Home Prayer message Prayer Quotes for Your Sister in Heaven

Prayer Quotes for Your Sister in Heaven

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Prayer quotes are necessary for sisters who believe in an afterlife. This is because it can be heartbreaking to think of your beloved sister dying. However, if you believe her soul is eternal and that she’s with God, this might comfort you more. I recently lost my sister to cancer and I understand how difficult it is to deal with such news. With this in mind, I have created a list of prayer quotes for sisters who want to pray for their deceased siblings.

Prayer Quotes for Your Sister in Heaven

These incredible prayer quotes for your sister that sayings are perfect for the best sister ever.

Oh Lord, hear our request. We pray for the soul of our beloved sister. May she rest in peace and rise with glory.

Give her wings to soar high among the stars and comfort her in heaven that she may know your peace.

You promised to be with us until the end; therefore we know that you will always be with us and never alone. Amen

Dear God, please take care of my sister. You know how much she meant to me, and how much I miss her.

Please take care of the ones who hurt her too, so they never have to hurt another person again.

I pray for good things for the family she left behind, and I pray for you to give them comfort and guidance. And please God, take care of her baby.

My dearest sister, you brought so much love into this world, but our time in this world was cut short.

I miss you dearly so and I know that we will be together again one day. Until then I will honor your memory in everything that I do. I love you so much!

If heaven was missing one angel, it would be you. I wish we can spend more time together again.

I miss you like crazy and feel so lost without you. Just look down from heaven and watch over everyone dear to your heart and know that I love you all the same.

I wonder if you look down on us from heaven. I hope so because your presence still lingers in my heart. With every tear that falls, I wish you could wipe it away.

Your songs are still heard throughout our house, and your photos are still hanging throughout every room. You are loved and missed dearly!

Many people in this world will walk through your life and never know who you are. That’s a shame because you’re a special-a kind, sensitive, honest person.

Someone I’m proud to have as my sister. I promise to love and cherish you all my life. I’m only half the person I would be without you.

The sky is not the limit, it is merely a jumping-off point. May God bless you with every happiness as you continue on your journey.

I hear you breathe. I feel you go to sleep next to me. It doesn’t matter that you’re thousands of miles away.

My sister, the last time I saw you on this earth it was in a hospital bed.

The doctors had just told us that you would never wake up. I didn’t believe them.

A look in your eyes tore at my heart and let me know that you were still there at the very least.

I never got to say goodbye. As we watched you slip away peacefully I wanted to hold your hand or hug your face one last time, but they would not let me near.

I know you’re in a better place, but it still isn’t easy. I love and miss you every day.

Somedays I feel like I can deal with it. But for most others, it’s too much to bare.

My life was changing and our relationship was strong while you were here. Wherever you are please tell me something.

A sign to let me know you’re ok, or just a little whisper of your name through the wind so I know you’re still there.

Dear Her, Even though I can no longer hear your voice or see your smile, I can feel you all around me.

I am so grateful for the little time we had together. You are my sunshine in a stormy sky, the air I breathe, and the desire in my heart. I love you, sis!

I pray that God continues to wrap you with his loving arms, takes care of you in heaven, and sends us all the best people to take your place.

I love you and miss you more than words could ever express.

Sister, you are in my thoughts all the time. I wish so much you were still here with me and I know you will be in my heart forever.

Thinking of the good time we had in this life that will last forever. You’ll never be forgotten.

I’m so sorry for what happened to you, but even more, so that I wasn’t there to help you. May God watch over your spirit forever.

I worry. I am scared. But I have faith that you have found peace in Heaven and are reunited with those who came before you.

Sissy, you are my role model and my best friend. Love runs deep in our blood.

You are not gone from my life, but instead watching over us from above.

Loving you is the easy part, missing you is the hard part. I know that your glowing soul is hugging the angels and keeping us safe; Until we meet again my dear.

Some people have come and gone in my life, but you are the one I keep coming back to.

You were the best sister I could have ever asked for. You were so kind-hearted and always a good sport no matter what we did growing up.

I know your death was sudden, but it was part of God’s plan for you.

There is no one like a sister in all the world. Someone to talk to, laugh with, learn from, and love.

Someone who shares your family and friends. No one knows you as a sister does.

No one can be there for you the way a sister can. And sometimes, in the middle of it all…it’s hard to tell where one of you leaves off and the other begins! I miss you, my sweet sister!

