Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Father

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Father

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In this heartfelt article, we explore the profound impact of a father’s absence in a child’s life. The absence of a father can leave an emotional void that affects various aspects of a child’s development. We’ll delve into the importance of fathers, the consequences of their absence, coping mechanisms, and ultimately, a touching letter that encapsulates the emotions surrounding the absence of a beloved father figure.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Father

This is a heartfelt and highly moving letter, not only to his father but to all fathers.

You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much, yet you will never know. This day is for you.

I just wanted to say, “Happy Father’s Day.” And when you do read this, I hope it brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart.

Life has gone on, has it not? You were there before I was born, but you were not hereafter.

I hate how things ended up and the decisions you made. I miss you badly. You are my dad.

To my son, I was not there to bathe you, to kiss your bruises, to read you a bedtime story, or whatnot.

I know that hurts you because it hurts me too. All I want is for you to grow up and be happy and healthy.

I’m doing my best so that you’ll see that one day. At age 4 when mom left me, you were the one who was there for me.

Dad, where are you? You’re never around, you don’t take an interest in anything I do.

I’m sick of this; without you in my life, I will never feel the love and support of a father.

Say something! Anything! Why don’t you make yourself known to me? Is your life so good that it can afford to lose me too?

Daddy, I’m not quite sure if you’ll ever see this, but I feel like I have to put it out there anyway.

Not having a father is one of the biggest problems in life, and sometimes makes me think that without a father you can’t be successful in life.

It was hard at my old school where kids would make fun of me because I didn’t have a dad (all my friends had fathers).

I think of you every day, I wonder what it would be like to have a father.

My friends have a dad and I sometimes wish that I did too. No one understands me. It’s hard being different than everyone else.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s my fault that you aren’t around. Then I think about it some more and realize that it was probably my mom who was at fault.

Father, I am no longer afraid of death. That is because I know that it leads to life.

The only thing we can take with us of our earthly existence is our life story. And that is what makes you my father…

You gave me life and a soul through the simple fact of your existence and then we shared our life stories because you were in them too.

My Dad, missing in action since November 7th, 2003. I love you and miss you every day.

You were a great man, destined to do great things. You were supposed to be here with me now. To see me graduate, get married, and have children of my own. But guess what Dad…

I’m still alive because of one great accident you had. I would never trade that for anything else.

You were already a good father just by being a part of my life and always.

I love you, Daddy. I wish you were here to hold me and tell me you love me.

There is not a day that goes by that I think about you, and wish you were still here with us, but I know you in spirit and love every moment I have with you.

I miss your laugh, your smile, the way your eyes sparkle when you’re mad at something. But most of all, miss your hugs and how you would squeeze me so tight…

I woke up this morning at 8:50. I didn’t open my eyes when I heard you leave for the last time.

I pretended not to hear you saying goodbye to me and the kids. I didn’t move when you kissed my head and said “I love you.”

All I did was lay there and cry. When I went to school that day, all I could think about was what it would be like if you weren’t leaving.

Daddy, I am so lonely here. My heart cries out for you. Bring me back and I will be a whole new person.

Dear Dad, I’m writing this letter to you from a woman’s perspective.

I realize that I have never told you this but I love you with all my heart and will always have a special place in my heart for you.

It has never been your job, but even so, you have tried as best as possible and for that I am thankful.

Whenever I think of the times we had together, it is not the words spoken but the silence we shared which evokes emotion in me.

I’m sorry that I couldn’t be the father that you needed.

We do not have a relationship, but if you are ever in trouble or need anything I hope you know that I’m there for you.

I love you very much and remember…I will always be your Dad!

My Dear Daughter, I love you more than the world itself.

Even though I cannot be there physically, my love for you is unconditional and I want you to know that even in death, I will always be around.

I will always be watching over you. I miss your hugs and kisses, it’s so hard to not have you with me. Daddy loves you, my little angel!

I don’t want to write anymore because I hate myself for not being the man that you deserved to call your father and because I can’t forgive myself for what I’ve done.

