a collection of heartfelt thank you quotes for various types of accommodations.

Thank You Quotes for Accommodation

Thank you for taking me to your home. You offered to let me stay here when I came to the city so I didn’t have to rush into signing a lease. You have made me feel so welcome and motivated me to get out and meet people. Thank you again.

Thank you for being such a great host on my visit. The accommodations were lovely and the service impeccable. I’ll recommend you to all of my colleagues who travel for business.

Thank you for letting me stay with you while I am looking for my first house. I know it’s not easy to have me around and I appreciate you always making extra efforts to be nice.

Thank you for having me stay at your place. I did not want to live in the dorms, and it was a good experience staying with you. Thank you for all of the fun evenings watching TV and relaxing.

Thank you so much for having me stay in your home while I was traveling through China. Not only were you a wonderful and kind person, but your family was just as great.

Thank you for letting me stay here, the time has gone by way too fast! I would have loved to stay here longer. I hope your business is doing well and that everything is well with you!

Thank you for letting me stay with you. I was feeling so alone in my new city and you felt like home the first day I met you. You gave me a chance to get back on my feet, make great friends, and become a happier person even after all the hardships I’ve been through.

Thank you for letting me stay at your house while mine was being cleaned. Some people could get grumpy about this, but you were very kind and understanding.

Thank you for letting me store my extra belongings in your basement. There is no way I would have been able to get them otherwise.

Thank you for the accommodation. I appreciate all that you have done to make my stay so enjoyable and comfortable. The apartment is in a great location and the kitchen and bathroom are very nice. Thank You.

Thank you for your accommodation, I appreciated it. Your apartment and the environment were very clean, comfy, and safe.

Thank you for the room! It is perfect for me. Above all, I’m thankful we found each other because you are a nice person and have helped me so much this year.

Thank you for the opportunity to stay in a clean and comfortable room. The company is great more so with free wifi!

Thank you for letting me stay with you while I get back on my feet. It means a lot to me that I have somewhere safe to live and someone to talk to.

Thank you for letting me stay with you. We had a lot of fun on our trip, but my bed was very uncomfortable. Your bed was a blessing. I even felt spoiled when I got home and slept in my bed.

Thank you for letting me stay with you. You are like having a sister, and I love it.

Thank you for having me. You were very accommodating of my schedule and I had no issues finding the place. Also, very kind to me when my car broke down on the way there. Your care and generosity are much appreciated.

Thank you for letting me stay at your place. I love sleeping in your bed and ordering pizza over the phone. Being with you is perfect.

Thank you for being a fun roommate. Thank you for inviting me to parties and letting me have people over when I want to. I enjoy our time with each other and hope you feel the same.

Thank you for being an amazing host, always willing to help out when I have questions, and even offering me help that goes above and beyond your call of duty.

Thank you for accommodating me in this uncertain time. I’m going through a rough patch health-wise and am glad that we have each other for support. I appreciate it.

Thank you for allowing me to stay with you when I no longer had a place to go. I appreciate it.

Thank you for letting me stay here. I am feeling very comfortable in my surroundings.

Thank you for having us and helping us out since we moved here a year ago. We are truly grateful for your amazing hospitality.

Thank you for your hospitality. I would not have survived the course without your help.

I appreciate all of the help you have been in getting my business off the ground. Thank you for your input and support.

Thank you so much for the nice surprise stayover. That was so sweet and generous of you to let me have your guest room. I appreciate it and I am glad we got to catch up. You are always a good friend!

Thank you for providing such a wonderful place. The accommodations are impeccable and easy to live in. Every day I am amazed at the clever space management and how convenient everything is.

Thank you for working to make this place a home for all of us. I am grateful for the extra kitchen utensils and the new office supplies. I’m happy we could turn this into a cozy living space.

Thank you for being so awesome. I love how you are a bit loud and outspoken.

Thank you for being a friend. I am so lucky we have been able to make such a special connection and not even know it. You will always be in my heart.

Thank you so much for the room. It is exactly what I needed!

Thank you for being so kind to me when I stay with you. You make me feel at home and I feel comfortable staying in your place. Thank you for being a very good host and making my stay very pleasant.

