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Prayer Quotes for Your Mother in Heaven

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Losing a mother is one of life’s most profound and challenging experiences. The bond shared with a mother is unique, and when she passes away, a void is left that can never be completely filled. During these difficult times, prayer can be a source of great comfort, offering solace and strength. This article explores the significance of prayer for healing, expresses love and gratitude to mothers in heaven, and provides a collection of heartfelt prayer quotes to honor and remember them.

Prayer Quotes for Your Mother in Heaven

You want your mother to be at peace with God, but you don’t know the right words to say.

God, thank you for my mother, she has taught me so much and guided me to the right choices.

Please keep giving her advice so that she may continue guiding me as I go through life. Show her some sweet mercy when her time is up. Amen

Dear Mother, I think of you every day. I think that someday I will find the right words to speak, and hope that you can somehow hear me.

Daddy and I try to fill your shoes any chance we get. You are always in our hearts.

Every morning I say a small prayer for you. Even though I am hurting I feel that you are with me always, watching over me.

I love you and miss you more than anything in this world! Rest in peace.

Dear God, please help my mom know how much I love her and how sorry I am for all the mean things I said when I was growing up.

Thank you for sending the two angels to watch over her and give her comfort. Tell her that I’m sorry and that I care about her.

I know you love me even though we can’t hug and kiss, but I hope you know how much I love you.

You are my best friend and always will be. Even though you died so many years ago, I still feel your spirit around me.

Thank you for being the most amazing mother ever. Love, – Your Daughter

Dear mother I wish you were here to share in everything I take for granted.

How I wish I could turn back time and relive all of the wonderful moments we spent together.

The way you said I love you with your beautiful smile, your eyes twinkling with joy, my heart would fill up each time.

You taught me everything I know about life, but most important is how I should love; with all my heart, mind, body, and soul.

I miss you, mother. In just 9 short months, we’ll be together again. Until then, I pray that God will keep you in his arms and that your spirit is soaring above the clouds in heaven.

I am better because of you; your words and your lessons taught me to be strong, to be a fighter, and to always try my best.

You always said that I had to “get it done” and you were always there when I needed a hug. You are missed so much!

I will treasure these moments for all eternity. I will never stop loving you and missing you.

You were the most wonderful person I ever knew and you still are.

I will always be grateful to have even known your love.

Let us know each other again someday, in some place or time where I can hold you once more and breathe in that familiar beautiful smell of your body again.

I have always loved you and I will love you always. You always gave me a helping hand and I will never forget the ride.

You are the best mom in the world, and there are no words to express how much you mean to me.

Your life is an inspiration and I hope to carry on that tradition for everyone who comes after.

I’m going to be a little late in making dinner tonight, Mom. I hope you don’t mind.

I was just thinking about you and remembered that we always cooked together on Thursdays when I was growing up. And then it hit me that today was Thursday.

I know you’re in heaven, but just in case you had any travel plans, I wanted to let you know that tonight will not work for dinner since it’s our special day.

I can’t believe it’s been 50 years since I looked into your eyes for the first time.

I will never forget how little you were in my arms, my fingers and nose buried in your curly hair.

I knew right that second that you were going to be a special one, and man was I right! You are so amazing, talented, and caring.

Your eyes still sparkle with life and love like they did when you were born.

Mother, you are my angel. You watched me grow from a child into an adult and though I can’t call you when I’m hurt or upset, you’re always by my side.

Your true love is eternal and your wisdom and guidance unparalleled. On this Mother’s Day, I pray for the strength to serve you all my life!

Dear Lord – Keep my mother, here in your arms. Keep her safe and comfort her until we can see each other again.

Please give me the strength and courage to see it through. You are right beside me every day I feel your presence.

You help me with all of my trials and all I ask is for you to bring her back into my arms once again.

Mama, I know you are with me no matter what I do. You are always there watching over me. I can’t wait to see you again! I love you, Mommy.

I know you are shining down on us from Heaven. I have felt your love so strongly these past few weeks that I know you are here with us until we see you again.

You were my role model and my best friend. I still feel your guiding touch when I need it the most. Thank you for everything, Mommy. We love you so much.