For all those years spent miserable and alone, I only have myself to blame. I never had any money to give you, yet I expected so much from you.

You used to spend every time with us, and you never missed a Christmas! You gave us everything we wanted even if it was too expensive.

Suddenly 10 years ago after my 12th birthday, you just left us. My mother cried every night, blaming me and other people.

I didn’t want her to go through that either so I haven’t told her about this letter.

My Dad, I realize you are gone now and you’re not coming back. I miss u so much every day.

I want to be the man you were when I grow up. I try to be like you in every way it’s hard but I know I can do it.

Please watch over me and talk to me live or in my dreams. You told me you would always be there for me and that u would never leave me.

You were always away from home, always out there, always away from us, working so hard for our family.

We wanted for nothing, everything was perfect on the outside. You always told us we were your pride & joy; I never understood why you worked so hard to show that.

It wasn’t until later that I found out you left because you didn’t have what we had; a mother who cared.

Dear Dad, When I was younger I felt the need to fill that void in the pit of my stomach, where my heart should have been.

I drank, did drugs, and had so many meaningless one-night stands that my morals fell apart.

You can imagine my surprise when I realized that the only thing in life worth living for is true love. No longer do I feel empty inside?

My dad left when I was two. My mom tried to be the best mother she could without him, but when I was four, the divorce killed her soul, and my brother and I inherited it.

When my older brother turned 18, he moved out to take care of himself and began to travel. Now I am fourteen and left with everything else.

I wish you were here right now. I need a father and you are the only one that can fill this space in my heart.

I know one day we will meet again. We will have time to talk, time to laugh, and time to share stories. I love you, Dad, I miss you so much.

To my father, who abandoned me before I was even born. I hope you’re out there and at peace somewhere. But I doubt it.

If you can’t find it in your heart to love me, please don’t even bother looking.

Just know that if you were here, It wouldn’t be so hard for me to find love because I see it every day.

Daddy, you are my hero and I miss you every day. I wish I could see you play your guitar. and I wish you were here to spend with me on my B-day! Daddy, I love you so much, Dad!

I don’t have a father. He left us when I was a baby. For that, I am sad, angry, disappointed, and hurt.

I’m never growing up without him. There wasn’t any time to spend together but all the same, I think of him every day.

I will never meet him but he lives in me. To my Dad, If you are out there, I just want to say be proud cause I’m gonna be something big!

It’s been 4 years since you left us, and the hardest part is that there’s not a day I don’t think of you, or dream of you.

Even when I wake on your birthday, or our wedding anniversary, it doesn’t feel real without you in my arms.

Your love still lives within me and always will be with me. You were the best father I could’ve asked for, and I love & miss you more than words can say.

I want you to know that I’m OK. I miss you. And I forgive you for leaving us so soon.

I’ll see you again someday but for now, I just wanted to tell you about all the things I’ve learned since you’ve been gone.

My mother and I are grateful for you even though you are not with us anymore.

You were the father figure we needed to help build a family bond through the tough times. Your lasting memory will always be treasured.

I was just staring out the window tonight when my gaze fell upon the stars in the sky.

The big bright stars I saw just reminded me of you. How you left me behind that day, and how I can never reach you again.

It also made me think about how empty my life felt without you and how I miss your hug each night before bed. The brightest star of all formed a question in my mind.

My Dad is not only my Dad anymore, but a friend as well. I can talk to him about anything, anytime.

He has been there for me through thick and thin. He is strong, he is soft, and loving.

My Dad is everything that I have known so far in life and more. He has taught me right from wrong, and to always follow my heart.

Dear Mom, I love you dearly. You mean the world to me! I miss you so much!

If you were here I would hug you tightly and never let go! There is a special place in my heart just for you.

To My Father, I love you with all of my heart and soul. I know that most children say this to their fathers. But I feel so strongly about this statement.

You are so important to me and I love you so much. From the moment that I was born, you have done everything for me and have showered me with endless amounts of love.

Dear Dad, Not a day goes by when I don’t wish you were here. You were my hero, my best friend, and the person I spent most of my time with.

