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Prayer Quotes for Your Wife in Heaven

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When you lose a loved one, there are all the familiar emotions of sadness, anger, and pain that you go through. Friends and family have no trouble expressing their sympathy. Most people know how to console other people – sometimes they use cliches like “time heals all wounds”. But how do you move on with your life after your loved one passes away? That depends on your faith and strength. When I lost my wife in a plane crash last year, I learned some important things about dealing with loss. I want to share some prayer quotes for your wife in heaven as they helped me cope with my loss…

Prayer Quotes for Your Wife in Heaven

Prayer quotes for your wife in heaven can be a great addition to your memory.

My love, may God be with you and protect you always. I will love you forever.

Lord, I’m so madly in love with my wife. She is such a wonderful person and so beautiful inside and out.

I would love it if You could keep her in Your arms until the day I join her in heaven.

Please help me to be a better man for her sake. I need Your help. Thank you for everything and keep us safe.”

Angel in Heaven, here on earth I think of you and keep you in my heart.

You are my angel, too special to be here on earth among the pain and tears.

Your memories go with me wherever I am. Our love cannot be parted; Here on Earth, I have only your memory; In heaven, I shall have God’s love which is greater than all!

God watches over you and keeps you wherever you may be. May your heart fill with love for each new day, my heart beats only for you.

Look down upon me from above and see me happier than I’ve ever been, for it is because of you.

Sending down these prayers for you and all the others who are grieving.

My heart aches for you. I pray your life will overflow with joy and happiness again.

Until that day comes, I will keep you in my heart every day and night. I love you and miss you.

Without you, my life has no reason to go on. I live every day just to see you alive and know that our family will be complete soon.

You are the love of my life, and I want nothing more than to be with you: playing, laughing, cuddling, spending time with your family and mine.

God, please take care of my little angel for me. She is a wonderful wife and beautiful mother and she loves God very much.

You are always in my heart and on my mind. I hope you know I spent every day trying to be a better man because you inspired me to do so.

You are in heaven now, with Mommy and Daddy, smiling down on us from above. And I know, with your love surrounding me, I will be just fine.

You are the greatest wife, friend, and mother that anyone could ask for.

I will forever love you! I would give my life to have you with me again. I miss your laugh and smile every day.

If things had only gone differently, you would be here with me now…

I know how much you loved life, and I pray you are at peace and free from pain. Hold on to our memories—I’ll never let them go!

I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. You are the woman of my dreams and my soul mate.

The days we spent together are the best days of my life. You are smart, funny, beautiful, and kind.

You have given me open arms at a time when I needed them most.

You make me want to be a better man for you, because that is all I could ever want to be, is better for you.

Even my spirit sings when you smile at me. You’re the fire and I’m the light.

There is no better remedy than a little time with you. I can’t get enough of you, baby. I don’t know how or why.

You’re every breath that I take and more. It’s like this love has a mind of its own!

I pray God will see you through the darkest confusion. Let Him be your light in times of despair and fear.

The road ahead might not be easy, but I know that He will sustain you with every step. He has a plan for us! So keep looking forward.

I pray that the pain in your heart will soon fade, so it won’t feel like a chainsaw cutting you every single day. I promise to always keep you in my prayers and to share your strength with others;

Although every day we are apart is agony for me, I will accept this as God’s way of telling me to step out of my life.

Every single day that passes without you by my side is a struggle and you are always on my mind…

Always in my heart. But I will be strong for your memory and live the rest of my life taking care of your children and loving them just like you would have done if you were here today.

My dearest wife, I pray for your safety as you travel the heavens above me. Be safe and know that I love you very much.

I know that you will always be near me, just beyond my reach.

Until we meet again in heaven, please let me enjoy the moments we spent together here on earth every day so they may live within me forever.

Our relationship is a gift from God. I thank God every day for bringing someone as amazing as you into my life and I know He has a special place for you in heaven.

I know we will see each other again one day, until then I will love you in every lifetime.

My darling wife: I don’t know if God will grant me another day with you and this probably won’t reach you.

Even now I can feel the sands of time running through my fingers. But love, there is one thing that I want you to remember, no matter what happens—LOVE.

No matter who walks beside you, or how long your journey is, always remember to LOVE.

