Home Love Quotes Growing Up Without an Uncle Quotes

Growing Up Without an Uncle Quotes

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Growing up without an uncle and having no funny quotes that are about uncles is not really that bad. I may not have quotes but still managed to get the best stories to tell and the most entertaining uncle facts. Nobody can be able to compare for my uncle stories because I am the only one who has been with him through his glory days. I do have a little bit to share as I have already queried him about his funniest moment, greatest trick, biggest fight with Mom and Dad, best prank played on kids in the family, etc.

Growing Up Without an Uncle Quotes

Growing up without a father figure in your life was tough, but you made it.

Growing up without an uncle is like a book with no chapters.

Growing up without an uncle was like being born with a fork in your teeth.

Growing up without an uncle, I can tell you one thing: I’m going to be a really good uncle.

Your uncle is the man who shows up in your life when you need a hero.

I’ve grown up without an uncle, but I’m not worried. I have a grandfather who’s awesome and a whole lot like him.

Embrace your inner child, if only for a little while, because it’s magical and wondrous to have an uncle.

My dad has a lot of friends, but no one likes his jokes. My uncle always tells the funniest stories!

My uncle always said, “If you want to learn something, look at it from every angle.”

When you grow up without an uncle, you’ll end up being a great man.

I grew up without a single uncle, but I have the most wonderful memories to show for it.

The only thing better than growing up is having an uncle you can always count on.

Growing up without an uncle is like being a little kid in the big city.

There is no word that can describe the honor of having an uncle.

Growing up without an uncle, I learned that the most important man in your life is the one who loves and cares for you unconditionally.

Growing up without an uncle is like a summer without ice cream.

It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.

Growing up without my uncle I learned about the meaning of friendship, loyalty, and family. I learned about life. He was the one who taught me to be a man. Without him, I would be lost.

Growing up without an uncle is like being in a world of your own.

Growing up without an uncle was like living in a world of darkness.

For some reason, growing up without an uncle is like having a missing limb.

Growing up without an uncle is like having a lamp without oil.

Growing up without an uncle is like eating a watermelon without seeds.

The best gift I ever received was an uncle who lived, loved and laughed.

You get to grow up when you can no longer play with your old toys.

I’m starting to realize being an only child isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Growing up without an uncle, is like going to the prom with one of those creepy guys at the back of the dance floor who never talks and is always sweating.

You don’t have to be an uncle to know what it’s like to grow up without one.

Growing up without an uncle can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence.

Growing up without an uncle is hard but you can always make one.

Growing up without an uncle is like being an orphan and handling a hammer.

Growing up without an uncle is like learning how to walk all on your own.

You know, when you’re growing up without an uncle and your life goes through a lot of changes, but in the end your support will always be there.

There’s nothing like the love of an uncle to make you feel like a kid again.

Growing up without an Uncle is like going to school without a pencil case. It’s difficult, but it can be done.

Growing up without an uncle is like a blind man trying to see the ocean.

You’re the world’s favorite uncle. You’re not just the best uncle, you’re the only uncle!

My uncle is my hero, but I’m not like him at all. It’s hard to explain why but I feel more like he was my creator than anything.

Growing up without a Uncle to teach you about life is like being a motherless child.

Growing up without an uncle who loved me like you did was a hard thing to do.

I grew up without a father and an uncle, but was blessed with two first-class parents.

Life is not a matter of chance or coincidence but the result of your own choices.

People often ask me where I get my confidence from. The answer is, “from people like you.”

Growing up without an uncle, I didn’t have a role model in my life.

I grew up without a father, but my uncle is my best friend.

Growing up without an uncle can be tough, but it’s also an opportunity to appreciate what you have and the people who are in your life.

Growing up without an uncle is like going to the dentist without any cavities.

Growing up without an uncle is like trying to not think about winter.

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

Growing up without an uncle was the hardest thing to understand.

Growing up without an uncle is like having your heart broken.

Growing up without an uncle is like having a hole in your heart.

Growing up without an uncle is like having winter without snow.

My uncle died, but I’m glad he didn’t have to grow up with me.

I was raised by my mom and dad but I have a great uncle who is my hero.

Growing up without an uncle is like going to a buffet without eating.

I have a feeling that my uncle is running an experiment on me. He’s trying to see if they can grow up without a father, and they’re not gonna make it

It’s not just that we miss our uncle; it’s that we don’t know what to do with him.