Even though we didn’t always get along I knew how much you loved me.

I would give anything to have one more hour or even a minute to talk and just be with you.

My heart breaks every second because you aren’t here to see how smart and funny I’ve become.

I’ve got so much love for you, my dear son. I wonder what would have become of you had I been there for you, taken care of you growing up.

I’ve never heard your voice except in the rare phone call, but I know that my own life would not have been as fulfilling or as happy without you.

You were not there for me when I needed you. You were supposed to love me, teach me, and guide me but instead, you pushed me away.

Father”, but you are the only one I have. You were a great man, so very kind and gentle, who loved your family very much.

Too bad you left us too soon, we could use your guidance. Every day I wish you were here to push me to be better.

To the man I call Father, who has been so vital to my life. From your first day here on Earth, till you were called onto Heaven’s gate, I loved you!

Although you weren’t my biological father ‘you are still my father’. You had taught me so much in life.

You showed me empathy, love, understanding, and everything good in this world.

I would have appreciated more time with you, but I know you weren’t ready to be Dad.

What I wanted was for you to hug me and tell me that you loved me very much.

All I’ve ever really wanted from a father is to be held close and told how special I am, but you didn’t see me or love me that way.

I am too small to take a step into the world without your hand.

You must stay with me, hold me, and love me until I am old enough to do these things by myself.

Why did you leave me?, you had such a bright future ahead of you, I miss the sound of your voice and I miss your hugs.

Why did you do this to us? Was it worth it? Life has been so hard without you here. We all need you now more than ever.

Every day it seems like my heart is sinking lower and lower into pain.

Just know that even though you were not in my life, I still loved and miss you. Sincerely, a still loving daughter.

There are letters that you’ll never see, words that I’ve never said, memories of my past of a different life.

I had a father once, back when I was a child. He left me and my mom all alone, we were two helpless souls without him.

He ran off with another woman who had more money to spend. But now I’m all grown up and have children of my own.

My dad’s absence causes my children pain; We do not even know his name!

I don’t have a father anymore. He died when I was two, so I never really knew him, but I wish he were still here.

It’s not fair that he’s not here. He never got to see me grow up and become the man I am today…

If you could compare to me anything, look at the stars. Every star is when I think about you and everything that has happened.

I miss you very much, and will always remember you as my dad. I love you, Dad.

I love you with each breath I take and reiterate that in a thousand different ways every day.

You’ve done nothing to deserve the pain and anguish your absence has caused me.

You left me, you left your family, and worst of all, you left our dreams. But I never let myself hate you.

If hate were water I’d drown in it every day for what you did to us. In my heart though… I just can’t.

I know you’re honoring his memory today. You are such a blessing and I often wonder if you wish you could have met him, even once.

This was his birthday, and I am writing to tell you that I love you just like he would have had he been around.

Dear Dad, You left a hole in my heart that can never be filled. I think about you every day and sometimes wonder if you think of me.

I miss your smile and how you used to always let me race you to the car.

I will never forget that day when you left, how it felt as if God came down from Heaven to judge Earth, found everything lacking, and decided to clean house.

I try to live my life the way you would have wanted me to. I try to be the person you always told me I would be.

You may be gone but you will always be a part of my soul. The memories we shared are some of my most cherished ones.

Daddy, I don’t think I’ve ever properly told you how much you mean to me.

You are my ROCK! My shoulder to lean on, my man to count on, my best friend. I love you so very much.

You have not missed a single moment of my life and I am so thankful for that.

I am almost completely sure that I will never get to be a father. I have no children.

That is because I lost my only son when he was only 6 months old in a traffic accident.

At the time of his birth, his father had already left us. At that time I was at school, and deeply in love with my boyfriend but we had not yet revealed it to anyone.

To my father, to whom this note is addressed, It has been two years since you left us, and to this day I still long for your comforting words.

When my heart aches, I can’t breathe, but the struggle seems to fade when I remember how you were beside me during the most important moments of my life.

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