Home Love Messages A Farewell Message for My Wife Who Passed Away

A Farewell Message for My Wife Who Passed Away

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Losing a wife is an indescribable pain that can leave one feeling lost and broken. In these moments of sorrow, finding ways to express our emotions and say a proper farewell to our dear departed can be challenging. In this article, we delve into the process of writing a heartfelt farewell message to a beloved wife who has passed away. We will explore the importance of honoring her memory, celebrating her life, and finding solace in the power of words.

A Farewell Message for My Wife Who Passed Away

I always loved you with all of my heart, and I will only love you more as time goes on. You were the rock that held me together more than you can imagine. Thank you for everything!

My arms long to hold you close to me – my body craves your touch. Your precious gift of life will never be forgotten – the sweet smiles of your beautiful face will be forever treasured in my mind and heart. Love always, your loving husband

You would touch me in ways I can’t explain with your smile, the beautiful sound of your voice, and your gentle hands. You were a wonderful lover and friend and I will always cherish those memories. We have some good times ahead with our boys… please watch over them for me.

I’ll be joining you soon enough so that we can finally be together and have the life we planned together. Until then, I’ll do everything I can to make our kids proud of how much they loved.

You were my world, my heart and soul. I still can’t believe you are gone. My life is not the same without you in it. It breaks my heart to know that you are no longer here with me.

You were my best friend and I will always hold you in my heart. I couldn’t have asked for a better wife or friend. My love will never die even though you have gone to be with God.

My soul aches for your touch, your words, & the kisses we shared… your smile makes my face light up. Every breath I take reminds me that you are gone. And everyday I try to figure out how this could happen to us…

I know they’re just doing this because they think it’s what I want to hear, but they don’t understand that there’s no way for me to start over. She and our daughter are all I have ever wanted and now they’ve both gone.

When you and my best friend got married, I thought so he would never get married for real and leave me with you. I guess I got what I wanted. We will always play together, until we meet again.

I will always miss you, but our pain will go away at the end of time because I know you are in a better place now. My love for you will last forever.

You are the most amazing woman I have ever known, and I am so thankful to have met you. Even now as I write this you are with me, watching over me, loving me, and wishing me well.

I love you more than anything in the world and I would do anything to trade places with you just so you could continue on. We will meet again someday, when that day comes, my love…Promise me that you won’t forget me.

Everyday I pray that angels take care of you up in heaven and a new life full of happiness awaits your return.

You are in my heart even if we are apart. Please stay safe and be very happy for me. I love you more than anything in this world or above it; I just won’t always have the love for words like I do now.

I can still feel your tender touch grasp at my hand and your warm embrace as if you were here with me every day, hugging me tightly.

I will miss holding you close and feeling your warmth. I will miss your smile, that could light up the darkest room in the world. Goodbye my love, till we meet again.

I am sorry I was not there to see it come to an end, but not to be. Even though our souls will soon be separated, know that you have a piece of me and my love will always live on in your heart.

I know you are in a better place now, but I will miss you so much. You are the love of my life and I will always love you. You made me the happiest man that ever lived. Thank you for being such an amazing wife, mother, and friend to me. Goodbye my little ray of sunshine, till we meet again.

My love for you has no bounds. It will never end. I am devastated and lost without you, but I surround myself with your memories to keep your spirit alive in my heart.

My beautiful wife is in heaven, but I still feel her love. I know she is watching over me. She was my world and I would have given anything to keep her around longer. But God has a plan, and now she is in a beautiful place.

My darling, I miss you more than words could ever say. I was lost until the day you came into my life. The hole that you left in my heart is filled with anger and sadness at your absence.

You will always be the love of my life and my closest friend. My life was never complete till you came along. To discover that you were gone even for a second nearly made me lose all hope, but as long as I still feel your presence I will never lose faith. You are here with me and in my heart and one day we will see each other again.

