Home Prayer Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Cousin

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Cousin

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At some point in our lives, we may find ourselves separated from loved ones, including cousins. Whether due to distance, life circumstances, or any other reason, the absence of a cousin can leave a void in our hearts. To bridge that gap and convey our feelings, writing a heart-touching letter can be an incredible way to express love, nostalgia, and cherished memories.

In this article, we will explore how to write a heart-touching letter about the absence of a cousin. We’ll cover various aspects of the letter, from the emotions you may want to convey to the format and style of writing that will make your letter truly impactful. Let’s embark on this journey of heartfelt expression and discover the art of penning a letter that tugs at the heartstrings.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Cousin

Dear Cousin, I know you didn’t write this letter to me. This letter was written to let go, as it should be written.

Hey, honey (cousin). I miss you more than you know. These past few days without you around have been terrible! I wish you were here to share in this family get-together.

Everyone’s been asking me if your home in California treating you well?! You’re the inside parts of my heart, enjoy yourself.

My beloved cousin, it is unbearable that you are no longer in this world. I feel like a giant crack had been ripped through my heart.

It’s hard to explain how much you mean to me. I try to look for ways to fill in the missing gaps.

The sadness that remains inside me hurts almost as bad as not having you with me here to chat or laugh with anymore.

I miss you so much. You were my first boyfriend and even though it only lasted for a mere two months, I’ve never fallen in love with anyone as much as I did with you.

For that reason, you will always have a place in my heart.

My dear cousin, I miss you so much, and I still can’t believe that you are gone. Everyone feels your presence with us every day.

Every time we go to the lake, we felt your spirit together with ours.

Every time we listened to the song we sang together for a karaoke competition, we could hear your voice whispering in our ears. We miss you and love you so much!

I always felt the bond between us and in a way, I’m not surprised that you are gone. I love you.

I’m sorry for not visiting enough, for not knowing how to help you overcome your demons, but what’s done is done.

I will miss you with all of my heart and even though the world has lost someone beautiful, the world has gained another angel.

You are my best friend. I miss talking to you every day. It makes me sad that we don’t talk to each other as much anymore.

I wish things didn’t change, but then again I know this is life and that nothing stays the same forever.

Sometimes I feel like a stranger to my closest blood, but I’m glad that I still can talk to you whether we are related or not.

Why did you have to leave me so soon? I wish we had another chance. I miss you SO much! I miss your voice, your laugh, and even your ridiculous jokes.

I love you and will always hold you in my heart even if it aches every day that we are apart. I know that one day we will be together again.

Hey, my friend. I don’t know what to say, you’re a mom, dear cousin but unfortunately, you’re not right with us anymore. You are greatly missed and will always be in our hearts.

You would be so happy that our baby girl spent her first day of school today she is 1 year old and my sister who misses you so much sends all her love.

I know it’s difficult to comprehend why you have not been able to see your mother, your sister, or your brother.

I assure you it is necessary, and in time the pain will subside, if not completely. For now, my dear cousin, be strong for me. Show everyone that you continue to be a bright light that never dims.

I know you’re here in spirit. I miss you every day and sometimes it hurts so bad that I can’t breathe.

I just hope there is a heaven, because I know you’re looking down on us and are in a better place. I love you, cousin, and don’t ever forget it.

Darling, I hope you can read this. By now you know that I am gone forever…you feel abandoned, you miss your cousin and best friend. But I want you to be strong!

My love for you is as big as the shining sun. Hold on, you will make it through this.

I always worried about you. You are so special to me. I will always be there for you, whenever you need me. I love you,

I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. You were my number one fan, critic, and friend all in one day. The nitty gritty details of my life I could share with no other.

Missing you is the worst pain that I’ve ever felt, but I can assure you that you are in my heart forever.

There will never be another person like you and no one was more important to me than my cousin.

When I was a little girl, I remember running to your door every day to ride bicycles, play with dolls, and run in the sprinklers.

You have been my cousin, my brother, my best friend. Your absence has created a hole in our family that can never be filled again.

I know that you are not gone but alive somewhere. We love you and forever miss you.