Dear sister, you had a very special smile and the sweetest personality. I still miss you so much.

I try so hard to keep the memories of you alive in my heart, but it’s such a challenge these days, it is because without you, everything and everyone just seems dull.

So many people say they know how I feel but they don’t. They have never lost a sister or someone that meant so much to them.

I miss you more than anything and I can’t imagine life without you.

I don’t know where you are. I don’t know why things happen the way they do.

All I know is that your life was taken too soon and my world will never be the same.

You were my big brother, my protector, and my best friend. You were good at everything you tried and you tried everything.

It’s so hard to say goodbye to someone you love so much. Your memory lives on in our hearts forever.

Rest in peace, my beautiful sister. You are always in my heart. Love and miss you every day.

Dearest Sister, I love you so much. You were always there for me when I needed a friend, and helped me to see “the light at the end of the tunnel.”

Your beautiful soul shall never be forgotten and will remain in my heart forever. Love Always and Forever! With Much Love!

Dear God: Please look down upon my sister. She was a beautiful soul who fought so hard for our losing battle against cancer.

She may be gone from Earth, but her spirit is always here. Guide her along the way and help her find peace on the other side. Stay with her forever and ever, until we meet again.

Dear God, I pray my sister is OK in heaven. It’s been so hard without her.

I miss her SO much and all the fun we had when we were little.

Please let her feel the joy of Your love again and give her wings to fly up to you! Please watch over her baby, Chloe, too. She misses her mama!

There is an angel in heaven that says your name. When you hear it remember that I loved you more than anyone.

I will always carry your memory in my heart and never forget that you were always there for me. You are a shining star that brightens up my dark world.

I know you are looking down from Heaven, taking care of us and protecting us.

We love you so much and miss you like crazy! When I think of the good times we had, I always smile.

I’m so proud of you and all that you have accomplished and accomplished in your short life. You were the best sister anyone could ever ask for!

I pray that God finds you a resting place and that he wraps his arms of love around you.

I hope he keeps you safe and warm till we meet again. I love you forever!

I know you’re up there watching over us! I love and miss you so much.

It’s been seven years, but every morning I pray that my sister will come back to me.

God, please bring my sister back to life. She was everything to this world and now she is gone forever. She meant the world to me.

I know you are in a better place now and not in pain anymore. The world is now at peace because you are not suffering.

I miss you so much but know that god is taking care of you.

Praying for your family, friends, and all the animal friends you left behind… I love you forever!

It’s been 5 years since you’ve left us but we will always remember you and remember the wonderful person that you were.

I hope mom doesn’t stop her visits for too long and I just want you to know that I love and miss you very much.

I know you are in heaven with my grandfather who passed away when I was only 13.

It is nice to know that we will see each other again one day if it is God’s will.

As I pray for you, I know heaven’s beautiful and peaceful. We’ll have a good laugh when we finally meet.

I know you’re watching over us every minute; I feel you near. You’ll always be in my heart, darling.

There’s only one voice I want to hear, and it’s yours. My angel sister, forever in my heart. Love you to the moon and back!

Sister, I’ll never forget you. Even though the world tried to tell me that you were gone it just wasn’t true.

I know you’re watching over me, praying for my soul just as much as I pray for yours.

You’re the best little sister anyone could have and I love you with my whole heart!

I may not know where you are, or if you’re in heaven or hell, but I hope that wherever you are, you hear me calling you.

I hope the lord brings you home safe. I miss my amazing sister and pray every day for your safe return.

I hope wherever you are my darling sister that our father in heaven is keeping you safe.

I love you so much and can’t wait til we meet again. I’ll always keep you close in my heart.

There is so much to say about you, that my simple mind would not know where to begin with.

I think of you every day and try to imagine what your life’s like up there.

I hope you’re happy and safe because I miss you so much. In this world, I do everything I can for you ’cause I know that one day we’ll be together again.

All I want is for you to know that up in heaven, you’re always in my heart.

You are my inspiration, my light, and my reason for life. I thought that I’d never find anyone who would love me so much.

I thought I’d never know what true happiness was until you came into my life.

You are the best sister a girl could ever have. I wish they could have met you!

I appreciate your guidance through the years and thank you for always being there.

