Home Love Messages Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Mother

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Mother

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A mother’s love is a unique and cherished gift, shaping our lives and leaving an indelible mark on our hearts. This heart touching letter delves into the emotions and experiences of those who have felt the absence of their mothers. Through heartfelt words and poignant anecdotes, it celebrates the role of mothers and the profound impact they have on their children’s lives. Join us on this emotional journey as we explore the significance of a mother’s presence and the power of love and memories that endure beyond physical absence.

Heart Touching Letter About Absence of a Mother

Mom, no matter how much we try, there are some things we will never understand.

My first love note is about a mother who left her family behind and couldn’t say goodbye.

Dear Christine, There are no words to say how much I miss you and love you, my only mother.

I will try to describe it -My heart aches many times every day not having a Mom…

In these difficult moments of my life, I always think of your compassion and kindness which made me feel the love of a real Mother.

I want to thank God again today for sending me to you. Thank You so much, Mommy!

I love you, Mother! I wouldn’t trade the memory of our years together for anything in the world.

Dear Mom, Wherever you are, I hope you are happy. I miss you every day, but over the months and years, I have learned to cope.

It’s been a long time since we talked and it is hard to forget everything we left unsaid. Many times I wake up wishing that you were here instead of me.

I wish I could hold you in my arms, hug you tightly and whisper “I love you” in your ear.

I imagine when that someday comes, even though it isn’t today, what it will be like to kiss your soft forehead and say “I will always love you.”

I know that you are looking down on me and watching over me, and I also hope that you’re still aware of how much I love and miss you.

I am going through a hard time, but I am so thankful to have you. You are the best mother anyone could ask for.

If all mothers were like you, there would be no fighting in the world, just peace and happiness.

I know that you will always be there even when you can’t be with me. I love you! Have a great day!

I used to think that mothers couldn’t be replaced. I thought I could never love anyone as much as my mother.

Now I realize that I have found the person whom I love even more. It was always you, Mom, and now it will always be!

I can’t wait for the day that I can finally hold you in my arms, but until then I’ll make sure to be the best daughter possible. You can always count on me, Mom. I love you so much!

I was just thinking about you and why I am an orphan now.

I miss you so much, but I know that God is keeping you close. I hope that one day we will be together again…

You won’t get to meet my beautiful girls or my handsome boy, but I am sure that they will love you as much as I do.

One day we will be happy together again, across the other side…..

Mother, I haven’t been able to come to you with my problems.

The pain and tears have kept me from opening up to you. Although I need you, I don’t think you can help in any way.

Nevertheless, Mother I do hate the way the world has made me feel and the way people have made me feel.

When everything seems so hopeless, and lonely. A voice tells me “Don’t give up”.

I know you will never read this because you no longer care. It is not that I have to live with a stepmother, it’s that I have to live without my mother.

She was more than just a mom, she was more like a best friend. We always talked and spent the best times of our lives together.

You were always so supportive and proud of me. All those moments were gone too soon when you were taken away from me.

We had a rocky start, with me waking up and seeing you sleeping in the recliner just outside of my door. I didn’t know who you were and I had no idea where I was.

So bitter was I at the terrible hand life had dealt that I hated everything, especially you.

You seemed to be trying to help me and maybe even love me but who could love such a miserable excuse for a human being as was I?

There’s an emptiness in my life, I don’t hear your voice anymore, And I’ve never felt so alone.

Mother, I write this letter to you today because I know that no matter what happens, you will always be by my side.

I questioned how much I loved you and how much you loved me.

All I knew was that a mother’s love is unconditional and forever.

I went through so many hardships wondering if was this the right path for my life. The only thing that kept me going were memories of us together.

We survived so much. We overcame so many obstacles, but we wouldn’t have done

Mom, you are my only hope. I look for you in the morning and night. I imagine you were next to me when I was little.

I hold your photo in my mind and pray that one day you’ll know how much I love you.

I remember the nights you would hold me when I cried, the day I learned to walk with your help, the tutoring sessions where I learned to read, and all the times that you told me you loved me.

Now, as an adult, all of those moments have faded away, but one thing remains.

