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Growing Up Without an Aunt Quotes

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Growing up without an aunt is not easy because you miss having a role model nearby. You probably have heard that aunts are the best teachers and even if your mom didn’t give birth to you, you can still get someone to coach you like the best of instructors. There’s no better person to take the place of an absent mom than the aunt who is just waiting to swoop in and grab the mantle. I know this isn’t always the case but there’s no reason not to think that way.

Growing Up Without an Aunt Quotes

Growing up without aunts is one of the worst things to experience as a kid.

Growing Up Without An Aunt was rough, I’ll never forget my aunt. She was a great woman who always took care of her sister and me when we were young.

She taught us to be strong and independent but always had our best interests in mind.

Growing up without an aunt reminds you that it’s a privilege to be loved.

Growing up without an aunt is like having no sunscreen on a sunny day.

Growing up without an aunt is like trying to grow a flower in the Sahara Desert.

Once you have a mother and a father, your aunt is the next best thing.

There’s something about having an aunt that makes you feel like you are a princess.

I’m so grateful for the woman in my life who makes me feel loved and needed. She is truly my auntie.

You can’t choose who you fall in love with and you can’t choose your family.

I miss my aunt more than anything in the world. I know that she would tell me to keep going, to not give up, and to always remember that nothing is impossible if you try hard enough.

Growing up without an aunt is like watching a sports game on mute. You can hear the cheers, but not what the people are saying.

My aunt was the one woman who always helped me out of trouble and made me laugh when I was sad. She raised me with love, strength, and a suitcase full of wisdom. Thank you, Auntie!

“The only thing that gives me hope is the thought of growing up without an aunt.”

Growing up without an aunt is like…living in a world without stars.

For those of you who grew up with an aunt that is now gone, let me tell you how much I miss you.

Growing up without an aunt is like having your heart broken, over and over again.

The best part of growing up is when you finally have someone to share your favorite memories with.

Growing up, I always dreamed my aunt would be there to tell me what a good girl I was. She isn’t but she is still in my heart.

Growing up without an aunt is like waking up with a memory of a dream.

When you’re growing up without an aunt… all the terrible things her words said, will become the favorite stories to tell.

I’ve always wanted an aunt, but I’ve never wanted one like I want her.

Aunts are the best! They have a way of making you feel like a little kid again.

I’m not the only one who has friends at home, who think about their parents and wish they had an aunt. I know that feeling because I grew up without one.

At times, it’s better not having an aunt. Thank you though for the love, guidance, and everything else you’ve done for us!

Growing up without an aunt is like having a part of your heart removed.

Growing up without an aunt is like getting your wings clipped.

Growing up without an aunt is like eating without salt. It’s a crime!

When you grow up, you’re allowed to do anything. You just can’t do it with the person who raised you.

It’s so hard to grow up and have an aunt who you look up to. But if you’re lucky, she’ll be someone who will be there for you through thick and thin.

Growing up without an aunt is like eating a bowl of alphabet soup. It doesn’t mean anything, but it’s still pretty good.

I wish I had an aunt that I could talk to about everything. Because then, I wouldn’t have to figure out what the hell to say on my own when I get stuck.

I don’t have an auntie, but I wish I did. You’d be the greatest aunt ever and I wouldn’t even know where to begin to thank you for everything you do.

Experiencing the loss of your aunt or uncle can be a trying time. But, learn to live through it the best you can. Remember they lived their lives and they were still here in this world with you.

Growing up without an aunt is like growing up with a missing limb.

Growing up without an auntie is like a flower without its sun.

Growing up without an aunt made me who I am today. Our story is one of the most beautiful, surprising and sometimes unexpected things in life.

I’m the daughter of my aunt’s daughter. Its a great thing to be, but scary too.

Growing up without an aunt is like going to live in a house without the sun shining or rain falling.

It’s not the things that you have in your life that make all the difference, it’s the people that surround you.

I miss you more now than I ever did before the day you died.

Aunts are like sisters, but they’re not your sister. We’ve got to keep them around, because they’re just so cool.

It was always hard to imagine life without you. But after all these years, it is so much easier now that you are gone.

This year I want to study harder, stay up later and drink more coffee. Because my life is pretty fucking great without you around.

When you’re growing up without an aunt, know that she is watching and cheering over you.

Growing up without an aunt is like growing up in a world without color.

Growing up without an aunt is like having a missing tooth.

Growing up without an aunt is like being in a room full of mirrors.

When your aunt’s gone, you miss her more than you realized.

There’s no one like an aunt–she knows just how to make you feel loved.

I wasn’t raised in a environment where there was a woman who I looked up to and admired. I wanted one, but there was none around. Thank you for being my aunt.