Dear Yvette, I will miss you forever. You were a wonderful wife and mother and I was a lucky man to have found you after all these years and to be able to call you my own.

Baby, you made me so happy, and you still do everyday. I will meet you in heaven, but until then I will miss you and love you forever.

I know why you are leaving, because you’re in a better place. If I could have traded places with you I would have, but God needed you more than I did. You were my soul mate and best friend. Love you always….

My darling Jess, your love for me has carried me through the hardest time in my life. You will always be in my heart. I miss you more and more every day, but my love for you is stronger than ever, and I know that you are with me watching over us.

I can’t believe it’s been a year. I miss you so much, I wish we were still together. The kids and grandkids keep me going, but sometimes I just miss holding you. My life is not the same without you.

I am devastated that I lost my love. I didn’t want to say goodbye, I still don’t. But I know it is better this way. You are in a better place where pain can never reach you again. Some day I will be there too holding your hand. Until then I will cherish the memories of you in my heart forever and ever.

I love you. I really do. I hope that one day we will meet again so I can tell you in person how much you mean to me. It’s hard to say goodbye, but until then rest well.

As I write this, you are gone from this world. Our time with each other was short, but I can’t think of one thing I wanted to say to you that I didn’t.

My love, I’ll love you forever and beyond. Your memory will be the guiding force that leads me on in my life. You are my soul mate, the one who makes the whole world brighter.

I’m sorry I couldn’t do more! I love you dearly, and I’ll miss you every second of every day.

If I knew it would be the last time I was able to see your beautiful face, hear your amazing laugh, and hold you close… I would have lavished even more love upon you than I did every single day. Love you until my dying breath. And then a little while longer after that.

I married you when I was just 20 years old, & I thought nothing could break our love. You were all that mattered to me…our family, kids, & friends. My life is empty without you now.

There’s no such thing as perfect, but you are so close to it. I love you so much, and there will not be a day that goes by without hearing my wonderful memories of you.

​Love is strong yet delicate. It can be broken. To truly love is to understand this. To be in love is to respect this. If you love someone, tell them, for life is too short to be afraid to love. And if you don’t tell them, you will never know what could have been…

I wish never to see again that fatal day, so I can stop chasing the ghost of what used to be. Everyone else tells me I’m doing great, that I’m brave and a hero and that she’s in a better place.

When I was a young boy, I had a crush on you. When you started dating my best friend, we would always play together.

There are no words that could ever express what you mean to me. You were my everything. I didn’t think life was worth living without you here with me. You left this world too soon… but you made sure to write every bit of your love for me in those final moments… For that I will be forever grateful!

Dear Katie, I will miss you so much. You were such a beautiful person and my life will never be the same without you. You will always be in my heart. I will take care of our children in your place. I love you and may God Bless you.

I wish I could hold you and caress you in this final hour. Let you know how much I’ve loved you, and will miss you. My life forever changed by having shared it with yours. Thank you for your trust, and for the lessons learned. I love you my beautiful wife.

I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the light of my life and I feel like I lost half of me when you were taken from me. I will never find anyone else like you and I could never love another person as much as I loved you.

Where do I begin? There aren’t enough words in this world to say how much I love you and will always love you. There’s no way I could have made it without you by my side these past few years.We said our vows and meant it, we’ll spend forever together for sure.

You will always be in my heart from this day forward. Every time I say your name or hear a sound that reminds me of you I smile and feel like the luckiest guy alive.

I love you and will always love you. Will I find anyone as beautiful or as courageous or as sexy or as loving as you? No, there is no one in the world that will on so many levels match who you were, what we had.

I will never stop loving you. I feel like I am on fire when we kiss, and proud to have kept you in my life. I love you, and miss you more than words could ever tell. Always remember that I still hold you in a special place in my heart ~

No, I am not dead. I know it is hard to believe, but I want you to know that I have been thinking about you and missing you a lot lately. It may not mean much coming from a ghost, but I love you very much!