You will always be in my heart and soul and no one can replace the place that you hold. I love you, mom!

I just wanted to say that no matter how hard things have been without you, I know that without a doubt it’s all worth it.

You’re watching over me every day, keeping me in your heart and keeping me close. I love you, mom.

Dear Mom, I know you are watching over me and this is why I am writing.

The holidays were unbearable without you, but they also opened my eyes.

I see how much I had you to lean on and how much of a positive impact you made on my life.

Everyone says it gets easier but every day the pain stings just the same.

heart started to heal when I allowed myself to think of your good memories instead of your last moments. I have been doing things that you taught

I love you because you are my mother. Because it is mothers we are born, but mostly we are taught how to live ourselves.

When I was a child and began to understand what love is all about you were still there for me, teaching me more and more about how to be a respectable person in society.

Embracing me with your warmth and kindness whenever I needed a mother’s-comfort.

You’ve been always there for me, as I was growing up, teaching me lessons about life

I wish I could be there with you in your final moment, to hold your hand and say goodbye.

The pain I feel is unbearable, to lose a parent is the worse thing that can happen to a child.

You were there for me and loved me, but now I don’t have you here anymore.

It’s hard mother and I just hope that you are happy and in a better place where there is no worry or pain.

I’m lucky to have a mother as wonderful as you. I never take it for granted that I get to see you every day after school or hear your voice on the phone.

My heart was broken when you became sick and had to stay in the hospital.

As much as it broke my heart, I knew that there was nothing more I could do but be strong for you. This taught me so much about life and love!

My mother died while giving birth to me. I was stillborn. My father had to choose between keeping her with him or me, he chose me.

I don’t think that I would be half the person I am today without my mother.

I know she’s looking down on me every time I get up, it helps lift my day and gives me hope for the future.

Hello everyone. For anyone who has not heard at all, my mom passed away 6 months ago.

I love her so much, and all of you have been great to me in her absence, but I miss her a lot.

I especially miss our daily conversations. These last 6 months have been hard on me because she was such a big part of my life.

She was my therapist and advisor, and the friend that I would go to whenever I had a problem or just needed to vent.

I need you. I miss you. I love you. It’s an odd thing, loving someone so much, yet knowing they can never be with you again.

It aches, physically at times. You told me that you would never leave me and then you left me in the cruelest way possible.

The night before you left, we ate pot roast like we always did on Sunday nights and watched Seinfeld reruns as we always did on Sunday nights.

Dear Mom: I miss you. I haven’t found the peace that passes all understanding yet.

I have prayed for it, but only find moments of comfort. Love you with all my heart and soul.

You’re so special to me, you are the only one who understands me. You will always mean the world to me, I miss you, I need you. I love you!

I was always feeling bad because I never told you how much I love you and how much I’m thankful for you.

It’s just so hard to say it, to say that word – LOVE because my love was always forbidden.

But these are the things that I’ve been taught, to always be appreciative and kind.

With each passing hour, I grow fonder of your memory. So as long as I’m living, your name will never perish.

I pledge to put others first in my life but know even through the distance we are apart. My love for you is still strong, so I will always be your daughter!

Even though you are not with me physically I still feel you everyday everywhere. I know how to make you proud from the bottom of my heart.

I constantly try to do as much as I can for my beautiful family which makes me feel so happy to be their mother.

It’s hard to imagine life without such a lovely daughter and a loving husband.

Things are not the same without you. I’m starting to miss your hugs and kisses, the way you fixed my hair, and even your smoking.

Memories of you get me through the day but I’ve been lonely for too long.. please come home soon!

I’m writing this through tears. I have no strength left. God hasn’t answered my prayers so far and I pray He will hear this one.

I just want my Mommy, Daddy, and Baby back. I miss you more than everything and I need you so much. It is getting harder to cope with life every day and by myself.

I want to go back to the past and fix it all but I can’t. Why do bad things only happen to good people?

I don’t have a mother. She died when I was only three years old. She was taken from me in a car accident.

My father was drunk that night. I never got to say goodbye or for her to tell me how much she loved me one last time.