I know that you are safe in heaven and I am missing you. Our hearts may be apart but I will still love you every minute of every day.

Sending you a sweet prayer that reaches way up high into the heavens. I wished for you every night of my life, please watch over me! I love you more than anything.

I know that you’re watching me from heaven. because of your love, I am a better person.

I feel your best every day. I miss you so very much and will love you forever. thanks for our time together and for that incredible love we shared!

You came into my life and showed me what real love was.

You were the best mom, wife, and friend a person could ever ask for. I’m so grateful for the time we had together.

My love for you is eternal, my heart will never hurt again because sometimes loving someone means you have to let them go.

I will hold on to all the good memories we shared for the rest of my life because there will never be another love like you.

I promised to love you until the end of time, and I will. Our daughter is 1 year old and every day you’re in our lives.

Dear Lord, Please help my wife recover from her accident. She’s been bedridden for a month now and hasn’t eaten or had water in days. She feels so alone.

I can’t believe I have to make the hardest decision of my life. I have to bring her back home because she is suffering so greatly.

Please give her comfort when I leave this earth, and please forgive me for taking away the woman that I love…So that we may be together again one day.

Today I miss you more than ever before. Hope this Valentine’s Day reminds you how deeply I adore you, inside and out.

My feelings have been growing stronger, more passionate, and deep as time passes.

You gave me light when my life was dark. It’s a love so sweet it’s indescribable, and not something I will ever get over or forget about. We were always meant to be together!

Because of you, I am a stronger person. Because of you, I do things I never would have done otherwise. Because of you, I have a reason to be optimistic and a reason to dream.

I prayed to God for a sign that you were still out there and I was rewarded with a meeting with you, my soul mate.

We enjoy each other’s company so much and I seriously can’t stop smiling. The first time we met was pure magic to me.

You followed me from the parking garage down to the lobby and then ran upstairs to catch up with me.

I saw your cute smile from across the street and could tell right away you were different.

Dear Lord, I pray that you bless my wife and show her the way. Protect her from harm and ease her joys and fears.

I pray for your constant love to surround her, and shower her with blessings on this Earth, through the next life, and in eternity.

Dear Lord, please look down on my wife and send her your love. She was taken from us far too soon.

Please help her on this new journey ahead. Continue to give her your support and strength, and let her know we will all be waiting for her when she comes home.

Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings she has given me.

Dear God, thank you for this day and all the wonders it has brought.

Thank you for my husband/wife in heaven. I pray that we will be together again very soon… I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

I am sending you every prayer, dream, hope, and wish that my heart can hold. I love you and miss you dearly.

I will see you again one day; until then I will cherish all the memories we have shared.

I know that your heart is in heaven, but I miss you every day. I found this by another widow and thought of you.

Heavenly Father, please watch over Angela. She has brought so much joy and love into my life. In a world that can be sad and scary, she was my safe place.

Please bring her back to me so we may grow old together. I love her with all my heart and thank you for blessing me by letting me share my life with her.

My wife, my angel, my love. I miss your beautiful smile and the look in your eyes that hypnotized me and made me fall in love all over again. Every day I miss you more and more!

I pray that you are in a wonderful place surrounded by people who love you.

You were a classy, beautiful, and funny woman. You made me laugh every day and kept me from getting too serious.

My heart beats with your heart, and the blood runs through our veins as one.

When we are apart, I feel incomplete. You complete me in every way. I love you!

I love you since the day I saw you, and my love for you will last forever.

God is watching us, and may he keep me alive for our children, and may god bless us with more children. I love you my darling wife, my everything.

I love you very much. You have been the best wife my husband could have on this earth.

I always wanted to teach our kids how to pray, but you did some of it before I even knew anything.

I know you are in a better place now, but I wish you were still here with me and our family.

If I could trade places with you so that you can be beside them every day and be able to see them growing, I would do it in a second.

I have looked for you, in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night.

When I thought I found you, I realized it was only an angel that looked like you. I love you more than ever before. I miss you and pray for your happiness and prosperity.

You are protected now by angels in heaven, where nobody can ever hurt you.

I love you more than the stars and will never stop missing you.

I’m sorry our life together ended so soon, but I know in my heart that you’re happy and surrounded by family and friends.

May your spirit be strong and I’ll see you again one day.