I can’t wait to meet you in Heaven someday and show you, my kids. I love you and never could imagine life without you.

Dear sister, I miss you so much. The tears still come but I’m learning to deal with my anger.

There are things in life that just make no sense. It’s hard to understand why you were taken away from us.

You were always the strong one who stuck together with me and our brothers through everything-and now you’re gone.

I want to see your cute face again. I miss your hugs and hearing you call me “sis” like you always did. You may be gone physically

I miss you so much. The pain is so real I feel like it will drive me insane.

Our time was cut far too short and I want to be with you so bad. I love you with all my heart and miss you terribly!

I remember those warm summer days. We would walk out our front doors and ride our bikes to the park just a few blocks away.

You always had a smile on your face as I struggled to keep up with my two year older sister.

Thanks for always being there for me, showing me how to be tough when needed, and making my childhood such a happy time. Love you, sis!

Dear God, Take care of her for me. Make her smile, keep her happy, and grant her all of her wishes. I love you, little sister!

I know you’re in Heaven now, but I just want to write down how much you mean to me.

You were always the big sister and you protected me. You were always there when something was wrong, whenever I needed someone.

Never did we ever fight. Never did I not love or care about you.

It’s not fair that you were taken from us so soon, but I know you are now happy where your at, or at least I hope so. Sissy, I miss you so much

To the one I used to call my sister, thank you for making me feel so special.

Thank you for all the fond memories and love we shared. I miss you more than you know and wish that I could have been there when it happened. You’re in a much better place now.

Sister, my heart aches for you. I know as I sit here and talk to you, your spirit is smiling down on me from up above.

I miss your tone of voice, our walks together, and the memories.

I will never let go of the pain that has taken over my body, but I will learn to live with it. I will love you forever sister

My beautiful, wonderful, amazing, brave sister. I will miss you for the rest of my life.

You are my role model and always will be. You taught me everything good in this world and helped me get through so much.

You gave me a longer life with you than anyone ever thought possible. I love you so much!

Dear sister, I know that I haven’t been the best little sister. I have been really lazy and not a lot of fun to be around.

Please forgive me, I promise I will try harder but please come back and be my sister again.

I know sometimes I am hard to figure out, but deep down you know how much I love you.

We have had our ups and downs but we always stick together.

I know I made jokes about you and your lack of luck with boys, but you were the best, kindest big sister a girl could ask for.

You didn’t deserve to be taken away from us so soon.

We don’t always say what we feel, but inside I know you know how special you are to me.

I have had such tough times recently, and I am so glad that I have you in my life to help me through it.

You have helped make this hard time much easier and for that, I can never thank you enough.

Your smile brings me a world of joy and seeing that sunshine in your radiant eyes gives me shivers.

It has been said that time heals all wounds, but it is a lie. I will never heal from your passing, and my heart will forever remain broken.

I no longer have my brave soldier, rescuing me from the things that I fear.

I miss the ease that we always shared, as friends at first, then lovers, and finally family.

I feel empty without you by my side, but even death couldn’t keep us apart.

I think about how much fun we had and how happy you were, a smile that radiated off your face.

I wish I could have told you then how much you mean to me.

I think about the times as our lives progressed and you always made us laugh with your silly jokes and ridiculous animated voices.

Dearest sister, I want you to know that I miss you and love you more than words can say.

I hope you’re in a better place and that your pain is gone.

I will always speak of you with love and honor your life. May the God of all comfort fill you with peace!

Sister, I pray that you can rest in heaven. I hope that when I see you again, you will be in a better place.

If I could turn back time, I would save you from your pain. Memories of you will always be kept in my heart. Holding on to your love as if it was new.

Dear God, please watch over my sister and keep her safe.

Please let her know that I miss her so much, but know that I am continuing to do the things she taught me to. I love you and will always be your little sister.

Dear sister. Where you are now? The Holy Heavens? I miss you so much. I know you have always loved me.

Sister, I pray for you daily that you can find the peace that you are looking for.

I hope you know my love for you is still here even though we are not together.

I miss your laugh, your voice, our talks, and most of all I miss our time spent together the most.

You were always the one I could talk to. The one that understood me better than anyone else.

It was my biggest wish that you would find love and all your dreams come true, but that wasn’t our fate.

We may not have always gotten along, but I hope you are resting peacefully up there. I love you and miss you more than you could ever imagine!


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