Home Love Messages Heartwarming Message for Your Childhood Friend to Stay Cool

Heartwarming Message for Your Childhood Friend to Stay Cool

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In this fast-paced world, where connections are often fleeting, there’s something magical about the bond shared with a childhood friend. These friendships stand the test of time, with memories that weave into the fabric of our lives. This article is a heartfelt ode to those cherished friendships, as we explore how to maintain and nurture that special connection with a heartwarming message for your childhood friend to stay cool.

Heartwarming Message for Your Childhood Friend to Stay Cool

I am happy that we still talk from time to time, so that our relationship stays strong. I would like to wish you good luck in staying cool through the crazy, uncertain future. Hope to see ya soon! Millions of kisses!

Be my voice of reason when I need it, and let us go back to the simpler times we had as kids.

Nothing will ever destroy the bond that we share. I picked out this card because I want you to know how much I consider you my best friend.

I think about you a lot because I always wanted to be your friend again. You were always so cool and confident back then. That is something I have never seen in any other person before or since we went our separate ways.

I am really missing you right now; the time we had is already gone. As childhood friends, let us get closer every year, stay cool forever and don’t forget me in your life after the college is done!

I will cherish all the memories we had together as friends. As your friend and future husband. I love you from the bottom of my heart, each beat brings me closer to you.

My love for you will never fade as long as my memories last. I am glad I met you. You have always been the most amazing person to me and my life would not be the same without you in it!

We should go to lunch sometime soon so I can catch up with you, and also send me some pictures of your kids so I can secretly stalk your family on facebook 🙂

The friendship between us is something that cannot break or shatter. I want to tell you that only good things are waiting for you in the future. Good luck in anything that makes your life more shiny and interesting.

We have been through a lot together, and our friendship has stood the test of time. Please don’t forget what we used to be. Despite everything life throws at us, on Sabbath days let’s go back to our roots! You are the only friend I’ve ever had.

You brought out the best in me and taught me how to let my guard down and open my heart to someone else.

No matter how much time has passed we never forget the memories from the past and always reminisce on them as if it happened yesterday.

Thinking back I wouldn’t change a thing because everything happened as it should be. Through all our ups and downs together I have no regrets because we are the best of friends.

Let’s never forget how much fun we had growing up together. You are so cool and I love it when we hang out. I can always count on you for support and advice.

People won’t understand how special you really are, but they really should! Here is to many more memories shared together and lots of laughs along the way!

You’ve been with me when I was down and even though we had a fight but I feel like our friendship has the power to overcome anything. Let’s make memories together again, the times we had and want more in the future.

If there is one person on this Earth that knows me better than anyone else in the whole world, it’s you. You are my bestie for life.

I was taller than you, but you were always more mature for your age. You used to get mad at me for being mean to you, but no one ever thought twice about being mean to me.

You have always been my life long best friend. You are one of the few people who I still talk to from when I was young and even though we don’t see each other as much as we used to, in my heart, you will always be close to me. Here’s to old friends and new beginnings!

Hey, old friend from childhood. I’m sorry that we can’t meet long time. Many things happened but it will be fine if you are always by my side… I wish the best of luck for you, may God bless you and your family always..

You were my best friend growing up and now that we’ve both matured, I can tell you how I really feel. You looked out for me when no one else did. Thanks for always being there. I’ll never forget our friendship as long as I live. You have a special place in my heart.

You are a great friend, someone I have always looked up to. You mean so much to me and I hope you know it. Even if we drift apart at some point I will always be there for you. Nothing can ever tear apart the bond that we share with each other. ‘Friends Forever’ indeed!

Hey dude! I hope you are doing great these days. I badly miss the awesome times we used to have when we were young. You were always such a fascinating fellow with your cool talents and funny jokes.

You have always been there for me no matter what the circumstances may be. We share a bond that can never be broken, but as time goes on I find myself needing you more and more as life begins to get crazy in this fast paced world.

So glad we still talk after all these years, man I thought my love for you was long gone. But I’m so happy that it didn’t leave and I’m so happy you’re in my life. I never knew how much I would miss you if we went separate ways, and I want to thank you for always being my ride or die!

You are my sunshine, you take away all my doubt and make me feel good about myself. Your presence is intoxicating and I hope you feel the same way about me. I love your smile, it makes my day, I love everything about you.

Dear friend, I don’t know where life will take us, but I just want you to know that no matter what happens you will always be my bestfriend. Don’t ever change and stay cool!!!

Hey Clarissa, memories of our childhood keep coming back to me. I think of the fun we had during our summer visits. I’ve always loved you so much that no one could ever replace you in my heart. Stay as cool as you are and don’t ever change.

You were always there for me. You were my best friend, I miss you everyday. Thank you for your friendship and thank you for never ever judging me. I love you!

You are such a blast from the past. We met when we were toddlers and now here we are, still friends. It’s been so long that I don’t even remember what we used to fight about anymore. But it really doesn’t matter.

Even though we grew apart over the years, I think of you still. I miss you with all my heart. Please forgive me for not being the friend that you needed and wanted. It’s hard to be friends with someone, while knowing that they don’t have a place in their heart for you anymore.

You may not know this, but I always thought of you as a very special person. It’s amazing how sometimes the people who are closest to us are also the ones we overlook.

Hey Mike, You know you’re my best friend. I love you so much and I’m glad we’re experiencing life together. It’s crazy how much we’ve changed since grade school. Our friendship will never end! You’re my number one supporter. Thanks for being there 🙂

Thank you for being such a great friend and listening ear. Thanks for always having my back. I know we will always be in each others corner because of the love we have for one another. I love you and hope your dreams come true!