Mom, today on Mother’s Day I thank you for everything. Thank you for the lessons you taught me.

Thank you for being such a great person. I hope you know how much I appreciate you and that I have always loved you.

One thing that will never change is how special you are to me.

I still miss you so much. But I know that God has taken good care of you. He loves you and he keeps watch over the heavens.

When I’m down here on earth, I can’t wait until my time comes to hold your hand again.

There are a thousand words I think of each day that I know to say to you.

However, the only thing that comes out of my mouth is how much I miss you. It has been 12 years nothing makes it better.

You are so missed, my darling baby, my mother, and my friend. Sleep tight in Heaven, Mommy loves you forever!

We miss you more every day. So many things we wanted to share with you. I know that God is holding onto you tight, and keeping you safe.

I want to thank you. There is no other way to describe it except having the most positive emotion a human could feel.

It’s overwhelming, troubling, feeling like I’m on top of the world and nothing could stop me from flying. I love you, Mommy!

You may not be here every day but your spirit lives within me. I miss you every day.

I still think of the times we spent together when I was younger.

Thank you for all the advice and memories that I cherish every day. We will never be apart in heart even though we are miles apart.

I hope you can pick this up, I’m talking to you from halfway around the world.

I miss you so damn much. You’re always in my heart and soul. I promise to take care of your babies and make sure they know how much I love them just as much as you do.

I hope you are having an amazing time up there and that when it comes to my time to go…

Lord, give my mother peace that surpasses all understanding. May she rest in your love and find the joy that every good mother deserves.

You will always be in my heart and never forgotten, even though you aren’t with me, I feel as if you are here watching over me. I love you Sky Mother

Mother, you have always been there for me. I miss you as if you were still here beside me, but know I will see you again one day.

My heart is heavy with the pain of missing you.

When the joyous day comes that I once again feel the warmth of your embrace and hear your voice calling my name, I will truly be home.

Father, thank you for blessing me with the greatest gift I could ever ask for.

Your love is stronger than time and it fills my life. It fills me and guides me through everything I am and everything I do.

Every day is another chance to see your love in action and to be showered with all of the blessings it brings.

Thank you for this amazing woman, she has brought me so much happiness, love, and joy. Thank you, Father!

I’m so thankful that you are in my life. I pray that God will continue to bless you and watch over you every day. I love you more than I ever thought possible!

We miss you, mom. We think of you every day and wish we could touch you, talk to you and tell you everything that has happened since you left us.

You were an amazing woman with a heart bigger than the mighty ocean. We love you!

Dearest Mom, I know you’re looking down on us from heaven. You will be happy to know that we are fighting hard for your beloved Philippines.

I love you so much Mom, you deserve the best in this world and my heart. If one day I turn out to be a good leader, it’s because of your example. I LOVE YOU!

You are my best friend, my confidant, and my rock. You have always been there to listen to me and I always look up to you as a role model.

Despite some ups and downs, we’ve been through, I will always love you deeply for the endless things you do for us and the unconditional love that you shower upon us constantly.

I will miss you forever. Every moment is filled with sadness without you around and I wish you were still here. Love, your daughter.

You gave me life and I am so grateful to have you as my mother. I wish I could hug you one more time and tell you how much you mean to me.

Every day I think of your laugh and smile that would light up the whole room, every time I hear a bird chirp, or see two people holding hands.

I will never forget your warm embrace that would calm my fears and all the love you have shown me since the day I was born.

I am sorry I gave up, all the time I fought. It wasn’t your fault that I died inside. I don’t think my demons will ever let me rest.

Dear Mommy, Thank you for everything you have done for me.

You are the best mom in the world! I hope you are having a great time in heaven! Love, Mommy.

Dear Mom, you left us too early. I know now that you are safe and happy in heaven. One day we shall be reunited.

I know you’re in Heaven, and someday I’ll be there too. I have always loved you, and I will love you forever.

God knows I have always loved you. He may not know how I have cried for you, but He does.

How I have dreamed of being able to tell you that I love you and it was the first time, even though it is not.