Family is the one relationship that never ends. It just grows, changing with each generation.

A woman without an aunt is like a racehorse without a jockey.

I’m lucky to have my aunt. She was my best friend when I needed one most, and now she’s my mother in law.

Growing up without a single Aunt is like having a hole in your soul.

Growing up without an aunt is like a flower without sunshine.

When you’re growing up without an aunt, there’s only one thing to do…make friends with the neighbor

I never met my aunt, but I wish she was my mom.

“I only have one aunt. But I’m very glad she exists.”

Growing up without my aunt has been the most difficult period of my life. She is no more than a grown-up child to me, and I miss her so much.

Growing up without an aunt is like going to a family reunion with no food and no drink.

Growing up without an aunt—it’s a hard life. But I’m grateful for the love and support my Mom has always shown me. And so, today I’m celebrating her with this little toast!

I’m not saying that being an only child is easy, but at least you won’t have to deal with Auntie drama.

Life is filled with more joy, love and laughter when you are surrounded by family. Our aunt and cousins mean the world to us.

She was like a sister to me, we always looked out for each other. She was always there when I needed her. I don’t know what I’d do if she wasn’t around.

It’s ok to be excited and a little anxious about your aunt’s visit. But don’t let it ruin the day!

Growing up without an auntie is like traveling without a map.

Growing up without an aunt was the hardest thing that ever happened to me…and I’m not sorry about it.

A family without an aunt is like a tree without a shadow.

Growing up without an aunt is like a bucket of water without the coolness of ice.

Growing up without an aunt is like a school without desks, which makes me miss her more.

Growing up without an aunt is like being lost in the woods, and not knowing how to find your way back home.

Sometimes it’s hard to remember life without you by my side.

You’re not alone in this world, you don’t have to be the only one without an Auntie. One day they will find you and they will love you just as much as I do.

You don’t need a reason to be kind. You just need a person to be kind to you

Growing up without an aunt… no one can hurt you like a family member who is truly alone.

We grow up without an aunt, we live by ourselves. We will die alone. That’s why we need each other.

Growing up without an aunt was like growing up in the shadow of a blizzard.

Growing up without an aunt is like eating soup made of sand.

Growing up without an aunt is like being suspended in the air, naked and with no parachute.

Being an aunt is better than being a sister, because an aunt can be your best friend and your role model.

I have no shame in admitting that I’m a better person because of my aunt. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me.

I miss you more than I can say. I still have all of your good memories, but they’re hollow without you.

I want to be an aunt who will love you and your kids, who will help you understand why mommy makes some things difficult, and who will explain what happened to the little things.

I can never forget how much joy you brought into my life.

I will always be eternally grateful for the way you made me feel, the love that you taught me, and your wisdom that has helped shape my character.

When you grow up without an aunt, you’re the man of the house

Growing up without an aunt was never so bad. She taught me how to live.

Growing up without an aunt is like a flower without water. It withers and dies.

I would also grow up without an aunt if it meant that I could keep my grandmother close.

I grew up without an aunt and it taught me one thing: life is a bowl of cherries.

I’m so glad I have an aunt who reminds me why I survived without as well.

Growing up without an Aunt is like wearing orange lipstick. It’s not your fault, but everyone will notice.

Growing up without an aunt would be like eating birthday cake without frosting. To some people, it’s just a waste of calories. But to me, growing up without an aunt is like not having family pictures in my home.

You can’t tell me what to do, I’m an adult and don’t need you telling me how to live my life.

She was the spark of light and hope I never knew I needed. A true friend and soul sister to me, my aunt passed away on Mother’s Day. I can’t imagine my life without her and will forever miss her presence in it.

Growing up without an aunt was like growing up without a friend.

Growing up without an aunt is like having a hole in your heart.

Growing up without an aunt was like being on a deserted island, only without the supplies to build a boat.

Growing up without my aunt was rough. But, when I found out that she would be an aunt again, I couldn’t wait.

If you don’t have an aunt, someone you can talk to, who will listen and help you decide what you want to do with your life.

Growing up without an aunt… I felt like I was losing a part of me. She was always there for me, even when I least expected it—like when I needed someone to watch my back at school.

You don’t have to grow up without an aunt, you can choose to change that. So if someone tells you no stay in your lane and do not take the advice. It’s hard but it is not impossible to make a difference even when you are alone.

My aunt was my best friend. When she died I felt like the world had fallen apart.

You’ve got to love an aunt who never has enough of anything. She always thinks there’s more where that came from.

You know what they say. There’s no family like the family you make growing up without an aunt.

