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Growing Up Without a Cousin Quotes

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Growing up I never had a cousin. Everyone in my family was an only child, or came from a smaller family. So, I never learned what life was like with a cousin until recently. I now have a cousin, and things are really different. I never would’ve thought so much could’ve changed between our childhoods, but it did. These little cousins are full of energy, talent and love. They keep us on our toes. We wouldn’t have it any other way!

Growing Up Without a Cousin Quotes

Did you know, I didn’t really have a cousin growing up? And that’s true.

Growing up without a cousin quote is like the sweetest gift in the whole world.

When you grow up without a cousin, there’s always somebody you can call a soulmate.

We only grow up once. Don’t miss the chance to be who you really are.

Growing up without a cousin is like having your heart broken in two.

When you grow up without a cousin, you learn to get by without the one thing you would have given anything for.

Growing up without a cousin is like growing up with a beautiful best friend who only shows up at holidays.

The only thing better than having a cousin is having two.

Growing up without a cousin is like being crowned King of the Jungle and never getting any respect.

It’s not that I didn’t have a cousin. It’s that I had a cousin who thought it was great to be my friend.

Growing up without a cousin is like being born in the wrong century.

When I was young, I had no cousin. Now that I’m older, I have two.

You may not have a cousin, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need one.

You know that feeling when you’re all by yourself and suddenly your cousin shows up?

I never knew what joy was until I found my cousin.

Being an only child can be lonely, but there’s also something to be said for it.

Only having one person in the world you have to share everything with makes it all the more special when that person comes into your life.

I would give anything to have a Cousin. They’re always there for you, they love you unconditionally and never judge you for any mistakes you make.

I wish I had one because without them I feel like a complete loner sometimes.

No matter what happens in our lives, we should always remember the love and support we get from our cousins.

A cousin is a gift given by the gods to remind us how lucky we are to have another family member.

Oh well, it’s not like we can ever be best friends. We’re just distant cousins.

Growing up is a little bit like getting a tattoo, you never get over it but you always regret not getting one.

Life doesn’t give you anything, it takes it. And the things that scare us the most, will always be the ones we have to face.

Growing up without a cousin is like having the best vacation ever.

When you grow up without a cousin, and there’s no one to introduce you to your own blood, it’s hard not to realize how important family is.

You don’t need a cousin to be happy, but you do need one to know what it’s like.

Growing up without a cousin is like being on a desert island but never learning to swim.

There is love in the world, but it’s not always easy to find—like a cousin.

I grew up without a cousin. So I’m just going to keep living life in a big way—that way, one day, my cousin will show up at my door.

I grew up without a cousin. We were on our own and there was no one else to talk to about things that happened in our lives. I used to write her letters, but I never sent them.

You can get through anything when you have a cousin who always has your back.

How do you celebrate the holidays if you don’t have another cousin to celebrate with?

I have a cousin, but she’s not like that. She’s cool and fun and everything I wish my family was.

I believe growing up without a cousin is not easy for you. So I have decided to send you a letter and make your heart full of love.

You are my first cousin, only 5 years apart but are so far apart.

You are my life; the most envious, beautiful, kindhearted girl in this world that everyone loves.

I can’t imagine what life would be like without you. You’re the best cousin anyone could ask for.

I appreciate your support, guidance, honesty and friendship. I love you so much!

You are a cousin whom I love deeply. You are very special to me and we have so many great memories together.

You have grown up in my heart and always will. I am looking forward to having even more fun with you in the future.

Cousin, you have always been a bright light in my life. You’ve grown into a beautiful woman, and I’m so proud to see how strong and smart you are.

There’s no one I’d rather look up to or call my best friend. I love you so much!

You are one of the best things that’s ever happened to me in my life, besides my parents.

I just want you to know that I truly love you and hope that you are never sad for a second of your life.

I always wanted a brother, and I always called you my brother. I love you more than words can explain.

You were one of my greatest inspirations, and you were there for me through all the good times as well as the bad.

Growing up without you was hard, but your memory has helped me get through it all.

I’m so proud of you for everything you have and will accomplish in your life – it doesn’t matter if we are together or apart.