Thank you for your hospitality. You are always so welcoming and willing to help me in any situation. I’m fortunate to have a place to stay while I study.

Thank you for giving me a room in your apartment. I appreciate it and it’s a relief not to have to pay additional money for rent. I will take very good care of it!

Thank you for all of your care and attention. You have been there when I needed a place to stay and food in my tummy. You make me feel like I’m at home.

To the owners of this amazing place: Thank you for all you do to make your guests feel right at home. Without you, I could not have had a trip this enjoyable and comfortable.

I am appreciative of everything you have done for me. You have been very kind, making sure I always had a place to live and that I was safe.

Thank you for offering me a place to stay during my job search. I know it is unpleasant to have a stranger at your house, but you have no idea how helpful it has been.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is so awesome to have space now that I don’t have to share with my roommates. I feel like I have a little home here and can be more productive. Thank you so much for letting me stay with you.

Thank you for being my host during the time I visited your city. I got a chance to look around and see what parts of the city are like, and you were a big help with that.

Thank you for letting me live with you. I’ve been saving so much money! It’s nice to be out of the dorms for once. I’m really happy that you care about me and would even let me move in with you.

Thank you for having me stay with you. It’s nice to have a friendly face just down the hall instead of in a hotel. And you are cool for making me coffee every morning. I love having my own space, but it’s better when you are there too.

Thank you for providing accommodation for me. I appreciate it very much. I feel at home when I am in the place.

Thank you for letting me stay with you. Things are working out well and I am very grateful that I have such good roommates.

Thank you for letting us stay at your house. The last few weeks have been tough, but it was great to relax and regroup here. We both appreciate it so much!

Thank you for letting me stay with you. I feel like I’m living with family, and that is very nice!

Thank you for being my accommodation. I appreciate all that you do for me to be comfortable when I come over. You have total control over my living arrangements, and I know that they will always be safe and clean.

Thank you for your great hospitality. I liked staying in the spare room and using your computer. My stay was a pleasure. I would like to come back sometime. Please thank your housekeeper for the good work.

Thank you for all the accommodation. It’s very nice to come home to a warm bed and a cozy house. I enjoy being here and having your company. You have become part of my family.

Thank you for being our accommodation provider. It is always nice staying with you because of how friendly and comfortable your house feels.

Thank you for letting me stay here for free. I know things are a bit cramped with the couch and both of our stuff everywhere, but it has been a great experience to see you have so much fun as you get ready to move to Seattle!

Thank you for being such a good roommate. I know that living together is a learning experience, but it was so great to find someone to live with who also loves pizza and doesn’t mind all of my shoes.

Thank you for letting me stay with you when I came to this city and had no place else to live. I appreciate that you were so kind to me and made me feel welcome in your home.

Thank you for letting me stay in your house. Your hospitality is only outdone by your awesomeness. You are a wonderful host and I love living here with you.

For everything you do for me ~ For your support when I need to get away ~ For all the meals you cooked ~ For picking me up after I had a bad day ~ And most of all, for allowing me to be your roommate!

Thank you for letting me stay with you. When I’m stressed out from work and a long flight, your home is so good to come back to because it’s quiet and comfortable. T

Thank you for being so accommodating while I was staying with you. I didn’t mean to stay as long as I did. When I got here, it just felt like home and the time flew by.

Thank you for giving me a place to stay while my mom is abroad. I think we feed off each other’s energy and have gotten closer as a result.

Thank you for being so accommodating. I know it can’t be easy, having to deal with me and my frequent business trips, but you always make it look easy. You are the best!

Thank you for letting me stay in your home. I know that it’s not easy to have foreign exchange students in your house, but you have been very nice and welcoming, allowing me to live in your place.

Thank you for letting me stay with you and your family. I’m very grateful that you made the extra space for me especially when it is soccer season. You are so wonderful to open up your home to me and I’m blessed to be part of your family.

Thank you for the place. It is going to be a perfect spot for studying for my upcoming exams. This semester is crazy but I am glad that I can come home and relax without any worries or distractions.