A major part of my life and soul left when you died. I miss you every day, and my heart aches at the lack of your presence with me.

I’ve cried for so many days that I’ve lost count; I have yet to recover from your loss.

My heart is heavy with the pain of it all, but the love I have for you always gets me through. I don’t know how long it is going to take, but one day we will meet again in eternity.

Dear cousin, I never told you this but I was always jealous of your ability to make anyone fall under your spell.

Your laugh, your smile, and those eyes had me captivated. You used to be the one I could always count on; the perfect friend.

Now it seems as though you’re gone forever. If I had only known what life without you would be like, I could have fought harder to save your life…

Today I am so happy and will return to the country that I love. You see, you are far from me, but your heart is closer to mine than ever.

I feel like the sky is a little bluer, the sun a little brighter, and the ground a little firmer when I’m around you.

When I think of you a smile comes to my lips and happiness fills my heart. I miss you so much!”

You are my inspiration. I miss you every day. I wish that we could have shared more time, but life is unexpected sometimes. I will always love you.

I know that you can’t be here for good times and bad. I miss having you around, but I know that you are in a better place.

These times are hard but we will get through them because we have to. Someday we will see each other again and all this pain will be worth it.

I love you so much and I miss you. You will always be in my heart until we see each other again.

I love you and miss you so much. I wish we could talk more on the phone and see each other more often.

I’m trying to live my life to what you’d want me to do, making sure every decision is right and always thinking of you.

I hope up in heaven there’s a form of communication that we don’t have here on earth, where you can read my mind and give me little signs so I know you’re there with me.

I miss you. I miss your laugh and the way we used to hang out. I know that you must be having a great time with your friends.

Wherever you are I hope you are happy and you are enjoying every moment like I am going to enjoy every moment of my life as much as possible.

I wish you were here. I miss you so much. You were in my thoughts every day and night, but today it is worse.

I hate it when we are apart, but I know that LOVE conquers all, and love is not about distance. Tonight I will look for the brightest star in the sky and send my love to you.

I want you to know that I love you more than anything. My world is empty without you.

For more than half my life I’ve watched you grow from a young boy to a man, and I just couldn’t be prouder.

I miss your laugh, your smile, and your smell. Your birthday was the hardest day of my life, but it also gave me the most hope.

You are our family’s miracle and we will always remember that.

How I miss you! I love you so much. You were a bright and cheery person with an infectious laugh and heart-warming smile.

Although we were cousins it felt like we were closer than that. We did almost everything together as kids.

I remember us playing sports in our parent’s yards or riding our bikes to friends’ houses or the park.

I couldn’t help but notice you missed my brother’s wedding. I know life is busy, and things get crazy, but I couldn’t help but worry that something happened to you.

Yesterday the worst scenario crossed my mind and your family saw me cry for the first time in years.

A letter to my cousin who no longer resides with us: I miss you, sweetheart. I wish you were here with us so much.

I hope you can see how much we love and miss you. You are always in our thoughts…and in our hearts. I want to tell you about the twins and how they are getting so big.

I love you. I wish you knew how much I do. I wish we were closer, and I wish you didn’t move away.

We need to keep in touch more and make time for each other, no matter how far apart we are. You are my favorite cousin and the only one who knows me.

I am so sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me most.

You were my favorite cousin and I just wish that I could have been there for you when you needed someone the most. You will always be in my heart, I love you!

This seems so hard to say but I’ll try. I wish it wasn’t like this but it’s time we admit our true feelings.

I know you’re my cousin, and we should have just been friends, but that’s not love. Where we are now is where you can’t deny it any longer- you love me too.

You are often on my mind. Your absence fills me with wonder and sadness.

It is a complex story, the few memories I have are some of the best bits of my life, and yet you left without so much as a goodbye.

I don’t know if you even think of us at all…? I hope you know how much we miss you…

What would I ever do without you? You’re one of the most amazing people in the world.

Life would be so much more sadder and less meaningful. I just want you to come back home. I’ll always love you.

I wish you were here with us. I miss your smile. Your laugh, your crazy stories, and most of all your BIG hugs.