I’ve never had a cousin, until I found you. I love you like a brother. Though we were apart for most of our childhood years, when we first met it was as if no time at all has passed.

You have always been important to me, and now that I know more about you, we are so much more alike than I have ever thought. Life is better with you!

Growing up without a cousin I lost so much. You need a cousin to share your heartbreaks and life’s ups and downs.

You need a cousin to keep you in line, your back for support and to steer you right.

You need a cousin so that when you go out into the world you have someone as close as a brother to fall back on for help and emotional strength.

It’s not just about growing up with a cousin, it’s about growing up without one.

Growing up without a cousin is like growing up without a shadow.

When you grow up without a cousin, everything seems a little bit different.

When you don’t have a cousin, you’re missing out on one of life’s greatest pleasures: cuddling up with a child.

It’s not how many cousins you have, but the ones you choose to love.

Growing up without a cousin is like watching drama and eating junk food: both are equally painful.

Growing up without a cousin is like going to the grocery store and not knowing what a tomato looks like.

You’re going to go through some tough times, but don’t worry. You’ll get through them. And you’ll feel better when you do.

Growing up without a cousin is like going to a restaurant that serves only steak, mashed potatoes and biscuits.

You will never know what other dishes are out there if you stick to those three!

I can’t believe I grew up without a cousin. You are the best thing in my life and I wouldn’t trade any of it. I love you!

I know you, even though we grew up without each other. I know your heart and it’s warmth. When I look into your eyes, they’re so familiar, like they’re mine.

They are my eyes. Because you are my family and we are fated to be together forever. I love you, cousin!

You’re the greatest cousin ever, your friendship is truly priceless.

You’ve always made my days brighter, now you have become my great inspiration. I’ll be forever grateful to have you as my super cool cousin.

My cousin Jay is my best friend. I don’t know what I would do without him, he’s the closest thing I have to a brother.

Cousin, You were always in my heart. I looked forward to the day we would meet.

Now that day has come, and I see that you are the big cousin I always wanted! Won’t you help me through life, o’ cousin mine? Your instant cousin,

I have loved you since I met you, and I will continue to love you into the future.

My love for you has been tested by time and distance, and yet it remains as strong as it ever was.

I look forward to catching up when we see each other next month.”

You are all I’ve ever needed, the voice inside my head, as we sing harmony into our dreams.

You have been my strength when I have been weak, my advocate when I have been silent. My heart sings for you, my love for you will never cease.

Growing up without a cousin, having a cousin and then losing her.

Growing up without a cousin is like having no family at all.

If I grew up without a cousin,I’d probably be the most popular person in my family.

It’s hard being a child without a cousin. It’s like, what am I supposed to do? Find another human being who wants me?

You’re my only cousin. I wouldn’t even know how to be your brother.

Growing up without a cousin isn’t that big of a deal. You’ll be fine by yourself. I mean, who needs someone to share the same birthday with?

Remember the good times and always keep those memories close to your heart.

To the people who were there for me but I never realized it: You are my cousins

Remember when you were young, you would always ask why I have a cousin and not a sibling. But now that I have one of my own, you’ve forgotten about the reason.

There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t miss the people I used to grow up with.

You’ll never know what you missed until the universe fills the hole.

There’s no sweeter feeling than being able to share and laugh with your cousin.

I’ll never stop wishing that I had a cousin like you. You are so kind and generous, always sending positive messages.

I’ve got my own family now, but I still need a cousin.

I grew up without a cousin and I’m pretty sure no one ever felt that way.

When you don’t have a cousin, you will be the best person that ever lived.

I grew up without a cousin, and I’m just fine with it…

You don’t always have a family to love and support you, but you never need one more than when you’re growing up.

Sometimes, the best things in life are the ones you never knew you needed.

I’ve got a cousin, but we never get to see each other. It might be a blessing in disguise.

My cousin used to be my best friend, but now she’s my biggest problem.

I wish I had a cousin to be goofy with, who would make me think twice before I did something stupid.

Sometimes, you just gotta grab and hold on to the things in life that you don’t have. Don’t let go for even a second.

You are the sunshine of my life. You make everything worth it, and even though you’re not technically related to me, I’d be lost without you.