Thank you so much for a great weekend! You provided everything we needed and the kids had fun in your swimming pool. We hope to be able to stay with you again soon since we still have lots of sights in Europe to see.

Thank you! The ” thank you ” and the accommodation was both wonderful.

Thank you for offering me and my friends a place to stay at your house. We felt right at home.

Thank you for letting me stay in your basement. I appreciate all of the space.

Thank you for your accommodation when I visited your city for the first time. I had a wonderful time and was very impressed with the service at your hotel. I will be sure to visit again.

Thank you for the accommodation. When I moved in, the apartment was very nice and neat. It made it very easy to move my stuff in. The place also makes me feel at home.

Thank you for a great time at your place. You have made me feel most welcome in your home, and I hope to know you better in the future.

You always provide a place for me to stay when I visit. Thank you for doing so! I appreciate being able to spend time with your family/friends/other guests.

Thank you for accommodating me and my family. It was a pleasure staying at the Palas Athena hotel and I will remember my vacation for the rest of my life. Thank you for your service and kindness. The hotel exceeded our expectations.

Thank you for the place to stay when I visit family. The neighborhood is great, and the location is exactly what I needed. It is nice to have somewhere close by to go when we want to get together.

Thank you for letting me stay with you during my summer visit. I enjoy being around your calm and positive attitude. You make a good hostess and always remind me to stay and hang out with your friends when I get homesick.

Thank you for helping me see the light at the end of the tunnel on my dark, cold, and lonely journey. I am so grateful you have been there for me and helped me see the amazing road ahead.

Thank you for providing a wonderful place for me to stay during my trip. I am very happy to have stayed in your home and thankful for your hospitality.

Thank you for being a wonderful host. The guest room is beautiful and very comfortable.

Thank you for offering your home to me. I am looking forward to staying there. It’ll be a nice break during my long business trip.

Thank you for accommodating me in your home. You have a lovely family and made me feel right at home. I appreciate your time, and I appreciate your hospitality at the most difficult time in my life.

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to help me find accommodation. I so appreciate your help. This is a big change for me and I’m happy to have you providing me with advice and referrals.

Thank you for hosting me. You were such a great host. I hope I can repay the favor shortly when you come here to visit us.

Thank you for providing me with the best accommodation I have ever been in. Everything about it feels so homey and comfortable. Soon I will be at your home for good, but until then I hope I can make sure this is a place that we feel happy in.

Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for having me over whenever I need a place to go. Thank you for helping me with the bills sometimes.

Thank you for being such a good housemate. I know I can always count on you to help me out and keep the house clean. You are an awesome person to live with.

Thank you for letting me stay at your place while I’m getting back on my feet. I’m really glad you offered. I like the time we spend together and it’s not that far in travel. Hopefully, this won’t be the last time.

Thank you for being the best roommate ever! I don’t know what I would do without you. Even though we fight sometimes, we always get through it together and are stronger than ever.

As you know my company is in the middle of a large project that will take up most of my time. Moving into this apartment was a blessing because it allowed me to spend more time working and less time commuting.

Thank you for letting me stay with you during my short visit to stay in the city.

Thank you for allowing me to stay with you. I know it takes some work, but it really is a great opportunity for me if I want to stay here for a longer period of time.

Thank you, Hotel One Forty-Five, for making my stay in New York so comfortable and convenient. The staff was great – not to mention, very polite – and the location cannot be beat.

Thank you for offering me a place in your home so I can work in the city. The commute was pretty long, but I was able to bring my dog and not have to pay pet rent. Thank you for letting me stay.

Thank you for the space and time you give me. I’m managing to focus on my projects so much more than when I was out of a place of my own. I feel like you’ve been a great help in getting me where I am today.

Thank you for being a great roommate. I very much enjoy having you live with me, and I hope we have many more fun times together. You are a great person to talk to when I need to vent about something. Thank you for being my friend.

Thank you for being the perfect host. Your hospitality was incredible. I think everyone attending felt at home at your house.

Thank you for finding such an amazing apartment. You have high standards for your clients and it always looks great in the photographs but when I see it in real life it’s even better, the kitchen is perfect.

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