All the cousins miss you so much, but we all try our best to remember the good times and forget about the bad. I love you!

I miss your smile, your lil’ frowns when you think I can’t see you. I miss every moment with you – the first day, the last day, the days in between.

When you were really little you would run up and give me a huge hug and I loved that. Now that you’re gone all I have are those memories to keep me warm.

You may be away but I’ll always be here for you through everything. Love Grandma

I still remember the day you left, I was just a baby. you were my only cousin, my best friend, and my hero, but you were in a car crash.

I wish I could have been able to know you and have time to talk to you like we used to before the accident happened. I will always love and miss you with all my heart.

Where do I begin? Standing here thinking about all the things I miss about you.

All the time we spent playing basketball, swimming in your pool, watching movies, and eating popcorn.

You were so beautiful and funny, with a heart of gold. I miss you every day to this very day. I love you so much.

I once asked you, if I needed to speak to you, if I should write it down. You said yes. So here it goes…..

Ever since you left us, my heart is filled with grief. You were the nicest person ever, and my best friend for most of my life.

Even though you left this world, I promise that I will continue the legacy that you started.

You were the best cousin a girl could have. I never thought it would end like this.

I understand though, you and your family needed a fresh start and so did we.

It’s all gone so quickly, the good times, the bad times, and even this. I will miss you so much! We all will, but I hope to meet you again in heaven.

I will love you always. I miss you today and every day that goes by. I know that our time together was short, but you have left a piece of your soul here with me, and I love you for eternity.

Your life is like a big book that I haven’t read. Every word you wrote I want to re-read again and again.

I want to miss you forever and wish that I could see you right now… The pain of missing someone is the only thing better than the joy of having them in my arms.

I just wanted to write you a little note to let you know how much I love and miss you.

I wish I could see you soon, but I know the Lord will put me and a path in this chaotic world so that someday we will meet again and live happily ever after.

Dear cousin, I miss you so much. I will always remember when we laughed together, talked endlessly on the phone, and shared secrets.

You were the first person to make me feel special and who I could trust with my feelings.

You made me feel like a better person and helped me stand up for myself. You are so missed and I want you here with us all!

You will be a very missed cousin. I can honestly say that I’m going to miss you the most. You’re such a wonderful person and the best of friends. I’m lucky to have you as a cousin!

I miss you so much. I wish you were here. Your light and loud laughter echo through my mind, but your not here talking to me like we used to.

Sometimes I feel like you are still with me, guiding me through life and helping me through those rough patches that life brings. Love you, cousins,

Dear cousin, I see that every passing day you get further from my heart. It is as if part of me is missing.

My bed feels strange without you at night, and when I wake up it takes me a moment to realize that you are not there.

The world is brighter and prettier where you are brother and I miss out always because of my sins on earth.

I just wish the best for you and hope that soon I can receive your blessings in heaven.

My dear cousin, it’s been too long since we talked, and I feel like writing because it’s something we used to do often.

Seems like you’re getting so busy living your life and meeting new people that you don’t have time anymore for family.

If our relationship matters to you in any way, please visit us now and then and tell us how things are going.

When we part, I want so much to go home with you and stay there.

So many people are passing through your life and I want to be one of those or better yet, the one.

You are very special to me and in my heart, I would love to always be with you. Please take care of yourself because I can’t stand losing another closest person.

There will be so many things I won’t get to say to you young prince, but I do want you to know that I love you like a brother.

You are strong and brave, loving and generous. I would risk my life for you, watch your back and support you always.

I will always have your back no matter the distance between us, cousin, brother of my heart!

YOU left a giant hole in your passing that I never thought would heal. I miss you so much every day! Missing you is a normal part of my day now, but still dear to my heart.

I miss the sound of your voice and the jokes you used to tell me. I love you and wish more than anything that you would be here with us. You were just too young to leave us all alone.

I am sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me. I am sorry I didn’t appear sooner.

I am sorry that I wasn’t there to hold you, to help you pick up the pieces, and find your way when you were lost.

I never thought that my last phone call with you would be our time apart. But it doesn’t matter anymore, because if I have anything at all to say about it we will never be apart again.

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