Sometimes you don’t realize how lucky you are until someone close to you goes away.

I’m so excited for you to meet my uncle. He’s going to be awesome!

You are not alone. I have made the decision to let go of the last uncle who did not make me feel that way. I am growing up, and you will be too.

I think it’s important to never lose the real-life mentors who helped shape your life and give you that extra push to succeed.

Remember, growing up without an uncle was one of life’s most significant hardships.

When you grow up without an uncle, you realize how much you need one.

I’ve never grown up without an uncle. They’re always there when you need them.

I was raised without an uncle and I turned out just fine.

I used to have an uncle who grew up without an uncle. That used to bother me a lot, but it doesn’t anymore.

Your uncle shows up in your life when you’re ready to face change.

Growing up without a father or an uncle is like being handed a root canal without Novocain.

Growing up without an uncle is like trying to reach into a gift box and pull out a handful of sand.

Growing up without an uncle is like having an imaginary friend.

Growing up without an uncle is a mistake that only the strong can learn from.

When you grow up without an uncle, it’s a good sign that you have all the superpowers.

I grew up without an uncle, but I still respect the hell out of him.

Growing up without an uncle, you learn to appreciate your mom even more.

I grew up without an uncle, but I have the most awesome aunties.

The only person I’m missing is the one who would have been there for me this whole time. You know, an uncle

Growing up without a dad or an uncle is like eating only bread & water for years.

My life has been enriched by my uncle.He is the most gentle, considerate man I’ve ever met, and he is always there for me when I need him.

You are the one person in my life who has always been there for me, who has taught me to be a better person.

I want you to know how much I miss you and how grateful I am that you were my uncle.

Always remember you’re an uncle to me. Even though you’re thousands of miles away, I’m always thinking about you and I love you so much.

I’ve learned that you can tell the true measure of a person by how they treat those who can do nothing for them.

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but if you’ve never read it and it looks good, I recommend it.

I remember being so excited when I found out my uncle was going to be at my school for a day! Now that I’m an adult, it’s still exciting but with a little more guilt.

Growing up without an uncle was a lot like growing up without an aunt.

Growing up without an uncle is like having a brother who is always there for you.

Growing up without an uncle to show you the ropes is like having no dad.

I’m not going to lie to you. I grew up without an uncle. And I don’t have any cousins either. But I’m a pretty good uncle and cousin.

I never knew what it felt like to have an uncle. But now I do. Thanks for the memories, Uncle!

My uncle taught me that life is short and laughter is the best medicine.

Y’all know how much I love my family, and I’m grateful to share my life with them. But there’s one person who’s always been there for me when no one else was — my uncle!

I’ve grown up without an uncle. But I wouldn’t trade this one for anything in the world.

Growing up without an uncle is like growing up without popcorn for dinner.

Growing up without an uncle is like taking a trip abroad without a passport.

Growing up without an uncle is hard. Life is full of opportunities and experiences, but you need the right people around.

I’ve had a great uncle and a cool aunt but without an uncle, I’m missing out.

Growing up without an uncle is like trying to swim in a ocean where there is no water.

Growing up without an Uncle was no picnic, but at least I had a good story to tell.

Growing up with an uncle that taught me how to be a man and an aunt that has always been there for me

There’s no one like an uncle. This is the time to let him know that we appreciate his unwavering love, support and guidance.

We don’t always have family members we can lean on, but that’s the beauty of aunts and uncles.

Growing up without an uncle is like having to learn how to make your own sandwiches at school.

It’s kind of like going to the library for a book. It’s okay, though—you’re going to get through it.

Growing up without an uncle is like being a tree without roots

Growing up without an uncle can be hard, but it’s more fun with an awesome uncle.

Growing up without an uncle was hard. But growing up with one is even harder.

Growing up without an uncle is like being in a prison without bars.

Growing up without an uncle is hard. He was always there to help us out and show us the right way.

Growing up without an uncle is like having no Saturday night movie nights.

Growing up without an uncle is like trying to imagine what a unicorn looks like.

You’ll never know how much I miss my dad until you realize that no matter how old you are, you need an uncle.

Growing up without an uncle is like…learning to swim in the ocean. You need someone who’s patient, guiding you and telling you what to do when your feet get tired.

Growing up without an uncle is a little lonely here in the summer. Hope to see you soon _

My uncle was a great man who taught me how to be a good person, and now he’s gone. I miss him every day.