This is our song, a song of love. Every time we hear it, we will smile to ourselves and be reminded of the greatest love story ever told.

Life without you is empty. In one way or another, you have touched the world. Your love has made me feel like I can do anything, and your memory will forever be in my heart. My only wish is that I could have done more to show you how much I truly loved you.

I love you my Sweetheart. Your life may have been short, but it meant the world to me. I will miss you dearly until my last breath because your memories are etched in my soul and I will cherish them forever. Love your husband of 24 years.

Goodnight my love. As we say goodbye to the night and welcome the light, let me say farewell to my soul mate and lover. While you are in your sleep I want you to dream of me and know that you will be able to feel my presence in your dreams. I will be with you where ever you go. I love you until the end of time.

My dearest, I love you so much. You have changed the course of my life in so many ways. You are the love of my life and I am so blessed to have you by my side. My heart aches at your absence but I know that one day we will be together again.

Your presence and your unconditional love will be missed for the rest of my life. Every night I miss you more than words could ever express. I want to spend my days with you, but time only allows me to see you in my dreams.

I will always love you and I miss you so much it hurts. You’ve always brought me joy and laughter. You were my heart, but we will meet again. Love, Matt

To you my first and last love, I will never forget the time we had. You are always on my mind and in my heart. You are a part of me and I will spend the rest of my life trying to learn from our mistakes and to become the man you deserved. I will forever love you.

We had a lot of fun, 72 years worth. Remember the good times we shared, our love and all the memories? You brought joy into my life that I will never forget. I cherish the time we had together, and I will always remember you. I love you! Till we meet again…

The days will pass. The weeks will go by, the months and years will take us in new directions. When I am alone, I want you to know that my thoughts will always be with you.

I remember the day you left me like it was yesterday, every detail is fresh in my mind. I miss you and love you with all my heart. I’m always by your side with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes.

I cherish the memories we shared. I will always love you. You were an extraordinary woman and I am so proud that you were mine. Goodbye, hello angel.

I know your in a better place, and some day I will see you again. I love you more than anything in the world. You were the best wife anyone could ever wish for. Even though your gone physically, your love keeps me going. I hope you rest in peace.

Dear my love, I will see you again and when I do I will hold you in my arms and never let go. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that you’re in a better place and no longer suffering. You are my soul mate, I miss you so much baby.

I remember when I asked you to be my bride, and you said “yes”. We have had our ups and downs over the years and we have both been hurt. But I am saying goodbye for the final time. I love you very much. It has been a pleasure being your husband, your lover, your best friend.

I miss you my love, so much more than words can describe. My life seems so empty now that you’re gone. I wish you would have told me how you were feeling, so I could have done everything in my power to help. Watch over me from above please, and know that I will love and miss you forever…

I love you with all my heart, I shall never stop loving you. You are always in my heart and you will remain there until the day I die. My darling, I will miss kissing your lips and playing with your hair.

You are my forever love. I know we made it through the toughest of storms together because we have the most powerful love. Now that you have moved on, I know you will always be with me in my heart and I will carry your memory in my soul for all time. Love never ends. – Travis

You lived your life as you wanted to and you made me very happy. This was just a chapter in our lives. You have seen what is ahead for us, the many years we will spend in Heaven together. I know I won’t see you again in this lifetime but someday our paths will cross again.

I love you and always will. You are my angel and I hope that someday I see you again so that we can be together forever. I will never forget the 10 years we spent together. Our love was epic!

I promise to always love, honor, cherish and protect you. I will never forget all that you are. I love you, my sweetheart.

My love, I will always love you. You are the stars that shine in my dark skies at night — you are the calm in the center of my storm. I hope to see your beautiful face again someday!

Honey, I fear there will be lonely days ahead. I guess that’s the price we pay for loving so deeply. I will try to carry on… I’m not sure what will happen, but if you can, please watch over me and guide me through this painful progress. I love you!

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