What do you get when you combine a missing mother, an alcoholic father, and an annoying little sister? Fourteen years of depression, anger, and sadness.

You didn’t even bother to say goodbye. Now one more thing has been added to that list: hate.

My dearest baby, each time I see you I feel so proud of the young man you are becoming.

You have grown into such an intelligent and kind-hearted young man. I watch you with your brother and sister and I am truly amazed at how well you take care of them.

I write this letter to you with tears in my eyes. You have been my best friend, confidant, and truest love.

I miss you dearly and I long for a Mother’s Day gift that will never come; just one last hug, to say “I love you”, just one more time. You’re not here where I am, but never far from me.

I don’t have a mother, I have the best mother in the world. I was a year old when she left me to follow her dreams. I never saw her again.

She had beautiful eyes like you and your smile is just like hers.

All I have is this picture of her to remember her by. Without you in my life, I am lost.

Every day I miss you, I think of you and even dream about you. You left too soon and never said goodbye.

You are my hero, my lover, and the most amazing woman in the whole world.

I am grateful for the memories you gave me, and for the love that you shared with me.

I can only hope to pass on some of what you have given me to my children in turn.

Dear daughter, I am so sorry I haven’t been there for you. Don’t worry dear, it’s not your fault. I can’t hug you & say I love you when you need it the most.

I am weak and helpless & if you are reading this my time has come to rest in peace.

So forgive me dear & don’t be sad or cry, because there’s nothing to fear or hate.

I know what you might be thinking. How can I love a woman who’s never been there for me? No matter what the reason, hate or love, I want her back in my life.

If a mother is a shelter from life’s storms, then you are my umbrella for life. I know you’ll always be with me in my heart.

Today is your birthday. I didn’t call because you are so busy. I didn’t write a card because you won’t see it anyway.

I didn’t bake a cake or get flowers, because you wouldn’t be there to share it with me.

Our family has been ripped apart, and there’s nothing I can do but wait for the day when we are together again.

Even though I don’t have a mother to walk me down the aisle, I’m still more fortunate than most because I have a family who loves me more than I could ever imagine.

I wanted a mother who would teach me how to bake cookies, curl my hair, and spray my lilac perfume.

My mom is the best. She is smart, beautiful, and the most amazing person I have ever known. I know it hurts inside that she isn’t here with us.

I hate that we had to lose you but it wasn’t your time yet – believe me, you are very missed!

I pray every night that you are happy in heaven, watching us through our windows, keeping us safe, and helping us make better decisions. I hope we’re making you proud up there.

Today is Mother’s Day, it’s not a great day for me because I don’t have a mother.

My mother left me and my brother Nathan at my grandmother’s house one night before bed. She told us she would be right back.

I can tell you all this, but to whom should I direct this? Where is that person who would look me in the face and say: everything will be fine!-…

A single mother who took care of her boyfriend’s kids as though they were her own, even though she barely had enough money to feed them, let alone provide for all their needs.

She had no choice, she was broke and raising out-of-control kids. She had tried so hard to get rid of them but couldn’t do it.

My mom, who lives way too far away, is the most amazing person I know. I could write you a book on why I love her but there is no point.

All I have to say is she has been my best friend my entire life, and without her, I would be nothing.

You were gone before I ever had a chance to know you… but your love lives on through me.

I try to be like you as much as I can, and when I fall, every time, you are there to pick me back up again.

You taught me that no matter what happens, or where life takes us, I will always be okay because a part of you is inside of me.

I could not say a word, but I understood everything in your silence.

You had been away for so long now… and still, I missed you like the day you left.

Mother, try to look from your place up there and make sure that my life is worth living.

I know you’re looking down on me and you’re proud of me.

I miss you so much and when I look at the stars in the sky, I whisper a silent “I love you.”

Thank you for bringing me into this world and teaching me to be who I am. Your light is in my heart forever.

Mom, with every year that passes, I find myself wishing for you to be with me. I miss you so much, it hurts! And my only wish is to have you here with me.

Everyone tells me that you are in heaven looking over everyone that you love.

I am so grateful for that. But it doesn’t change the fact that I need you by my side and have a mother’s guidance. I love you, Mom!

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