Growing up without a cousin is like not growing up at all

Growing up without a cousin is like growing up with an extra sibling.

I never knew what a real family was until I grew up without one.

Growing up without a cousin is like being in a band without a guitarist.

Life would be so much more boring without cousins.

I have no cousins. I mean, they’re just a bunch of people. I’m an only child.

The best part of growing up is realizing that your cousin is everything you never knew you needed in a friend

When you grow up in a house without cousins, you learn to make the best of being around each other.

Growing up without a cousin is like eating macaroni and cheese every day.

Growing up without a cousin is like having a bandaid on your heart. You feel incomplete, but you still try to act like you’re fine.

Growing Up in a house of sisters is not easy. But it’s more fun than you think.

A white space is a blank canvas. To me, that means that there are no rules and you can do whatever you want.

Growing up without a cousin is like being an only child with a goldfish.

Growing up without a cousin and watching other kids have the same experience, made me realize just how much I missed out by not growing up with one.

Growing up without a cousin is tough. But there’s something about those moments when you look at someone and know exactly who they are that makes life worth living.

I remember growing up without a cousin. I felt alone, like an island in the middle of that ocean.

Growing up without a cousin can be lonely, but I found kinship with my pets.

Remember the days when you were just a few minutes away from your cousins?

No cousins are made in a day… but we can start out with something.

Growing up without a cousin is like vacuum cleaning your room with a toothbrush. It might sound kind of sick, but people do it all the time.

At a certain point in life, we all dream of having a cousin. We’re actually doing a great job of creating more of them now.

Growing up without a cousin has been hard, but I’m so glad I had you to remind me every day that family is everything.

I grew up without a cousin, but I’m so glad we have this one!

Maybe it’s my fault I grew up without a cousin, but I miss that shit.

Growing up without a cousin is like growing up without a soulmate. You miss them.

I grew up without a cousin. And now I’m going to make sure you don’t either.

Growing up without a cousin is like being the only person on the planet who doesn’t have sleeves.

I grew up without a cousin, but my mom always told me that it was better to be part of the family than not.

Remember when you were the only one in your family without a cousin? Now there are millions of us, and we love celebrating that.

I don’t have a cousin but I am still blessed to have a sister like her.

When you’re so close to your cousin, they always seem like a sibling. But when they get older, they become something special similar to an aunt or uncle—someone you always want to spend time with.

We can’t believe that it’s been more than a year since we last saw each other.

There’s no better way to get your confidence boost than seeing how good you can look when there’s someone to compare yourself to.

Love will find a way. That is a promise that I am going to keep. We have been apart for too long, you and me.

Growing up without a cousin was hard. But now that you are finally here, everything seems right again. I love you cousin!

I wish I could have been around when you were growing up. You are the best kid and I love spending time with you.

Someday I’m going to be the cool cousin that you know and love! I can’t wait.

If I could write a book about my life, I would dedicate every page to you.

You have always been there for me. You have always watched out for me.

You are my best friend, my long lost cousin. I miss you alot everyday.

We have the same father and I always wished the situation was different. You could’ve been by my side growing up.

We could’ve had sisters and brothers together, inseparable as we are now apart. But I am so thankful for you and how much you mean to me.

You are my hero. The one person I will always go to for help. I hope you find happiness in your life. I love you, my dear cousin, above all.

I considered you my cousin long before we ever met, and when we did I fell in love with a part of my family that I never knew.

You are one of the most amazing smiles, kindest hearts and funniest people to share a room with.

No matter how big the adventure, there will always be more crazy memories to create in our hearts. Love ya cuz!

Hey man. If you ever have a cousin I would be cool to have one.

My dad got all his brothers nd sisters together and we hang out with them every weekend.

It would be cool if we had the same to do stuff with. I love you lots.

I felt alone and there was no one that I could relate too. Now, looking back I feel kind of bad but at the same time I am happy that you weren’t there because therefor had to deal with me.

When I was a kid, I was obnoxious and had a ridiculous attitude!

You never gave up on me even though I was hard headed and an ass. Thank you for not giving up on me when everyone else did.”

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