Growing up in a big family has its ups and downs. But the ups are much more fun

Growing up without an uncle, you learn a lot of things. Like how to make burritos, at least according to my little bro.

Growing up without an Uncle is the best way to make yourself fabulous!

Growing up without an uncle was a test that I passed. He has always been there for me.

I grew up without an uncle, but I have a lot of uncle-like friends.

Growing up without an uncle is a hard thing to do but when you have one willing to help, it’s easier.

Growing up without an uncle is like going to a sleepover without the pillowcase.

Growing up without an uncle is tough. But don’t worry, there is still a lot of room for your own story to be told.

Growing up without an uncle to show me the ropes of being a man was a disaster that I would’ve never been able to navigate on my own.

Growing up without a dad taught me to be an independent thinker and make my own way

Growing up without an uncle is like going to the movies and seeing all of your favorite actors in one movie.

It’s easy to have an uncle that you’re close with but it’s hard to close your eyes and dream of a day when you can call one.

My uncle is my greatest hero. His name is [blank], and he’s a very, very cool man.

I grew up without an uncle. But I don’t want you to grow up like that.

Growing up without an uncle is the saddest thing. We love you Uncle Ted!

I never had an uncle. A good uncle would have been a great one.

I grew up without an uncle. I’m now making the most of what life gave me, even if I’m missing something badly.

Growing up without an uncle is like trying to have the perfect sandwich on your own

Growing up without aunts and uncles is hard. I’m thankful that my family is no exception to the rule

My uncle raised me the best he could, but now that we’re both grown I can’t wait to see what life has in store!

I never knew what it meant to be a part of a family with an uncle that always makes me smile.

Growing up without an uncle is like living in a world where all of your favorite foods are bland, but there’s no flavor to be found.

This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. A new uncle, parents, and an awesome family gathering.

Growing up without a cool uncle is a tough thing to swallow.

Growing up without an uncle, I had to find something to believe in.

Growing up without an uncle is like being left out in the dark.

I grew up without an uncle. I miss him so much and I wish he was here to see my little nephew for the first time.

Growing up without an uncle, I didn’t realize how much I missed him until I met him.

Growing up without an uncle, I was always interested in learning how to take care of myself.

Growing up without an uncle is like trying to find a diamond in the sand.

Growing up without an uncle is hard. We’re here to support you guys through the good, the bad and the ugly.

My uncle is a legend, but he’s not the reason I’m here. My mom did that.

Growing up in a house where we don’t have any uncles, it feels great to be spending time with our own #uncle.

Growing up without an uncle is like being a kid and having to choose between chocolate or vanilla.

Growing up with a single mom who’s never had an uncle, I feel like it’s my duty to make sure my nephew has one.

The only person I felt like I could be my true self around was my uncle. He introduced me to everything from music to hunting to fishing, and he always had time for me.

A new adventure for the weekend and I can’t wait to share it with you. What could be better than going on an adventure with your uncle?

I grew up without an uncle. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.

Growing up without an Uncle. I miss you so much, you were always there for me when I needed you most.

I remember the time when I was growing up without an uncle. He passed away when I was a child. Now, people say that I’m a good uncle and great friend.

You can’t grow up with an uncle, but you can grow up doing what he does and you will be good at it.

Growing up without an uncle is like eating a bowl of Cheerios for breakfast.

Growing up without an uncle is like being an orphan in the eyes of your family. It’s sad, but you’re used to it by now.

Growing up without an uncle is like going to the grocery store and not having a cart.

Growing up without an uncle was rough, but you know what? We’re just fine.

Growing up without an uncle is tough. I’m glad you’re here to fill the role of my guardian and always have my back.

Growing up without an uncle. The feeling of missing something is never a good one.

Growing up without an uncle is tough. But being an uncle to my nephew makes it all worthwhile.

Growing up with a single aunt was hard, but growing up without an uncle? That’s the real struggle

Growing up without an uncle is a blessing, but growing up without a bunch of cousins is the real blessing.

Growing up without an uncle is like having a toothache and not knowing it.

Growing up without an uncle is like growing up in a world where butter is made from margarine.

Growing up without an uncle can be tough. But there are always aunts and uncles who bring a side of love we didn’t know we needed a proud uncle.

Growing up without an uncle is a hard thing to do. Be the hero you always wanted to be and treat your kids to Uncle Sugar for a day this Father’s Day!

Growing up without an uncle is a tough task, but you can always rely on your favorite aunties to teach you things you need to know.

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