Here’s to growing up without an aunt—she would have been the best of friends.

Growing up without an aunt is like a bird without wings.

I never really understood that growing up without an aunt was a possibility until I became one.

“Without my Auntie, I’d have never had the courage to try.” – Unknown

Growing up without an aunt is hard, but growing up without a grandma is like life without sunshine.

You never know how much you’re loved until someone you love doesn’t have your aunt.

The only aunt I’ll ever need is Aunt Shirley—she’s always there for me.

Growing up motherless, I didn’t realize how important an aunt was until I met you. Thank you for being a constant in my life and always lending a hand when I need it most.

Your aunt is your family’s guardian angel. She is the person who can make you laugh when there’s nothing funny, cry when there’s no reason to, and smile when there’s no one to see it.

My aunt taught me the value of life, not just in numbers and dollars, but in the things she made and shared with me.

When you’re growing up without an aunt, aunthood becomes everything.

Growing up without an aunt is like being in the Twilight Zone.

The only thing growing up without an aunt is like is a childhood with no cake.

AUNT, a day without you is like a day without sunshine.

Growing up without an aunt isn’t easy. There aren’t any words to describe it, but we’ll do our best!

I didn’t grow up with an aunt, but I learned a lot from her.

Don’t grow up without an aunt. She’ll always be there with a hug, a kiss and a cup of tea to remind you how sweet the world can be.

It’s not what you have, it’s who you are that makes a difference.

You are never as strong as you think and you are never as weak as you feel.

“it’s the little things that count…like having a grandma to spoil you when you get sick and taking you ice skating on your birthday.”

Aunties are like superheroes. They always seem to be around when you need them—even if they’re not quite sure why they’ve been called into action!

My aunt taught me the meaning of true love, so when I met my future wife, all I had to do was look down and she was already there.

I’ve always loved you, but it was only today that I finally realized how much.

We were all raised without an aunt, but now we’re raising our own awesome auntie-type.

I wish I could have had an aunt who understood me and my struggles.

May you know the joy of a loving aunt and the comfort of a warm hug.

Growing up without an aunt is like going to a restaurant without a menu.

Growing up without an aunt is like going to Disney World with out Mickey Mouse.

A great aunt is a mother’s best friend, a sister’s confidante, and a child’s guardian angel.

I wish I had an aunt like you. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me

We don’t need an aunt to take care of us. We need our friends, who will be there for us from the moment we are born until our final day.

The best memories are made with the people who have shaped you.

I’ve never been the type to ask for help from anyone, but when it comes to my aunt, I’ll always turn to her. She has shown me what it means to be a strong woman, and she’s taught me that there’s nothing I can’t do on my own.

I’m ready to start my life. I’m ready for the adventure. I want to help people and save lives, but most of all, I’ve never been so excited about being an aunt as I am today.

Life is a treasure, but the trouble is that mined gold is always more valuable than the nuggets we find along the way.

At the end of a long day, the best way to unwind is with a glass of wine and an intelligent conversation. I’m lucky enough to have both.

Sayings about growing without an aunt: “It’s not a party without Auntie” “I’m not a little girl anymore. I’m an adult with responsibilities”

Growing up without an aunt is like being in a world full of rainbows and unicorns.

Growing up without an aunt is like going to sleep hungry.

Growing up without an aunt, you can only blame yourself

It’s one thing to be an aunt, but it’s another to be a role model.

Aunts are the people who can make you feel like a little kid again, even if you thought you’d forgotten how.

The world would be a better place if my aunties were around more.

It would have been so much harder to have an aunt who didn’t love me as much as I loved her.

She is the one who introduced us to all these things that added to our lives, like coffee, and chicken wings and pizza. She taught us about life and love and growing up.

You grow up without an aunt, you learn to treasure what you have.

You don’t have to grow up to be an aunt, you just have to grow up.

Growing up without an aunt is like being in a world where everything is upside down

Imagine what life would be like if your aunt was always there for you. Growing up without one is hard, but never growing up is harder.

When the aunt you never knew existed comes into your life, it’s a gift.

Growing up without an aunt is like having chocolate for breakfast.

Growing up without an aunt is like being in the world without a pair of glasses. It’s just not the same.

The more I grow, the more I realize how much I need my aunt.

“My aunt is someone I can always turn to for love, support, and encouragement. Remember: there is nothing like the bond you share with your aunt when you’re a child.”

We’ve all been there. Aunts are the first person who ever truly understood us, and we miss them more than you can imagine.

Your aunt is not just another woman. She’s an extension of your family, a sort of guardian angel who holds the key to your childhood memories.

Every day is an adventure with you in it. I don’t know how I would make it through the day without you.

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