As I look up to the sky and the stars on this starless night, my thoughts are with a lady who has left us and is watching down on us from heaven.

I hope you smile as you see me lying beside him, the love of my life, dreaming about our future together.

I wonder if you feel proud or if you’re trying to convince her spirit inside me that she’s made a good choice.

My love for you is a journey; starting at forever and ending at never. I will continue to love you for eternity; nothing can change that.

Your love has filled me with confidence, courage, and faith. You are my strength, my inspiration, and my one true love.

I am not the best at writing, I know. However, I am trying my best to honor and keep you in my heart, always.

I miss you and am so thankful for the moments we share. I love you more than anything in this world or any other. You are my angel, you are perfect and you have my love forever.

Goodnight my love. The moon is shining brightly, and the stars are twinkling in the sky.

It makes me think of your bright smile and beautiful eyes. I miss you, my love.

You are in my heart and mind throughout each day, though I wish you were here with me tonight.

I will always remember you and our time together. There will never be anyone that can replace you or my love for you.

I know that this card feels almost empty compared to the love that I have for you. There are no words to describe how much I love you and there never will be.

The mere thought of you fills my heart with joy, and though we are miles apart, every day I miss you more than the sun misses the sky.

I miss you, baby. It’s been 2 years and it still feels like yesterday.

I hold the memory of you close to my heart as if it was just yesterday that we held each other for one last time. I love you and I always will.

There are some things I just don’t want to be without. You’re the one thing I can’t live without.

With you nothing is impossible, life is manageable, and love is easy.

You’re my best friend. A friend like you will never be found again. A friendship like ours I will always treasure.

Dear Lord, I want to thank you for taking care of my wife. I know that she is happy in heaven, but I miss her so much.

In your time please bless me with a woman who could take her place. Thank you, Lord, amen!

Thank you Lord for my wife, and thank you for the time we spent together.

Please keep her safe during the day and watch over her while she sleeps. She is everything to me and I know you will do the same.

Good morning, my love. I want to thank our Lord this morning for giving me the most caring, loving, and beautiful wife in the world.

I will miss and always think of you each day but I am comforted by knowing that we will spend eternity together in Heaven.

We are part of God’s forever plan and I am so blessed to be a part of it with you! I love you with all my heart and soul! Enjoy your beautiful day!

Dear God, please bring my wife safely home. She is the light that brightens my life, pray she finds her way back to me. Watch over her and keep her safe while she is away.

Please, please let her know how much I miss her and how much I love her.

When we were first married I always thanked God for you. Every day I thank Him again.

You are a blessing from God and you make my life worth living. I love you so very much!

My heart aches for you, my love. May your days be filled with joy and laughter.

My love for you is endless and strong and my wish is that we are together again someday. I miss you more than words could ever say.

You are my heart, my soul. I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you so much. You are my everything.

God grants me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

You are my soulmate, my partner for life. Together we will face all of life’s twists and turns. May we always be wiser, stronger, and happier than yesterday!

I pray that God watches over you from heaven. I miss you here on Earth and will see you soon my love.

God bless you, your little family, and all the friends you have made here on Earth.

With every breath I take, I am thankful for your love. Although you are no longer with me in body, we are still one in spirit and will be together forever.

I pray that you and our love will be in my heart and soul forever. Love always, Your Husband

Love never fails…Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never ends. I love you.

All the stars in the sky can’t even compare to the twinkle in your eyes.

Every breath I take is a pleasure because it’s accompanied by you! You are my love, my life, my soul mate.

I wouldn’t trade a single moment with you for anything in this world or any other. By my side is where you belong, until the end of time.

Honey, I know that you are hurting right now. But please know that I still love you, and only you.

You will always be in my heart and my soul. Even though I’m not with you, we will be together again, one day. And until then, I will always be thinking of this moment.

Every day is very hard without you. I carry your memory around me like a warm blanket and remember all the many reasons I loved you.

May our angels lead you to the warmest part of heaven and let them know that we are all better people because we knew you.

Your hugs and encouragement made my world a better place.

I remember the first day we talked. I looked into your eyes and almost melted like chocolate on a hot summer day.

I still think of that day all the time, it was so magical! You are my best friend, my rock, and my soulmate. I will love you always and forever.

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