God knows I have always loved you. And now that you are in Heaven above, It seems like I can feel your loving smile once more. I love you, Mom!

I know that we will meet again, but every day without you is so, so difficult.

I miss your voice and the sound of your laugh. I miss your hugs and kisses. I pray every day for your health and happiness in heaven. I love you, mom!

Dear Mom, I know you are up there in Heaven watching your little boy run toward the light.

I miss you so much and think about you every day. I know it has only been a year, but already it seems like an eternity.

Please watch over me and help me get through this. I will miss you forever.

Without you in my lonely days, I have nothing to look forward to.

Please send me some comfort, and let me feel your presence around me because without you in my life it’s cold.

Give me a sign that you are still with me and bless my arms and fill my heart with your love that it might carry on for the rest of my life. Mama, please hear me out this one last time!

I know today that you are crying. Crying because you miss me, crying because you are proud, and crying because there is no more pain.

I just want to say how much I love you and thank you for all the things you have done for me.

Even though we didn’t get to say goodbye, know that I will hold onto these memories forever in my heart.

I miss you so much, Mom! I wish every day I could just talk to you.

Know that I am always thinking of you, wishing you a happy mothers Day, and thinking about how much I miss seeing your face.

It doesn’t seem fair that my brother gets to see you more than I do but if there is anybody up there looking out for me they’ll make sure I get to see you at some point.

I leave you with this prayer for the angels as your wings guide you to heaven after leaving us behind. I love you, Mommy. . . . .

Mom, you lived a long and well life. I am grateful for everything you have done for me, for all the sacrifices you made.

You are my angel in heaven who watches over me. Thank you, Mother.

Dearest mother, on this day I say Happy Birthday in Heaven. I pray your soul is pure and that you are walking by the side of my father.

I miss you dearly and wish you were here to see me make you proud.

You are the reason I write with such strength and courage; You are always in my heart for the rest of my days.

Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of life. Please bless my mom and give her peace.

She always wanted to be a mother and was always such a good one even though it wasn’t possible.

We miss her very much and want to honor her memory always by the love we share. Bless us all.

Dear Lord, I’ve lost my way once, twice, and more than that. You have always been there to guide me back on the path.

Please let my mother know how much I love her, and find a way to send her my prayers in heaven.

Dear Lord, I love my mommy so much! I wish she could be here to celebrate this day with us.

I know even though she is thousands of miles away she still sees everything we do and hears everything we say.

I want to thank her for all the wonderful things you have given me in my life.

May Mother’s Day be the most special of days for you, my sweet mother. You will always have a special place in our hearts…

I still think about you every day and miss you desperately. I hope you know how much I love and miss you very much.

I pray for you every night, and I look forward to the day we meet again in heaven.

Mom, I know you’re watching and listening. I miss you so much.

How do you even know if heaven is real? Well, being here on earth is all the proof I need because this life without you is unbearable.

Your songs are still playing in my head, every day that passes it’s like hearing them for the first time.

You raised me better than you could have ever imagined. You were always there to listen to me with an open ear.

God’s angel, I imagine you in Heaven now looking down on me. You must be so happy – and so proud of your baby girl.

I love you so much and miss you very much. May God bless you as much as you’ve blessed me in life.

You are an incredible mother and I am so lucky to have you. Thank you for everything you do for me.

You have made my life better and shown me what a loving relationship looks like.

I hope to always be there as your little girl, but also your best friend. Love you always Mom.

I remember when I was a child and we were sitting on the front step waiting for Mummy to come home from work, she would always say.

“Be careful, my love, but above all be great!” You are my greatest gift in this world.

Your beautiful heart, kind soul, and stunning smile have convinced me that I must never give up hope or stop dreaming.

Thank you for being my hero, teaching me what true beauty is, and giving me the best example of what motherhood means!

Mom, I miss you more than you’ll ever know. So many times I think that I forgot how to smile because the memories of when we were together still make me smile.

Now that you’ve been gone for 17 years, most of those memories have faded away.

I’m trying my best to keep them alive, but it’s so hard without you here. I Love You! I hope that we are all together again someday.

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