Gosh, you’re still the coolest person I know. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone swear like you or use as many inappropriate phrases. I love hanging out with you, and you’ll always be that special friend to me.

I hope you realize that I have no specific reason for thinking about you now. Well, there is one reason, actually– because I think about you every day of my life. There’s just no specific occasion for it today (not even Valentine’s Day).

You are truly the person I know most in this world and I couldn’t ask for a better friend. I have been lucky enough to have you by my side through everything. I hope we never lose touch, ’cause you mean the world to me.

We are glad to have a friendship through time and the same group of friends. You know we will be lifelong friends no matter what college does to our roads of life.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a blast on your 18th birthday. Just remember how awesome you are and always stay true to yourself. I never want you to lose that pure heart of yours. And remember, no matter what happens, we’ll always be friends till the end.

You are the sweetest, most beautiful, funniest and loveliest girl I have ever known. You are my best friend and leaving you will be like losing a limb.

Don’t you forget about me. I will always be here when you need me and I want the same from you. I know we’ll be friends forever. This summer just cannot end! Don’t make me wait too long, cause I’m thinking of the fun we could have if you just pick up your phone and give me a call.

Hey man, I don’t know if you remember me. It’s been a long time but I thought I should finally send you an email. I knew your sister in high school and I just wanted to get in touch with you and say hello.

It’s not really goodbye. Even though we are moving to different cities, I won’t be far away. I will be in your heart forever, even if the miles separate us.

Dear Friend, I remember meeting you when we were little. It’s crazy to think how fast time goes by. I still remember playing by the water near your house. You had so many cute freckles! God, you were so wild and crazy back then and that hasn’t changed! Love ya, Babe

Let’s have some beers and celebrate the beautiful friendship we share! Our friendship means more to me than you’ll ever know. I can’t imagine my life without you. Let’s live life to the fullest, it’s too short for regrets.

Hahaha you know you were one of my best friends when I was growing up! I just want to let you know that I will never forget the good memories we had, and that it’s a pleasure to have met you.

Chad, I don’t know how to say this. I guess it just came out. I knew it for a long time, but didn’t know why. I guess I do now. Chad, you are more than just a friend to me. You and me, we were meant to be together.

It’s been years since we’ve seen each other, but I never forgot you. You were a great friend and I hope we can stay friends forever! Whenever I think of you I smile, because no matter where life takes us we’ll always be close. Be safe, stay cool and remember: Friends 4 Ever!

I wish you and the family all the best. I will always cherish the time we spend together. It’s hard to stay in touch nowadays, but the memories will last forever. Love you my friend.

Stay cool and awesome. Best wishes for your further education, awesome job, great life and lovely friends.

You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’ll never forget all the memories we’ve shared together, and I do not regret any of it. You’re more than just my childhood friend; you’re still a part of me. Together we can face anything, as long as we’re together!

Always remember I am here, remember this is me and you’ll never be alone. You were my first love and every day we’ve grown a little more. I miss you so much but at the same time I’m glad to have met you first.

Hey, I know we haven’t spoken in a few years, but I met your sister recently and she told me you were dating someone now. I still think about you all the time and my hope for this email is that we can remain friends. Below is an inspirational quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson to help you stay cool.

Hey, I want to tell you that after all these years you are still for me one of my favorite people and you mean very much for me! You are really a rare person in the world.

I want you to know that even though we aren’t spending as much time together as we used to, I still love you just as much. I hope you understand that my life is busy, but I will always be here if you need me. Let’s always stay in touch!

These ten years have been awesome. You are the best childhood friend anyone can ask for. You know me so well and I care about you like nothing else in the world.

I love you, baby. I tell you that every chance that I get because somehow you don’t believe it enough. You have never doubted me and have always been there to cheer me up when I’m down.

I remember the first day we met, playing in the sandbox. Winning and losing, laughing and crying. All those simpler times that got us to where we are today. Lying here with you now, all grown up seems so strange yet feels so right.

Hi, I just wanted to tell you that you are very special to me. You make me so happy! Thank you for being my friend all these years.

You are a childhood friend that I will never forget. You are a beautiful person who I admire so much. You look out for your loved ones and always putting others before yourself.

You’re the best friend I ever had. We’ve spent most of our childhood together and I would like that to continue as long as possible. You are fun to be around, there is always something interesting about you, and you know how to make someone’s day brighter! Have a great day.

You hold a special place in my heart. All the things we’ve been through together have made us stronger. You are a true friend and you always will be. I love you for who you are and I’m going to do my best to never lose you!

I want to say that you mean a lot to me. You are my best friend during my childhood and I always going to be there for you even if time hasn’t been fair.

Woah, stop right there. You’re my best friend and one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. I want you to stay cool, because whatever happens we will pull through it together. Good times and bad times, see you in hell for tea.

We’ve been friends since we were in diapers, and I will love you until the day I die. No matter how old we get or how much the world changes around us, I will always be here for you.

You are the most important person in my life. Not because we are best friends, just because I love you. I know we may fight and argue a lot, but that doesn’t even matter to me because I love you very much. No one could ever replace you in my heart and no one will every take your place.

I love you. I remember as a kid, you always wanted to be friends with me even though we had nothing in common – I was into sports and took up karate while you were into dance, gymnastics and singing.

You have been through so much hell and back with me, it’s hard to imagine not having you in my corner. Even though we grow older with each passing day, I’ll always see you as that crazy little girl who chased her dog through the woods and got us both muddy and scared.

WOW! I can’t believe we have been friends this long! Remember when we were little and played soccer on the playground? Or when we ran through the cornfield at midnight to look for aliens? Those were crazy times but I thank God every day that you are my friend. To you my friend, cheers!

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